Chapter 93: V.1-C.93│Welcome to Hell III│
Back within Hell.
A ripple was seen as a figure was fighting through a horde of monsters rushing at the person, there was no one else around and the figure was all alone.
'How nice of her to leave me.' Anakin thought to himself as he was the one currently punching his way through a horde of rather vicious abyssal creatures.
He had been left alone all my himself not because Zannah didn't want to stay but because she was still influenced mentally by her own choices, the Force and the dark side. Meaning, when she had the opportunity she ditched him because she had gotten what she wanted.
But that doesn't mean she didn't give him everything he needed, in fact she had provided in full according to their deal, knowing how manipulative she was Anakin was surprised.
'I guess I shouldn't be however...' Thinking to himself about how Dyad's usually influencing the person your connected to and yourself to start feeling things about each other in a different way.
From what he knows there are two types of Dyad's so far, one between a master and their student which was mean for the Sith to empower the other when they died, then the other was the one he has.
Currently connected to Aayla, Shaak, Barriss and now Zannah. It would influence the participants emotions somewhat to induce emotions like love, the romantic kind.
It wasn't exactly a negative thing and Anakin didn't mind the Force playing matchmaker because there is a basis behind how a Dyad works, as if there was no connection, no compatibility and certain requirements weren't met it would not happen.
A reason why he believed he could have so many was because of the Force and him being the 'Chosen One.'
'Maybe mother Force just likes spoiling me.' Anakin thought to himself knowing the Force probably knew what he was like and knew what he desired, it was like it was arranging multiple brides for him.
Not that he minded all too much, but it certainly wasn't exactly under his own terms.
"And another bites the dust." He said as he had for the thousandth time put down another one of these creatures, it would seem his current test was of his mental endurance.
After what seemed like a few minutes passed he had finally put an end to the last of his obstacles from his goal.
Anakin continued his way down to the next level, he had meet a few other Sith and Dark Jedi along his way through but never got to interact with any of them because Zannah scared everyone off. While she may not be the biggest fish in the pond she was definitely big enough to scare away everyone else.
Seeing the entrance to another level he delved in.
The next level was actually a simulation, it purposely put someone within their own personally crafted Hell where they had to live through what they had done in life.
Some actually enjoyed whatever sick things they had done, but that doesn't mean everything was good for them. There was certainly ways to get around this level and how to beat it.
Anakin was facing it as well, but because he is a glitch within the system, it gave him the life of another Anakin, another Vader whom he was most familiar with.
He had to live through the tragedy of Vader, his rise and fall. His slavery on Tatooine, to his slavery to the Jedi then through his slavery to the Sith Lord Palpatine. This further increased his resolve to make sure that Palpatine is put to an end as fast as he could.
'Ok, maybe the original wasn't enslaved to the Jedi but there are instances with which the Jedi Order could have done better.' Anakin thought to himself.
He felt the pain, the physical and emotional to such a deep level but his will held out long enough for him to reassert that he is different, because he is.
The loss of Padme, the supposed loss of his children, the loss of his mother, the suffering and loss of his hand, to the loss of his padawan Ahsoka. The original Anakin definitely didn't have the best life, and his punishment for the horrible actions he took was definitely not pleasant either.
It may have been well deserved but that doesn't mean his story was any less tragic. In the end, practically everyone had failed him.
This story was irrelevant the him though because he was not that Anakin, he was not the monster he had become and in fact he may become something more.
He had already been alluded to the fact of divinity by the Force itself and it would seem there are some beings trapped within the Force's Chaos that could have a clue to this allusion. Or maybe not, no one will know and he most certainly will not until he goes deeper.
'What is with this place?' Anakin was still being barraged with another Anakin's life before he started to notice that no matter he did, nothing changed.
Everything he tried to change just went the way it originally did no matter what he did, and it was not like this didn't happen somewhere else. Or within another universe or timeline.
Here though he was different and he had the sneaking suspicion this was done on purpose to try and again whittle down his mental fortitude. So he instead went with the flow which is completely against the way the Sith do things.
They most certainly dont try to side with order but would try and create chaos because it was within their nature to do things according to their emotions. The only way he could combat his situation was to allow the fate of the original to happen.
And just like that, everything came to an end. 'Who would have thought that the way to end your misery is to accept it?'
Obviously thats probably not the best way to overcome this test but it was the only way as the Sith were unable to change the past, just as Anakin couldn't change the fate of the original. Everything matters in the moment, reminiscing the past too much is bad, thinking of the future too much is also bad.
Living in the moment is the best option.
After escaping the second level, Anakin was promoted to the third. The first level seemed to be some type of gathering grounds for the evil, while the second level was a test or torture, choose your pick.
He doesn't know what will come next but he hopes its something that can be done quickly.
"Who are you to disturb my slumber?" A voice spoke out and a rumble was felt through the Force.
Anakin was able to tell that this may take some time. In the back of his mind Anakin could feel that the figure before him was more than what it seemed and strangely within the Force it felt strange.
"Answer me!" The cloaked figure demanded.
Another voice was heard but this time it was only directed at Anakin and all he heard was, 'He is a wound in the Force, more presence than flesh, and in his wake life dies… sacrificing itself to his hunger.'
'That's not ominous at all...' He thought to himself after being told that.
"Identify yourself at once!" Anakin now felt the presence of this person within the Force grew and tried to put pressure on him.
Anakin pushed back just enough to make sure this presence doesn't outright destroy his corporeal form. "My name is Anakin Skywalker."
"That is not a name I know of." The figure spoke again but Anakin was unable to determine any of its features. "You must be new, and foolish as well to trespass here."
"I do not want any trouble, I only wish to proceed." Anakin stated.
"You wish, do you?" The figure spoke. "You shall not pass!"
'Who are you, Gandalf?' Anakin thought within himself before saying. "I think I will be passing, thank you."
No other words were exchanged as both of them started to draw on their power within the Force and both were surprised to discover the strength with which each other had.
Anakin, knowing better than to try and get physical because in this dimension all that mattered was the Force and nothing else, he kept his distance.
"You have no idea who you are messing with." The figure spoke.
"I do not, so why not entertain me?" Anakin asked while being snarky but this isn't able to provoke a reaction from the figure.
"Since I feel your strength, I know that this will be a good fight. You should know the name of your killer after all." The figure than started to unravel before him and Anakin was surprised because he knew who this person was.
"My identity is-" He was cut off by Anakin.
"Darth Nihilus." Anakin said which surprised the person now identified as Darth Nihilus.
Darth Nihilus was a man who always craved greater power. However, unlike most Sith Lords, he cared very little for the Sith as an organization. Nihilus saw death as the sole purpose of life, and power as the means to achieve it.
He was cautious, as his actions during the campaign against the Jedi showed, and was known as an aggressive, dominant figure who would not abide a threat to his power.
Nihilus was once a Human male with black hair coiled finely into strips that he tied together behind his head. After he indulged his hunger for the dark side he lost his corporeal form, preserving his existence only by having his spirit linger within his mask and armor.
The Dark Lord fully embraced his condition, as the mysterious and monstrous facets of it instilled in people who met him a deep-rooted fear upon which he could prey. Ceasing to feel fear and other emotions, he became an entity of pure intent.
Nonetheless, Nihilus was still Human enough to have some feelings, as his bond with Marr persisted until their confrontation on the Ravager. She was his only apprentice, and her betrayal was met with much anger.
"It would seem you know of me, then that must mean you recognize that this will be your end." Nihilus said. "Death comes to all."
During combat, Darth Nihilus fought in an aggressive, one-handed style. He had learned some of the greatest of the Sith teachings, but such practices took the form of dependence. They would make him stronger, but only for a time, and he would have to feed upon Force energy to replenish his strength.
Anakin could draw upon Nihilus fighting style but because this was mostly long distance he would rely on the Force to help him here.
Nihilus wouldn't really allow a physical confrontation anyway, or would he because he had just summoned a lightsaber from out of nowhere.
"Oh? It would seem that you are new here, foolish of you to assume that I would face you with no form of armament." Nihilus taunted trying to see the mental limits of Anakin's psyche but he was just as unperturbed by the childish insults that was once thrown at him.
Anakin deciding to see if he could do something similar was not surprised to find he could and now he held his dual-bladed lightsaber within his corporeal hand.
Knowing of Nihilus' capabilities Anakin knows he may be in a heap of trouble because he was only learning how to drain the Force and Life energies from people while Nihilus had basically perfected his.
The longer the fight went on the more Anakin would feel drained.
"I guess we should get started then." Anakin said as he decided to engage in a lightsaber duel because that would probably be his only way to get to him.
"Yes, come to me. I like the smell of you." Nihilus was infamous for his ability to sever the Force and create wounds whenever he could and his insatiable desire for those strong in the Force to feed upon.
"Jabitha can you tell us where Anakin is?" Aayla had asked the living ship as they had come to and arrived on Tatooine along with Shaak and Barriss.
'I dont know where Papa is.' Jabitha telepathically replied.
Jabitha had grown in her Force based abilities because Anakin had been trying to get her to open up more to the uses of the Force. It certainly helped to increase the speed she went at when travelling.
"Are you sure?" Barriss asked because if even Jabitha who probably has the strongest telepathic link to Anakin couldn't find him, it meant something was wrong.
They knew for sure he wasn't dead otherwise they would have felt it, they would have known it, so atleast he is alive. That should be enough for the girls for now, atleast that was until they found him again or he mysteriously just pops up.
Charting a trip to Tatooine without anyone else knowing would certainly raise some questions, well it probably wouldn't because the original Anakin was able to fly off to Anakin to see his mother, dying. But that is besides the point, they should have as much time as they would need.
"Maybe we could try and pull on the connection, all of us. Together." Shaak suggested.
"That could work, we would have to connect to each other to amplify the connection to break through whatever is blocking us." Aayla agreed with Shaak.
"Ok, lets do it. May we come inside Jabitha?" Shaak asked Jabitha because it would be even better to link up with Jabitha as well.
'Yes, lets find Papa.' Jabitha responded.
Everyone boarded the living ship and were surprised about the inside because all three had come to know about the living ship it didn't they had ever been on her.
Quickly getting over their surprise and getting to where the best spot was they started along with Jabitha connecting to them as well as while she didn't have the same connection, it was her psychic abilities outside of the Force that enabled another method to get to Anakin.
They built themselves up within the Force and tried to trace where Anakin could be and they had little success only being able to pinpoint that it was within the Outer Rims. Somewhere around the systems they were surrounded by.
Not very useful but it did at least cut down the amount of area they would have to cover, not that it would be too much of a problem with Jabitha's insane speed.
"Damnit!" Aayla yelled in frustration as her emotions started to bubble to the surface of the calm facade she had put on.
"Calm down, atleast this is better than nothing." Shaak tried to calm her down as getting angry now doesn't really help them.
"Sorry, you are right."
"It's alright, we are all worried. That idiot just had to go on an adventure and not tell us anything about what he was doing." Barriss tried to encourage Aayla.
"Thank you, but I think we should start our search again." Aayla said before commanding Jabitha. "Jabitha, can you help us out?"
'Of course, anything for Papa and his mates.' Jabitha mentally said to them all which got a strange reaction from all of them, Aayla blushed, Barriss blushed as well but had more embarrassment while Shaak was the lest worried about what was said.
Shaak still sported a blush of her own where her lekku darkened.
'Did I say something wrong?' Jabitha questioned.
"No Jabitha, what you said is not wrong..." Shaak was the fastest to recover.