Star Wars: Skywalker

Chapter 106: V.2-C.7│Battle of Geonosis I│

Within a coliseum, Anakin and Padme were restrained together within a small room that had an entrance and exit going outwards.

They were both placed in a small vehicle that would be pulled along by some alien fauna.

Geonosians had tied them up and were currently doing other things to prepare them for what would happen next, while others were just around to guard them.

"Don't be afraid, we will both be fine." Anakin said as he glances at Padme.

"I'm not afraid to die." She responds. Staring into his eyes, she continues. "I have been conflicted ever since you have come back into my life. It feels as if I was dying having seen you again, and I wouldn't have it any other way just so that I could be with you."

Anakin then asks. "Padme, what do you mean?" He had an idea what she meant but still wanted her to tell him, just like what had originally happened.

She just stares into his violet eyes and if Anakin could describe the way she was looking at him, it would be with hearts in eyes. "I love you."

'Well... That was quick, but it was just as fast as it originally happened.' Anakin thought to himself before saying. "Did you not say that we shouldn't? Where is your restraint now?"

"Seeing as we are in quite the heap of trouble, I thought that it would be prudent that I shared my feelings with you." Padme said. "I dont want to regret things even in my death."

Padme comes closer, leaning in with her head seemingly wanting something.

'At least she knows what she wants when her life is on the line...' He thought to himself as he obliged her feelings by also leaning in and kissing her.

As they engage within this intimate moment, their carriage is drawn out towards the coliseum, where they would be fighting for their lives. Their kiss ends before they could be fully outside of this place.

There were a few reasons Anakin wanted things to happen the same or similar to the original and this was one of the reasons. He knew that without some form of pressure making Padme reflect inwardly, she would never admit to herself her feelings and even if she did, she would never act upon them.

Now that she has, it would become all that more easier to have her become his. He of course had to deal with the problem that she wasn't connected to him through a Dyad, for the sake of Aayla and he had to do so through making her Force-sensitive first.

There were a few ways but the way he had done for Grievous wouldn't work because of the nature of his transformation.

The second reason for following the normal events was because of the Force itself, and while he disliked the idea of people dying just because the Force wanted balance, it was currently not within his power to stop it permanently.

If he somehow managed to save alot of the Jedi that would die today, the Force would react in a manner that could try and harm him and others in some manner. Despite being the 'Chosen One,' he was not immune to being metaphorically spanked.

He has purposely not done anything to subvert the design of the Force but that doesn't mean he could persuade it from taking the lives of everyone within the Jedi. It was becoming increasingly easier to change the minds of younglings through his teachings.

They would become similar to Grey Jedi themselves.

'Wait a minute, now that I think about it, the name of Grey Jedi doesn't really suit me.' Anakin thought to himself as he looked outwards towards the thousands of Geonosians here to see what would take place.

Anakin and Padme were escorted to some large pillars that would be used to chain them, as Anakin also saw Obi-Wan chained up as well.

"Anakin... Did you even transmit my message, or did you come here just like this?" Obi-Wan questioned him with some disbelief on his face.

"Yeah... Sorry about that. You see the senator here, she was adamant in coming here. We were coming here to save you, or at least that was what we were here to do." Anakin replied as he was chained up.

"Good job." Obi-Wan says in response to Anakin's explanation.

On the main terrace and balcony, the Geonosian leader alongside Dooku and the other beings that had been here for the signing of the treaty were present.

"Settle down, settle down." The Geonosian leader spoke in his native tongue to all of those within the crowd as Dooku looks down and sees a problem.

'Wait... When did those two get here?' Dooku thought within his mind as the political situation would be very complicated if either Anakin or Padme were to die here. He didn't sense them coming here and wasn't told of their arrival at all.

'It would seem that they believe themselves to be above me.' Dooku continued to think to himself.

"Let the executi-" The Geonosian leader was about to continue before being interrupted by Dooku.

"Excuse me, but I believe that you should bring the younger man along with the woman away from the arena."

"What do you mean? They are intruders, trespassers on our land." The leader responded as the crowd had quieted down awaiting the beginning of the games.

"That may be so, but the young man over there is the prince of the Empyrean while the woman is a close ally aligned with them. It would be remiss of us to kill them, we would be in deep trouble." Dooku tried to provide his council.

"Don't mind what Dooku says, just execute them both." Nute Gunray, the Viceroy said before Dooku could convince the Geonosian leader that what he was doing is probably wrong.

"No, I would-" Dooku was cut off as the Geonosian leader continued himself.

"Let the executions begin!" The leader spoke in his native tongue.

'This will not end well, I hope that those two will survive.' Dooku thought within his head and in fact wanted more than just Anakin and Padme to survive because of the political situation but also wanted Obi-Wan to survive as well.

He was after all, technically his Grand student.

The Geonosian crowd goes wild as they can finally take part and witness the expected gruesome fight to the death to come.

Gates open around the arena the two Jedi and senator were placed in giving way to multiple alien creatures. One could be identified as a Reek, and if Anakin had to make a comparison, it was similar in stature to a Rhino from his previous life.

Another was an Acklay, which looked similar to a mantis while the last creature was a Nexu. A feline like creature with an abnormally large head.

Back with Obi-Wan, Padme and Anakin, Anakin said. "Hey Obi-Wan, dont you have some sort of negative feeling about our current situation?"

"Negative feeling? Of course I have a bad feeling about this." Obi-Wan said in exasperation.

"That is what I wanted to hear." Anakin said not really explaining why as he had a small smirk on his face. Obi-Wan was just confused but started to concentrate on the mantis like creature approaching him.

"Anakin, you seem a bit too relaxed." Obi-Wan questioned Anakin as Padme was getting herself freed and had successfully done so.

"Yes, it would seem that Padme is currently on top of things." Anakin said as she was climbing the pillar with really good agility.

"Yes, I am starting to believe that she doesn't need your protection at all." Obi-Wan said, impressed with Padme's skills.

While Obi-Wan was dealing with his Acklay, Anakin had to deal with the Reek which was starting to run towards him. He easily broke off his restraints with pure physical force and decided to hop on the Reek's back before using the Force to subdue the beast and turn it into his temporary companion.

The Nexu going towards Padme had to be dealt with as Anakin didn't want her to be hurt so he used the Reek to bum-rush the feline like creature.

Padme safe atop the pillar just sat there while watching this all happen.

The Viceroy was unhappy that Padme was not suffering and that Anakin had helped her out. "He cant do that, shoot the senator! I want her dead!"

Obi-Wan was still dodging the mantis as it even went so far as to destroy the pillar he was chained to, showing just how much physical strength it had.

Anakin didn't immediately kill the beast and also took it under his control as well, as it would come in handy for the battle to come.

"Jump down, I will catch you." Anakin called up to Padme as she then jumped down landing safely into his arms instead of right behind him like the original. The beast they were on wasn't exactly the softest and it would surely hurt her nether regions if she were to do so.

Putting her down so she was seated behind him, Anakin received a quick kiss to his check by her before settling onboard the Reek.

The Nexu, now tamed through the Force along with the Reek followed along Anakin and Padme as they went towards Obi-Wan, picking him up on the Reek, they all started to walk around the arena while onboard the Reek.

"This isn't how it was supposed to be." The Viceroy was complaining then turned towards the bounty hunter. "Jango, finish her off."

"Mr. Fett, it would be wise of you to ignore the Viceroy's order." Dooku said as he then turned to the Viceroy. "Viceroy, if anything is to happen to the two, if either of them even gain a scratch, it will be you who will deal with the consequences."

'It would seem that the Viceroy was informed of their arrival instead of myself. Since he wants to be like this and jeopardize the security and safety of the newly formed CIS, I do not mind giving him over to the Empyrean.' Dooku thought to himself about the actions of Nute Gunray.

The Acklay was still alive, so Anakin decided to try and take control over it as well, temporary control that would make the beast subservient to him just like with the Reek and Nexu.

Droidekas roll out from an entrance to the arena now surrounding the three who were on the Reek.

While this was happening a figure was coming in from behind the important figures on the terrace over watching the events taking place. A purple saber was ignited right in front of the unsuspecting Jango as Mace Windu had now made his appearance.

Turning around, Dooku says upon seeing the person behind them. "Master Windu. How pleasant of you to join us."

"This parties over." Mace said as all around the edges of the arena, multiple Jedi were seen.

Even Aayla, Shaak and Barriss were there with them, and all three of them had their eyes on Anakin who was being hugged from behind by the beautiful senator.

Chaos ensued all over as Dooku was now confronted by Mace. "Brave, but foolish, my old Jedi friend. You're impossibly outnumbered."

"Really? From what I can tell, it would seem that we aren't." Mace responded. "Leaving the Order seems to have affected your judgement."

Dooku only smiles before saying. "We'll see."

Battle droids made their approach as Mace had to fend them off while Dooku along with the rest were making their escape.

Droids, thousands upon thousands of them were pouring into the arena as Mace was forced into it alongside all the other Jedi.

Anakin had actually stored away his lightsabers using his Nanosuit, a function like this had existed so that he wouldn't happen to lose his lightsaber incase of being captured. Which was very unlikely to happen but it was quite handy nonetheless in situations like this where he had to hide away any form of weapon he might have.

The Jedi were disorganized and all going about their own thing as droids kept pouring in even when the Jedi were successfully taking down quite a few, but it was not enough.

The Geonosians within the arena had all escaped by now and only the stragglers were left to try and escape themselves.

Padme was sticking close to Anakin as Aayla, Shaak and Barriss were slowly making their way towards Anakin as well. Instead of joining in on the battle Jango just stayed behind with Dooku as Dooku had commanded him to do so.

The animals Anakin had under his control were guided safely outside of this arena to live their lives safely as wild animals. He had no need for them anymore except for them to make some trouble for the droids as they escaped.

Having gotten some cover, Anakin talks to Padme. "Is this the diplomatic solution you were talking about? It would seem that I am forced to use some more aggressive tactics."

"Well yes. I would call what we are doing aggressive negotiations of course." Padme replied.

Slowly but surely the Jedi were being massacred left, right and center because it seemed as if there was no end to the battle droids.

Many of the Jedi had been killed.

It was a massacre. Shaak had made her way into the center and moved herself closer to Anakin, where Barriss and Aayla were nowhere to be seen, likely pulled back from the engagement.

"Ani, what the hell are you doing with-" Shaak whispered to him as Padme was close by.

'Use telepathy.' Anakin sent a telepathic message to Shaak, as in this moment of stress she seemed to forget about some of their Dyad's benefits.

Dooku's voice was heard as the droids came to a stop. "Master Windu, you have fought gallantly. Worthy of recognition in the archives of the Jedi Order."

Aayla along with other remaining Jedi, which were not much had also been guided to the center of the arena. Anakin knew Barriss is fine as he was connected to her, and because of this connection, Aayla and Shaak can also inadvertently sense this as well.

Aayla coming into the center made her way over to Anakin as well, but did so discreetly while talking to him through their link. 'It would seem you have been enjoying your time together with the senator...'

Anakin wisely decided not to respond.

"Now, it is finished." Dooku's voice still called out. "Surrender and your lives will be spared." Dooku had made sure to set the droids to stun if they had any capabilities to stun when targeting Anakin or Padme because of reasons mentioned before.

"We will not be hostages to be bartered with, Dooku." Mace replied out loud.

"Then, I am sorry old friend." Dooku replied as the droids were now getting ready to blast them all to oblivion come.

A strange fact however was that Anakin had actually saved more Jedi than what would have originally survived as even though he didn't want to fix the Jedi Orders problems, that didn't mean he could save a few extra good people.

The circle made up more than just a few remaining, surviving Jedi, but it was still obviously not enough to completely change the situation around.

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