Starting in One Piece: Fantasy Realm Multiverse

Chapter 70: A Bloody Grocery Run - Final Showdown!

Alex and Rishi stand at the back of the store, looking at each other. Alex feels a bit confused, unsure if Tereza is just being a bit too arrogant, while Rishi smiles as if he's enjoying a live performance.

"I'm not standing around like a moron, let's approach them carefully," Alex says angrily.

Rishi nods, "No problem. Looks like you're a bit greedy and don't want to be just a mere spectator, right? I get it, let's support our 'main actress' as her loyal side characters."

"It's not a bloody play…" Alex mutters as they sneak around the store, carefully watching every corner. Two Glocks are clenched in his hands, ready to fire the moment he spots someone.

Suddenly, they hear screams. A few men are yelling in pain, while others desperately order the rest to search for their attackers.

The scene repeats just a few minutes later.

Alex and Rishi finally see the gang up close. With an eager grin, Rishi readies a large-scale "Fire" spell while Alex slowly inches forward, prepared to act.

As soon as the fire spell launches, Rishi casts another "Mind Blast" on the leader of the group. Alex rolls to the side and fires wildly into the crowd. After a few seconds of chaos and screaming, the gang is dispatched, save for a single survivor, who runs for the exit, only to be stabbed in the back by Tereza and collapse shortly afterward.

"That was fun," Rishi says, smiling, while Tereza can't suppress a bloodthirsty smirk as she licks her lips.

"What the fuck?" Alex mutters, regretting his choice of comrades. "Lunatics! This is serious, what the fuck is wrong with these people?"

The three of them finally leave the store. "One more minute—get in the car!" Alex notes as he checks the rankings before jumping inside.

[Current ranking:

1. Player 13 - 13

2. Player 1 - 12

3. Player 3 - 11]

[It is now 3 AM. Remaining players: 6

Remaining players' locations will be revealed in 5 seconds for the duration of 60 seconds.]

A few seconds later, Alex notes that everyone besides the three of them and three other players has been eliminated. The remaining three players are grouped up, positioned at the northern edge of the playing field, seemingly on a bridge. Rishi laughs, "See, Alex, your worst-case scenario of a 10-vs-3 can't happen now. If I compare their positions on the system map with the real map, they're clearly on Bayonne Bridge. It's a beautiful, massive bridge leading into New Jersey... and if we follow the same street, we could probably spot the Statue of Liberty if we were allowed off Staten Island."

Tereza, pleased with the turn of events, adds, "Perfect! Let's each pick an opponent to take down."

Alex wonders aloud, "So the siblings sacrificed the rest of their group? They must respect our combined strength to team up like that with the last player."

"A team of three is ideal here," Rishi points out. "Since every last one of us would receive a reward if the others are gone, they're probably trying to do the same."

As they drive, Alex notices a gang blocking the road, shouting threats. Without hesitating, he draws one of his Glocks and fires off a few warning shots, sending them scattering in a panic. "No time for story-related bullshit; this is a battleground," he thinks coldly, indifferent to anything but their objective.

"This world is just scenery for our battle against the other players," Rishi says with a smile. "The NPCs are just a sideshow, and since there's no loot or reward for interacting with them, we don't need to bother at all."

Alex briefly wonders if it's really that simple but decides to focus on the players ahead. After another half hour, they reach the bridge. The drive would normally have taken half that time, but the streets are choked with abandoned cars, forcing Alex to navigate carefully. He knows all too well the danger of traffic accidents, ever since his first "accident" that brought him to the Fantasy Realm, he's become hyper-aware of the risks, driving far more cautiously.

Tereza scoffs, "You drive like an old man. Pathetic."

Even Rishi remarks, "No worries, Alex; we were all beginners once. You did fine for a newbie."

Alex, flabbergasted, snaps, "I've had my license since I was 18! What the hell are you two lunatics talking about? Remind me to never get in a vehicle if either of you are behind the wheel!"

Alex notices that he is already driving on the bridge, though land stretches out below them for a good 500 meters more. "Damn, what do I do?" he mutters to himself. "If I continue to drive forward, they could be lying in wait. There's nowhere to hide on that bridge... we'll have zero cover if we move in."

Rishi, after carefully analyzing the system map, nods. "According to the official system map, they're only allowed to walk a few dozen meters onto the water, so they're likely hiding behind a few cars at the very start of the bridge," he points out, motioning toward a barricade of crashed cars blocking the bridge.

Alex frowns, considering another possibility. "Or maybe they ran off to another spot and plan to hit us from behind if we approach."

Rishi, deciding on a course of action, issues orders. "We leave the car. Let's head toward that bus over there. Alex, you and I will wait there while Tereza scouts. Tereza," he looks directly at her, "ONLY scout—do not engage them. If you spot them, return here immediately. That's an order!"

Unhappily, Tereza nods silently, preparing to move.

The group exits the car, with Alex and Rishi entering the bus as Tereza begins making her way toward the bridge. Alex mutters under his breath, frustrated. "Too bad there wasn't a sniper rifle in that weapon stash."

"Wait a second," Rishi says, pulling out two semi-automatic rifles equipped with mounted scopes. "Not quite a sniper rifle, but they'll do. This might help." He hands one of the rifles to Alex.

They use the rifles to scout the area, but still, there's no sign of the enemy.

"See any auras?" Alex whispers.

Rishi shakes his head with a faint smile. "Unfortunately, I only pick up auras at close range. It's not like there's some bright, colorful light glowing around them that I can see from miles away."

Alex, recalling Hunter x Hunter and its powerful Nen users with enormous, shiny auras, looks slightly disappointed. "Guess there are different types of aura systems, then. Yours is a bit... boring."

Suddenly, shots ring out from the far end of the bridge. Their guess had been spot on, yet they still can't spot the enemy. Moments later, Tereza reappears, bleeding heavily from her shoulder and stomach. She looks in rough shape, staggering toward them.

"Sorry!" she gasps. "They spotted me somehow. They're hiding behind the two crashed trucks. One of them is lying on top of it with a rifle. I don't know how they saw me." She winces in pain.

Rishi doesn't hesitate, ordering, "Heal yourself."

Tereza pulls out her last [Healing Potion], muttering, "This bleeding's bad." Alex quickly hands her his [Potion], saying, "Take this first; then use your own potion, or it'll weaken the effect." She nods and drinks [Potion] first, then her own generic [Healing Potion].

Rishi follows up by giving her a special ration, and Alex applies his [Basic Bandage] on her bleeding. After all four treatments, her condition improves, though some signs of her injuries linger.

Rishi, Alex, and Tereza position themselves behind a car and each fire their rifles toward the enemy's last known location. Soon, they hear the enemy's return fire.

At this long range, accuracy is low, and without sniper rifles, the two groups are locked in a standoff. Luckily, Alex and Rishi had picked up plenty of ammunition, and Tereza had also stocked up from a small stash she'd found at the start of the mission, so they have no worries about running out. After several minutes, a few vehicles on both sides ignite, their tanks hit by stray bullets.

Suddenly, Alex spots three figures sprinting toward them, each throwing a series of grenades. Tereza shouts, "Take cover, GRENADES!"

As instead of explosions happening, thick clouds of smoke rolling in, Alex realizes they're separated, each obscured in their own cover. "Looks like it's every man for himself," he mutters.

Dropping his empty rifle, he grabs his trusted [Sword of Pluto] and [Shield of Pluto]—he'd rather face the enemy with weapons he knows than a rifle he barely uses. Ready to engage, he spots a figure moving behind a nearby car, and without hesitation, he throws two of his remaining four Annihilation Grenades into the smoke.

You have dealt 25 damage to Player 7

You have dealt 6 damage to Player 7

You have dealt 3 damage to Player 7

Seeing the low damage numbers, Alex grins, muttering, "So, it's the giant. Bad day to be a 'mighty melee' fighter." He activates Sealions Icewing Embrace lvl 2, his MP now fully recovered, and sprints forward. Vaulting over a car, he glides past another, finally spotting his enemy ducking behind the car he just cleared. "Come out, you dirty rat," Alex taunts as he throws down his last two Annihilation Grenades. They land right in front of the giant, and Alex can't help but feel a hint of pity as he hears the man start a desperate chant, "Doton…"

In the chaos, Alex can't make out the exact Earth-style Jutsu, but he watches as a small earthen wall rises out of the bridge, giving the giant a shield just as the grenades explode. The wall absorbs most of the impact, crumbling from the blast, but the enemy emerges barely scathed.

You have dealt 6 damage to Player 7

You have dealt 8 damage to Player 7

"Guess it's time for a melee." Alex lands on the hood of a car, locking eyes with his bleeding opponent as they stride toward each other, weapons drawn.

"I will crush you!" the giant roars angrily, his voice echoing off the bridge, and they charge at each other, ready to engage in brutal close combat.


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