Stealing the Hero’s Cool Script

Chapter 202

Chapter 201 – Nalutora

As soon as Shen Qiuge came in, he closed the door, and Yan Yu knew from this posture that she had something important to say.

“Sit down, you can talk slowly if you have something to say.”

Shen Qiuge still stood where he was, and handed out a contract, “I promised you the conditions, but I may not be able to abide by them.”

Yin Beiqing tilted his head slightly, and he could see the words on it.

The content of the contract is roughly that Shen Qiuge promised Yan Yu not to take the initiative to conflict with the Kingdom of Jin, but what Yan Yu promised was that after Yin Beiqing took office, he would sign a peace agreement with the Kingdom of Ling that was acceptable to both sides, and from then on, there would be no conflicts. river water.

Yan Yu stared at the piece of paper, but didn’t take it, “Can you tell me the reason?”

“Tianlai people have made a lot of small moves in various countries in recent days, you should know that.”

“What does this have to do with your contract with me?”

Shen Qiuge took a deep breath, “Not long ago, the Tianlai people broke through our borders on the grounds of arresting fugitives. They acted recklessly because our queen was seriously ill. They not only led the army to station, but also harassed us with the excuse of searching for prisoners. The citizens of the country will arrest people and do many animal soul experiments.”

The Queen of Lingguo had no choice but to send her a letter, asking her to return home quickly and lead the elite troops to fight against Tianlai’s army. In Yan Yu’s contract, she only ordered her subordinates to deal with the opponent to avoid casualties, but now they have a reason to rush out of the fortress. If they want to quickly rush to the north to support, they will inevitably stage a head-on confrontation with the Jin army.

After hearing these words, Yan Yu finally stretched out his hand, but instead of accepting the contract, he held Shen Qiuge’s wrist.

She looked thin and weak, but she was surprisingly strong. Shen Qiuge, who had experienced many battles, couldn’t break free.

Only for a while, Yan Yu came out of the state of omniscience, and now Shen Qiuge was worried about Lingguo’s affairs, but let her see more and more carefully.

“Your queen is suffering from consumption, and there is a cure.”

“Even if you cured her illness, Tianlai’s business…”

“It’s not me.” Yan Yu looked into her eyes, “Someone will help you with Tianlai’s army.”


“Yang Pei.”

Shen Qiuge suddenly showed an expression of “you’re not joking”.

“She will say yes.”

The Tianlai people’s army not only harassed Lingguo, Jinguo also received the same treatment, the difference was just for different reasons.

For Ling Country, it is to hunt down criminals, and for Jin Country, it is to encircle evil spirits, but everyone knows that as long as Tian Lai wants to, he can ignore the peace agreement and invade other countries at will without any reason.

Now that Yang Pei knew the true colors of Ma Ge and Tian Lai, he had long been wary of them, otherwise he would not have sent someone to pay attention to Posse’s movements.

According to this situation, as long as Mage’s goal is not achieved, the troubles of their countries will continue, but she is also a person with backbone, otherwise she would not have rejected Vinika’s conditions.

As long as he thinks of this, Yang Pei will definitely realize that it is definitely not a wise move to escalate conflicts with Lingguo at this juncture.

“Army is not a problem, as for tuberculosis… Blood Ganoderma lucidum is a good medicine guide.”

The surprise in Shen Qiuge’s eyes was even more difficult to conceal, but Yan Yu smiled.

“It’s exactly what you think it is.”

hardware store

The old shopkeeper was squinting at the tabloid spread on his lap. The most eye-catching large page in the middle was written with the so-called breaking news-the biggest flower house in the main city changed its boss.

Not only the boss disappeared, but also the most beautiful ladies. No one knew where they went.

She quickly glanced at the news and saw the military bulletin in the corner, which said that the troops of the Jin Kingdom had met with the troops of the Ling Kingdom at the border, and in just two days they had driven the Tianlai people back dozens of miles. They are all overweight, and the fight is called a back and forth.

Just as she was watching seriously, suddenly a small white hand touched her leg and patted it lightly, “Mother-in-law.”

The old lady looked down and saw a familiar little face, she immediately smiled, “Here comes the little one, why are you alone, where is your mother?”

Yin Miao immediately put a finger on her lips, “Hush! Mom doesn’t know.”

“You sneaked out?”

“Hey.” Yin Miao raised her head, “My sister brought me out, I begged her for a long time.”

Following her gaze, the old lady saw a little girl with different pupils who was playing with a stray cat on the roof in the distance.

Just thinking about whether to help send the two naughty children back, Yin Miao poked the tabloid on her knee, and hit the headline of the military bulletin.

“This sister’s family members are sick, and my beautiful mother tried to treat her.”

There is no portrait in the tabloids, but the old lady can deduce from her information that this sick person is the empress of Lingguo.

The queen of Lingguo has been seriously ill for a day or two. As the patriarch of Youqi, it is impossible to have no source of news.

But she didn’t expect that the Goddess would also be involved in the affairs of the Ling Kingdom and the Jin Kingdom.

“You can read at such a young age.” She patted Yin Miao’s head.

“Well, I knew how to read when I was still in the rock, and I’m very smart, you see!” Yin Miao flaunted the finished product of these days, she pressed the switch on the top of the bird’s head, fierce fire Squirted from the bird’s beak, it will last for a long time.

Fortunately, the old lady was on guard and did not fall in front of her for the second time.

She dodged the flames on the bird’s head, a little surprised, “You did this.”

“Well, just looking at the picture you drew for me.” Yin Miao threw out the blueprint.

Last time, the old lady casually modified a few strokes of the composition diagram in the book, but she didn’t expect that she actually researched the finished product when she went back.

“Did you make it based on that picture?” She just couldn’t bear to read that the book was so outrageously wrong, so she marked the positions of some materials and large parts at random.

“Well, it’s very simple.” Yin Miao tilted her head, as if she didn’t understand her surprise, “Oh… Grandmother, you don’t know how, I can teach you.”

The old lady was so choked by her words that she almost couldn’t breathe, she stretched out her arms to pick up Yin Miao and took her to the back room, and gave her a basket of broken parts.

“Follow this picture and do it once.”

Yin Miao didn’t regard this as a challenge at all, she was very happy when she saw the novelty on the drawing, and accurately picked out the required quick assembly from the basket of hundreds of parts.

The old lady just looked at her three times, five divisions and two divisions, and the miniature cannon cart that even the elites of her clan took half a day to complete, was indescribably surprised.

She had heard of the legend of the statue long ago, but she never thought that she would see this “legend” with her own eyes one day.

She took Yin Miao’s hand, “Do you want to learn more from your mother-in-law?”

“Why, are you very good?”

“…” The old lady directly pressed the secret door switch, and showed her the whole real thing behind the wall, “These are all made by my mother-in-law, do you want to learn now?”

“Learn!” Yin Miao stared straight at her, “Can I play for a while, it’s so cool!”

“Just play with it after you’ve learned it.” She closed the door again, took a piece of paper from the side without leaving a trace, folded it and stuffed it into the baby’s arms, “Take this back and show it to your mother.”

“Then if mom asks me who gave me this paper, I can’t lie.” Yin Miao thought quickly, “But if you tell mom that I have been here, she will know that my sister and I have sneaked out and will be angry. .”

“It’s okay, she won’t blame you for reading this.”


“Mother-in-law is an adult, and adults never lie to children.” She called her servant, “Come, let this sister take you back.”

Yin Miao, who had little social experience, was bypassed just like that, and nodded, “Yes.”

after dinner

The old lady closed the door of the hardware store and walked away slowly with the key in hand.

Passing by the alley, the person who had been waiting there came out from the dark, “You are very close to the child of the goddess.”

“I can’t bully children.”

“The situation is different now. You need to keep a distance from all Jin Guo people, not only that child, but also this store—”

“This store is my bottom line.” She interrupted the other party and said coldly, “I have reached a consensus with your president on this point.”

The other party had no choice but to shut up and took out a porcelain bottle, “It’s for this month.”

The old lady stretched out her hand, but she dodged it for a moment, and continued, “The president needs a batch of weapons.”

“Didn’t I just give you a batch before?” She had to accept blackmail once a month to get the medicine, and her patience was almost exhausted.

The woman handed over a list, “I want all the above models, the more the better.”

The old lady kneaded them into a ball after only one glance, “These weapons are not in stock, and the production period is slow and requires a lot of manpower. Moreover, even if they are made, they will not be able to exert their original power without special personnel to use them.”

“Manpower is not a problem. The president is willing to send someone to help you. As for the special personnel, I believe the president is very happy to pay for their labor.”

What sent someone to help, to put it nicely, she simply wanted to learn their begging skills secretly, not only that, with a few filthy money, she wanted her clansmen to work for them.

The old lady clenched her fists tightly, and her back molars were almost crushed, so she could not hold back her anger on the spot.

“I have to think again.”

The woman then handed her the medicine bottle in her hand, “See you next time, I need a clear answer.”

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