Start with a Mechanical Hunter

Chapter 3

Chapter 3: Desperate Retaliation

Chapter 3 Desperate Counterattack

The senior engineer disappeared, leaving only Datan’s blood stains on the chair.

No. 201 immediately became alert, and the visual collector entered the battle mode.

‘The enemy… flees… chases and kills. ’

As a unique modder of the Knights’ camp, its prosthetic eyes have various functions such as visual imaging, infrared detection, and scope, and with the feature of being half immortal, a large amount of combat experience is retained in the memory bank, although it is only a low-level unit. , the general mechanical hunters are not its opponents.

In the future Battle of Hydra, these artificial soldiers will be broken into pieces, sneak into the sphere of influence of the ‘city that never sleeps’, camouflage, ambushed, and blasted, once destroying the logistics supply of the factory and making them for the pure mechanical corps in the city. A lot of trouble.

Even a player who enters the plot, without the tactical cooperation of three characters above level 10, cannot kill this kind of mobs – under normal circumstances.

However, players like creatures can always find strange brushing skills.

Although this small bug has been corrected in the later stage of the plot, but now, it is a pre-expansion piece that players have never participated in!

When the perspective of No. 201 changed to red, a mass of heat was hiding behind the wreckage of the truck not far away, covered by the black smoke of the engine, quietly.

At the moment when his finger pressed the trigger, No. 201’s knee joint was violently hit, and at the same time as he lost his balance, the ghostly figure of the senior engineer appeared behind his back, and his left hand was like a pair of pliers, inserted from his armpit, the size of The arm muscles rubbed upwards along the opponent’s upper arm humerus, and the root of the palm hit the chin. At the moment when the fluid tube on the neck was exposed, the tactical dagger was inserted into the chin along the fluid tube.

“Mechanical **** is also a disease. If you have a disease, you should treat it early, treat premature **** early, and stop diarrhea in the late stage.”

【You have killed the artificial soldiers of the Knights, EXP +100】

[You used ‘Brawl’, causing ‘one-hit kill’ to the target, experience +100]

Just as the opponent’s fluid tube was spewing out a large amount of machine-fluid mixture, the senior engineer turned around abruptly, using the opponent’s body as a shield, and then fell to the ground and rolled over. Almost at the same moment, a series of bullets landed on the spot. , the metal warhead ‘crackling’ hits the body, forming a regular pattern.

The eyes of the remaining three artificial soldiers lit up with red light, transforming into emotionless killing machines.

The two on the north side, one left and one right looking for cover, the muzzle of the semi-automatic rifle in their hands was extremely steady, and the tongues of fire were huffing.

As for the one on the west side, he threw off the walkie-talkie, hooked his index finger to the tactical pocket, and turned the 30-centimeter-long dagger in a circle while running. Ripples, the whole person looks like a wolf hunting.

“Enemy, clear it!”

“Individual tactics activated.”

“Attack! Attack! Attack!”

In the combat mode, the artificial soldiers have no emotions, and they will not die immediately if they are attacked, and the special metal on the surface of the head cannot be penetrated by ordinary sniper bullets – unless they fight close, cut the electronic brain and the physical body. The fluid tube destroys the electronic components inside the opponent’s head.

However, in the process of various ‘suicide’-style monsters, I don’t know which talent was the first to discover that the opponent’s electronic eyes can actually be ‘deceived’.

In the infrared world of the visual collector, a group of heat sources is moving along the bunker at an extremely fast speed, and the two lines of fire intersect, leaving less and less space for the senior engineers to avoid.

With the help of firepower, another artificial soldier had already touched the back of the senior engineer. Inside the metal head, there was a sudden sound of the engine turning at a high speed.

Charge Mode!

The redness and hotness of the metal surface are visible to the naked eye, and the human body begins to adjust.

In this mode, the artificial soldiers will ignore the human shackles of the cloned flesh, fully turn on their power, and make all kinds of dangerous and bizarre lethal actions, and they will never die.

Its culling speed is doubled all of a sudden!

The opponent’s tactical boots stomped on a rock, and the whole person was like a cobra that was ejected. The whole person seemed to be stretched by a third between each stretch.

The heat source of the vision collector suddenly split in two.

The tactical dagger that was supposed to pierce the opponent’s neck actually stabbed in the air.

‘how come! ’

The artificial soldier’s heart flashed with a trace of surprise.

The artificial soldiers are fast, and the high-level workers are faster!

No. 203 sank, the senior worker’s knee fell from the sky, slammed into the opponent’s intervertebral disc, pressed it to the ground, and at the same time inserted the tactical dagger into the opponent’s neck.

Blood water lasing!

The sound of the wind hit, Gao Gong raised his head fiercely, a cold light brushed across his cheek, and the artificial soldier’s arm was twisted 180 degrees in the opposite direction and inserted into his throat.

The sound of ligament rupture seemed to be heard in his ears.

‘Is it dying? ’

The senior worker was more alert, and with a glance out of the corner of his eyes, the opponent’s other hand had already taken out a pistol from the holster, the back of his head was like a long eye, and the black muzzle pointed directly at himself.

Without the slightest hesitation, the senior engineer’s right hand was directly stuck on the hole of the gun. The next moment, the gunshot sounded, the back of the hand slammed violently, and the skin and flesh on the surface were torn apart, revealing a silvery white luster.


Compared with the metal exoskeleton, although the mechanical endoskeleton cannot undergo exaggerated transformation, it can seamlessly receive neural signals and is better in small-scale combat, but——

It hurts!

[You lose 3 life]


The senior engineer’s eyes were congested, his muscles were tensed, his blue veins bulged, and the micro motor inside his knee increased its power again. He grabbed his head with his right hand, stepped on, twisted and pulled, and there was a loud noise. The other’s metal head was mixed with awl-shaped biological implants. The device was pulled out alive.

The lower end of the    biological implant is a pile of sensing elements, nerve shunt elements, and chemical catalysts. Electric sparks are mixed into the blood and water, and white smoke is emitted.

【You have killed the artificial soldiers of the Knights, EXP +100】

The two firepower chains immediately rolled over. Fortunately, the senior engineer was already prepared. With a flick of his palm, four groups of black shadows shot in four directions.

fell into the vision trap of the artificial soldier, and the heat source was divided into four and shot in four directions.

The sound of gunfire suddenly became chaotic.

The normal attributes of the high-level engineer are a lot higher than those of the artificial soldiers. In order to solve the battle as soon as possible, he used the ‘primary mechanical repair’ to put the motor system in his body into an overloaded state. In this state, the five main attributes increased to 16 points. , around 17:00, almost twice as many as the artificial soldiers.

Although this state is not sustainable, it can only last for less than three minutes, but——enough.

In the eyes of the artificial soldiers, there are more and more heat sources, two, four, eight, as if a special team descended from the sky and surrounded them.

Among them, a mass of heat is haunted, and every time it appears, it will bring death.

【You have killed the artificial soldiers of the Knights, EXP +100】

【You have killed the artificial soldiers of the Knights, EXP +100】

Until the last man-made soldier had his throat cut by a high-level worker, they didn’t understand how these enemies who fell from the sky appeared.

‘呲~’, the senior engineer gasped for breath, the smell of burnt artificial protein came from his body, from extreme movement to extreme silence, some implanted machines in his body finally couldn’t hold up, and the elbow joint suddenly ‘popped’, Like a fried electrical appliance, the surface is charred black.

“Fuck, it hurts!”

The player can adjust the pain, unfortunately, NPC does not have this function.

Gao Gong’s right hand lost the induction and fell down, the forearm and the forearm forming a weird arc.

Overload comes at a price!

The ore fragments in   ’s hands also naturally fell to the ground.

‘Heat source’ is very simple, it’s not a high-tech, it’s an ignited energy mine.

Energy ore is a by-product of energy pollution. It looks like a variegated crystal. The easiest way to use it is to burn it. A piece of ore the size of a fingertip can burn for three days and three nights. It is the cheapest fuel in the iron sand desert.

Once the energy mine is burned, in addition to becoming a heat source, it will also emit a kind of energy radiation, which will interfere with the visual capture of artificial soldiers.

– Make them blind in ‘infrared mode’.

If you are an artificial soldier, according to normal logic, cancel the battle mode and use normal sight instead.

Not really.

Once the combat program of the artificial soldier is activated, the infrared field of vision will be locked, and it cannot be switched to the normal state until all the enemies are dead.

The original intention of this lock mode is to stimulate the desire to fight of these artificial soldiers, and no one thought that there would be such a hardware problem.

In the final analysis, it is the reason why artificial soldiers are ‘low-end consumables’.

Low-level soldiers are not high-end goods, they can be used, and they don’t need to be debugged so carefully.

The senior engineer can be sure that this team of artificial soldiers should have arrived in the iron sand desert not long ago.

In the expansion piece of “Beast Disaster” that players participated in, after countless artificial soldiers were killed in this way, the production line of the Knights only fixed this problem.

Sure enough, it’s still good in the early game, the bugs are stuck, and the equipment can be played casually.

The senior engineer took out a cigarette case from the deceased. On the cigarette case, a bionic girl full of pipes was posing.

‘Smoking is harmful to health, Seagull No. 2 virtual experience machine brings you a higher spiritual enjoyment’

“What a broken ad.”

The senior engineer was holding a cigarette while picking up the spoils with one hand, and his consciousness had a tendency to blur.

In his current state, let alone artificial soldiers, ordinary people can kill him.

The reality of this game is that the lower the blood volume, the worse the state.

This is also the reason why senior engineers must choose to gamble.

It’s not that you can’t make money. The senior engineer grabbed a gun and the system panel automatically identified it.

Name: Raider

Category: Kinetic Submachine Gun

Quality: Whiteboard

Weight: 2.8kg

Diameter: 7.62mm

Basic attributes: DPS: 156 (output damage per second) Attack power: 16 Rate of fire: 8.89 attacks/sec, magazine capacity: 35, effective range: 120~220 meters

scope bar: empty, plugin bar: empty

Remarks: This is a weapon with good performance, except that it can’t hit people, everything else is very good.

“Fart, where do you think this is, the mother city, I will add a prosthetic plug-in for you, and then a smart template, preferably a miniature rocket launcher, it is beautiful! This is the radiation area, the edge area, the firearm itself is the Hard currency is easy to cut!”

The senior engineer groped for the handle of the gun lovingly while complaining about the system.

“These guns look like weapons sold privately by overseas arsenals, good things!”

I searched around and confirmed the harvest. Four assault submachine guns, four sets of bulletproof vests, five pistols, and five daggers. The price of submachine guns on the market is 100 mechanical coins. This kind of arsenal can add at least 50. Block; pistol 50~60, plus bulletproof vest and dagger, the overall harvest is about a thousand mechanical coins.

Mechanical Coin is the special currency of Iron Sand Desert, which can be used to trade with factories.

In the gasoline bar, a piece of nutritional cream is only 1 machine coin, and a piece of anti-radiation medicine is 10 machine coin. If you don’t spend a lot of money, the monthly living cost of a mechanical hunter is only 100 machine coin.

And the original owner’s income from a normal mission is only so much. Many times the mission fails, not only has no money to get it, but also spends money to repair the equipment.

However, in the memory of the original owner, the preparatory citizen card cost him a 6-digit price!

Thinking of this, the senior engineer was distressed and could not breathe.

Oh, he is a mechanical heart and cannot be heartbroken.

“There is definitely a ghost in this quest, there are people who have bought the knights with black hands, especially for Lao Tzu!”

“Wait, when I look back, I will investigate and find out who is behind the scenes, and I will not let anyone go!”

Thinking of repairing the mechanical body, the already shriveled wallet will bleed heavily again, and the senior engineer’s heart hurts again.

“I don’t know if this can be sold.”

The senior engineer glanced at the four tin heads in the back seat of the car. These ‘soldiers’ were all in a state of hardware damage. If they were repaired, they could actually be used. The companies in the city should be interested in the biotechnology of the Knights. Selling it is also an income.

“Answer number 203, answer number 203!” A rough voice came from the walkie-talkie.

“If you don’t buy insurance, you don’t buy a house, you don’t get a loan, you don’t get a card. All the above calls are recorded, and the liar is rude.”

“Who are you?”

“I’m your father you never met,” the senior engineer introduced himself as he opened the hood of the car.

The vehicle of the Knights is a camouflaged off-road vehicle, which burns the extract of energy ore. The motor system and on-board energy system are very similar to the electric vehicle of his previous life, but the motor is one size larger, and the ‘battery’ seems to be high. The technological version of the steam engine has a cold metal texture on the surface, with countless pipes extending out, and you can vaguely see the flow of gas, which is full of wasteland wind.

With the knowledge of [Mechanical Transformation], he quickly understood the principle, opened the trunk, found tools, skillfully separated the circuit, and inserted three black rubber cables, and the other end of the cable was inserted into the inside of the knee and Accessor on the inside of the wrist (a broken one).

After the    circulatory system was modified, the heart is no longer a deadly organ (although it will still be seriously injured if pierced), but a large battery.

And this is just the first step of the original owner’s ambition.

The ultimate goal of the original owner is to replace all human body parts with electronic organs and bionic parts, and evolve from human form to pure-blooded robot.

In his mind, the mechanical body is the strongest!

(end of this chapter)

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