Star Wars: Skywalker

Chapter 97: V.1-C.97│Passage I│

It was the year the year the CIS had formed, officially.

The CIS is just an acronym for the Confederacy of Independent Systems, officially formed by Count Dooku on Raxus Prime. Shortly afterwards, thousands of planets leave the Republic and align themselves with the CIS, thus beginning the Separatist Crisis.

Two assassination attempts happened on Palpatine's life, though they were averted by the Jedi, however unfortunately 21 Senators were killed in this process.

Another event had happened which lead to Anakin seeing a now long time one-sided rival leave the Jedi Order, Ferus Olin.

The kid had such a clam and collected atmosphere but there was some deep resentment within him which lead to this decision where he would go on to live a relatively normal life. 'He was such an eager opponent.'

Anakin reminisced how Ferus had tried to prove to him he was greater. The original would have formed an actual rivalry between the two, while Anakin really had no need to do so and just let the boy continue in his delusions of grandeur.

He was pretty sure he had something to do with him leaving, but those are Ferus' feelings not his own to look after.

While this was going on Palpatine had finally reached the end of his rope within the senate as the Supreme Chancellor but it would seem that he had some sway. No, it is more appropriate to say he had purposely set up the Separatist Crisis to further his own agenda, his own goals.

Palpatine reached the end of his second term as Supreme Chancellor but the passage of the Emergency Powers Act allowed him to stay in office until the Separatist Crisis is dealt with.

He was a sly and deceptive bastard, just imagine if the Jedi hadn't protected him against those assassination attempts, he might have had a chance to die no matter how slime those chances were.

Anakin wasn't just about ready to go upto and confront the last living Sith Lord because like a Hutt, the problem was much deeper than the surface. Another would replace him.

In response to the growing threat of the CIS, the Military Creation Act, a bill proposing the reformation of the Republic's armed forces, is brought to the Galactic Senate floor for the first time. Of course, this at was never brought into a vote and the outcome was just as Palpatine had wanted.

He would use his emergency powers to veto the decision and gave a quick response to the supposed Separatist Crisis.

At least for now, the vote while still having not happened delayed instead of immediately going to Palpatine's emergency power. Again, it would still happen but how would any else know this?

In fact this event was the very first problem that Padme had come across within the senate where she had been against this military act. Of course this was because she was now apart of the senate just as she had been originally.

After serving two terms as Queen, is appointed by her successor Jamillia to be Naboo's Senator.

Obviously she is a woman who promotes peace but in these drastic times not taking into account the corruption of the senate, they would have still lost due to the innate nature of living beings. That is right, more than just the nature of Humans but the nature of other alien species as well.

Everyone was panicked by sudden emergence of another government, another republic of sorts outside of their power. Greed and selfishness would win out in the end, combining this with other factors throughout the galaxy which weren't exactly peaceful, this would have happened even without Palpatine's emergency powers.

Of course, the Crisis wouldn't have happened in the first place if Palpatine didn't help create it, or would it?

Another fun fact about the CIS was about how Dooku delivered an address, that simply came to be known as the Raxus Address. It was quite motivational and leveraged the hate, anger and despair the people were feeling.

The Raxus Address was a speech given by the former Jedi Count Dooku this very year that was credited with essentially setting the stage for the Separatist Movement.

Dooku commandeered a HoloNet relay station in the Raxus system and denounced the Galactic Republic as a futile enterprise that was hopelessly burdened by corruption and favoritism toward the Core Worlds.

Following the address, Dooku founded the Confederacy of Independent Systems, and the ensuing Separatist Crisis.

One final event however before the end of this year was the beginning of the Virgillian Civil War, not anything of too much importance but with a keen eye for things like this, one could see the absolute chaos within the senate.


"Hey kid." Anakin was cloaked and approached a child around the age of 5.

The child looked up to the figure of whom had approached him, he was actually quite curious but had been down in the slumps. A orphan with no home to call his own, no food to feed his stomach and only with the skills of a common street rat to get by.

"You shouldn't do that." Anakin gestured to where the boy was going. "Tell me your name."

Strangely enough, the boy was compelled to do so, he didn't even feel like resisting. "My name is Han."

"No last name?" Anakin asked him still disguised.


According to the two versions of both alternates, there are two versions of Han, one where he was 5 years of age at this point of time, and the other is he is 3. Going by his looks and getting a sample stealthily Anakin tested the kid.

'Results: Midi-chlorian count per cell; 5000. Biological age; 5.' His Nanosuit gave him some results through his interface as he had moved so fast and gathered a small skin sample without him even knowing.

There were only two things he was interested in, his Force-sensitivity and his age. The boy was an orphan at this point, whether it be from the canon or legends timeline and within each he had joined the White Worms as a Scumrat.

Anakin had other plans for the boy, after all this kid could be his future son-in-law, so its better to keep him under his control if that was what would happen.

Of course his main reason isn't because he is worried about a future daughter that hadn't even been born yet and may not even be the same, but that is besides the point. Han had an extremely potent destiny and fate, so to speak.

You could say this is evidenced by his Force-sensitivity, he does have above average reflexes for a Human and an even greater insight but nothing to grant him supernatural powers.

He decided that he might as well bring in this kid as his own, because why not? He could become a problem for him in the future, or he could become a great ally because he is well aware of Han's talents. His piloting abilities may even match his, ok, maybe not match his but a close second.

'Ok, maybe not a CLOSE second, but it is definitely good.' Anakin doubted at this point anyone could be as good as him but only time would tell just how far the boy would go.

At this point, he is unable to raise the boy himself because he is still connected to the Order but that doesn't mean he would be unable to bring him to a proper family to raise him.

'Or I could get my mother to help me raise the boy saying something along the lines that I had somehow had a child with some random woman...' Anakin thought to himself before also thinking. 'Ok, that may be a bad idea.'

"Why do you care?" Han had grown a distinct lack of those above him, those in authority due to not receiving any actual help from people around him. No help came from those in higher positions of power and he knew this from a young age.

His father had died after all and those memories are still fresh given it had only been about a year since his death at least this was what he told himself.

In fact, what had actually happened was that Han's father had abandoned him but Han would never admit to it, that was just who he was and there was no way he would talk to anyone about his personal stuff.

He wouldn't even talk about his past in an alternate timeline with his wife, that was how hurt the man or boy in this case was.

Anakin, deciding that being crass with the boy wouldn't help him persuade the boy said calmly. "I am here to take you with me."

"Huh? Are you some kind of slaver, here to sell me off are you?" Han was incredibly suspicious of everyone. "Or are you apart of the police here? A bounty hunter to come and collect an award on a common street rat who has been stealing to survive."

'It would seem he has alot of pent up emotions...' Anakin thought to himself. "Han, I will not lie to you but that doesn't mean I am going to tell you everything. I will bring you back to my home planet and you can either be raised as my son, or you can also come back to my planet and be raised within a loving family."

Anakin tried to phrase it as easy as he could see a child to understand what he was saying.

"Really?" Again, Han was strangely accepting of what he said even though he was a highly untrusting individual.

"Yes, I am only here to give you these two options, of course you could pick your third option. The one you were originally going to go with." While Han had trust issues it would seem that Anakin had a way with children.

This was not what the original had, in fact he had committed quite the vicious acts against children.

"Well do you wish to live a life out on the streets, or do you want a roof over your head, food to quell your stomach and drink to satiate your thirst?" Anakin continued because he didn't want to waste anymore of his time here.

Even though he is immortal now, that doesn't mean he couldn't put his time into other things.

Han was hesitant to answer but knew deep within that even if he joined the White Worms it would not be an easy lifestyle and it may not necessarily bring him the things he would need or want. In fact it would be dangerous.

"Who exactly are you anyway?" Han asked Anakin.

Smiling beneath his hood, Anakin replied. "Just your friendly neighborhood prince."

"Prince?" Han was confused as he thought. 'Why would a prince be here?'

"I am here for my own reasons that cannot be exposed to you, but in the future you will come to understand the significance of who I am. So do you accept? Which of these options are you going to take?" Anakin continued.

"I-" Han started bu stopped.

Leaning forward Anakin coaxed him. "Yes?"

"I-" Han was still undetermined.

"Get on with it lad, dont keep me here all day." Anakin said to get the boy to hurry up because even though children should be given choices that doesn't mean restrictions still shouldn't be applied.

"I choose the first option!" Han blurted out forgetting that there was two options from Anakin and he believed he choose the second option of getting into another family. Unfortunately, Anakin, even if he knows this decided to just mess around with the boy.

He couldn't or wouldn't actually make the boy become apart of his family because the Jedi may scold him, not that he cared all too much but because it wouldn't do him any good. Especially if he revealed he has a child out of nowhere, especially so that it wouldn't make much sense.

Where could he possibly find enough time, exactly three years ago while he was basically quarantined to the Jedi temple to impregnate a woman on another world.

"You surprised me, how bold of you to want to become my son." Anakin said before continuing. "Come now, we best be off. You wont be needing anything you currently have, you will outfitted in stuff that is better than this."

Anakin started to walk off as Han followed behind him. "Wait! I didn't mean I want to become your son."

"Don't worry kid, your too old to be my child anyway." Anakin replied. "And your words quite harm me, would I not make a good father?"

"N-No! That wasn't what I meant, it was just that..." Han stammered, confused about Anakin's act because he did it quite well.

"I am just joking with you, you have no need to worry, it is just that the temperature on the planet I am taking you too may be a bit hot, but then again the bio-domes should regulate that." Anakin stated out loud not really talking to Han.

After a while of walking, they come across the spaceport of the planet and Anakin boards his invisible ship, which completely amazed Han. "Woah!"

"Cool right? Come on, we need to get going." Anakin said as he revealed a path for Han to follow.

"Can I have a ship like this?" Han had stars in his eyes.

"Don't worry, if you want a ship I am sure you can work towards having your own in the future. It just might not be like mine, but I am sure it would be great." Anakin replied.

"What? Aren't you some kind of prince though?" Han asked back a little disappointed.

"I may have money but that doesn't mean I am just going to give you something for free. Everything had a price, well nearly everything." Anakin said trying to make sure Han knew some basic knowledge about the world.

"I already know that." Han replied.

"I am sure you do..." Anakin left off as they were both onboard and Anakin mentally told Jabitha to take them back to Tatooine.

Anakin then went on to give Anakin a home, not with his mother or anything like that but under a household that just so happened to have the last name of Solo and were in fact a semi-wealthy family on Tatooine.

They even had someone from their family within the officials that was apart of his mothers council.

'Han Solo, I will be sure to make you a great addition to my future army.' Anakin thought to himself about his plans of having Han join as an agent, not some commander as that was not where his talents were.

Han was always meant to be a pilot, and not just any pilot but a smuggler, a thief capable of getting himself into and out of sticky situations.

If guided in the right direction Anakin would have a very strong agent within his retinue in the future, he may even open up a division of secret agents himself. For now most of the military affairs were taken care of by Grievous because he had become quite skilled in doing so.

Another thing about Grievous was about Anakin's training of him. He had upgraded his systems to become even better and trained him in lightsaber combat. Of course most of Grievous lightsabers couldn't just be gotten from anywhere, Anakin had secretly procured some extra crystals from Ilum.

He was now verifiably as close to the original Grievous without being the same.

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