Starry Sky Professional

Chapter 54: Battle

Inside an apartment in the Bliss Homeland Community, the floor was drenched with blood, forming faint ritual patterns.

A large pool of dark crimson blood was seeping from the kitchen and bathroom, belonging to the original owner of the apartment, whose current fate was all too clear.

In the living room, two tall figures stood.

Their bodies were muscular, with deep-set features, yet they stood still like statues, resembling two silent granite sentinels.


At this moment, a scream pierced the quietude.

At the center of these rituals, Guo Peipei, who had been sitting cross-legged, suddenly opened her eyes, clutching her head, and let out a scream: “Fang Xing... he actually... that is the third realm of the Ghost God's Blade—Battling the Ghost Gods? That slash... that slash... no, no, it was within his dream, his domain, therefore, he could break the limit with his Ghost God's Blade... The greater the mind, the greater the martial prowess...”

Dreams naturally differ from reality, enabling one to achieve the unbelievable.

Especially within one's own dream! Everyone is half a creator there!

Guo Peipei had only awakened to a low-level dream entry ability and did not have a deep understanding of dreams.

But she knew, this time she had failed!

The great master she had simulated, based on imagination and her sect's scriptures, could not intimidate Fang Xing; instead, it was utterly defeated!

“Martial will, is it truly this powerful?”

Guo Peipei's face turned pale, feeling a sharp pain in her forehead: “No, he might report this to the Control Bureau, it's not safe here anymore, I need to leave...”


At that moment, there came an explosion from the direction of the door!

Like the roar of a cannon, the alloy gate of the housing complex was blasted away by a powerful bow-step cannon punch.

Amidst the swirling dust, a dark figure dashed into the storage room, drawing a sword with a piercing scream to kill!

This man was none other than Fang Xing!

After locating this place with a 'Qi-Seeking Talisman', Fang Xing had no qualms and charged in immediately!

Firstly, as a martial artist, he could not stand being humiliated. He had been feeling stifled recently and needed to vent.

Secondly, he judged that the enemies here were weak; otherwise, they wouldn't resort to cheap dream-entry tricks only to be easily crushed by him.

As for the third reason, he had already taken precautions by contacting Jing Xia through Bai Ziling’s connections.

‘Although waiting for the Control Bureau’s action squad after reporting is the best choice…’

‘But I am a martial artist!’

‘Even if I won’t swing my fists at someone stronger, any weaker who dares to provoke me must be severely punished!’

Notifying the Control Bureau was something with no other choice.

Even if Fang Xing handled everything cleanly today without official awareness, the masterminds behind these people would definitely know it was him and retaliate incessantly!

This was an entire cult of evil gods!

No matter how confident Fang Xing was, he didn't believe he could withstand such subsequent revenge.

Thus, utilizing official forces to gain protection became the optimal choice.

After all, he was indeed a well-rounded student with robust moral integrity!

Recently, he received substantial backing from his school, earned the favor of Xia Long, and took the initiative in reporting evil cultists. Naturally, he stood on the righteous side.

These were well-considered thoughts on his way here, and at this moment, all he wanted was to kill!


A sword's hum instantly caused Guo Peipei to sink into a trance.

She recalled her childhood as a cyborg, watching other natural children playing with their parents in amusement parks, while she could only stand alone outside the fence, a wave of sadness arose in her heart...

The two divine warriors, after a brief pause, seemed unaffected. Instead, they each let out a beast-like roar, strange tattoo patterns appearing on their faces.

These tattoos seemed to writhe slightly, emanating a faint mental disturbance and shock!

With a tearing sound, their clothes exploded off them, and their fingers transformed into sharp claws as they charged at Fang Xing!

Fang Xing deftly turned the Mo Wen Sword, and a sword beam flowed like mercury, its chill permeating the entire living room.

With a sickening swish, those two beast-like cultists, overly confident in their physical prowess, spread their claws wide to grasp the Mo Wen Sword's blade.

Fang Xing, without hesitation, brought the sword's light heavily down on the claw.

And then...

The ferocious claw was cut through as if it were tofu.

The sword's momentum unyielding, it swept past the divine warrior's neck.

With a wet thud, a head flew off, the divine warrior's body collapsing heavily to the floor.

The other divine warrior, witnessing this, had fear flash in his eyes. With a howl, he dashed towards the nearby window.

But in the blink of an eye, Fang Xing caught up and thrust the sword through his heart!

With a bang, Fang Xing launched a kick, sending the divine warrior's corpse flying, crashing heavily against the wall before slowly sliding down.

He withdrew his long sword and turned to see Guo Peipei, seemingly having snapped out of the influence of the 'Extreme Emotion Sword'.

Guo Peipei, witnessing all this, trembled as she spoke.

She could never imagine how powerful Fang Xing would be!

“Don't worry, I won't kill you.”

Fang Xing smiled slightly, looking out the window.

Woof woof!

With a bark, a bulldog with demonic wings burst through the window, boldly intruding into the room.

When it saw the two divine warriors lying on the ground, its face hilariously transformed into a 'completely dumbfounded' expression.


Next, a shadow glided in on a hoverboard through the broken window.

Jing Xia, clad in a black uniform that highlighted her striking figure, glanced at the blood sacrificial rituals on the ground, her eyes showing a look of disdain: “As expected, followers of the evil gods... Hmm, and two divine warriors? You dealt with them?”

“Yes, they attacked me with dream-type abilities. After I snapped out of it, I followed an instinctive feeling which led me here.”

Fang Xing answered earnestly, a scenario quite plausible for him.

“Oh? It seems you have potential in the mental realm. Perhaps you could become a 'Psy-Mentalist' or similar profession in the future…”

Jing Xia nodded, raising her hand to discharge an arc of electricity.

In an instant, Guo Peipei's eyes rolled back, and she fell to the ground, foaming at the mouth.

“Followers of the evil god, as long as they are conscious, can cause serious trouble. Thus, knocking them unconscious immediately after capturing is the best method…”

Jing Xia explained, flipping the body on the ground disdainfully: “Divine warriors? Seems like the work of the 'Gate Faction', not bad for you to handle them, little brother. You should come to the Field Operations Department…”

“Divine warriors?” Fang Xing expressed his confusion.

“Cannon fodder of the Gate Faction, most have ingested so-called 'Divine Blood', actually the mutated blood of evil god affiliates. These two, with semi-subservient traits, already have mild mental pollution characteristics. Even if you've practiced A-level martial arts, you should get yourself checked…”

Jing Xia examined the injury and thoughtfully eyed the sword in Fang Xing's hand, “Little brother, you have a fine sword.”


Fang Xing had already prepared to reveal the Mo-patterned Sword this time. He figured he could just say he acquired it by eliminating a black market warrior if questioned. Given the Federation's limited imagination, at most, they'd assume it was an alien artifact. Once they confirmed it wasn't tainted by an evil god, their interest would plummet.

As for the technology behind the weapon? The Federation had plenty of tech it didn’t understand. After all, many alien tech paths differed from the Federation's, some requiring special racial talents to develop. Thus, much alien technology didn’t hold significant research value — a mere sword was nothing.

‘Even if the Bureau of Prevention wants to confiscate it, let them. It doesn’t matter to me…’

‘This is even a test, perhaps.’

‘If the Bureau operates this way, the Federation doesn’t deserve much trust. I should prepare to develop another world as my main base in the future…’

‘However, given the previous owner's memories and knowledge, such an outcome is unlikely…’

"Yes, this sword is…"

Just as Fang Xing was about to speak, Jing Xia impatiently waved her hand, "Our Bureau of Prevention only deals with matters related to evil gods. Your sword is none of my concern… Don't bother me with such trivialities."

With Jing Xia's insight, she realized it was just a sharper alloy weapon.

Everyone had their little secrets, and as long as they weren’t related to evil gods, she didn’t bother delving deeper.

"In any case… Thanks for this. I'll issue a commendation for you later… Though it won’t earn you extra college points, it might help a bit in high school with some scholarship bonuses."

Jing Xia finished talking to Fang Xing and then shouted towards the door, "You tardy slackers, come in and clean up!"

Immediately, several members of the Bureau of Prevention's operations team entered, silently cleaning up the bodies and putting special handcuffs on Guo Peipei before taking her away.

As Fang Xing watched the pieces being carried out from the kitchen and bedroom, he fell silent.

Though he didn't consider himself a saint, such scenes were still unsettling.

"Followers of evil gods do deserve death!"

He sighed, "The crucial thing is, why are they targeting me? I feel I need protection… Also, what exactly is the ‘Gate School’?"

“The cultists of the Evil God enjoy corrupting the Bureau's staff. You might have been targeted for that reason. Of course, it could simply be because you're outstanding...”

Jing Xia confidently patted Fang Xing on the shoulder. “Relax, young man... Once our official forces get involved, the Gate School will only be able to cut their losses swiftly. They won't have the time to bother you. As for the information on the ‘Gate School,’ I'll send you a file later. It's not classified too highly, but make sure not to share it...”

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