Chapter 115: V.2-C.16│Departure│
"Wait!" Shaak Ti's voice was heard throughout the room as everyone was just lamenting Anakin's decision.
"What is it Master Ti?" Depa Billaba, one of the Council members questioned her.
"I also have something to say." She paused as she gathered her bravery to fully exert it in this instance. "I will be leaving the Council, and the Jedi Order as well."
This sets of another round of people talking over each other as seemingly out of nowhere, another one of their Jedi members were leaving and this time it was someone who was sat upon the Council.
"Reason tell us you will?" Yoda spoke which had the room quiet down while Mace was silent throughout the entire ordeal.
"I-I have to go with Anakin." She spoke and then continued. "But I am not just leaving because of him, I have enjoyed and appreciated my time here within the temple. It is just that it is now my time to leave and there is nothing else here left for me."
"You lightsaber you will return as well." Yoda replied not fighting her over this decision.
"Of course. Thank you, Master." Shaak bowed to Yoda before getting up herself and moving towards Anakin.
This time Anakin was now joined with Shaak as he could now leave and he wouldn't have any massive farewell, or at least that is what he believes. His students that caught wind of his soon to be departure and everyone else affected by his actions would be there when they left.
Anakin along with Shaak had rejoined Aayla, Barriss and Ahsoka. All of whom were within the training room awaiting the news of what was happening and knowing that they would be going as well.
None of them really had the courage to say they wanted to leave themselves so Anakin had to take things into his own hands. Of course this was just a way to avoid responsibility if something goes wrong, it is an instinctive thing to do.
"Has it been done?" Barriss rushed up to Anakin and questioned with some fear leaking through the bond he shared with her.
"It has." Anakin replied.
"And?" Ahsoka was the one to continue here.
"And, we can go." Anakin continued for her.
"Just like that?" Aayla questioned.
"Just like that, but you three will have to return your lightsabers as well. Don't worry about that however, we can always make new ones." Anakin replied.
Anakin didn't take their lightsabers with him because they were trying to dodge the responsibility of their choice to leave with him. So they would have to confront the masters as they hand in their lightsabers as they leave, he can't be acting as a shield for them all the time.
Accountability is something important to building character after all.
The group had built up alot of tension the past few days, because even they were all prepared for the potential fallout, they didn't want to have to go against the Jedi. Despite how strong everyone here is, especially the girls bonded to Anakin through the Dyad and not to mention Anakin himself. It would be extremely hard to fight their way out, of course they could have snuck out and that was what everyone would've done.
But now that they dont have to do something like go on the run, then everything would be just fine.
"You guys can go and pack your things while I deal with sorting my own things out." Anakin stated.
Ahsoka was the first to go as she was the most excited at the prospect of moving to a new place, somewhere that wouldn't be the same four walls she had to stay in. She had been within the temple her whole life and had not once been given the chance to leave, and she knew that even though she had visions that showed her a great deal of things, it wasn't enough for her.
She wanted to go out there to experience these things herself.
"I am already ready." Barriss inserted her own progress, which was already done. Which is what Aayla and Ahsoka should have done and Anakin didn't really include Shaak within this as she was undecided in leaving before that point.
"Already ready, it would seem that someone is able to listen to my instructions at least." Anakin replied nodding his head.
Barriss is probably looking forward to being able to spend more time with Anakin or more time with Shmi back on Tatooine as she rather liked Anakin's mother and knew that if she wanted to have a relationship with Anakin, it would probably be prudent to approach his mother. She was in charge of one of the most prospering and fast growing empires in the galaxy after all.
As everyone went off to do their own things, Anakin would have to reveal to Barriss now that she was probably going to be his third, or maybe even fourth girlfriend at this point because he had gotten married to both Aayla and Padme.
"Well, how do I explain this?" Anakin looked towards the witness, Shaak.
"Don't look at me, it is you that has some explaining to do, not me." She replied leaving him out, cut and dry.
Sighing he replies. "Ok."
"What are you guys talking about?" Barriss was naturally curious as it involved telling her something.
"Well, you see...." Anakin would then go on to explain what had happened on Naboo.
"What!? Already!?" Barriss seemed distressed, so Anakin just gave her a hug to make her mental distress go away. Of course it doesn't work, but it does at least calm her down. "Why?" She questioned him.
"You know why, or at least I have told you why..." Anakin started.
"I mean, why not me?" Barriss said as she continued to embrace Anakin once he did wrap his arms around her. She heard the four beats of his hearts, they created a clear rhythmic tone that lulled her mind.
"Why not you? You are also aware of the reason as well." Anakin replied.
She hugged him as tightly as she could. "I know." Barriss said in a depressed tone.
"I still want you, so become mine." Anakin continued before being interrupted.
Someone coughs, which interrupts this moment the two share. It was Aayla who had now come back with everything she had while standing next to Shaak, who by now is used to displays of affection like this between Anakin and his loved ones.
Ahsoka came by only a few seconds later and could tell that there was some awkwardness within the atmosphere but didn't put much thought into it as she said. "Ok, I am ready to go!"
"Great! Lets be off then." Anakin said as he had now become detached from Barriss. The five of them left as Anakin told the droids to move on out ahead of time, he didn't want to leave these things behind after all.
They all went towards the main entrance and exit of the temple and were surprised at the should of been expected event.
"Master Skywalker!" Many younglings and even young padawans had come to the entrance in preparation of him leaving while some of the more brave Jedi had already left the Order without telling them. The more honorable ones stayed behind to give a proper leave and goodbye to the Order they would have given their lives too.
"What are you all doing here?" Anakin questioned the crowd as he used a voice amplification module within his Nanosuit.
Someone from the crowd comes and walks closer towards him and the girls. It was the human girl, the youngling that had tried to reassure him after his last class.
"Master Skywalker, we are all here to give you your farewell." The girl said.
Looking at everyone Anakin felt some happiness and it showed as his face started to smile. Seeing the faces of those he has taught or those who were learning from him, it certainly brought a smile to his face but he couldn't bring them with him.
Some other time, for sure he would bring as many as he could back to his empire.
He would have to find everyone here a family to adopt them and that would take time, but even then by the time everything should be over, they would all be adults or close to being adults at that time.
"I thank you all. From the bottom of my heart, I am both proud and grateful for being able to pass on my knowledge and wisdom to all of you. If anyone else that has been taught by me isn't here today, then you guys will be tasked with passing on my message." Anakin stated.
"My message being, you are all welcome to come to the Empyrean, the place I originate from. The empire I take pride in being its prince and future leader." Anakin continued. "I will not regret my decision here today, and you too should not regret coming to my new empire if you so choose."
"The Jedi are not perfect, but that doesn't mean I am perfect as well. There are many things that are changing and are still changing but the Jedi, for me is a dead end. A place that I will be grateful for, but my time here is at an end."
"All of you here should not follow me. This decision is something that would last a lifetime. Something that would change the course, fate and destiny of yourself and those around you." Anakin still continued on. "I hope that you all will become excellent Jedi, if you so choose. Or a Force-sensitive that is able to maintain balance. Or you may want to do something else with your life, other than being apart of the Jedi Order."
"I will accept, no, the Empyrean will accept all of those willing. This is my message." Anakin finished.
Anakin would then go on with the girls and leave, but not before having the three, Aayla, Ahsoka and Barriss return their sabers themselves. Once going through with this they learnt that taking accountability for their actions wasn't as bad as they thought and in fact relieved them of this uncomfortable feeling.
That feeling being guilt. Guilt that they couldn't live up to their decisions, that they couldn't remain true to themselves and unsure of why they left with Anakin. By doing this it reassured and reaffirmed their desires to leave because it came from themselves, within and there was no room left for hesitation.
Now that everything is ready, they all boarded Anakin's ship, Jabitha and headed towards their new life. What could it possibly be however is an entirely different matter.
One thing was for certain, however. They knew they would at least experience happiness as long as it is with Anakin.
'He would make a great father.' Shaak, and Aayla had the same thought as they reviewed what had happened at the entrance of the Jedi temple. It would seem that he was well received, well liked and maybe even loved by the children as a paternal figure.
"What are you thinking about?" Qui-Gon was approached by Mace as they had seen from afar Anakin's speech and message to the younglings and padawans that had amassed for his leave.
"I am thinking about why exactly Anakin is leaving. What he had brought up to me is worrying, as I am able to see his reasoning." Qui-Gon supplied.
"Really?" Mace said as he asked.
"He asked me to leave with him. Can you believe it?" Qui-Gon asked a rhetorical question
"I do. While I wasn't formally invited like you, Skywalker did subtly imply he would like for me to join him along with those girls he left with." Mace answered however.
"Yes, intriguing that he is able to pull such support. Even from within the Council itself." Qui-Gon said as he was still in disbelief over the matter.
"The boy, no he is a man now. Skywalker is a ladies man, it would seem he has managed to seduce members of our Order to join him." Mace said.
"From what I understand, they were forced to hand in their lightsabers instead of having Anakin do it for them." Qui-Gon replied thinking about that. "It would seem that they had their own reasons to leave as well, and it was just that Anakin is the catalyst."
"Yes, we now must prepare for a surge in Jedi members leaving." Mace said thinking about the fallout, as it had already begun.
While there wasn't a massive spurt as soon as the news spread, Anakin's leaving did get around and those within the temple and members outside of the temple, within other Jedi divisions were starting to leave as well.
Of course this wasn't right across the board and they would still have thousands of members easily. It was just that they were now within a time of war and any members, especially those of whom are actual knights or masters are needed.
"Yes. I fear for what is to happen." Qui-Gon replied.
"Fear not, you must. Dark side has fallen." Yoda came into the room of the two masters. "The Clone Wars has begun. Dangerous it will be, members we do need. Count Dooku made movements he has, but the Empyrean has as well."
"What do you mean, Master?" Qui-Gon asked.
"Gotten word I have. Empyrean settling on Geonosis they are. Setback to the CIS, this is." Yoda said.
That is right, it was only a few days since the Republic had withdrawn and Anakin or his mother had already gone about to conquer new lands, opening up a new route for them and helping secure their spatial borders.
"Geonosis was now under the control of the Empyrean? That is fast." Mace questioned.
"Thankful we are did not join the CIS." Yoda replied. "Taken they have, no time to retaliate Dooku had."
"That is good then." Mace said.
"Good? Meaning is still to be determined. Good? Bad? In-between? Know not but with time we will." Yoda continued.
While this was going on, Sidious had come to the conclusion that it was Vader, that reclusive and elusive general to the Empyrean behind all the events that were happening and that have happened.
How else would all of his plans be swayed and turned into a different direction, if not at the hands of another aggressive but passive player within the game of chess. Vader and Sidious were fighting each other mentally and trying to outdo each other and Vader seemed to know of his moves ahead of time.
Everything that was happening indicated to Sidious that Vader was at least Force-sensitive and remembering his time conversing with Vader long ago, he is cautious. Cautious because Vader could hide his Force-sensitivity from him as well, just like he had been doing with the Jedi for a long time now.
'I will find out your identity.' Sidious wanted to claim the Empyrean but he was getting ahead of himself and needed to assert his dominion and control over the Republic first before he could set his eyes on other things, outside of the scope of his current mantle.
It was probably a misplay on Sidious' part on trying to make the Empyrean annex control over towards the Republic as now, they had leeway when it came to many things. Meaning that it would be harder to go against them politically or though any sort of intrigue.
The publicity would be awful if he did anything that tried to harmed an innocent bystander within the war that had started.
'Soon...' Sidious finished thinking to himself.