Static Flash

Chapter 24: Chapter 24: Thoughts And Tests

I was at the airfield where the group had originally tested Barry's speed, the difference is, they would be testing me this time and Barry is out doing whatever it is that Barry's do in their free time.

Barry was still mad at me for the events with Eiling, so I didn't expect him to show up anyways.

"Okay, as we have a basic understanding of your Geokinesis, we'll start with your Smoke powers." Cisco began.

"And we'll have to test how your body will react to external stimuli and how your powers affect your body." Caitlin continued.

"We're ready whenever you are." Wells said last.

I was actually really unhappy with Wells knowing about my new powers, but I have no other choice. If I want to be able to use all my powers freely, I need to make some concessions.

Another reason why I told then is, not only do I think they are great people who can be trusted, but I am trying to foster more trust and I wouldn't want Wells to try and use my hiding my abilities as ammunition against me when they find out he is the Reverse-Flash.

"Sounds good. Let's start with some simple Smoke shots." I replied as I nodded to Cisco who threw a clay plate in the air.

I raised my hand and a lot of both black and an orangeish brown color appeared around my hand as I shot out a bolt of smoke..

It shattered the clay plate instantly and easily.

"Phew! That's soo cool!." Cisco raved.

"How do you feel? Any adverse changes?" Caitlin questioned.

"No, I feel great!." I said happily.

"Why don't we test your durability." Wells said and if I didn't know any better, I'd say that he had a hint of joy in his voice but he knows better than to slip up in his cover.

"I got no problem with that." I said

Cisco and Caitlin seemed to share a look of concern as they took out two airsoft guns they both looked at me who was waiting with my arms opened.

As they were shooting, the airsoft bullets would hit, but I noticed they didn't even feel like they penatrated my skin.

"Come on, I didn't even feel that!" I said joyously.


Just then two loud sounds rang out and two real bullets came flying at my chest. They hit one after the other and I fell to the ground.

"Andrew!!" Caitlin shouted and she started to run over to me as Cisco looked over and saw Wells holding a Desert Eagle that was still smoking.

"Doctor Wells, what the hell are you doing?!?" Cisco shouted which caused Caitlin to stop going towards me for a second as she saw the gun.

Caitlin was about to shout at Wells until they heard a quiet laughing coming from the direction of my body, as Smoke was flowing around my chest.

"He he he, this fast healing thing is definitely going to come in handy." I said as I got up and they saw the smoke disappear and all that was left as evidence were two holes in my shirt.

"That was a low blow Harrison." I said a little angry using hus first name.

I wasn't actually angry for two reasons, one, I knew I'd be fine and it let me act out the scene from the Infamous game, and two, I plan to get him back for this tenfold after he is revealed as the Reverse-Flash.

"Dr. Wells, I can't believe you shot him!" Caitlin shouted as she went over to check me for any injuries.

"You heard him, he wasn't even feeling the fake bullets." Wells explained calmly.

"That doesn't mean you can just shoot him! What if it ended up killing him!?!" Caitlin replied as she continued to scold Wells.

"Why don't we ask Andrew how he feels?" Wells proffered.

"You guys don't have to be worried at all, I knew I wouldn't be hurt as I made the same conclusion that Dr. Wells probably made." I said.

"Which is?!" Caitlin asked somehow now angry at me for not being mad that I was shot.

"As I explained yesterday, my Electrokinesis was actually my Conduit power and as this smoke seems to be the same, there is a certain connection that can easily be found." I explained.

"What connection?" Cisco asked

"My Electrokinesis could allow me to heal from nearly every Injury, fatal or otherwise by simply needing to absorb whatever matter that I could control in that case, electricity, in this case, smoke." I explained.,

"That still doesn't make it better! You need to be more careful." Caitlin said, having calmed down more now that she saw I wasn't injured at all.

"Although the Interesting thing about this case is that you didn't absorb any smoke to heal this time, the smoke seemed to be generated from your body and then healed you before being absorbed again." Wells explained.

I paused as I didn't want to examine another facet of my powers to Wells, but I didn't want to have to deal with Caitlin worrying all the time.

"Well, actually, I could heal without an external electrical source with my Electrokinesis, I just never got hurt by such a small amount that it was required. The way both powers seem to work is that, the more fatal the wound, the more energy is needed to heal it." I explained.

They all pondered my words for different reasons.

Caitlin pondered my words because if that was the case, then if that one injury he got from his fight with Captain Cold and Shade was so bad that he had to absorb electricity, how much would he need if would almost die, and would there be enough electricity in that moment.

Essentially Caitlin was overwhelmed by possibilities.

For Cisco, he was thinking about it scientifically. If he heals small wounds then it'll be with the energy Inside him, but they never saw that happen as the only injury they ever saw was when he was impaled with the metal pipes.

Wells pondered as a possible way to take him out if he needed to. If he was able to injure him in a place where he had nothing to absorb to heal and injure him bad enough where he had to heal externally, then he would be able to remove his biggest obstacle besides the Flash.

"That makes sense." Cisco said.

"How so?" Caitlin asked.

"Well, just think about it. When we saw Andrew with his injury from the fight with Shade, we didn't see any electricity on his body showing it was healing. That was due to the fact that the injury needed an external electrical source to heal so until he woke up, he was unable to heal fully." Cisco explained.

Caitlin seemed to have understood and nodded whereas Wells filed that information away for later as his future plan to kill me seemed more and more plausible.


(Flashback 3 weeks ago)

(Plastique POV)

"So Eiling's dead?" I asked the group of three who were still waiting for Andrew, the lightning guy, to wake up.

"Yes, it seems so." Wells said.

"This means you're free. You don't have to run from Eiling anymore and I doubt he told his superiors what he knew about you so you can rest easy." Barry added.

"So, do you think you'd want to stay here in Central City?" Barry asked.

"I honestly don't know. All I know is war and running. First it was the war where i had to fight against insurgents, then running from the military and Eiling. I don't know who I am without those. I don't know what I want to do now that I know the truth." I explained.

"You could join the team here." Cisco offered.

"Joining some sort of superhero team fighting people with powers? I don't know if that's for me." I answered.

"You don't have to stay. That's what it means to be free, you can make your own choices and find a new purpose." Barry said.

What he said seemed to resonate with me so after a small argument in my mind I looked back at the group who helped me.

"Okay. Then that's what I'll do, I'll go out in the world and find a new purpose and find out what I want to do." I said as I then thanked everyone.

"It's been fun, I'm glad to have met you Bette. If you ever need help in the future, you know where to find us." Barry replied.

"Thanks. I appreciate all you've done for me." I replied.

"Maybe when you get settled you can look me up, it'd be nice to have some girl time." Caitlin said with a grin.

"You bet." I said with a grin at my joke.

"Well I don't suppose I could convince you to stay?" Cisco asked surprising me with his ability to remain composed with me.

"Sorry, but no." I said to which he nodded sadly at first before seeming to come to terms with my decision and had a small grin.

"Good luck in your future endeavors Sargeant, wherever they may take you." Wells said.

"Make sure you tell Andrew that I said thanks. It may not have been an ideal ending to the situation, but I'm free and I have him to thank for that." I said as I walked out after getting a confirmation from Barry that he'd give him the message.


(1 week ago)

(Barry POV)

'I have spent the last 3 weeks avoiding Andrew. I know it wasn't entirely his fault, but he killed him, he murdered him in cold blood and from what I heard outside the electrical barrier he put up, he enjoyed it.'

'There are two things I haven't done that I should have, they are, telling Andrew what Bette said, and telling the team what Andrew said.'

'I know he wasn't fully in control of himself, but how can I know if this is simply a one time thing, if it happens again, can I even stop him?'

'I feel so useless! First it was my mother's murder, then my father's imprisonment, then what happened to Eiling. Not too mention the many times where I have been weaker than Andrew, he is so powerful that I can help but be terrified what would happen if he were evil.'

'All these things are sperate, but they are all proof of why I need to get faster, stronger, and I have to be able to deal with Andrew if I need to.'

'I don't care how long it takes, I will get faster to make sure I can protect those I love.'

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