Star Wars: Skywalker

Chapter 129: V.2-C.30│Aftermath II│

"Ani!" Surprisingly enough, the first person to jump him before all of the others was Ahsoka. Or was it all that surprising that she would be the first to do so?

"Ahsoka?" Anakin questioned as she practically glued to him, while the others also started to come towards him. She didn't say anything but it would seem that she was very clingy all of a sudden, but no one asked any questions about her and instead focused on him.

"Where did you go off to?" It was Zannah, the one with the least amount of time spent with him that asked this question.

"Nowhere special." Anakin answered not going into detail. "I just had to... take care of some business. The dissidents, the rebels that had caused the explosion has been taken care of."

"Taken care of you say?" Zannah said back with a questioning tone, but it is rhetorical and he didn't need to answer because she has an idea as to what had happened to those that had harmed his people. "Never mind that. We have acquired some interesting pieces of information that would no doubt be something to hear."

"And what would that be?" He asked.

"There is someone called the Pawn." It was Ahsoka who had told him, given she is the one to have chased after him. "I chased after this person because they were suspicious and the Force had guided me to him."

"The Pawn, huh?" Anakin says with a contemplative look.

"Yeah, and after everything we have gathered, the remnants of the bombs and pieces of information we picked up, the Pawn is probably someone that has money." Ahsoka continued while everyone else just listened.

Anakin of course knew of the Pawn and where he is from, and knows that he wasn't the one in charge of the assault, but more like a benefactor of the Jester.

"From the Trade Federation, they are." Anakin said which startled everyone, because the Trade Federation is not supposed to exist anymore. At least not in an official capacity and they would be most likely in hiding.

They are scared on the Empyrean, and fear what would happen to them if they are caught.

"The Trade Federation?" Padme was here along with the other girls that have interest in Anakin or have some type of leadership position, while anyone else was not included because it was more of a private matter.

"Yes, the Trade Federation, but I do believe that they do not go by that name anymore..." Anakin replied.

Padme was angry, but it wasn't just her, it was mostly all of them, excluding Zannah but in time her emotions would develop enough to get to that point. "They have tried to kill me, and you, time and time again. Isn't this a bit too much?" Padme asked.

"No." Aayla said.

"Aayla is correct, because if you think about it. The Empyrean has now taken at least a third of what they own and I am, no, both me and Padme is the reason for the Trade Federations dismantling." Anakin said.

"That is true..." Padme left off.

"It is. I think however that we shouldn't really be talking about this now and should get back to the normal things that we would all be doing." Anakin stated.

"And what normal things would that be?" Shaak asked him.

"Normal things?" He just raised an eyebrow and had a look on his face that said he didn't know the answer to that question.

"Right, I best be heading on my way then. Come along Rynalla, we have some other things to do." Zannah said to Rynalla as she was starting to leave, not waiting for Rynalla to follow after her.

"But-" Rynalla wanted to stay and spend some more time with Anakin but it would seem that Zannah had other things planned. She was looking between Zannah and Anakin, as she is hoping that one of them would allow her to stay with him but Anakin wasn't going to stop this.

He had some other more important activities he would like to be doing with either of his two wives. Padme had not been able to have the special activities that Aayla and himself have been enjoying with each other and he fully intends to make sure she knows she is appreciated.

"Go on then." Anakin gestured to Rynalla as she pouted but reluctantly left to do whatever she is supposed to do with Zannah.

Shaak Ti was also starting to leave, considering there was nothing else for her to do and she was in the middle of some important self-reflection because she is still coming to terms with her decision. She wanted to make sure that she didn't regret this choice she has made.

She doesn't, but she is still in denial of whatever feelings she may have developed for Anakin but thankfully she did have some friends. The other girls and herself had become like family as well, so of course she wouldn't feel so conflicted about things.

However, practically all of those of whom she considers family now have gotten into a relationship with Anakin where it was only Ahsoka and herself that wasn't in anything like that. Jealous may be the word she is looking for but at the same time she can also be relieved that at least Ahsoka hadn't developed those types of feelings.

Otherwise she may be the last to enter into a proper relationship with Anakin and she may be in denial, but subconsciously she wanted more. She didn't want to be the last either, even though at this point she probably will be.

"See you later, Shaak." Anakin made sure that she knew he was still thinking of her before she left.

"Yes, see you later." Shaak replied as what Anakin said, had brought a smile to her face.

Now there was only the women he has started an intimate relationship with left in the room with him, all except Ahsoka of course.

Given the events that had happened over the course of the past few weeks, the next course of action is only natural. "I guess this means I have to go ahead with my plans then."

"Plans?" Barriss questioned.

"Yes, plans." Anakin detached himself from Ahsoka, where she pouted and was reluctant to let go but didn't say anything as it seemed like Anakin was going to do something.

Anakin walked up to Aayla and kissed her on the lips, before moving over to Padme and doing the same. Then the last person he did this with is Barriss and after he is done he says something that surprises those left within the room that really shouldn't surprise anyone.

"Lets get married. For real this time." Anakin says as looks towards Aayla, Padme and even Barriss who is the most shy of the lot. "A ceremony will be held so that everyone can bring those close to themselves. Whether they are family or friends, the three of you can also prepare."

"Married? Like officially so?" Padme asked as she was the most concerned about having her relationship kept secret, not that she minded doing so for Anakin. It just made her uncomfortable, as if it is the foreshadowing of something disastourous, which lead her to wanting to express her devotion to Anakin for everyone to see.

She felt that this would be the best course of action to be rid of this feeling, but what she didn't know is that this feeling comes from the pangs of the timeline shifting and changing around Anakin. He was forcibly changing fate and destiny, which would lead to other events changing as well.

"Yes, officially. All three of you, Barriss, Aayla and Padme will be mine." Anakin said before an intense emotion could be seen within his eyes and he continued. "No. You three and already mine and now I will tell everyone else that is so."

Barriss was the first to hug Anakin, followed by Padme and then Aayla.

It was finally happening, the wedding would take place before the events that would lead upto Anakin's ceremonial crowning of becoming the new Emperor. Ahsoka was there and decided to join in the hug as well, because why not?

She didn't want to feel left out and had a strange feeling from within when she noticed the way Anakin looked at the three other girls in the room. A look that he gave them but didn't give her.

Not ever, and it made her feel a strange way. She wanted him to look at her like that as well, but she while she knows what adults special activities are, she has a rather vague concept of romantic love. Considering she had lived and grown up around others that have developed and shown this type of love, it was certainly strange.

Her purity in this manner was partially because of the Jedi forbidding stuff like this and she had no crush before so she is unaware of what her feelings mean. Not that she didn't always have some sort of feelings for Anakin.

It was only now that it was becoming more and more prominent and it would start to annoy her more and more as time passes and he still wouldn't look at her that way.


The Nightsisters had been doing well for themselves in establishing their dominion over the planet of Dathomir.

Talzin was having the time of her life. Despite this however, her son was still missing and didn't come back to her and despite everything Anakin had done to help her, she was disappointed.

Disappointed in the fact that the boy, not turned man would not really keep in much contact with her. At least she had her poor, poor Grievous. The cyborg she had come to develop unexpected feelings for.

She had her own ways to access information and had access to various technologies also allowing her this ability to get alot of information. While Dathomir was on the other side of the known galaxy from Tatooine, and the rest of the Empyrean, there was a very strong connection between the two.

A connection that allowed her, her people and those who live on Dathomir to gain access to and communicate with those on the other side of the galaxy. Anakin had not left Dathomir to just rot, considering he wanted the planet to himself in the future, it was best to leave it prepared for his eventual take over.

Not that anyone knew of this, not Talzin and not even her lover, Grievous.

Talzin would continue to allow the ritual to be used on her people. Though none would have the same reaction Anakin had, it was still happening.

Even more so then it had been happening before because their casualties, everything related to the ritual had decreased. They didn't use as many people as before and had gained a method to determine whether or not someone had the capacity to survive the ritual because there is some form of compatibility someone needed to have.

The fact that children went through this didn't change as it is a societal and cultural thing at this point but now that she didn't have to worry about her population number decreasing or staying the same, she could do a many number of things. Like slowly begin colonizing the rest of the planet.

Then there was the device left behind, the Infinity Gate that she wanted for herself as it would speed up her plans of destroying Sidious. She wanted revenge and she was starting to she that Anakin was more than some valuable asset.

Even though he is but she started to like the man more and more as he kept giving Grievous lots of time off to spend with her. In her old age, she may be unable to have children but that didn't mean she is incapable of doing certain things.

Grievous was saddened at being unable to do this with her, well do this with her and feel it. He had to rely on specially made parts that Anakin didn't want to part in creating for him. He just had someone else do this.

"Grievous?" Talzin asked as she was within the caves, laying beside her was her lover.

"Yes?" He asked back not knowing where this was going.

"I wish to propose something to Skywalker and was hoping that you would pass along my message. I feel that it would be better coming from the mouth of someone he knows and tolerates." Talzin said.

"Sure." Grievous would do many things for her, but he knew to be careful incase she turns into a domanatrix. Both she and he are both strong and aggressive personalities so that would lead to alot of aggressive activities, that would otherwise be dangerous for others. But for those that have access tot he Force, it was much easier to negate any damage done, if there would be any at all.

"What is it you wish to tell him? Are you wanting more resources or something?" Grievous asked her as the continued.

"No. I have had this idea for the longest time now but have not had any to be able to do this for me." Talzin continued. "I wish to get someone from my people engaged to Skywalker."

"What? I though you would never-" Grievous began but was interrupted.

"I thought so as well. But as I continue to lay here with you, it seems like a good idea to secure a proper alliance between myself and for those on my planet, with Anakin and the Empyrean." Talzin said.

"Who do you have in mind?" Grievous questioned.

"Someone that I had to give a long time ago, and regret in doing so." Say what you will about Talzin but she at least had some level of attachment to her people. "Her name is Asajj Ventress."

"Ventress, huh? Then where is she now then?" Grievous asked as this would be an interesting thing, given that Anakin is getting married to three other women, Grievous would have thought she would be against this.

Her cultural background kind of demanded that the women be in charge. In fact Talzin was ecstatic over the fact that Shmi, another woman, even though not of her people had become a Queen, then turned Empress.

It was an amazing feat, even if she had help from Anakin. No, she had no right to say anything if all parties involved were ok with everything and she wanted to try and insert herself, her own faction into the mix that is the Empyrean.

She has a feeling that in the future she may, no, her people may become a part of an even greater purpose, and whatever that purpose was involved Anakin and the Empyrean.

"I do not know, but I would like to join forces with you to find her." Talzin replied.

"So you want to force the girl you had given away back into your people and then force her to marry?" Grievous asked.

"I know it doesn't sound like the best idea..." Talzin said looking around the room they were in, making sure not to look at Grievous.

"Best idea? That sounds quite horrible." Grievous replied, not afraid of her anger.

"I know, but there is no one else I would want to get involved with Skywalker." She had no one else was what she meant. Too young or too old, being born eight years prior to Anakin made her the best choice she has.

Sighing, Grievous responds. "Fine. I will see what I can do."

"If we are unable to find her, there is one other person I could want to send..." Talzin said.

"And who would that be?" Grievous asked.

"Her name is Merrin."

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