StarCraft: Attack on Zerg Overlord

Chapter 28 Just Bugs?

Under the command of the bearded chief.

100 star fighters wearing mechs landed on the transport spaceship.

This special transport spacecraft can carry 50 soldiers at a time, as well as a land armored tank.

But this time, after judging the force on this planet, it is not enough for the Xingli tribe to land with large land armored weapons.

Instead, it is equipped with a few flamethrowers, as well as pulse weapons and a machine gun that uses a type of armor-piercing bullet.

Of course, there are also several heavy mechas, and a light artillery is installed on the mechas.

The three transport spaceships separated from the bottom of the hull like bees leaving their nests, and then flew towards the planet in front of them.

"The three places where the reconnaissance plane crashed this time, we temporarily divide them into three areas, Area A, Area B, and Area C. The distance between these three points is not far. Find the wreckage and bring it back."

Beard once again deployed the main task to the team members in the transport spacecraft.

Then it was mentioned: "What we must pay attention to is that there are only two civilizations on this planet at present, the elves and a kind of... strange bugs."

"The mission location this time is far away from the elves' territory, so they are unlikely to pose any threat to us, so our enemies this time are likely to be these bugs."

After the bearded officer finished speaking, he pointed to the picture of workers and insects on the transparent screen and said.

"Bugs? Haha, damn it, guys, did you hear that? We're actually reduced to being enemies of bugs." Hearing this, a team member couldn't help laughing.

To him, they were space warriors.

What big and small, and murderous alien creatures have not seen?

There are quite a few things to deal with, but this is the first time I have heard of fighting bugs.

And this kind of bug doesn't seem to have any attack power at all.

"It's really boring, is the poor bug going to suffer?"

A female team member answered the conversation with a little playfulness.

"Okay, guys, bring the wreckage back, and then I'll treat you." Facing this task, the bearded officer also felt a burst of relief.


In their view, even if they have some attack power, they are still just bugs.

Even though the bugs are plentiful, they already carry a kind of flamethrower.

Soon, the transport spacecraft entered the atmosphere, and they each divided into three directions and began to slowly land on the ground.

"Master, the number of enemies is 100, equipped with level 2 civilization technology, no nuclear weapons, just some interstellar spearmen." Sandy mosquitoes flapped the insect wings behind them and floated in the mid-air far away, watching the Xingli tribe's every move move.

Surprisingly, after two years, Sandy mosquitoes have grown a lot taller, and the height has reached 162.

This is also something that makes Qin Zhen feel dizzy. Because her own genes are implanted in her body, her body also has human characteristics.

He was afraid that sandy mosquitoes would have the most deadly emotion in the human race in the future.

Qin Zhen sat quietly in the big palace of Kulu City, and after receiving the message from Sandy Mosquito, there was no disturbance in that big pupil.

That's right, as early as a few months ago, Sandy mosquitoes had already detected the existence of the Star Destroyer and the coordinates of its final jump.

"100 interstellar spearmen?" After a long time, Qin Zhen murmured thoughtfully to himself, and then ordered to Sandy Mosquito: "Release some level 1 swift jumping swarms, don't kill them all, leave a few to lure them all down .”

"Good master."

Sandy mosquito got the order, and then flapped its wings and left the place.

Relying on the coordinates given by the main ship, the three transport spacecraft began to prepare to land not far from where the reconnaissance plane crashed.

"We found it. It looks like the core is not damaged from the outside, and no unknown creatures have been detected nearby. We are about to land."

The soldiers driving the transport spaceship reported to the bearded squad with communication equipment.

"Okay guys, this will be the easiest interstellar travel ever, get ready, we are about to land." After receiving the message, the bearded officer grinned.

"Received, sir!"

The players echoed.

The atmosphere is as relaxed as ever.

Accompanied by powerful flames ejected from the bottom of the transport spaceship, the landing gear was opened, and then it slowly landed on a flat ground.

Pats!With a sound, the airflow swept across the surroundings, and the transport spaceship carrying 35 Xingli warriors landed smoothly and successfully.

Nourishing ~
The hatch was slowly opened.

"Action, quick battle!"

The bearded man roared in a routine and serious manner.

35 soldiers quickly rushed out of the cabin.

"Oh my twelve-winged angel queen, there is not even a single plant on this planet, what do those bugs eat?" the team members looked at the endless desert and sighed.

What they didn't know was that a year ago, this place was once a thriving forest!
"I don't care what they eat, I only care about what I'm going to eat tonight." A female team member joked.

"Alright guys, let's get going!"

The bearded officer reminded.

Then he led 35 space fighters to the reconnaissance plane that crashed not far away.

"Zi! Zi! Officer Des, can you hear me?"

Just then, the comm equipment rang with another team's connection.

"Yeah, I can hear it, what's up dude?" the bearded officer responded.

"We are about to approach the crash point, but I feel something is wrong. There seem to be a few bugs watching us not far away." The voice in the communication device said.

"Haha, man, are you saying you're being followed by bugs?"

"That's the civilization of this planet. Don't you plan to go up and contact them and become their god? Hahaha!"

"Yes, this is a great opportunity, god of bugs!"


Hearing this, the bearded team couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Oh my God, I'm not joking. These bugs are not the ones in the picture at all. I feel that they seem to be deeply hostile." The voice in the communication device said seriously.

"Okay, Norton, if they dare to approach you, you will open fire."

Hearing this, the bearded chief thought for a while, and then ordered.

"Yes sir, I'll fire," the comm responded.

After breaking off contact, the bearded man seemed to feel some sense of crisis.

His expression began to become worried, this worry came from the instinct of the body

Just when the reconnaissance plane was right in front of them, a level 1 swift jumping insect suddenly broke out of the ground beside the reconnaissance plane.

Then he rushed to the team fiercely.

This sudden swift jumping insect startled everyone.

Da Da Da Da!

A burst of extremely violent gunshots sounded immediately.

The bearded chief pointed the gun in his hand at the rushing springtails and fired bursts of fire.

Countless armor-piercing bullets were fired.

In just a few seconds, the swift springtail was smashed into a sieve.

Before everyone recovered, the communication equipment suddenly rang again.

"Sir! We are under attack by unknown creatures, please help!"

"Request support!"

"Ah~ worm... worm!"

Da da da da!

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