Star Wars: Skywalker

Chapter 117: V.2-C.18│Home, Sweet Home II│

Shmi was having a fine day.

Not the worst and certainly the the best but it was alright. Everything was working and going fine, with a few problems popping up now and then but the artificial intelligence took care of most of those problems without the need for her interference.

She usually spent a small amount of her time within the palace's throne room meeting up with the elected officials and that was a boring exercise. When it came to politics there was usually alot of political tape to shut down alot of things but that wasn't what is present within the Empyrean.

By being the Empress, she had full and total control over the lives of the people but that didn't mean she was a dictator as the rather unique political system here was strange. There were elected officials for planets, continents, regions and cities.

There are even reserved seats for specific species in particular because they were either natives or had natives for various planets they were a part of. Meaning there would always be a representative for a native species for any and all planet while other seats were up for grabs.

The one seat that was off limits however was her own.

The people had elected to have her have a permanent position and she complied, then her position was elevated. Of course she wasn't the only one to have this 'permanent' position as Anakin would come back to take it.

That was the main purpose of the peoples reasoning and as more and more planets were brought under their banners, the more she could see just how different the current denizens of the Empyrean compared to those on the outside.

There is a fanatical belief in that Anakin is some kind of savior and those brought into the Empyrean started to adapt and change to those beliefs.

"Empress." A melodic voice came from the center table that was feminine in nature. "I have the new reports on the progress of suppressing the rebellious forces from General Grievous."

"Thank you, Siri." Shmi was quite surprised to find that her son had gone so far to modify the artificial intelligence to make it more feminine and capable of playing sound, or more specifically when it comes to vocalizing words from different languages.

Even more peculiar was the name, since it wasn't apart of anything she knew of and her son just said it was something named after a distant memory. 'My son seems to be especially enthusiastic when it comes to girls...'

Shmi had worried that he may have been unable to get married but after revealing to her that he would be leaving the Order, she was especially excited. She knew her child had alot of love interests around him and that she would be able to have a big family.

Not that she doesn't like just having Anakin, it would be especially beautiful, at least to her to look after and care for his children. She knew that he was to lead the empire in the future and he may not have as much time on his hands to give love and affection towards his children.

At least she was concerned about that until Anakin assured her that, that would never happen. He promised her and she fully believed in her sons decisions.

So far, he has been correct in doing a many number of things and barely anything went wrong except for the common problems that come along with different decisions or choices.

"Siri, can you transmit the song my son had made, please." Shmi asked politely.

"Of course." Siri replied and started the song she was nonstop listening to. Who knew her child had quite the lovely voice, capable of vocalizing beautiful sounds and being able to transmit emotion.

Strangely enough however was the music was unlike the stuff she has heard of, and it was only meant to be of use to her or to himself and others he decided to release it to.

'He called the song, Samsa - Her.' Not that she knew why he had done so, but it was supposedly connected to his memories from a distant past and the artificial intelligence he had created.

"Empress, there seems to be someone approaching the palace." Siri called out Shmi from her thoughts and enjoyment of the rather basic but interesting song.

"Who is it?" Shmi asked the A.I.

"Empress, I believe it is best that you go out to meet the person being escorted to the palace outside." Siri replied and didn't answer her question, instead choosing to make Shmi go outside and investigate it herself.

Shmi was curious as usually, Siri would answer her questions with perfect clarity and would leave no room for doubt or question her authority. Shmi got up as Siri deactivated 'herself' from the throne rooms display center and viewed everything from the cameras at the front.

Shmi, approaching the palace hallways that connected to the entrance slowly made her way through them and was coming closer and closer while being informed of her visitors progress in making it over towards the palace.

She was informed that the person was in fact a few people instead of just one person, which only made her all the more curious. In fact Siri would tell her of how the people were reacting within the vicinity, which lead to be even more surprised.

The fact that the citizens of her and her sons empire was reacting in such a strange manner told her that it was someone who held a significant amount of fame. So much fame that it was transmitted all the way from the Republic to the Outer Rims, and there were not alot of people like that.

Sure there are celebrities that have popped up on the Empyrean television channels and various celebrities that have started up since their secure ethernet connection had been established throughout their planets, but none of them would be to this extant.

Not unless the entire group was full of such celebrities. 'But why would the droids escort them? It is not like any of the droids have any directives to make sure celebrities are to be escorted any and everywhere they went...'

While the populace had their own thoughts and opinions on whatever new celebrities that rose to the top in terms of fame within the Empyrean, that didn't mean the people are not well adjusted to the society built and created for the Empyrean.

In fact most of the people are actually quite sensible and aren't so nosy to get in the way of a celebrities private because of some form of fanaticism.


The people did hold a special place within their hearts for Anakin and even herself, the Empress.

It came with the territory.

After a while the reports sent by Siri were now minimal and only explained the progress this group was having in getting here and they were taking their sweet, sweet time in coming. Shmi was a little annoyed by this as she wanted to get back to having more free time.

Not that she doesn't already have alot of, but she had gotten used to the life of luxury by now and it could be seen in the way she holds herself. Her stature, her bearing, the very way she moves and talks spoke volumes to her progress into becoming a proper Empress. A proper leader for the people.

Graceful, tender, soft but strong in most if not all ways in regards to the Empyrean and the safety of her people.

She was greatly admired by many young women and young girls growing up on the stories of how Shmi was the kindest, most patient and wisest of woman to be known and that she should be something to be looked up too.

It wasn't just Anakin that was used as an example, but Shmi as well.

Of course, it was quite impossible to live up to the standards society sets, and despite Anakin having put in time and considerable effort to make sure he is seen as flawed, the people conveniently forget or overlook these factors.

There were just too many amazing things he had done throughout his life, which made it harder on all men within the Empyrean.

'How unfortunate for them.' Shmi thought to herself but that only meant that the men had to work extra harder to prove themselves.

Anakin didn't want this, but it had happened and he may have accrued some annoyance from these men, even when they too worshiped him as well. At least his super serum made everyone much more capable then they were before, meaning that are able to at least live up to the normal standards now set within the society.

While conflict is normal, without order, or at least some boundaries within this conflict, then it would only spiral out of control, until even Anakin wasn't enough for the people to look up to.


Shmi was now outside of the palace, right at its entrance and with her superior vision and other senses was keeping a hawk-eye view of the area. Waiting for her mysterious visitors.

She still trying to distinguish whether or not she should really be hear, but Siri would not have told her to be like this without knowing she would have questions.

She could start to see the outline of 5 people holding luggage meaning that this group was not coming for a temporary stay and she is sure that there is no one she would have live with her in the palace.

Shmi still couldn't put all of the pieces together even though she had also been injected with super serum with which increased her mental and physical capabilities to a level way better than baseline species.

'Wait a minute.' She thought to herself as she started to see more and more the features of those approaching. There was one human male that had very good looking features, the most alluring of purple-violet eyes with dark blonde hair and was tall. Like very tall compared to his female companions and most other if not all other men within the area. 'It couldn't be.'

While Shmi had gotten used to Anakin being absent, that didn't mean every time she wasn't surprised or happy to see him. This time however, she knew that he was coming home for real. For a very long time if possibly not forever.

Alongside this male Human were all females, one younger than the others and these were two Togruta's, one Twi'lek and one Mirialan. Shmi had an idea as to who three of them were while the last one was younger, but apart of the group nonetheless.

'My son.' Shmi smiled inwardly and outwardly, but didn't have an outwardly overly surprised reaction like she would have before. No, she had gotten used to his surprise visits but that didn't mean she wasn't any less happy to see him well and alive.

She just waited, knowing now that her child was home.

For good.

She didn't run up to Anakin or anything like that, she just waited. Waited for her child to hug her and awaited to hear the reason of why he had brought so many girls and was half expecting him to introduce all of them as his girlfriends.

After a few minutes, Anakin had finally reached the palace and saw his mother outside, seemingly waiting for him as if she always knew he was coming. Of course she just gave off this aura, and in fact never ever knew, not until he told Siri to make sure to tell her of his approach but dont say it was him.

He had hoped she would show some more surprise but he guesses that, that is only normal because he has been doing things like this for a while now. However he did sense her emotions of happiness, pure joy and he could also see her expression as well.

"Mother." Some people may be confused because of his address of his mother, but this was just how he liked to address his parents, as he would do the same for his father as well and call him father.

Of course he didn't want to impose this pattern of speech on others or even his children in the future, it was just something he had kept from his past life.

It was not like it had really affected his relationship with his mother in any way, because he still loved her just as she still loved him. It was easier that he was his mothers first and only child as well, because it would seem normal to her for him to speak this way and wouldn't cause distress.

If she tried comparing him to other children however and how they spoke to their parents, she would have probably seen and heard the difference.

"Ani, welcome back." Shmi pulled him into a hug.

He didn't mind this display of affection between himself and his mother. He had nothing to hide from the girls and he didn't consider it as weakness like some other men may think as. It should be perfectly fine for a son to hug his mother within the presence of family, loved ones or even in public.

"Well, I am back." Anakin disengaged from the hug as even though it was fine, that didn't mean he wanted to spend all of his time just embracing his mother, especially in public. He still would rather keep displays of affection in private but if he really wanted to had to, just for those he loved, then he would gladly do so.

With no hesitation, or maybe a little but that is just his own sensibilities talking within himself.

"And, who are these pretty ladies?" Shmi directs her eyes to some of the women of which she has seen before. She was confused that her son had never brought over some Human women, considering that it was only possible for him to have children with other Humans. At least that was what she thought and she wanted grandchildren.

'Not that is bad to have a girlfriend or multiple from various differing species.' Shmi didn't really mind all that much save for that one factor of not being able to have grandchildren. Again, she doesn't know that he can with other species if he wanted too, but he wouldn't just reveal this out of nowhere.

"Mother, this is Aayla, Shaak, and Barriss. As I am sure you aware of who the three of them are, while the youngest here is my new apprentice." Anakin reintroduced and introduced the group.

While Barriss, Aayla and Shaak were comfortable in Shmi's presence, that didn't mean Ahsoka was or even ever had the chance to meet her, so obviously she was a bit nervous. Ahsoka bowed and greeted Shmi. "HeLlO, EmPrEeS!"

Shmi giggles here before replying. "Well, aren't you just cute." Shmi doesn't hesitate to start pinching Ahsoka's cheeks but surprisingly enough Ahsoka was not that far off from Shmi's height. "Why doesn't everyone come inside. I am sure we discuss things in more detail inside."

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