Star Wars: Skywalker

Chapter 90: V.1-C.90│Spiritual Balance│

"Has anyone seen Anakin?" Shaak had entered the training room of which the girls were in.

"No, now that you mention, I haven't seen him within the past few days." Barriss replied as she approached Shaak.

"I remember that he said he was going on a short trip to Tatooine." Aayla said as she heard the topic of their conversation was Anakin and that he had told her he was going to Tatooine.

While Anakin didn't tell them everything, he still told them about a few things and one such thing was that he was secretly a very important part of the Empyrean. He had a massive role to play within the Empyrean and its systems.

"Why did he go there?" Shaak questioned Aayla.

"He said it was something important but I could tell he was unwilling to tell me about anything else about it." Aayla answered. "But he should have been back by now, going from his patterns, he should have been no more than a few days and from what I have remembered, the longest he was gone for was 3 days."

"Yes, its already been a week." Barriss added.

"I am just curious." Shaak said.

Aayla then started to tease her. "You mean you are worried." She had a teasing smile on her face while looking at the Jedi Master.

"No, I am just curious as he has not been tasked with any mission is all." Shaak was able to ignore Aayla's teasing and continued. "I am only saying this because the lack of his presence is already starting to be felt."

"Is he that famous?" Barriss was the one out of the three here with the least amount of knowledge about Anakin's fame. He was quite well known and while she did know he was well known, she didn't know to what extent.

"Well, you could say so." Aayla said with a bit of distaste. It was because she disliked him having this amount of fame, it made her slightly jealous sometimes when there were some random girls that approached them when out in the public.

Of course as a Jedi they shouldn't be within any type of romantic relationship, so they had to keep it secret but that meant girls from outside the Order whom were interested in him got annoying. Especially when it was supposed to be their alone time.

"He should come back sooner or later, we dont have to worry." Aayla said before all three of them felt something within the Force was strange.

It was as if it was struggling to come to terms with something and their bond to Anakin was especially dull, not broken just like it was forcefully blocked. All three looked at each other feeling this way.

"What was that?" Barriss questioned.

"No, what has happened to Anakin for this to happen is what you really mean." Shaak said in a tone that was certain Anakin had somehow gotten himself into some kind of trouble. "You said he went to Tatooine, right?" She asked Aayla.

"Yes." Aayla answered with a slightly concerned look on her face.

"I think we should go to Tatooine and ask about Anakin then." Shaak continued.

The three then got ready to leave but before they could chase after their Ani, the group was stopped by Ahsoka. "Where are you guys going?"

"Don't worry, we are just to find Anakin." Barriss spoke as the other two didn't have any time to waste and left already, it was Barriss who was the closest with Ahsoka other then Anakin after all.

"If you are worried about him, then I think you guys shouldn't be." Ahsoka had a small smile on her face but there was some small signs that indicated worry despite what she said.

"I know, but this is just in case." Barriss replied.

"Just make sure to stay safe." Ahsoka said.

"I will." Barriss replied before bursting with a very fast speed down the halls of the Jedi temple.


While the girls scrambled to find out what had happened to him, Anakin was off in his own world.

Specifically he was within his mind being confronted by the same two versions of himself that he had met during his time on Ilum.

"Well, well, well, we meet again." Red spoke first.

"Strange how things work now dont they?" Blue continued.

"I am guessing that my current situation is not going to be as good as it could be for me." Anakin questioned the two not expecting everything to be explained to him in this situation.

"Now, now, there is no need to be afraid." Red said.

"I think there is plenty of reason to be afraid about what exactly is happening right now." Anakin then continued. "Fear is actually very useful."

"I guess." Red agrees.

Blue doesn't seem to agree and starts. "Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate-"

"-leads to suffering. Yeah, yeah, I know that adage." Anakin finished for him. "That is quite silly though, doesn't fear help an animal determine whether they should go through with something or not?"

"I mean if I was a mouse and saw a cat, I would certainly feel fear, fear would would lead to me running and hiding from said cat." Anakin continued.

"Enough of this philosophical talk, we are here to recognize your progression from physical balance of the light and dark. Then we will determine whether or not your spirit is ready to gain its own balance within the dark and light as well." Red cut straight to the point.

"I am guessing that small ritual done on Ilum wasn't enough then." Anakin said with a questioning tone.

"Only for your body." Blue replied.

"So the energies within myself were imbalanced at the time and it was only within my physique, meaning that there is still more to come." Anakin thought over the situation that he had believed he had already overcome.

"Technically, yes." Blue replied to his thoughts before continuing. "Because of your actions to achieve immortality, the Force has deemed that you must be tested."

"Yeah, that little experiment of using the Immortis Gland through manipulating midi-chlorians and concentrating pure dark side and light side energies into the both was quite risky." Red said.

"You could have died, but you are lucky you are still needed." Blue said.

"I am still needed am I? You know, I may be still under your influence but I will get out of it sooner or later. Don't mistake my cooperation with compliance." Anakin stated.

"We are aware, we have tried to correct your path but it would seem whatever had happened upon your development was something even the Force itself couldn't predict." Red said.

"The Force is not so infallible, it would seem." Anakin said.

"It should be impossible, what you are goes against what we want but we are unable to fully stop you because that is what the Force is. It may direct or guide the actions of everyone it doesn't mean its set in stone." Blue said.

"But..." Anakin started off knowing that there was a 'but' coming.

Blue continued. "But, what you wish to do is not inline with how the Cosmic Force operates. Immortality, true immortality should not be within your grasp. There is no death, only the Force."

"You must be aware of the other things I have been doing." Anakin said again in a questioning tone.

"We are, and the Force both agrees and disagrees with many of your choices. We can see you are going along with the idea of balance but the methods you are going about it is opposed to the exact outcome we want." Blue continued.

"You mean the Force is a control freak." Anakin said, exasperated.

"Yes, and children should listen to their mother." Red said before Anakin's world was dispersed and he didn't see the two anymore but instead saw his mother.

She was smiling and looking softly at him. "Ani, why dont you just help me?"

Anakin knew this was just an illusion and was entirely possible it was just a test just as he had been constantly hounded by visions and scenarios of which may or may not come true.

He replied. "Mother, I know you are not real."

"I am still a representation of her, am I not?"

"Yes." He agrees.

"Would I not be disappointed with some of the things you have done? In fact I would completely disagree with alot of what you have done."

"I know."

"Then why?"

"Someone has to make their own decisions and live with the consequences. Whether they be the right or wrong decision, it is still my own choice to make it and if need be, learn from it."

"What if listening to me would right all your decisions, that you would be safe in knowing that every choice you make directed by me is the correct one?"

"Are you sure about that?"

Now confused, Force Shmi replied with a question. "What do you mean by that?"

"The Force is an energy-field that is semi-sentient and because of this and its connection to the Living Force, which are actually organisms that form a symbiotic relationship with living creatures it would make sense that doing so brings you benefits."

Anakin then continued. "Anything I do in accordance to your choice, your direction would mean you benefit in some way and it may be something wrong. Something that could kill millions."

"You have done it in another timeline, another universe, have you not?" Anakin finished with a question.

"You are referring to Vader, aren't you." Force Shmi had a rather complicated look.

"Yes and no, not just Vader within another timeline but with others, things that happened before the rise and fall of the tragic tale of the 'Chosen One,' but others as well." Anakin then continued. "There is Sidious, the Jedi, everything dating back to the most distant of times where you have dictated and swayed people to your will."

"I will not have the same fate and will go about myself in a way that stays true to who I am."

Force Shmi still had a complicated look on her face. "I can see that there is no changing your mind." She then continued. "Your decision today will lead many to their fall, and will lead many to their salvation."

"I know, but no matter how powerful you are or how all-knowing you could be, it doesn't mean you are always right." Anakin continued. "Just as with everything else, you have your own reasons that usually line up with keeping a balance of some kind."

"This balance has put the lives of many on the line and has resulted in total destruction for alot of people."

"I admit, I cannot sway you." Force Shmi said again now adopting a rather calm or serene expression. "Your will is very strong, strong enough to break away from my influence. Soon enough you could become somewhat of a god, a real god that your creations praise you for being."

"What do you mean by that?"

"That is enough about that, for now it would seem your mental trial of eternal life is over. Next you will face the gauntlet within this dimension." Force Shmi said.

"Gauntlet? That doesn't sound to pleasant." Anakin says smartly.

"I may be your mother but that doesn't mean I only have one hand, and it would seem through the gentle hand you will, will not crumble. Maybe your hopes, dreams and desires will conform to the Force about a test of strength." Force Shmi's smile was starting to turn a bit sinister.

Anakin was mentally transported to another dimension, the dimension within the Force that was unknown to everyone. Chaos, otherwise known as Hell.

"Welcome to Hell."

'Great.' Anakin thought to himself about whatever creatures or even powerful Force-sensitive dead people he would come across. 'Wait, maybe I could use this opportunity to learn a thing or two from these people, and in fact I could observe how this hellish dimension works.'

Anakin was already coming up with ways to exploit the situation he was in, whether that be positive or negative it would seem that the mindset to grind is very persistent.

Chaos, referred to as Hell in Corellian mythology and also known as The Void, was a reputedly dark region of the Netherworld of the Force inhabited by the spirits of deceased Dark Lords of the Sith, Dark Jedi, and the spirits of all evil sentient beings who had died.

In Naboo mythology, Chaos was envisioned as a dark pit kept closed by six impenetrable gates.

What stood before Anakin was something close to that concept, a deep dark pit kept closed by large gates that only muffled to intense screams and angry howls that he could barely hear.

Looking down Anakin could help but ask. "So, I am supposed to go in then?"

Force Shmi was still with him. "Yes. Just leap right in, there is no need to worry here. Just that should you fail you will be erased, your personality, your memories, your entire consciousness will become nothing and then you would become a true embodiment for the Force to work through."

"Please dont die, we dont wish to use your immortal body after death to complete our designs. You are still needed after all." Force Shmi just smiles innocently after saying all of that.

"Nature may be a cruel mistress, but the Force is sadistic bitch of a wife." Anakin stated.

"Thank you, now off you go." Force Shmi pushed him in as the gates to the deep dark depths opened just for him.

"How will I get out after completing my supposed test?!" Anakin questioned as he was slowly falling into the depths.

"Don't worry, just take your time and everything will be just alright. Its not like the longer you delay yourself you give those within the waking world more time to find your unconscious body to discover everything you have been doing." Force Shmi just continued to smile.

"You are not even going to give me the decency of some time!?" Anakin shouted out to his Force mother.

"Sometimes life's works in mysterious ways." Force Shmi says with a smirk on her face as she chuckles.

"You mean the Force?" Anakin questioned but this time didn't shout out before being engulfed in the darkness of the Chaos dimension.

"That too."

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