Start with a Mechanical Hunter

Chapter 178

Chapter 178: Smite

Chapter 178 God’s Catastrophe

Although Bai Jia and Qin Peng were well-known in their previous oasis, they were not really first-line hunters.

The first-line hunter has a generally accepted standard, which is to kill a C-level radiation beast by himself.

Baijia challenged three times, Qin Peng challenged twice, and both failed.

It was precisely because of their failure that they started chasing powerful forces, and when the news of the cable oasis conscription came, they immediately joined in without any hesitation. After all, everyone knew that there was the most advanced hunter transformation technology here.

At this time, the two were shooting alternately, constantly blocking the flame boys who came from all around.

Although these flame boys only hold some backward weapons, they are as fierce and fearless as the radiant corpse, and their physique is unique, unless they hit the key point, it is difficult to die.

White Armor saw with his own eyes a flaming boy with white pulp on his head roaring and pounced.

If not, they would not have been exposed so quickly.

Qin Peng took a step, and the arm knife popped out of the groove in his forearm, slashing the enemy’s head.

“What to do, do you want to withdraw first?” Bai Jia asked while reloading.

“Break it up first!”

Qin Peng flicked the soles of his feet, and the four mechanical pulleys were thrown out from the soles of his feet.

“I’ll draw them away, you go and detonate.”

The power unit on the calf spurted a strong airflow. Qin Peng’s sliding speed was less than that of some motorcycles, and his flexibility was far more than that. At this moment, he was sliding and shooting, attracting these white monsters. Notice.

The white armor crawled forward, climbed to the front of the calibrated bomb through the bunker, and connected several lines that were not yet connected.

Then he fired several shots into the sky, which was the agreed signal.

Qin Peng heard the gunshots and fled outside without hesitation, avoiding the hands of several flaming boys and throwing gasoline bottles.

“Fuck you fire-playing dogs!”

Along with Qin Peng’s roar, the explosion sounded instantly.

Intense flames flooded most of the checkpoints in an instant. A dozen flame boys just walked out of the room, and they were greeted by surging flames.

Flame boy became the real flame boy.

With the help of flames, the bullets of the sniper rifle accurately locate the flame boys and kill them.

“How many did you kill?”

“Three dark whistle, what about you.”


“Brother Sanyan, what about you?”

Three Eyes did not answer, but frowned.

“Be careful, the big guy is here.”

Amidst the flames, a tall figure slowly walked out. It was a fat man with a height of nearly three meters. His belly was almost one meter in diameter. He was not puffy, his bright red muscles were constantly squirming. All flesh and blood.

The high-temperature flame swayed on his body, causing his flesh and blood to quickly scab, crack, and sputter pus. After two or three times, the pus actually covered the surface of his body, preventing the flames from burning in.

“Damn, it’s the slaughterer, Lao Qin be careful!”

Accompanied by Bai Jia’s exclamation, a huge copper ball pierced the air and smashed over. Qin Jia’s pupils shrank and slammed to the right. The steel thorn on the copper ball slashed his back, causing a burning pain.


White armor quickly reloads while firing, his nails are ‘magnet fingers’, which can reduce the reload time of firearms by 10%.

However, the slaughterer on the other side only covered his face with his mechanical arm, and the bullet hit the opponent’s thick flesh, but he couldn’t penetrate it.

The slaughter, the advanced arm of the flame motorcycle party, the guardian of the “God”, has the combat power comparable to the first-class mechanical hunter.

The opponent’s right hand was transformed into a robotic arm. At this moment, the robotic arm flicked, and the huge steel ball bounced back and hit the white armor at a faster speed.

Bai Jia felt a great crisis in his heart, and almost without hesitation, he activated his pressure box skills. His waist began to become hot, and at the same time, his whole body began to become hot and hot, and his pupils were distended due to the severe pain.

The next moment, the agility of the white armor increased sharply, an exaggerated iron bridge, dodged the giant hammer, and then an exaggerated distortion of the waist, the figure rushed towards the opponent.

The white armor smelled of burnt all over the body at this time, which is the smell of burning protein.

High-protein burner, White Armor got an advanced plug-in by chance. By burning protein all over his body, he gained powerful strength and agility.

But the duration is only three minutes.

In just two seconds, the white armor appeared in front of the slaughterer, and the army thorn in his hand stabbed into the opponent’s thigh.

The slaughterer let out a roar of pain.

The white armor slammed along the opponent’s cross and slid behind the opponent.

The spikes in   ’s hands are ready to be inserted into the opponent’s waist.

However, a dark shadow suddenly came from the left.

White Armor folded his hands, and during the impact, a faint sound of bone cracks was heard.

‘With such a large body, he still has such a fast speed. ’

‘No wonder I only stuck it in my thigh, I’m obviously—’

Bai Jia was smashed six or seven meters away, struggling to get up, only to find that Qin Peng was entangled with the other party.

After taking out a tube of pain suppressor and inserting it into his thigh, Bai Jia jumped on it again without any hesitation.

Even if it is two against one, facing this monster, the two are still in danger.

In the sight of the three eyes, the whole world seems to expand a thousand times, he can see the dust floating in the air, and he can also see the ants climbing in the cracks of the wall.

According to his master, the blind man, this eye has developed to the limit and can even see every cell in the human body.

Then he went blind.

According to what the blind man said, those who walk this way must learn to be disciplined.

If you can’t control it, you will end up with him.

Three Eyes is a good boy, he resisted the desire to see more subtle things and began to lower his eyesight.

According to the boss’s statement, creature hunters must learn to control the power of creatures by themselves.

This process is very uncomfortable, the veins on his neck are bulging, fortunately, a basin of cold water poured out of his temples at a critical moment. He knew that this was his ‘biological plug-in’ starting to work.

Different from the mechanical plug-in, the biological plug-in is a modification made on the basis of the biological colony, and a ‘neural deceleration device’ is ‘inserted’ on the transplanted eyeball.

Once the nerve conduction in the eye is very fast, the ‘nerve deceleration device’ will be activated to decelerate the nerve.

This is not the ability of the “electronic bee eye”, but another kind of radiation beast, the ability to vomit giant objects.

This all-devouring monster has an insatiable hunger, and the source of this hunger is the delayed neural response.

The eyes of the three eyes are closed, and when they are opened again, there are only ten pupils left on the eyeballs, which are moving with the movement of the ‘slaughterer’, which is the unique dynamic capture ability of the electronic bee.

Soon, these actions synthesize a mode of action.

In this mode, the three eyes can even see each other’s movements in advance.

Three eyes raised his big sniper. Unlike others, his sniper rifle did not have a telescope.

He suddenly remembered the scenes of his hunting in the tribe. Although he was thin, he was always the one who hunted the most.

The next moment, the bullet flies away.

The slaughterer’s head jerked up, and in the hoarse scream, a bullet was shot from the right eye and out of the back of the head.

This scream even alarmed the creepers who were secretly doing things.

“Tsk tsk, looks like I don’t need to help.”

Huang Wen, as a monitor, of course knows that there is a slaughterer in this toll booth, which is also the reason why the wriggler came over.

Now, it seems that the blind man’s apprentice, Sanyan, really didn’t get it in vain.

The next moment, two punk-style locomotives suddenly rushed out of the burned toll booth.

On the locomotive, the four flame boys screamed wildly and made insulting gestures to several people in the distance. This posture did not look like running away.


A strange light appeared in the wriggler’s eyes.

The next moment, in the amazed eyes of the flame boys, countless granulation sprouts emerged from the locomotive, the brakes failed, and the steering wheel couldn’t turn.

Soon, these granulated locomotives turned around and slowly drove back.

The wriggler folded his hands and stared at each other.

“The gesture just now, do you make another gesture for the old man to look at?”


Finally, after blocking the slaughterer’s dying counterattack, the entire toll booth was taken down.

In another place, Sun Tu, the orangutan general, was sitting on the corpse of a butcher, talking to Huang Wen.

“I’ve done it here, um, the new mechanical module does have a lot of debugging points, I will report it.”

But he glanced at the corpse of the Flame Bikers all over the place.

Sun Tu grinned, “But even if that’s the case, it’s not a problem for one to beat ten slaughterers.”

“Understood, the action remains the same, by the way, some new weapons will be arranged for battlefield experiments, so the plan has to be adjusted a little, and it doesn’t need to be so secretive, and it has to expose some traces to the other party…”

Three days later

Flame Pass, Gray God Palace, a frenetic and weird picture.

The strong man with the nose tube laughed, drinking and drinking milk.

Dwarf children jump and jump in it.

The androids with broken limbs and broken arms danced among them.

The big brazier was all over the ground, and the flames were raging, but the source of the flames was a scorched corpse.

“Great, unmatched god, the Hall of Fertility has produced another 124 of your offspring.”

A waiter was half-kneeling, reporting respectfully.

“Congratulations to the great god, in this way, the number of your children will soon exceed ten thousand.”

The    high priest showed a pleasing smile, but his other head was scolding, “You idiot, we have encountered a powerful enemy now, no matter how many children there are at this time, what is the use!”

“Who can resist the power of God!”

“You traitor!”

The two heads sprayed each other, their hands and feet moved, and they soon became a ball.


The conjoined high priest quickly stopped his hand, and in the darkness, the white-haired and strong **** stood up.

“I can feel that the distant fire is burning, we must extinguish it as soon as possible, otherwise, it will turn into a catastrophe of the gods.”

(end of this chapter)

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