Chapter 83: V.1-C.83│Transformation V│
Anakin was not sent on every mission the original went on with Obi-Wan and in fact it was himself that was persuading the High Council to allow him on some of those missions.
He has to take advantage of his knowledge of the future and his new abilities to see further into the future as well. Using it he can change events and he has which has lead to positive results when it comes to life.
A specific mission he wanted to go on and was allowed to take over was special because there was a human scientist who is extremely intelligent.
Anakin was sent on a rescue mission in the Uziel system to TY44, one of the moons of the planet Typha-Dor. However, he had other plans and instead of going there exactly he travelled to the planet called Vanqor.
It is here that he was here for an important person that could help him.
Anakin would have been put under the influence of a drug called the Zone of Self-Containment, and taken prisoner by the insane and fanatical scientist Jenna Zan Arbor. That was if he didn't have any foreknowledge and didn't use the Force properly to predict this was going to happen.
Even then his upgrades to his body simply didn't allow for him to be controlled and he was easily able to dispel the effects of the drug.
Jenna Zan Arbor was a Human female, and a deranged scientist from the planet of Moeseum. Throughout her career, she had numerous confrontations with the Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Anakin Skywalker.
In the future, during the Clone Wars, she would have been a leading scientist working for the Confederacy of Independent Systems. When the war would end, she would then be drafted into working for the new Galactic Empire.
Since Anakin is here though, he will take this opportunity to lure her into his own command. She is a valuable asset after all.
At the beginning of her career, Jenna Zan Arbor was a famed scientist and the head of Arbor Industries. She was known for saving a planet from a pandemic after creating a vaccine for a deadly virus.
Zan Arbor was also known to help planets with little technology such as Melasaton overcome their burdens. However, nobody knew that she actually started the problems in the first place, to gain credits and improve her reputation.
He doesn't care for this behavior all too much as long as he could control her to a certain extent. From what he understands about her, she wanted to be recognized for her work even if it was her fault to begin with.
She certainly was gifted and he didn't mind given her a pedestal to stand on. Fame is a rather fickle thing and was easily to manipulate using the media, especially since Skywalker Industries is the parent company to one of his subsidiaries that works within the entertainment industry.
"Jenna Zan Arbor." Anakin spoke as he confronted the woman who was in her forties but still looked extremely good looking despite this.
"Why hello, handsome." Jenna practically purrs in response looking him up and down.
'Great, she is a cougar.' Anakin thought to himself before responding. "I have come here with a specific purpose in mind and would like to recruit you."
Jenna was especially drawn to his looks, his features were quite handsome and had filled in nicely while through the Sky-Seed process he had transformed into a great specimen. His dark blonde hair along with his now violet eyes certainly are special features that would draw anyone in.
But what was probably the most defining trait that lured her in was his height, because that was not natural for a normal human. This signaled to her that this person in front of her may dabble within the sciences just like her.
"Oh? You wish to have me?" Jenna asked then continued. "It looks like we both have the same goal then."
"What goal is that?" Anakin asked.
"I want you, of course." Jenna wanted to capture and experiment on him, at least that was what he was able to read from her surface thoughts.
'Maybe I should have appeared as Vader instead... But then I would have less pull or sway, this woman is not normal and it is better to tempt her with my body.' Anakin thought to himself. "You want me in what way?"
"I just want you. All of you, how delicious you would be." Jenna said before continuing. "If you have some sort of deal that could appeal to me, I would surely accept."
"I know you like your reputation." Anakin stated and then continued after pausing. "I also know that you like your credits."
"Where is this going?" Jenna questioned.
"This is going in a direction that you would no doubt like. I am also aware that you like anything that has to do with the Force and those who are capable of using it." Anakin continued.
"I have had an... interest, you are correct." Jenna replied.
"Well, if you couldn't tell I am a Force-sensitive and not only that, I could provide you with everything you could ever want. The only condition is you work under me and stay loyal." Anakin gave his offer.
"That is an offer I couldn't refuse, but I want something more." Jenna replies. "I want you."
"I am afraid that I am not something that can be used as a bargain." Anakin replied.
"You are quite the specimen, and I believe I would be able to discover many interesting things from your body." Jenna said.
"I am sure you can, but if you want to discover why I am like this you would have to accept my offer." Anakin continued.
"I accept." Jenna answered.
The two would then go on to finalize everything with Anakin giving her what she wanted, a rather sizeable amount of credits payed to her and a position within his research department on Tatooine.
Despite her flaws she was still someone who had a conscience and would not take things too far when it came to doing things. She had already done so once before and she terribly regretted it.
Jenna would then meet up with Rynalla who was also apart of this department and the two would get along splendidly. Not.
Anakin had trouble with these two getting along since their personalities tended to have them clash but because they were both intelligent and were extremely useful to him, all he did was made sure to better accommodate them.
It is not like he doesn't know what these two women were like and what they wanted.
After the mission that gave him the opportunity to get Jenna onto his side which as a result would save thousands, millions if not billions of lives due to the terrible things she would have created in the future.
Due to this it would forever change the direction of some events making it so that those who would cause destruction and chaos would be reduced.
An all and all good decision.
There was something he was interested in however, which was the Valley of the Dark Lords, originally known as the Valley of the Sleeping Kings, was a valley and burial ground of the Sith Lords of Korriban.
Originally constructed by the planet's natives as a burial ground for their kings; the Exiles of the Jedi Order who came to be known as the Dark Lord of the Sith added their own tombs to the valley.
Along with several prominent tombs, the valley was home to the ancient Sith Great Temple and the Sith Academy, which loomed over the valley for several millennia.
Unfortunately this place had already been plundered of everything that was useful or would have been useful by the time Anakin would have gotten there. Way before his rebirth.
For now he would put off his plans of going there.
What he had to do next was finally introduce the actual final implants of his superhuman transformation. He obviously didn't have everything he wanted to do just yet and was starting to work on the 24th chromosome.
Combining everything together should make he incredibly powerful.
Another thing was when it came to his synths he had to wait for his Progenoid implant to mature and develop before he could get to work on making more people like him. The Kaminoans have his advanced cellular genetics but they needed the specialized cells that are within the implanted glands.
That was the projected problem from the original creator and even from the Kaminoans themselves when they looked over the contents.
There are not enough resources for everything he wanted and it would seem that since the ancient times there was not enough to complete the design as well. The things he had to collect were quite varied but thankfully technology was advanced enough and he had the minimal amount to create these genetic transformations.
Underneath the Jedi temple on Coruscant Anakin was once again doing an operation. Barriss and Aayla were of course present for the surgery just as they had been there for the others and he was grateful for their concern.
He was also not concerned at all about them coming to know of this information because in the future there would be much bigger secrets to reveal and he was willing to do so in the future.
For now though he thinks this is enough.
The medical droids then began the next surgeries which would take place over the course of a few weeks because his healing factor has gotten that strong. It would only get better as more time passes.
What Anakin had decided to call this more advanced version of Sky-Seed was the Primaris Sky-Seed. This type is also much more genetically stable than the previous version meaning there would be less mutations for himself and his future people.
He couldn't wait for his living droids to get proper working biological bodies capable of withholding the midi-chlorians he wishes for them to keep.
The Sinew Coils are an implant that Anakin's sinews are reinforced with durametallic coil-cables that can contract with incredible force, magnifying his strength as well as giving his body another layer of defense. He would become capable of crushing another's skull within his hand without the aid of the Force, break Flak Armor to flinders, or even bite through a metal cable should the need arise.
This implant had no requirements before hand but on average the Kaminoans had given him a timeframe of which would be perfect to implant this. It would have to come sometime after the nineteenth implant within the original design.
Makin the Sinew Coils the 20th of them all.
The Magnificat is a small, thumbnail-sized lobe that is inserted into the brain's cortex. The Magnificat secretes hormones that increase the body's growth functions whilst also intensifying the function of its other transhuman implants, especially those of the Biscopea and the Ossmodula.
As a result, Anakin would become even taller by an entire foot and physically stronger than their standard counterparts.
Anakin would become even greater in size then what he is now which is certainly not something that he really wanted because as his size increases so does the amount of area there is to land a hit on him.
He would start to lose some of his nimbleness in doing this not because he is unable to control himself but because becoming a giant inherently makes you easier to hit. He has no control over how much more he would grow however so he might be getting even taller then what he is now.
The projected height in measurement he had done himself was around 2.4 to 2.6 meters tall. Compared to an average human they would only reach around his abdominal area. The Magnificent is meant to be implanted when he was younger however so it is entirely possible he will not reach the full on height that he could if it had been done earlier.
Really Anakin would in general stay around 7 foot tall because he had done some level of control over the hormones that the implants modify.
In truth, the Magnificat is but half of the true, dual-valve Immortis Gland otherwise known as the so-called 'God-Maker.'
This in theory would make Anakin immortal but from the original design, the creator did not have enough information, materials and was lacking when it came to discovering the secrets of immortality.
It would seem that everyone wants eternal life, well, maybe everyone. If Anakin had a phase for this implant it would be the fourth in between the biscopea and the haemastamen.
'I have been doing research myself into what this so called Immortis Gland is and the Kaminoans know nothing about it.' Anakin was weary about the Kaminoans or anyone else really getting their hands on a blueprint to become immortal.
The last of the mysterious implants was called the Belisarian Furnace, a dormant organ that connects to both both of Anakin's hearts. The one he was born with and the one he had created.
In times of extreme stress, or should his body undergo violent, damaging trauma, it expels great blurts of self-synthesized chemicals, a hyper-cocktail that simulates the biological action of combat stims while also aiding in the rapid regrowth of tissue, bone and muscle.
The gland then falls dormant again, and takes some time to metabolically build itself up once more for the next usage. Of course for Anakin, yet again it was different when taking into account the various other benefits granted to him through the Force, and his Nanosuit further increasing his natural regeneration.
To put it simply, his healing factor has become so extreme it would be so much harder to kill him and in fact he basically has immortality. Yet doesn't.
All of this only when he is 17 years of age making him complete or near complete as he will have to wait to see any changes made by the Magnificent implant. Would he become even taller than what he is now or would he remain somewhat the same.
"Ani, are you alright?" Aayla questioned him after his 'supposed' final operation considering that there may be one more in the future to complete the Immortis Gland.
"Yes, I am fine." Anakin replied as he got up from the surgical table, as nothing was used to numb the pain. He didn't want to transmit his pain or display he was in pain because that would hurt the both of them.
The emotions of women are strange but not unpredictable, well sometimes it is unpredictable but he has had enough experience to know what might happen if he said or did the wrong thing.
"All of these surgeries you are doing surely must be dangerous." Barriss being the more knowledgeable of the two women said to him in a questioning tone.
"You have all the data and know what I have to go through, but that doesn't even matter because you didn't see me in pain or even feel any pain through the Force bond to me anyway." Anakin replied.
They both roll their eyes as even if they cant feel it because he shuts it off, that doesn't mean they are unaware or stupid.
"What say we do some other things in the meantime?" Anakin questions to take their minds off of the topic of his experimentation.