Chapter 9: Chapter 9: Kyle Nimbus
"Fascinating, a Meta-Human that can manipulate poison gas." Wells said.
"Is it just poison gas, or can he control all aerated substances" Cisco questioned.
"And how is he able to formulate the connection, is it psychological or physiological?" Caitlin asked aloud
"If it was a physiological connection, would that imply it's instinctual, or would they have to control it consciously?" I replied.
"That's interesting, if it is a conscious thought, then maybe that could be a way to fight them as we would simply have to disorient them enough to interrupt their thought process." Caitlin continued.
"This individual can create a mental nexus using gaseous substances." Wells said excitedly.
"You mean he can connect with gases on a molecular level?" Cisco asked.
"Yes" Wells said.
"That is ridiculously cool." Cisco replied with a giant grin.
During this entire time, Joe was standing next to Barry with a blank expression as he barely followed what they said.
"They get really excited about this stuff. I'm actually surprised that Andrew is getting excited as well, but i suppose he has had his love of science reignited recently." Barry said.
"The only thing i'm excited about is catching this guy, but Iron Heights isn't exactly equipped to hold guys like this." Joe said.
"Then I guess it's fortunate that the ones we have encountered so far are no longer with us." Wells said.
"Well unless we are planning on executing every super criminal we stop, you geniuses are going to have to figure out some other place to hold them" Joe said.
"A Meta-Human prison? Sweet! There is actually someplace here that might hold them" Cisco said before he stopped as if he had a thought and then continued.
"You can't be serious? We haven't been down there since....It's cordoned off" Caitlin said before pausing as she remembered that she hasn't been down there since Ronnie died.
"Cisco's right. It could be modified to act as a makeshift prison" Wells said.
"What could?"
"What could?"
Barry and I asked at the same time. Wells paused as if trying to create a dramatic impact as he replied.
"The particle accelerator"
"Now we need to go down to the accelerator ring. Caitlin are you coming? Caitlin? Caitlin?!?" Wells said as Caitlin didn't respond as she was having a flashback of the night Ronnie died.
Barry and I saw her face and looked at eachother before subtly nodding and turning back to Wells.
"Actually I could use Caitlin's help identifying the poison gas." Barry said.
"Yes i would also like to help. Can't get back into science if I don't get some practice, besides knowing whatever the gas is could be useful as either Barry, myself, or both of us would have to fight the Meta-Human." I said after noticing Caitlin visibly relax.
(A little later at CCPD)
"Welcome to the CCPD." Barry said gesturing to the room we walked in.
"So this is your day job. Wow" Caitlin commented.
"I still think my job's better" I stated putting in my two cents.
"I'm going to rip your hearts out and eat em for lunch" a random criminal said as he was being escorted by a cop.
"Yeah my job's definitely better." I joked.
"Quaint." Caitlin said.
"Hey lab rat I need prints off this gun pronto!" A detective said as she walked over handing Barry a gun in an evidence bag.
"Allen!! Where the hell is the Fiber Analysis from the Orloff Case?!?" Captain Singh demanded as he walked up.
"Upstairs. It's all finished, I can just run upstairs and bring it down." Barry replied as he started to walk to his lab.
"With you that could take a week, I'll go with you." Captain Singh said as he started to follow Barry before turning toward me and Caitlin.
"Who are you two?" He asked.
"Dr. Caitlin Snow, Barry's personal physician." Caitlin replied.
"I am simply an intern, I'm working with Dr. Snow in hopes of getting a good reference for a job. Hopefully in the field of Biochemistry." I replied easily lying.
Captain Singh didn't seem to care about me and simply nodded to what Caitlin said as he went upstairs to get the Fiber Analysis he needed where Barry had done a speed search for the paperwork in question finishing right as Captain Singh arrived in his lab.
"Here you are Sir, the Fiber Analysis for the Orloff Case like you asked." Barry said confidently.
Captain Singh was pleasantly surprised and looked around at Barry's lab and the scattered papers from Barry's speed search before saying.
"Clean up your lab, it's a mess." He said before walking away.
Back at S.T.A.R. Labs Cisco and Wells were discussing the modifications needed to create the makeshift prison. Wells left to do some work and Cisco was having his own flashback of the night Ronnie died.
The tissue sample was being analyzed to determine the type of poison gas and Barry looked both bored and conflicted so he turned to Caitlin and asked her a question.
"Can I ask you a question which you don't have to anwer?" Barry asked.
"My least favorite kind of question, Shoot." Caitlin replied.
"What was Ronnie like? You just never talk about him much." Barry asked.
"Who's Ronnie?" I asked despite already knowing the answer.
"To answer both your questions starting with Andrew's. Ronnie was my fiance, he died the night of the particle accelerator explosion. The same day you and Barry got your powers. We actually met when we were working on the accelerator, he was the structural engineer. He used to joke that he was basically a very high priced plumber." Caitlin said as she answered my question and continued to begin answer Barry's right after.
"We were very different, you might've noticed I can be a little guarded. Ronnie knew how to make me laugh. He used to say we were like fire and ice. He... He wasn't supposed to be there that night, he was just there for me. If he hadn't...." Caitlin said somberly. Before being interrupted by the computer which showed the Analysis was finished.
"This says there was no residue of gas in the tissue, poisonous or otherwise." Caitlin said as she read the paper that came off the printer with the analysis.
"It must've evaporated. We'll need a fresh sample." Barry said.
"Wait this can't be right." Caitlin commented.
"What? What is it?"
"This is showing that there are two distinct DNA strands inside the tissue." Caitlin explained.
"How did someone else's DNA get inside the victim's lungs?" I asked to which neither had an answer for at the moment.
"There's no match for the DNA in the database." Barry commented.
"I don't understand, why would a chemical attack leave traces of someone else's DNA inside the victim?" Caitlin asked.
"What if this Meta-Human we're looking for doesn't control poison gas, what if he becomes it?" I asked stealing Barry's words. Although is it really stealing if he technically hasn't said them yet?
I had not known the time of the attack on Judge Howard so that was part of the reason for me going with Barry and Caitlin to CCPD although I did get a little sidetracked so i wasn't using my Wavelength Tuning ability. Science is so cool.
We then heard a broadcast from the nearby police radio in Barry's lab
{All units be advised we have reports of a toxic gas attack at the Central City Shopping Mall}
Barry and I immediately got up to leave. Barry went to his locker and grabbed his suit and I was going to go and grab mine from S.T.A.R. Labs as I stupidly didn't bring it with me.
"Wait, both of you. We don't know enough about what we're facing yet. It's not safe!" Caitlin said as she grabbed Barry's arm.
"Caitlin I have to go." Barry said as he sped out the room.
"Don't worry I'll try my best to keep him safe." I said as I ran out and into an alley as I took out my Halo as I still kept that with me and I flew to S.T.A.R. Labs.
"Please be safe." Caitlin said to the now empty lab.
(S.T.A.R. Labs)
"Gas attack at the mall, Barry's probably already there I'm going to meet him!" I said quickly as I rushed to my temporary locker and started to put on my suit.
"Okay we'll direct you and Barry from here." Cisco said to which I nodded and then flew out the room through a window.
(Central City Shopping Mall)
I arrived at the mall and had my precision active to see Barry and assess the situation faster. I saw a red blur going through a door and followed it quick enough to not be seen but that was mostly because the people were mostly looking at the dead body.
I came through the door only to see Barry gasping for breath and a green mist like gas slowly disappear.
"Flash!" I said as I rushed to his body.
"We need to get you to S.T.A.R. Labs. Can you run or do you need me to fly you there?" I asked.
He just nodded and ran to S.T.A.R. Labs.
I made it to S.T.A.R. Labs a few minutes after him and saw him on a table and Caitlin had just stabbed a needle into him to get a sample of the gas.
I breathed a sigh of relief as it seems that the interaction when exactly as it should've and there were any unfortunate incidents because of changes I am slowly creating.
Now it was simply a waiting game for when Barry would wake up.