Start a Base

Chapter 16 Rescue Other Survivors

After more than a week of exercise, Li Yunpeng feels that his physical condition is much stronger than before.

The zombie corpses near the base have all been disposed of, and the infrastructure of the entire base is also under construction in an orderly manner.

The biggest project was to dig a well. Although the water in the river was boiled and killed to kill the virus, it was still drinkable, but there were so many zombies soaked in the river, it was disgusting to think about it.

Every day, two teams go out to hunt lone zombies near the base, not only to ensure the safety of the base, but also to bring Li Yunpeng an income of 20,000 points every day.

Li Yunpeng used the 100,000 points earned in the past few days to exchange for another 28,000 rounds of ammunition to enrich the war preparation warehouse. In addition, he will go to the park to clean up the remaining zombies. If something happens, the ammunition will definitely be consumed.

Li Yunpeng summoned all the captains and deputy team leaders to the base, and assigned them the next tasks they would be responsible for.

Three squads of soldiers were left to guard the base, and the remaining 210 soldiers were led by their respective squad leaders to clean up the zombies in the park and rescue the survivors. Li Yunpeng ordered that no shooting should be allowed unless necessary, and they should be dealt with with bayonets, so as not to attract nearby zombie groups.

All the soldiers took orders and dispersed separately. Li Yunpeng did not intend to go in person this time. As a commander, he avoided unnecessary risks. In the past few days, two survivor engineering teams built four 6-meter-high buildings in the base. The watchtowers are located at the four corners of the base.

The watchtower built this time is relatively complete, not only has a shed for sun and rain, but also has wall stacks, shooting holes, and machine gun positions, with an extremely wide field of vision.

Each watchtower has at least 3 soldiers on duty, changing every 6 hours, and maintaining 24-hour vigilance.

Li Yunpeng climbed up the watchtower and observed the situation with a telescope.

With the sound of sporadic gunshots, the guard soldiers began to clean up the zombies in the park.

An hour later, survivors escaped in haste from the east gate of the park.

On the system panel, soldiers began to attrition.

This is also unavoidable. The internal environment of the building is narrow, and various emergencies emerge one after another. Even if the soldiers of the guard army are of excellent quality, there are times when they face the impact of zombies who are not afraid of death.

Although Li Yunpeng was heartbroken, he had no choice but to continue to summon soldiers and keep the strength at around 300.

After two days of cleanup, the consumption of points removed has reached 500,000. Although it seems a lot, the ammunition consumed in a battle is easily millions of points. In addition, the base space needs to be expanded, and the points required are also massive.

The guards rescued more than 600 ragged survivors from all corners of the park. Most of these people were struggling on the verge of dying, and barely survived with the little food they had.

When they arrived at the base, they saw the walls and heavily armed soldiers before recovering from the shock. During this time, they didn't even dare to fart, for fear of making any noise and attracting zombies.

Many people sat on the ground and wept. The first two batches of survivors in the base secretly rejoiced when they saw their miserable appearance. They came to the base at or shortly after the beginning of the end of the world, and did not experience much of the cruelty of the end of the world.

Li Yunpeng didn't know how long these people hadn't eaten, so he ordered the soldiers to carry a bag of rice, and asked Wang Shiyan to send someone to cook rice porridge and distribute it to the new survivors.

When the new survivors saw the food, they were like dying hungry wolves, with greedy eyes. Wu Gang hurriedly organized people to maintain order, and all those who rushed towards the food rushed to the end of the line, and experienced a long period of chaos. , barely lined up the hungry people into two lines, and distributed food in order.

Wang Shiyan looked at the two rows of people who were desperate for a bowl of porridge, and was once again shocked by the cruelty of the end times, and felt from the bottom of his heart how happy it is to live in the base.

Although the food is rather monotonous, people still eat with gusto. They no longer have to fight for a piece of bread, nor do they have to sell their bodies for half a steamed bun.

The hungry people who got the food squatted aside and drank the porridge sparingly, and then went to the end of the line to line up again. With a bowl of porridge at the bottom, they were not as impatient as before. They stood on tiptoe to count how much was left It's your turn.

Li Yunpeng ordered each person to drink up to two bowls. If there is no limit, he is afraid that some people will eat to death.

That night, the hungry people with food in their stomachs spent the first night after the apocalypse without waking up from hunger. Although they envied those who had houses to live in, they also knew that they were newcomers and it was impossible to allocate houses. It's summer now, and it's not a big problem to sleep in the open air for a night.

People who haven't had a good night's sleep in the past few days soon fell asleep. Although they were lying on the ground like this, they felt extremely at ease.

However, in the middle of the night, there was a burst of cries from the base, and Li Yunpeng was awakened suddenly, his face turned pale with fright, is this damn zombie group coming again? He rushed out with a gun in hand, walked out of the inner city and found that the patrol team on the wall was still the same, and there was nothing unusual, so he was relieved, as long as it was not a group of zombies.

The original residents of the foundation were also awakened by fright, and they walked out of the door one after another. They were relieved when they saw that there were no zombies attacking.

Following the sound, it turned out that some of the new survivors were crying from time to time. Li Yunpeng was taken aback and yelled coldly: Shut up, I don't sleep in the middle of the night, you cry What a ghost!

Everyone dared not speak out after being yelled at by Li Yunpeng. After careful questioning, he found out that these newly arrived hungry people did not dare to sleep completely to death before. Many people had nightmares, dreaming that their throats were bitten off by zombies, and their bodies were torn to pieces.

Li Yunpeng was speechless. It was so noisy in the middle of the night that people couldn't sleep. Fortunately, the nearby zombies were almost cleaned up. If this frankly happened when the end of the world just happened, this would probably bring disaster to the base.

He said with a cold face: You guys, sleep in groups of five. If anyone has a nightmare, the person next to him will cover his mouth. If I hear ghosts crying and howling wolves again, which group happened? Blast out.

The hungry people were terrified by Li Yunpeng's roar, and they were terrified. If they were driven out, would they still have a way to survive?

After he finished speaking, he returned to the inner city. Sure enough, he never heard crying again that night. He often found some people who moved and babbled. The big men in the city were kicked out.

The next morning, Li Yunpeng opened his eyes. Although he temporarily had a shelter in the last days, he was always worried about encountering greater dangers.

Especially the feeling of loneliness, as if he is the only one who is different. As the controller of the base, he can't get too close to the people below, otherwise he will have no majesty. The more secrets you hide, the more painful it is.

Such an idea didn't exist for long, and he was forced to drive it out of his mind. It's meaningless to blame yourself. Finding ways to make yourself stronger and building the base into a strong fortress is the top priority. Otherwise, if you encounter a large group of zombies , everyone must die here.

The population of the base has exceeded 1,000 people. Open the system to check. The barracks wants to upgrade to level 1. The population requirement is 2,000 people. It took so long to complete half of it, and the surrounding survivors have almost searched. It seems that, It's time to explore further afield.

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