Steal The Heroes’ Harems

Aida 2

“So, do you want to join me tomorrow?” 

Aida blushed somehow, even though she’s exhausted. “...ah okay.” A part of her instantly regretted saying yes, because it’s hard work, being out so early and running. 

Edmund smiled, and Aida felt her heart skip a beat. “Don’t push yourself too hard, okay? I’m sure you are tired, and you look like you would love to get a bath and then head back to your bed, so I won’t take up more of your time.” 

He walked away, he left Aida right outside her room door. The sun’s peeked out of the horizon, and she stepped into her room. She felt her heart and head spin. Was she really exhausted?

She touched her chest, and somehow Edmund’s face entered her mind. Why was she thinking about a 40 year old man? Somehow, with his rugged body and maturity, Aida felt secure. Was this the feeling of security that some women are always looking for? 

She shook her head. What was she thinking? It’s not right for her to think this way of the man who offered to help her with her magic. 

Still, she had to recognise that she felt something. Her body tingled, the effects of Edmund's passive aphrodisiacs worked it’s way through her body slowly, and they are meant to inspire fantasy, to plant an idea in Aida's mind, like a small seed that would gradually spread its roots into her mind, and eventually, some day, the seed would control her. 

“Ah...” She thought she’s feeling tired from the run, and just her muscles twitching from exhaustion. She walked to a small tub. Ah! A maid had earlier prepared warm water for her to soak herself. She dipped in, and it felt nice. 

She rubbed her skin with soap, a luxury in the part of her village, but here, the Count gave it to her as a gift. He even said it makes her smell nice, and somehow, those words compelled her to use the soap.

It really does smell very nice. 


A few days later. 

“This is Mage Sarfus. She’s an expert on mana channelling, recommended by the mage guild. I suspect the difficulties you have with your magic is your unstable mana, and she’ll help you with it.” Edmund introduced the old lady to Aida, and Aida bowed. 

“Thank you, Count Edmund. And I’m pleased to meet you, mage Sarfus. I am in your care.”

“No need. Count Edmund was prepared to compensate me very well for whatever trouble you may give me.” Sarfus smiled. She looked every bit the money-minded mage, but Edmund knew from his information networks that she was one of the best in terms of magical mana transformation and channelling. Edmund recalled during the game, she had incorrect mana channeling methods, due to her unique mana-type, so that triggered all the unusual events around her. 

Aida bowed again, this time at Count Edmund. “I am very thankful.”

“Don’t mention it. I see great potential in you, Aida.” Edmund smiled and gave a pat on her shoulder. Aida blushed. Edmund turned to face mage Sarfus. “As discussed, I suggest starting with a holistic assessment of her mana-type, mage Sarfus.”

Mage Sarfus bowed. “Certainly. I have brought the necessary equipment. This is top of the line, extremely expensive things, young lady. Be honored that Count Edmund saw it fit to invest in you.”

Aida just nodded. It took a few tests, but eventually Sarfus nodded. Edmund was present when she gave her report. 

“Hmmm. Count Edmund’s eyes are impressive. The Count is right that your magic is strong, but there seems to be an imperfection, hence your magic has a tendency of acting strangely. I believe a summoned spirit, or a magical pendant will do wonders for your magic control. I will procure them immediately.”

“How much will it cost?”

“600 gold, milord.” Sarfus bowed. Edmund knew the price was somewhere around 450gold, but then again, Mage Sarfus probably wanted to make money. He smiled at the mage and said. “Nothing more than 600gold, mage.”


Aida was shocked at the price. 600gold was enough to feed an entire village for a year. How would she ever repay him? A commoner would be paid no more than 10gold a year, and that was meant to cover everything!

But for Edmund, this was nothing. He controlled a vast domain, and annually his domain yielded tax returns of 300,000 gold, from the 1 million people who lived in his many, many towns, villages and cities. The kingdom as a whole had a financial budget of 5million gold. The numbers they deal with  are unfathomable for the common folk.

As mage Sarfus left, Aida just stared at Count Edmund. “Uh... Count Edmund?”

He walked a little closer, a bit too close. Somehow, it made Aida feel warm and desired. His fingers gently touched her chin. “Please, I did remind you to call me Edmund.” 

“Ah... yes, Edmund.” His fingers were so warm. So gentle. Ah, his manly scent assaulted her nose and triggered the lingering aphrodisiac in her body. Her body tingled at the words. 

“Yes?” He asked. He was so close. 

“It’s... a lot of money.” Aida had never heard of a sum as much as 600 gold. 

“A small matter.” He smiled, his hand touched her upper arm. “For you, I think it’s a worthwhile investment.”

Aida’s heart skipped a beat again. What did she have to do to pay him back? How? 

She was about to say something, but Edmund’s fingers were quick and it was on her lips. “Don’t be hasty. Let Sarfus get you the pendant, and then let me know.” 

Aida nodded. He was still so close, and he gently touched her face. 


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