Start From Naruto: Shino the Dominator

Chapter 120: Prison Break Prep

While Shino's clone continued to train with Hinata, his main body's attention was already focused elsewhere, preoccupied with the preparations for the upcoming harvest.

Standing in a dimly lit room, Shino scanned the holographic displays floating around him, each packed with either information or video feeds.

There were many feeds scattered across Konoha, taking in a variety of scenes.

Two sets held Shino's main attention. One pair showing Kurenai and Asuma flickering from screen to screen, rushing off across Konoha on their assigned night mission.

Another showing an aerial view of a fortress built in the centre of a kunai-shaped island located in a volcanic region, where the only entrance was the long Bascule bridge that connected the fortress to the watch-house.

The Maximum Security Prison. This was where shinobi who had committed serious crimes work off their debt.

This was the goal of most parties involved this time. After all, tonight, like every other prison that claimed to be impossible to escape, this prison will be hosting that one inevitable special event...

"Karina, how goes the preparations for the impending Mizuki prison break event?"

Wearing confidence on her face, Karina reported, "I've already deployed our army of Zergs throughout Konoha, positioned strategically to intercept and harvest any prisoners we come across. Our zergs have also set traps in many parts of the estimated prisoner escape routes. Working in tandem with our zergs, any escapees stepping into them will know the meaning of lights out before they ever know freedom."

Shino nodded approvingly. "Good. All that biomass should not go to waste. It was difficult to harvest them while they remained safely under the protection of the Konoha prison guards, but once they're out... haha, it's a different story."

Shino paused for a moment, his eyes gleaming with a calculating glint. "By the way, remember to let Mizuki pass. We need him to lead us into the secret research base of the Nara clan. With Mizuki as our scapegoat, we can rummage through and plunder the research facility without revealing ourselves."

"Got it." Karina's expression hardened as she absorbed Shino's words. "Shino, the layout around the research base has been prepared. We will lie in wait for Mizuki to knock out the guards and researchers before infiltrating."

"Good, make sure to be careful. We could have raided this low-security laboratory earlier, but we don't want to leak any traces to those high IQ Nara clan folks, lest they bite onto us like shadows..."

"Don't worry Shino. I've grown up learning to watch my own steps all the way."

Shino's finger prodded the non-prescription glasses worn by Karina, "Says the clumsy klutz waiting for death in the chunin exam."

"Hah... That's just an exception," Karina gave returned an eye-roll, "But I'm still glad it happened because it let Karina meet my dear..."

"Same..." Meeting her eyes that were clearly throwing him an invitation, Shino leaned closer, breathing into her ears. "Oh, Karina..."

Karina leaked a gasp, squeezing out a timely response, "Yes, my dear?"

Facing Karina's disturbingly poetic voice, Shino chose to... get down to business. By business, he obviously meant... more instructions for the prison event.

"Don't forget to collect the incomplete strengthening formula and data on the idiot who volunteered for Uncle Snake's experiment. Also, try to secretly retrieve the blood samples of Raijin and Fujin. Their genetic makeup could prove invaluable for enhancing the Spiderman clone's overall strength."

"Hah?" Karina brushed back a lock of her red hair, throwing Shino a questioning glance. "Why not just take them completely?"

Shino's eyes narrowed, a shadow of caution crossing his face.

"We must consider the risks. Outside of Naruto, they will encounter Shikamaru, who possesses a high IQ. The chance of either bumping into our capture session is rather high. Plus, unlike the others, their strength surpasses that of the average criminal, if not all of the other inmates, and it will be very challenging to capture them without causing a commotion unless we recall our Spidey clone, which is clearly not an option since that bloke is busy being inaugurated into Akatsuki."

"Of course, there is the option to try fooling these legendary stupid brothers with promise of food, but we'll need anesthetics that can take down multiple elephants to take out an enemy of their size. The drugs will also require time to take effect, but we definitely don't have that much time. After all, we can't rule out the fact that these two brothers may be the focus of the prisoner recovery operation, especially considering their past entanglement with Tsunade."

"So, I can only let them off for now. Maybe in the future when we have evolved further, we can collect them. After all, with their monstrous brute strength that increases as they get angrier, they are the perfect base to mold a certain superhero clone for our Six Paths of Stain..."

Setting aside his "Avengers assemble" dream, Shino warned once again, "In short, just be careful, not just with them, but with every area."

"Understood." Karina nodded, inputting extra instructions into the interface. "I'll proceed with caution and avoid unnecessary complications."

"Good. Now deploy some units to escort Kurenai into the Maximum Security Prison."

"Hah?" Karina's lips curved into a pout, her dissatisfaction evident as she heard Shino's command. "Shino-sama is worried about your little lover?"

Shino nodded with a helpless face.

"Honestly, this teacher of mine only brings me worries. Seriously, let's not even talk about her iconic usage of genjutsu on Itachi. Just this time is enough to give those with normal IQ a headache. Just think about it. She rushes head on with her lover into a prison full of criminals who lack a women to vent… Did she ever think about what would happen when she is defeated? Although nothing happened in the original show, this is reality. She belongs to me now, and I can't risk others defiling her..."

Looking at the still pouting Karina, Shino wrapped his arm around the her waist and soothed her, "Don't be jealous, Karina, I would do the same for you."

"Mm." Feeling the warm breath against her neck, Karina's heart tingled with a mix of pleasure and frustration over Shino's persistent concerns. The tingling eventually led to a sultry sigh, "I understand, my dear. Don't worry, Karina will ensure she is safe until... you unwrap her."

"Very good. Then, let's get this filler over with so I can fill'er up!"

Shino emitted low grunts, his excitement already overflowing as his penetrating eyes watched the live-action filler through the holographic displays.

Prison Break Event - Begin!

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