Chapter 86: V.1-C.86│Developments I│
"A fine student, Barriss. The Force flows strongly within her." Someone spoke to Anakin as he was watching her training, it would seem an uninvited intruder had made her entry.
"She is, I do think she has been taught well if I say so myself." Anakin answered the intruder who was actually Luminara Unduli, the original Master for Barriss.
"I am quite disappointed I was unable to take her completely off of your hands." Luminara said.
"Sometimes we dont always get what we want." Anakin replied.
Luminara and Anakin had become acquainted when they were both looking for an apprentice, and while Luminara originally was supposed to take Barriss under her wings it was Anakin who had beat her to it.
Because of this, as a result she did not get to take on any apprentice of her own, at least not yet.
In fact the reason why she had become acquainted with Anakin was because there was a special agreement between the Jedi Order and Mirialan, where only Mirialan Jedi come take and train Mirialan apprentices.
At first it was an agreement but slowly over time Mirialan Jedi acceptance became a tradition to any of whom did become one. Something that had been going on for a long time now.
Again, another exception was made in the case when it came to Anakin but this exception was on the stipulation that he was not her only Master. Just as Anakin himself had two main Masters, Qui-Gon and Mace, Barriss had both himself and Luminara.
"Do you think there is anything really left to teach her?" Luminara asked him.
"There is always something to learn, I believe what you wanted to ask about was whether or not she is ready to become a Jedi Knight." Anakin replied knowing what she actually wanted to ask.
Upon achieving the rank of Jedi Knight, Luminara dedicated herself to physical disciplines; her patterned tattoos were a traditional Mirialan reflection of this somatic commitment. She trained heavily to improve her corporal prowess, working over the course of years to enhance her flexibility and agility in combat and mastering the third form of lightsaber combat, Soresu.
Adorning in traditional Mirialan robes, Luminara trained independently as a Jedi Guardian, though she was a skilled and respected Diplomat and adviser to high-profile senators in the Galactic Senate.
"So it is time then?" Luminara asked to no one in particular.
Anakin remained silent not answering her question as it wasn't supposed to be answered but was supposed to be a moment for her to be at peace with Barriss moving on. Like a parent watching their child grow up, it was quite emotional.
She had done this once before as Barriss wasn't her only student and she had another.
"An-" Barriss was about to call out to Anakin using his nickname before seeing her other Master was present. "Master Skywalker, Master Unduli." She greeted after her little session with the training droids.
"Barriss." Luminara awakens from her trance to reply to her apprentice.
"What are you doing here Master Unduli?" Barriss questions her.
"Nothing much, I have just come here to speak with Master Skywalker." Luminara replies.
"Speak to him about what?" Barriss was still curious and wanted to know why she had come here.
"It is nothing you should bother yourself with just yet." Luminara answered not really wanting to tell her why.
"Ok... Whatever you say." Barriss accepts her answer knowing she doesn't wan to say anymore. "Master Skywalker can you have a spar with me?"
"Sure." Anakin smiles at here and entertains her request.
"I best be on my way then." Luminara says and leaves the training room as the two then begin to train with one another, or more like Anakin was defending and allowing Barriss to be on the aggressive.
It had been many years since Shmi and Padme had talked about the alliance between Tatooine and Naboo.
Padme had gone on from being a Queen to becoming a Senator for her system, to better represent her people, no the people on the Republic on a much more grand stage.
Padme had kept in contact alot of the time despite the circumstances surrounding the treaty between the two systems.
Padme still wanted to keep good relations with between Tatooine her planet of Naboo. They were not far from each other after all in terms of actual distance and it would be great for Naboo to have some military help even when they were a peaceful people.
She knew that the Republic would be unable to help her and her people just like the last time.
What she didn't expect however was that she would be pushed forward as some sort of sacrifice to create an alliance between the Republic and Tatooine because of the benefits they could provide. Unfortunately for them she is a much more strong-willed woman then they expected.
"Padme?" Shmi had successfully connected with her.
Smiling through the device Padme replied. "Yes, it is me."
Padme and Shmi were still in regular contact with each other. "I am glad that you still have some time to yourself." Shmi said to Padme.
They had developed a friendship between the two of them and had gotten along rather well because of many factors. One especially important factor being the politics and intrigue they were both involved in even if Shmi didn't really have to deal with the Republic.
"Why did you call?" Padme asked.
"There was something that myself and others have been working on for some time now and was wondering if I could ask of you some advice." Shmi said.
"That is interesting... What exactly are you doing over on that hot planet exactly?" She asked Shmi.
"Well, after looking everything over and having gained years of experience I believe it is time for our planet to take the next step." Shmi said but really it was both herself and Anakin that had come up with what to do next. "Our economy has become stable enough as it is and we want to create our very own currency."
"You wish to create your own currency?" Padme was surprised as this was quite the bold move and would further allow the Empyrean to gain more independence from the Republic. "The people are using credits and whatever other currency is already available, correct?"
"Yes." Shmi replied.
"Has there some type of problem, or..." Padme was questioning what exactly lead to this decision.
"It has been brought to my attention that it would be better to further make ourselves independent even though we already are, that doesn't mean we are economically well off." Shmi said before continuing. "The industries of the two systems under our control are split."
"Your people are well cared for then?" Padme asked.
"Yes, on Tatooine we have decided that we will use this planet to mostly produce energy and technology while on the other system we have gained control over will become our agriculture planet." Shmi answered.
"That covers the energy, food, water and shelter requirements. That is quite smart." Padme replied.
"Yes, but we want to do more and further expand the various things we have and can produce and while we have started to produce in excess everything we need that doesn't mean we are actually all the strong financially." Shmi continued.
"How so, I thought that Skywalker Industries would be an adequate source of funding in case you internal economy fails." Padme said in a questioning tone.
"Yes but if the system cannot run itself it would be considered a failure." Shmi replied before continuing. "So? Do you think this is a good idea."
Taking on a thinking posture, she replies. "It is the right direction for you but I fear for the political reaction to such a development."
"We would still accept the currencies of other places it would just not be the main one the people use within the Empyrean." Shmi said.
That was another to think on, the Tatooine system had become two and now they had rebranded into an Empire named the Empyrean, not too unlike the Hutt's. This was a unanimous decision but the various leaders within the Empire and a vote by the people was done to see the public response.
It was overwhelmingly positive which in turn turned Shmi into an Empress rather than a simple Queen. Of course this also kind of elevated Anakin into an even greater position of power.
"How has the transition been, by the way." Padme decided to change the topic onto the rebranding as an Empire.
"It has actually been quite pleasant and while I am honored to accept the peoples praises I am afraid that I would fail them in some way." Shmi speaks about her insecurities in a show of how far the relationship between the two women had become.
Being the kind and empathic woman she was, Padme replied. "I am sure you are doing just fine, otherwise the people wouldn't have elected to continue having you as their Queen, no, Empress."
"Thank you. I believe that you are doing a fine job within the senate as well." Shmi replies with her own compliment.
"Well..." Padme was sure she was doing something while at the same time felt that her efforts were truly useless. The Republic had come a long way but was still crumbling from within, though Padme still had alot of hope to its state of being.
The two then would continue to chit chat back and forth about various things before they both needed to do other things. One thing was on both of their minds though and that was the last topic of their talk.
It would seem he still had quite an impact on Padme since a long time ago and she had in fact turned into a stalker constantly keeping herself updated on the young boy, no, man he was becoming.
'I do wish I could meet him face to face again.' She thought to herself before going on with her own business.
It had been an extremely successful last few years for the Supreme Chancellor.
Nearly everything was going according to his plans but that didn't mean he didn't experience any hiccups, and in fact he experienced alot of roadblocks that completely halted his plans in other areas.
Specifically when it came to the Out Rim system of Tatoo and his grasp of control over it. His designs for the young and extremely interesting subject of Anakin Skywalker was also being restricted as he tried to do things.
Because of the new Empires treaty with the Republic, Palpatine had some worries when it came to his current apprentices stay on Geonosis remain peaceful until his plan is fully ready. It would seem however that the Empyrean did not have any interest in Geonosis and he had been actively trying to divert their attention from it.
In fact his attempt in having the previous Queen of Naboo become engaged and possibly married to the heir of the Empyrean was by his design.
"Darth Tyranus." Palpatine had now gone into his true persona of the Sith Lord Darth Sidious. Communicating with his apprentice to get an update of how things have been progressing.
"Yes Master?" Tyranus replied with a questioning tone.
"Tell me how far have you progressed, has the droid army come into full fruition?" Sidious asked.
"Master, I am afraid that we have been delayed and have not been able to generate as much as we would have like. There was a hitch a few years ago that had delayed us and now we do not have as many droids as projected." Tyranus answered.
"That is fine, as long as there is enough." Sidious replied.
Anakin's interference years ago had stalled the mass production of the droid army and now they didn't have as much numbers to play around with that they would have had. That doesn't mean Sidious knows of this however and was still willing to further along his plans.
Why would he give up now when he was so close, the chances of failure were actually minimal at this stage because of his set up.
"Master, I will be ready to announce and official form the Confederacy of Independent Systems within the next year." Tyranus told him.
"Good, good. You have done an excellent job, my apprentice..."
Sidious was currently formulating other ideas and plans to further advance himself within the Republic and even if the army under his apprentice isn't enough to fully scare the Republic they could always make use of what they have to create an illusion.
Those who fear make great assets to use for himself.
Surely bribery and slippery intrigue is good for his advancement but that didn't mean he didn't have other means to becoming an Emperor of his own. He was very jealous of the Skywalker heir who would inherit an entire Empire if he just left the Jedi.
Even though it would not be to the same scale he was working towards that didn't mean it didn't hold any value.
Thinking about the now Master Jedi that Skywalker had become, Sidious sees that he would have an even harder time swaying him to his side. Thankfully it would seem that the boy was not all in agreement with the Jedi.
What was unfortunate however was that he was unable to really find any kind of weakness he could exploit from the boy, it was like trying to uncover secrets from times long past. Impossible because it was like they didn't exist which made Sidious increase his suspicion. However, not of Anakin, but of the mysterious figure known as Lord Vader.
The enigmatic and illusive figure he had spent alot of his time in trying to figure it, he had become obsessed with this person because he was having premonitions himself. He believed that this Vader person could be his downfall.
For some odd reason he was receiving Force visions of him being thrown off by a somewhat similar figure to Vader and it both terrified and angered him. Even more so that he is unable to do anything to him with all that he has.
It would be a political death sentence to go after the General of the Empyrean, as it would paint a target on his back. Even he doesn't want to be besieged by their droid army because it was enough to hold off against the Hutt's.
'I will find out who this person is.' Given Sidious wanted to live forever and have a forever empire for himself, it would certainly stand to reason he would be cautious of Vader and anything potentially connected to him.
But he had developed a blind spot to Anakin because of his desire to take him as his new apprentice.