Stealing the Hero’s Cool Script

Chapter 152

Chapter 151 – Sakunlin

After a long absence, Yan Yu had a dream again.

She can clearly know that this place is not reality, nor is it like the previous prophetic dream, where fragmented pictures constantly flashed before her eyes.

She felt as if she had been squeezed into a narrow passage, surrounded by darkness, accompanied by a damp cold.

Now, she has only two choices, either move forward or retreat.

But Yan Yu could vaguely see a shadow floating in front of him, it blended into the darkness and looked very inconspicuous.

She chose to move forward, trying to keep up with the shadow, but every time she was about to touch it, the latter would move forward again, neither fast nor slow, occasionally stopping to wait for her, but just kept Keep out of reach of her.

Following the shadow and turning around about seven or eight intersections, Yan Yu probably concluded that this is a maze, there are often many forks in the road, and the lines are rarely straight, and the twists and turns can easily make people inside lose their sense of direction.

And she also roughly understood the purpose of this shadow, it was leading her way.

So Yan Yu simply waved his arms and trotted forward, unimpeded all the way, until he reached a huge stone door engraved with the God of Fertility.

The shadow didn’t stop because of this, and passed through the door. Yan Yu tried and took a step forward, and even reached the door directly.

This seems to be the end of the maze, the space is very spacious, and there is a giant statue of a dozen meters in the middle.

Probably because it has not been repaired for a long time, the gold plating on its skin has fallen off in several large pieces, and a thick layer of dust is covered on the shoulders and the top of the head.

Before Yan Yu got closer to observe, the statue began to make abnormal noises, the internal vibration gradually expanded, cracks appeared on the stone surface, and finally with the huge bang, the giant was turned into a pile of ruins in the fly ash.

It turned out that the stone statue was hollow.

The shadow floated over, stood on the ruins, and kept circling in circles. Yan Yu understood what it meant, squeezed the handprints, and a spiritual spell passed, and another violent explosion occurred in the room.

After the impact, a large pitch-black pit appeared on the ground. Yan Yu quickly stepped into it, dug twice with his hands, and touched a cold and hard object within a few strokes.

The object seemed large, and it took her a lot of effort to roughly remove the stones around it.

After cleaning it up, she realized that it was a dark tripod. When she dug the soil inside it with her hands, a few little crows escaped and twisted out of it.

“So it’s here.”

Yan Yu had previously instructed Miao Tan to pay attention to objects similar to tripods when he went out to inquire about news, because it was mentioned in the information list of Qi in the system that it fell into a demon.

Ordinary beasts will produce spiritual consciousness after absorbing spiritual energy for a long time or eating specific medicines, and evolve into beast spirits, which can be tamed by veterinarians and used as animal pets.

Correspondingly, dead objects can also produce spiritual consciousness, but this process is much longer and more difficult.

But pray is such a special case.

Its body is a tripod, and its manufacturing time can be traced back to the Polai ethnic group thousands of years ago.

At first, it was placed in the temple, and its purpose was to store the incense that people offered to the gods.

Each incense represents a wish, and thousands of wishes endow it with complex emotions. As more and more energy is projected on it, it gradually produces spiritual consciousness.

But unlike the beast spirit, it cannot move or speak, so it can only passively accept these wishes every day until it evolves to use spiritual methods.

In order to gain more power, it naturally began to lure more people to the temple to burn incense for it.

Polai people are good at cursing. If it is said that the boundary technique traps the human body, then the curse traps the human soul, and Qi learned the latter at the beginning.

Those believers who keep coming are not for the gods in the temple, but out of their own desires. They have more or less obsessions that must be completed. Whenever they burn incense on the tripod, there will be a feeling in their minds The illusion that wishes come true, this illusion makes their adrenaline secrete wildly, and the whole person achieves an excitement that they have never experienced before, and they will soon become addicted to this state.

This process is exactly how praying absorbs energy from them. As time goes by, the frequency of these believers coming to burn incense will increase, and their physical and mental states will also be affected accordingly.

Their speech was slurred, their eyes were unfocused, their cheeks were so thin that their cheeks were sunken, and because of the rapid loss of body energy, they began to be unable to walk, moved slowly, and finally lost their lives.

Soon, the priests in the temple discovered the problem and decisively ordered the tripod to be destroyed, but it was too strong to be melted by fire or broken by a heavy hammer, so the tribe had to work together to dig a big pit and bury it deep in the ground.

Until later, the Polai tribe gradually declined, and this tripod was forever forgotten in the depths of the soil.

But Qi is not willing to end his life like this. The long-term accumulation of resentment has caused it to quickly fall into the devil, and it also attracts nearby black snakes.

Due to the influence of its magnetic field, these snakes became the tools of its spells, constantly attracting people to approach, and eventually even the cockroaches were trapped in its boundary art, without exception, there was no return.

Yan Yu thought that since Qi fled to this village purposefully, it meant that there was something he needed here.

The main body is the first guess she gave, and now it seems that this guess is correct.

“Thank you.” Yan Yu said to Shadow.

Now that she knew where the main body was, she had to wake up quickly and tell Yin Beiqing to be careful. Although she had only walked through it once, she had completely remembered the route of the maze.

I don’t know how long she fought against her subconscious self, Yan Yu finally escaped from the dream with no effort, and when she opened her eyelids with difficulty, she saw Yu Fusang’s cold eyes.

The focused sight was gradually lost in the opponent’s pupils, and the feeling of weightlessness made Yan Yu want to scream but couldn’t move.

“It’s not time to wake up yet.”

With just one sentence, she fell into a deep sleep again, this time sleeping for two days.

“Where’s Yan Yu?” These were Yin Beiqing’s first words after waking up.

Her complexion didn’t look well, and her forehead was covered with cold sweat, which made her questioning expression less intimidating than before.

“The little goddess said she wanted to go out for something, so she left this to me.” Miao Tan hung the bone whistle around Yin Beiqing’s neck, looking anxious, “She clearly said she would be back soon, but two nights have passed , did not wait for her.”

“I sent Si Shu out to help me find out the news, but she didn’t find out.” Si Shu is Miao Tan’s eight-eyed tarantula. “Later, Lin Luo came to inform us, saying… the little goddess was assigned to the referee.” The room is resting.”

“Why did you suddenly send her away?” Yin Beiqing’s eyes darkened, and he struggled to stand up, “I’ll go find her.”

“Boss, are you okay, why do you look so empty.” Miao Tan helped her up, “Do you still remember that you fainted out of nowhere at the ball?”

Hearing her mention this, Yin Beiqing seemed to feel it just now, and put his palm on his neck and pressed it.

The skin was intact, without bloodstains or wounds, but the pain that penetrated deep into the bone marrow intensified over time, so severe that she even had hallucinations, smelling the smell of her own flesh and flesh rotting.

“Is Yan Yu injured?” She asked.

“Little Goddess?” Miao Tan recalled, “She looks very clear and there is no serious problem, just… oh! She was bitten by a snake on the neck, which is where you are touching now, but it doesn’t matter, that kind of snake is not poisonous. “

“Snake…” Yin Beiqing breathed heavily, and every breath took a lot of effort.

Miao Tan noticed that the hand next to her was shaking uncontrollably, and thought she was too worried about Yan Yu and lost control of her emotions, “Boss, don’t get excited.”

“I’m not excited.” Yin Beiqing looked quite calm indeed.

She gritted her teeth and stood up from the ground, but just as her legs straightened, snowflakes fell in front of her eyes.

The door was opened from the outside at this time, and Lin Luo, who was standing against the light, looked extremely cold, “It’s time for the sacrifice soon, Candidate Yin should be ready to set out to exorcise the spirit.”

“I’m going to find Yan Yu.”

“Goddess?” Lin Luo turned her head to look at her, “To ensure that she will no longer assist you in cheating like last time, she is now under the supervision of the referee, so you don’t have to worry about her.”

“Take care?” Yin Beiqing pushed back without showing any weakness, her silver eyes flickering coldly, “It would be more appropriate to say yes, not to mention that there is no time to sacrifice now, why don’t you let me see her.”

“You insist on wanting to see her. Can I also understand that you two want to reach a secret code to facilitate cheating in the next game?”

“If you want to suspect that I’m cheating, just show evidence and frame up empty words? I don’t mind taking your life with dirty hands.” Yin Beiqing’s sharp eyes are like the claws of a falcon, and once he catches the prey, he won’t let go easily. Just like now, even if Lin Luo came up with a well-prepared words, she was defeated by her, “You can use whatever words you want, but I only have one sentence today, if you don’t let me see people, I won’t get rid of the spirit. That evil spirit has a greater impact on you and me, you should know it in your heart.”

“You know, I’m different from Yan Yu.” Yin Beiqing awakened the animal seal, the red and blue totem spread rapidly on the skin, and the bloodthirsty breath was stained in the eyes, obviously ready to go.

She reminded Lin Luo with frosty words, “For people like you, it doesn’t make any difference to me if one dies or a bunch dies.”

To be honest, if Yan Yu hadn’t stopped him back then, it would have been impossible for Yang Pei to survive to this day, and even Lin Luo who was at the scene would have been affected.

Apparently, Lin Luo also remembered that he almost died in Huangquan.

Only at this time could she strongly realize that Yin Beiqing had never been tamed by anyone. She was just a temporarily guarded beast. Without her master, her actions would only be more cruel and crazy than before.

Yin Beiqing’s heart was beating very fast, flustered and flustered. She felt like a rampaging monster was about to break through the door and come out. She didn’t know whether it was the sympathy from the blood pact, or simply because of anxiety. .

But because of this, she was even more eager to seek a hug from Yan Yu, wanting to use this method to calm herself down as before.

“Let me see her!” At the same time as she shouted, several bloodshot eyes appeared in her eyes, looking a little hideous.

“Can you make sure that you remove the spirit immediately after seeing it?”

Yin Beiqing crossed the door and walked towards the referee’s room by himself. When passing by Lin Luo, he said without emotion, “Be prepared, if she makes any mistakes, you will have to pay at least ten times the price.”

Some of the entourage standing behind Lin Luo couldn’t hold back anymore, and said angrily, “A freshman Yuling is so presumptuous, why are you pampering her like this, Colonel!”

Lin Luo glanced over, lowered his voice and said to the desperate man, “Shut up.”

Yin Beiqing pulled open the wooden door vigorously, and the swollen temples finally eased a little when he saw the person sitting on the chair in the room safe and sound.


Before she could speak, “Yan Yu” spoke first.

“Don’t worry, Qing’er, I’ll be fine with Teacher Bai here.” Teacher Bai is the invisible surveillance officer sent by the Marge Society. He is not from the royal family or from Weiying. Yuling’s teacher is safer.

Yin Beiqing shook his head, walked over and hugged her, “I had a nightmare last night, I dreamed of you.”

“Yan Yu” gently stroked her back, “You also said it was a nightmare, so it’s a lie.”

Yin Beiqing, who was still covered in thorns just now, put away his sharp edge, and was as weak as a child seeking comfort in her arms. She vigorously inhaled the familiar Jinteng flower fragrance from “Yan Yu”, until her breath slowly settled down, “Wait I.”

“Go, you must succeed, I’ll wait here for you and I won’t go anywhere.” “Yan Yu”‘s tone was full of patience and love, but there was no warmth in his eyes.

The time is indeed approaching, and the villagers below have prepared the sacrificial ceremony and are waiting to set off.

Yin Beiqing turned around and went down to join the team that set out to offer sacrifices.

After standing at the window to confirm that the person had left, Lin Luo’s tense nerves relaxed.

“Like it? You can’t even recognize her.” “Yan Yu” said this in a mocking tone, and then waved his hand in front of his face, which actually faded away and revealed Yu Fusang’s face.

“She doesn’t seem to be in a good condition.” Lin Luo was more worried about whether Yin Beiqing could get rid of her spirit under such circumstances than what Yu Fusang wanted to satirize.

If she fails, it means that the Red Pavilion will take over to clean up this mess. Facing a super evil spirit like Qi, someone will definitely sacrifice at that time. In the worst case, maybe all of them will be sacrificed. Pray for nothing.

“How can you know if you don’t force it?” Yu Fusang felt a kind of indifference to this matter, she took off the sachet at her waist and put it back in her sleeve.

Lin Luo didn’t notice her small movements, and besides, she didn’t pay attention to what Yan Yu’s sachet looked like, so naturally she couldn’t recognize that the one in Yu Fusang’s hand was the one she carried before she disappeared.

“Forget it, it would be nice if I could lure her in now.” Lin Luo seemed to have nothing to talk to Yin Beiqing, turned around and left, “The referee is also here, so don’t be late.”

Although Lin Luo is calm now, when her subordinates reported Yan Yu’s disappearance yesterday, she was so panicked that she immediately sent someone to search the village.

Because she guessed Yin Beiqing’s character, if she was not sure about Yan Yu’s safety, she would definitely not obediently follow the steps to get rid of the spirit. After weighing the pros and cons, Lin Luo finally had no choice but to find Yu Fusang to cooperate with the play. play.

At the beginning, I also felt uneasy, worried that I couldn’t fool Yin Beiqing’s sharp eyes, but I didn’t expect Yu Fusang to imitate Yan Yu’s tone and movements so similarly. After all, the Tiannan family’s disguise technique was superb, from head to toe, even hair It can be copied exactly, and the time between the two of them is very short, so that they can pass the test in a thrilling manner.

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