Chapter 126: V.2-C.27│Problems in Paradise IX│
Anakin is in Jabitha, heading directly towards the Kemal Station and he would get there at record speeds. While Jabitha didn't know about how Anakin felt, that didn't mean she didn't know that he wanted her to go faster.
So she went at her fastest speeds that was reinforced by the Force, further propelling them through space.
It was not a long journey at all.
"Thank you, Jabitha." Anakin said aloud as the ship landed in a discreet location, far away from where most of the trade centers are made.
'Papa doesn't need to thank me. But Papa?' Jabitha asked him.
"Yes?" Anakin didn't need to talk to Jabitha through the connection all the time as she could understand most if not all languages and is capable of receiving sound through her systems.
'What are you going to do?' She was still mostly innocent to alot of things, despite knowing that alot of her kind had died because the birth planet she came from, couldn't help them. So too was Anakin incapable to stopping the deaths of those living ships.
"It is nothing that you should worry about." Anakin replied, making sure that she doesn't feel the rift in his being.
'Ok, whatever you say Papa.' Jabitha responded, completely believing what he had just said.
"I got to go now. You can go back to Tatooine now." Anakin told her as he exited the living ship.
Jabitha did just that. She left Anakin all alone on the Kemal Station, heading back to Tatooine where he would call her when he is done. Or he could just secure some other form of transport from here on Kemal.
Kemal Station had become the secondary trade center of the Empyrean, where merchants could stay and sell their goods to the people outside of the Empyrean. Things had been built up rather nicely and Anakin was making alot of money from trade centers like this that act like a buffer between himself and others.
Foreign companies would come in and pay alot to stay on Kemal Station or on other planets from the Empyrean.
This was another way to increase the overall value of his currency and it was doing splendidly despite the economy still using, or still accepting currency from other systems. Like the previous currency used by criminals out here in the Outer Rim or the credits system used in the Republic.
Still... S.C. was the currency mainly and mostly used within the Empyrean, because of a few reasons.
Walking around the Station, Anakin connects to the Force and pulls it all around him. The energy creates a silent storm, that was not felt by anyone around him as he didn't allow it to just go and destroy everything within his path.
That would be both a waste of time and detrimental as he only meant to create something like this to increase his sensory abilities. It was similar to a sonar, and since he had no idea what the peoples Force signatures he is searching for are, he would need to do this to better view the situation on this station.
In fact Kemal Station was more than just one main station, but were several spread throughout this moon and around it.
The planet it orbited being of very little use, and as a gas giant it couldn't really provide anything to him at the moment or when he had gotten it. There may be some resources on this planet but it was best to leave stuff like this to the future.
From what he knew, there was some sort of gas mining operation set up on the planet but its production and output was so low, it was useless.
Now that the storm within the Force had started silently and was starting to expand out around him, furthering itself like a tornado. It twisted and twisted around him and if Anakin wasn't careful or if he wanted, he could allow it to be unleashed all around him.
A cloak or pure kinetic energy generated by the energy-field known as the Force but this would also harm the Force itself because this sort of thing would scare it. A wound, a scare would be created and to Anakin that wasn't a good idea given this would twist the nature of those who live next to a scar without proper training to counteract the effects.
While he wanted to make an example of the dissidents, that didn't mean he was going to expose innocent people to a total breakdown of the Force, which would affect them.
As the storm expanded, it touched upon every living being on Kemal, then it expanded more so to the outer reaches down on the planet of Kemal and the smaller stations around the primary Kemal Station.
He could 'see' everything. Perceive it in a way that is similar to sight. allowing him to identify a great many of thing and with which he could work his way up the chain of command. There were many hidden areas or locations but Anakin doesn't want to just destroy those without checking if they are apart of the dissidents.
So he started on Kemal Station, within a certain club.
"Hello." Anakin stated within his full on merged Nanosuit Power Armor, to everyone within and everyone knew of what the Prince looked like, even within his armor. Even though different from before, they would still be able to see the telltale signs.
"Run!" A few people said but Anakin had already collected everything he needed by reading the minds of those within that belonged to the dissidents. He didn't read the minds of the others and proceeded to Force choke those that had committed crimes that are extremely bad.
Of course this was only a few and then he left.
The storm still having built up and Anakin moves to now another location of someone else even further high up in the chain of command. He would proceed to destroy entire shops that belonged to the dissidents, tear it down, crush it into a miniature ball of nothingness.
A massacre was happening and he was basking in the feeling of vengeful justice, something that he was all too familiar with. Some other people that did crimes but were not as severe just got the stare. He made them remember all they had done and had them repent through experience the experiences of those they had wronged.
This would only be used on either those that did minimal wrong or those that had some of the worst. As he moved up the ladder and went from base to base, within the span of a few hours, everything that was, that is the dissidents had been destroyed.
At least nearly everything as there was one last place he had to go to.
As he did move up the ladder, a trend was starting to appear as those in charge were more and more corrupt which lead to more and more deaths. Not that Anakin would be all that sad at their passing.
"You!" A man said as Anakin approached him.
They were within the last base. The main base of the dissidents and unsurprising they were not on Kemal Station itself but on the planet. Anakin had hijacked one of the ships the dissidents were using for himself to get there.
"Me." Anakin said as his Nanosuit Power Armor was still active but unseen for now and would show itself when something tried to hit him.
"You are the problem!" The man that said this was the Jester. The main culprit behind this attack, he was basking in the money he had gained.
He was going to go away, far away from this crazy place forever and stay within the peaceful Republic to live the rich and luxuriously comfortable life.
"I AM the problem..." Anakin was basically copying the man.
The Jester started to laugh. "It is over! I have finally done it! My message was heard and the Lord and Savior has answered my prayers!" While the Jester wanted to get away from everyone here that was going crazy, that doesn't mean he wasn't crazy himself.
"I am not your Lord, nor am I you Savior." Anakin spoke calmly but he had already gone through the entirety of the mans mind, plunging into the depths to see just what he had done. Who was ordering him around and all of the other nonsense that was seen.
"You cant do anything!" The Jester continued to laugh madly as within his crazed state he probably realized that he was dead. At least he was soon to be anyway. "Grant me my greatest wish, my Lord!"
"No." Anakin said as he knew that the Jester wanted to die. It wasn't riches or fame or glory the man wanted, it was the sweet release from life he had been given.
"Don't you see!? It is all pointless. All of it!"
"For you." Anakin said before continuing. "You will not die but suffer something even worse before you die."
"So I will die?"
"Eventually." Anakin stated as he started to lift the man up through the Force and drag him towards him and stared directly into the Jesters eyes.
"For your crimes, you shall be punished. For your sins, you shall repent."
"Hah! Repent?! I will never regret my actions!" The Jester practically spat in his face but not one part of the Jester's spittle landed.
"You shall." Anakin dove deep into himself and decided that he will not only experience the tortures he has done unto others, right to the depths of his soul but also the torture of others his subordinates had done.
The Jester slumped over, brain dead but was actually within his soul. The being of his existence being tortured.
"I am done here..." Anakin brought the Jester with him as he didn't want the man to die just yet, he needed him to go through the entirety of his punishment before he sends him somewhere he has access to.
To live forever in torment.
Running through the streets using a blaster, a man is seen trying to escape the pursuit of a female Togruta. This female being quite small but nonetheless she was fast approaching the man and he was starting to get desperate.
The man running was the Pawn, while the girl chasing after him is Ahsoka.
Ahsoka being the energetic and sometimes reckless person she is, came to the conclusion that there needed to be someone behind the attack.
Of course, the other girls had figured the out as well, but given she was the last outside of the palace, it was now her chance to prove to Anakin that she would make good due on her abilities she has learnt from him.
The Jedi had taught her alot, no doubt but most of what she knows and what she will most likely know comes or will come from Anakin. Her current and forever master.
She would have no other, not at this point and she noticed this line of thinking shift in a manner that was weird. Why would she think of Anakin like that? Her forever master?
How ridiculous that had sounded but inwardly she only continued to agree with that sentiment but now is not the time for that, as the Pawn was getting away.
"Come back here!" She called out.
"No! You stupid little girl. You think you can get me? I will not go down with that madman." The pawn was muttering to himself but Ahsoka was able to hear him.
"Who are you calling stupid!? And who is this madman!?" Ahsoka called out given that she was supported by the Force, her endurance being greater than the Pawns.
"I will never say any-" The Pawn huffed here before continuing. "Anything!"
The chase was on.
Ahsoka was having to rely on the Force to get her through the obstacles the Pawn had set in place to either slow her down or trap her so he could get away. She was not someone you could rid of easily however, just ask Anakin of whom had to deal with her clinginess.
Especially now that she had formed a Dyad between him and her, or was it formed by him between the two. It could even be mutual or the doing of the Force to further chain Anakin down to its will as while Anakin was powerful himself and could defy it, it didn't mean the girls had the same strength.
They all however still benefited from the Dyad just as much as Anakin did, as it wasn't a one way connection.
Now caught at a dead end, it would seem that the Pawn had no where to go but he had a plan up his sleeves and Ahsoka could sense this.
'Maybe I shouldn't have gone off by myself...' She thought to herself as she prepared herself for what the man would do. She had a blaster on her just in case.
It was no replacement for a lightsaber but it was better than having no weapon at all.
"What do you have planned?" Ahsoka asked.
"Why should I tell you? You really are stupid..." The Pawn said to try and get her to be angry but she isn't as impulsive as to allow those sort of comments to get to her.
"Hey! I resent that... Sometimes people just like saying their plans and give out the full details to their enemies." Of course this usually applied to the hero and villain scenario, but she is acutely aware that while she may be the hero within her own mind, the villain could see themselves as the hero as well and her as the villain.
"Why would I ever do that?" The Pawn said as he distracted Ahsoka just enough for his support to arrive and save him.
"Well-" Ahsoka was distracted which let the man escape with her being unable to do anything as he was hoisted away by someone else using a jetpack. It seemed like a Mandalorian but it wasn't Jango Fett or anyone else recognizable.
A bounty hunter they must be.
"Hey! Wait-" An explosion had gone off which would have harmed her, but she had the capabilities to avoid the damage. Thankfully there was no one else around and the explosion was small, only big enough to further distract or harm her.
"Damnit!" She stomped her foot on the ground which created a small crater and some cracks extending outwards. "Damnit!" Ahsoka exclaimed again as she thought to herself. 'Why did I have to do that? Now the empire is going to have to have some more expenses...'
While what Ahsoka had done was not that big of a deal, it did cause some damage that would have to either be repaired or just left alone because it was so small.
'I am going to head back to where the others are.' She thought to herself as she turned around and used the Force to guide her to where the other girls had gone to.