Chapter 4: Chapter 4: Training
(S.T.A.R. Labs)
"Okay, we have determined a few facets of your ability, but more remains to be discovered." Wells said as the group looked over the notes of some of the tests they recently conducted.
"So far we have determined that you have the capability to manipulate the electromagnetic field of any object that has one including humans." Caitlin explained.
"We also discovered that by using that you can fly, which is, Awesome!!" Cisco said
"Although I think we have to do something about the fact that you fly around on a trashcasn lid, or manhole cover, cuz that's just uncool." Cisco continued
"We also have more to discover about your control over earth and how you received both these powers."Wells said.
"That would be great. Now how about we do a little training." I said with a smirk.
"You got it." Cisco said.
They brought me to an open area that was originally used for storage before the Particle Accelerator Explosion.
"We're going to test some more applications of your power. These are a suped up version of what they use to shoot tennis balls, except they shoot ceramic plates." Cisco explained while gesturing toward two machines next to him.
"Cool." I said.
"Alright stand over there and we can get started." Cisco said.
I nodded and walked over to where he said and waited. He turned one of the machines on and it started to send the plates flying at me. I simply blasted them to pieces with tiny bolts of electricity I shot from my fingers like a gun. He eventually increased the speed and I had to start to move around more to destroy them. He finally turned them both on and all the sudden a huge amount of plates were flying at me.
"look Out!!" Cisco said as he didn't think they would shoot out so fast.
I didn't Dodge but instead put my hand out and an electromagnetic shield appeared from my hand and blocked all the plates. After I blocked them, Cisco turned off the machine and ran over worried, as did Caitlin although she seemed a little more worried than Cisco.
"Dude, I'm so sorry, I accidentally set the speed on the second machine to max when I turned it on." Cisco explained.
Caitlin had simply been checking me over to make sure I wasn't hurt.
"Don't even worry about it, my shield protected me." I said as I used it again.
"Pretty cool, huh? I call it my Polarity Wall." I continued.
"As names go, it's not half bad." Cisco said with a smirk.
"I know right." I said
"Oh I almost forgot something, I have an insane healing factor." I said.
"What do you mean, like Barry's" Caitlin asked
"No, my healing ability makes his seem like, a normal humans. The thing is though, I can only heal by absorbing electricity, and I can absorb it from any electrical source even humans I think, not that I would ever do that. I can even re-attach limbs with this ability. Although i can't heal others with it." I said.
Hearing this everyone, including Wells was shocked as that pretty much means that as long as he is not instantly killed, he is pretty much invincible in that he can heal for as much as he is damaged.
Wells, although he didn't show it on his face, was very frustrated as he knows this kid would be a difficult enemy to fight as he can even siphon Wells' power to heal himself. Wells knew he needed to make some countermeasures, and to find a weakness.
'Great, that just makes it harder to kill this guy. Who the hell even is this guy? I don't remember him from anywhere in time and he certainly didn't exist in my time. Did my changing the past to give Barry his powers change things?' Wells thought to himself as he questioned what he will have to do in the future.
Andrew had made his wish to be immune to being damaged by water, he can only be affected by things like time manipulation, so his only real enemy would be Deon, or maybe the turtle. This would make it all that more difficult for Wells.
"Alright what's next?" I asked.
"How about some hand-to-hand combat." Cisco suggested mostly to see the cool fighting styles.
"That'd be fun, I actually have something I'd like to try." I said excitedly.
Barry walked up in his suit.
"You ready for this?" He said with a smirk.
I laughed and conjured blades of lightning on my hands.
"What do you think?" I said back.
Right as soon as he moved I used precision to speed up my perception of time. This was an ability that Cole used from the Infamous games. It's not quite clear how, but how I did it was by charging the part of my brain that controls how I see with electricity and this somehow sped up my reaction time and made the movement around me slower.
As Barry started to rush me I took the trashcan lid and placed my hands on it and used my power to make it spin. When Barry made it to me he was smacked away with a spinning kick to the face. After that I cancelled the spin and launched off the lid at Barry and smacked him with my flat part of my Gigawatt Blades, the strike caused the blades to dissipate, but it sent Barry flying on his ass and he slid till he hit the nearby wall.
"Oh my god, that was freaking amazing, how do you think Andrew knew where Barry was. It was like he predicted where he would attack." Cisco asked excitedly to no one in particular.
Cisco wasn't totally off. I knew Barry had virtually zero combat experience and the way he started to move gave away where he was going to attack, but it still would've been pointless if I didn't see him coming. If I didn't have precision, it would've been more difficult to beat Barry, but considering I could've ended it by just absorbing his lightning or actually slashing with my Gigawatt Blade. But all of that was moot because Barry ran at me and then for some idiotic reason attacked at normal speed, which is a really dumb thing to do to a trained martial artist when you have no auch training.
I used my Earth slide ability from my Geokinesis and made my way over to Barry. I coated my fist in electricity and hit him with a taser punch to the temple, shocking his brain which disrupted his brain's neural electrical pathways so he passed out.
"I can't believe Andrew won, I mean how can super speed lose?" Cisco said aloud
"I'd attribute it to lack of experience. He hasn't really fought anyone before and he relies on his speed to much, but somehow, at the same time, not enough. You see, he used super speed to run at me, but attacked at normal speed, which considering I have training in Martial Arts, was really dumb." I said succinctly.
"An astute observation Mr. Anderson, now let's do some more tests." Wells said.
All of the sudden, I paused and pressed my finger to my ear as if I was trying to hear something.
"What is it?" Caitlin asked.
"It's a robbery in progress." I said.
"How could you possibly know that?" Cisco asked.
"I can use my electromagnetic field to tune to different wavelengths and can hear radio waves as long as the are in my vicinity." I answered.
"Oh, cool. Are you gonna take care of it? Cisco asked.
"No problem." I said as I used my earth slide to leave the building and then used the lid to fly.
They all knew that they couldn't stop me from saving people as I had been doing it even before The Flash, and there is no one left in my life who would care enough to stop me, despite the danger. I'm sure Caitlin would've had she not found out about my healing ability as I was pretty much unkillable.
I made it to the crime scene just in time to see these guys trying to rob a warehouse full of technological prototypes from Folston Tech.
"What is it with bad guys and warehouses, maybe you all belong to a warehouse of the month club." I said aloud as I was floating on a manhole cover above the 4 thugs.
"What is he?" Thug #1 said.
"I don't know." Thug #2 said.
"He's some kind of freak." Thug #3 said.
"It doesn't matter what he is, get em!!" Thug #4 said as they all pulled out their weapons.
All their weapons were things like guns, lead pipes and crowbars. I used my power to grab all the weapons and even pulled all the rest of the metal from the thug's pockets which was mostly spare change and some chains and watches.
"Metal weapons and idiot thugs, how simple could things be." I said as I gathered all their metal and superheated them, making molten metal fall down on the thugs who started to run away.
I then saw that all the thugs had been running around the warehouse and one of them tried to run out the door. I stopped in front of him with an electrified fist.
"Heh, nope." I said as I hit him with a taser punch.
With that out of the way I lifted all the thugs and made them stick to the ceiling. I then shot a beam of electricity into the air with an arrow pointing down at the warehouse. While I hid in the far corner.
Then, Central City's finest arrived and walked in the warehouse confused, until they heard sounds of struggling and saw the thugs on the ceiling.
"Anybody got a ladder?" Eddie joked.
I then snapped my finger and the thugs were de-magnetized and fell to the floor injured and unconscious.
After the police took the thugs away I made my way back to S.T.A.R. Labs.
"Mission accomplished." I said jokingly as I walked in on the group talking, Barry now awake.
"It was a great fight. I know I still have a lot to learn. I'd appreciate some advice every so often." Barry said.
"Of course. It's no problem at all." I answered.
"Now Cisco, when do I get my suit?" I asked.