Start a Base

Chapter 27 - Ambush

Wang Shiyan and the others were anxious, and mustered up the courage to step forward and pull Li Yunpeng, saying: Commander, what should we do, there are a lot of weapons and ammunition outside, and it will be dangerous if they are taken by bad guys.

Li Yunpeng looked back and saw her pretty face full of anxiety, and comforted him: Don't worry, I'll keep an eye on it, wait a little while, and let's see who is a human and who is a ghost.

At this time, Huang Hu had finished his speech, and sat on a chair squinting at the crowd.

Zheng Liang stepped forward and said loudly: Those who are willing to eat and drink with the brothers stand on the left, and others stand on the right.

The younger brother held a shotgun and forced everyone to make a choice. Under Huang Hu's pressure, some people began to walk slowly to the left, and most of them stood in a group on the right. Although Zhao Hai said that he had poisoned the commander, But they instinctively didn't believe it.

Seeing someone compromise, the people on the right opened their mouths and cursed in low voices: Bah, traitor, I forgot that when I first arrived, I was so hungry that I was dying. The base saved my life, and I betrayed in a blink of an eye.

Although faced with insults, many people still bite the bullet and move to the left. After a while, seeing that someone came out from the right, Huang Hu stood up and roughly counted. There were seventy or eighty people who were willing to hang out with him.

This was completely beyond his expectation. It seemed that Ming was able to snatch it quickly. Usually, if he wanted to recruit so many younger brothers, it would take a lot of effort.

Huang Hu is a little proud, this base is much better than his burrow, with double defenses, sufficient supplies, and the women are all tender and juicy, unlike the sallow and emaciated ones he snatched from various places.

The one, it's you, take us to the warehouse. Huang Hu pointed to the first person who turned over and said.

The man nodded and bowed in agreement, this is a good opportunity to make meritorious service, he just wanted to take Huang Hu to the warehouse.


A gunshot resounded through the night sky. Huang Hu and his gang squatted on the ground in fright, looked up, saw nothing unusual, immediately got up in embarrassment, and said angrily: Who the hell fired the gun, what a mess! Is it crooked?

The people on the right saw their shyness, covered their mouths and wanted to laugh but dared not laugh.

Ma Fen got angry for a while, took a wooden stick and beat the people in front of him suddenly, and cursed: I made you laugh, your Li Yunpeng is dead, and he is so arrogant, he will make you cry all the time!

At this moment, a cold and stern voice sounded.

Who said I'm dead?

Li Yunpeng came slowly from the inner city, followed by more than a dozen heavily armed soldiers, pointing their guns at Huang Hu and the others.

Don't move, I will kill you if you move. The soldier shouted.

Ma Fen was frightened, and said to Zhao Hai: Why didn't you say he was dead? What's going on?

Huang Hu and the others were also stunned. They were pointed at by more than a dozen automatic rifles, and the broken shotguns in their hands were no different from fire sticks.

Zhao Hai was sweating profusely, wet his middle-parted hair and stuck it to his forehead, and said tremblingly: I saw the food brought in with my own eyes, the poison would kill if one bite was taken, and the soldiers in the base They were all sent out to look for medicine, how... how...

Huang Hu glared at Ma Fen and growled, You idiot, thanks to my brother trusting you so much, you've killed me.

It turned out that a few days ago, after Li Yunpeng retreated from the grain depot, Ma Fen sent people to investigate. The spies pretended to be refugees and sneaked into the base. They met Zhao Hai, an acquaintance, and after a lot of trouble, they reached a plan to seize the base.

Zhao Hai got the poison from Ma Fen, first tried to kill Li Yunpeng, and then used Mongolian sweat medicine to overturn the soldiers. Originally, Zhao Hai didn't know what to do with the large number of guard soldiers, but he didn't expect Li Yunpeng to be poisoned after being poisoned. Send most of the soldiers out to find medicine.

This was a god-sent opportunity, so there was no time to investigate, and after the base soldiers were overwhelmed, they hurriedly sent out a signal for Huang Hu and others who were ambushing in the distance to attack.

But who knew that all of this was actually a conspiracy, Zhao Hai was in despair, and the only chance of survival was Huang Hu.

But what can Huang Hu do, he glanced at the door without any trace, the distance was only a few tens of meters away, and gestured to the back with his hand.

Seeing his order, Zheng Liang hid behind everyone and quietly took out a few detonators, ignited them instantly and threw them forward.

The moment he struck, Huang Hu passed through the people behind him and ran away.

Seeing that there was a change on the opposite side, the soldiers of the guard force decisively tapped the trigger.

Bang bang bang...


Gunshots and explosions sounded one after another.

Only then did the others react, and they turned around and ran, but how could their legs run past the bullets? Many people fell to the ground at the same time as the gunshot.

Li Yunpeng was thrown to the ground by the guard when the opponent threw the detonator, but the power of the detonator was limited after all, and when it landed on the open ground, it only exploded a cloud of dust and smoke, and there was no shrapnel flying.

Follow me, don't let anyone go!

The soldiers merged into a torrent and chased towards Huang Hu and the others.

Originally, Li Yunpeng had to wait a little longer to start the attack, and the guards who received the signal hadn't arrived yet, but he didn't expect that Huang Hu was also a desperado, and he would run away decisively in times of crisis.

Li Yunpeng followed and walked out of the base. Along the way, there were many corpses lying on the ground, all belonging to Huang Hu. Zhao Hai was hit on the left leg and lay on the ground crying.

Li Yunpeng walked up to him, pulled out his pistol and asked, Why did you betray me?

Zhao Haisheng burst into tears: Master Commander, I was confused for a moment, please let me escape.

Li Yunpeng snorted coldly, and shot him in the right leg.

Regardless of Zhao Hai killing a pig

He screamed and ordered the people in the base to lock him up. After dealing with Huang Hu, go back and take care of him.

Seeing that the commander was fine, the former traitors squatted obediently and waited to be punished. They did not escape. In the last days, as long as they don't die, the base is better than the outside.

After Huang Hu rushed out of the base, he couldn't help but secretly rejoiced, and finally escaped, but before he was happy, he saw a group of people rushing towards him.


Surprised, he quickly turned to the other side and ran.

Seeing the enemy turning around, the soldiers of the guard outside were already more than 200 meters away, so they decisively opened fire.

Under the blockade of front and rear firepower, Huang Hu's men fell down like cutting wheat, cowardly laying on the ground, not daring to move.

Huang Hu, who was running desperately, suddenly felt a chill in his abdomen, and then the strength in his body was like a leaking ball, gradually leaving him.

He looked down, his belly was already bright red, his feet were soft, and he fell to the ground.

And Zheng Liang just ran to his side at this time, Huang Hu stretched out his hand towards Zheng Liang, but Zheng Liang didn't even look at him, just passed him and ran straight ahead.

My grass XX!

Knowing that he was doomed, he used his last strength and shouted at Zheng Liang: If you see my brother alive, tell him what's going on here!

I don't know if Zheng Liang heard it or not, but the figure gradually disappeared from his sight.

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