Chapter 104: V.2-C.5│Attack of the Clones V│
Both Anakin and Padme when then go on to enjoy the rest of their day just having a fun time and of course, Anakin had called back in to inform Aayla of the potential between the both of them. Aayla was upset with this but accepted it nonetheless because he had said, no, promised to make sure Padme would be able to become connected to him through a Dyad.
How he would do this, he had no way of knowing how, but now that he has promised his lover, he would have to do it. There were two reasons for doing so, first he really liked Padme, second he really loved Aayla. So he would do so.
Instead of continuing to create a romantic atmosphere Anakin had decided that it was best to continue to plant the seeds within Padme of doubt.
Doubt of the Republic and their capabilities to be good for the people.
It was already starting to crumble from within starting from a long time ago and one could argue it started with the Republic deciding that Coruscant was to be the capital. It had a whole hidden Sith temple beneath it radiating corrupting dark side energies that if one doesn't have enough control over themselves they would lose themselves to its influence.
She was slowly changing her mind and sooner or later he may be able to get her to become apart of his own Empyrean, but this time she would become his Empyrean's representative instead of Naboo.
Not that he would abandon Naboo because it was such a close star system to his own expanding empire, it would be remiss of him to not try and have his mother bring them under their banners.
This would signal something within the Republic but it would also ensure that Padme would not be afraid of their relationship anymore because her worries lied in their differing paths. He wouldn't tell her now that he plans to leave the Order but within the coming days he would reveal this too her.
She may not instantly agree to whatever relationship he would start with her because it would be secret for a while but there would be those who could help carry this burden, as had Aayla been safe in the knowledge she didn't have to hide her relationship with him while around Ahsoka, Barriss and Shaak.
Of course, he would also have to reveal his small, tiny problem of having many lovers to be in the future but he was sure he could convince her, maybe. If she doesn't agree to his selfishness then he could only let her go because he didn't want to waste anymore energy into seducing her.
He wasn't willing to give up what he already had for something else, that was just not within his nature.
While an epic confrontation between Jango Fett and Obi-Wan was happening as Fett tried to escape and successfully did so, there were some interesting developments going on within the Empyrean.
Specifically the creation, construction and activation of the Stargate, as Anakin had called them as an homage to that series while using in combination the infinity gate Kwa engineering alongside Gree hypergate engineering.
He had successfully created his own teleportation devices that didn't need an exuberant amount of energy.
A Stargate had been completed on Tatooine, Andooweel and only colony worlds connected to Anakin's growing empire. This speed up trade between planets and will significantly decrease costs in the long term while within the short term he had to spend a fortune.
He used his money wealth to do so, otherwise he would have had to increase the tax of his people. He had more than enough money as is, so why even bother trying to do so which would only increase dissatisfaction.
He had them constructed at various cities or settlements on all planets that had some relevance as creating more than a few on each planet for absolutely every area is not conducive to his plans or even all that great for the people.
Now with fully operational portals, trade and transportation for people would become a whole lot easier.
There were other things that he had started to get to work on. One thing in particular was the Death Star plans that he had acquired for himself, not that he wanted to destroy some planets but it might come in handy and the Star Forge.
Just as he had combined the technologies of two ancient civilizations surrounding teleportation, he wanted to work on combining the Death Star blueprints along with the remnants of the Star Forge.
'Well, maybe I shouldn't do that.' Anakin had no particular need for something like this but he did have a need for the Star Forge and still fully intended to recreate it for himself. He had both the power and techniques necessary to maintaining his absolute dominance over the thing incase it tried to reestablish its semi-sentience.
Another thing happening on his star systems was the now standardized Empyrean serum. He had taken to calling it the Empyrean serum as it relates to those within his empire and to him being the creator of this bio-engineered chromosome.
After stabilizing it some more to make sure there are not even any temporary side effects, like the ones he had experienced or even the prisoner that had been tested on, he started giving it out for free.
Unfortunately he had no way to make sure it was passed down properly, which would mean and does mean that everyone would have to injected once in their life instead of being able to just have it at birth.
This basically revolutionized the medical sector, and made most of the current science useless because this fundamentally changed what the health sector was about. It was the preservation of life, the curing of viruses and diseases and a whole bunch of other things.
Through his serum most people wouldn't have to worry about viruses or diseases ever again... At least they didn't have to worry about the common or rarer problems. Genetic mutations would also be a thing of the past, at leas mutations that were negative in some manner because the chromosome would automatically fix any problems.
This would basically increase the peoples freedoms to participate in behavior that would be unseemly. Meaning incest, as when it came to children between two people whom are closely related to each other there would be big problems for any progeny between the two.
This simply got rid of the problem since the mother, father and child could be injected with the serum to fix any genetic disaster that occurs and as a result some of the laws needed changing. Now while this now be true, that didn't mean people still didn't feel some type of way about this.
Thankfully there is alot of research that Anakin had his scientists publish in support of his serum and its effects explaining to everyone the benefits of it.
Naturally it wasn't under his name but under a subsidiary of Skywalker Industries which had become a widely known an accepted company within the Empyrean. They loved it even more because of this.
And of course he didn't just create this serum for Humans but other species as well, first he had to slowly go through who was higher in population within his empire and slowly go down the list. At the top was obviously Humans but after that were various other species, specifically Twi'lek's because they a people mostly enslaved but freed in the Empyrean.
Another thing he probably forgot to mention was the fact he had given his mother immortality as well. Through the use of midi-chlorian manipulation she will now live forever, or at least it is projected she would because she could always dies some other way.
Anakin would of course try to stop it but if it happens it happens and that is why he was also busy trying to complete his own dimension within the Force. Doing so he would be able to control the life, death and even souls of the dead of even living biological based beings rather than just his droids.
He was not only possessive over his women, he was also possessive of his mother. Of course if she didn't want to stay within the living world anymore, he would let her go, reluctantly.
It would be her choice in the end after all, but from he could tell, she wouldn't die unless he did.
Obi-Wan was following both Jango and his son within his own cruiser.
An epic chase between the hunter and the hunted was going on, and Obi-Wan wasn't always the hunter. In fact he was becoming the hunted himself, once remarking that this is exactly why he doesn't like flying.
Boba seemed to be having some fun while Jango and his son both believed they had finished Obi-Wan off from a distance. Feeling secure they went down to the planet they were fighting over and landed within of the modules below.
Obi-Wan finally taking this as his chance descends onto the planet he had travelled to.
It was known as Geonosis.
A star system so close to Tatooine, it could be considered as the closest neighbor, in fact some smaller trade deals went through the hyperspace lanes connecting the two.
The Empyreans may have rejected joining the CIS, but that doesn't mean they were against building some form of relationship with them. In the future Anakin may very well be able to start inducting them into his empire.
Anakin also plans to make sure the CIS, instead of being a pawn within Palpatine's design, he would turn it against him.
It would become a buffer between his growing empire and Palpatine's empire all but in name, yet to be created.
Then there is Tyranus. Anakin knew that sooner or later Tyranus would start to doubt the legitimacy of Palpatine and his plans which would make it all the more easier for himself to convince to man otherwise.
Geonosis was similar in its biomes to Tatooine, it was a sprawling mass of red sandy dunes with buildings built into the planet. There were very hilly and mountainous terrain scattered throughout the dunes, making it extremely hard to traverse.
Dome like structures popped up everyone similar in looks to Anakin's own bio-spheres but his were actually good habitats to live within.
Obi-Wan had spotted alot of Trade Federation ships on the planet and landed within a safe distance of any civilization.
After a short but what felt like was a long journey, Obi-Wan had made it to a crevice of some sort and he entered.
He followed the noises which only continued to grow and grow as he came closer to an edge. Looking over he sees droids. Lots of droids being made down below, deep within the planets crust.
"We must persuade the Commerce Guild, Corporate Alliance and the Empyrean to sign the treaty." A voice was heard below.
"What about the senator from Naboo?" A voice spoke, which sounded familiar to Obi-Wan as he had gotten close enough while hiding himself away to remain unseen. "Is she dead yet? I am not signing your treaty until I have her head on my desk."
A man, leading the group spoke. "I am sorry to say but it would seem that the senator from Naboo has some from of connection to one of the most important people we wish to sign the treaty."
"Preposterous, who is more important?" The familiar voice was Nute Gunray, the Viceroy of the Trade Federation.
"You best believe that I will not be sending anymore assassins to take the life of the senator. I am afraid it would greatly upset the Empyrean." The man replied firmly.
"Damnit, those stupid Empyreans..." Nute Gunray muttered under his breath not acknowledging or going against what the man had said.
"With these new battle droids we've built you, you'll have the finest army in the galaxy. Even though we had been behind in production, we should still have more than enough." Another deep voice entered the conversation as the Viceroy had wisely shut up knowing the actual strength the Empyrean has and its growing power.
Now within another room, the people had come to a stop and their discussion was in full swing.
"As I explained to you earlier I am quite convinced that 10000 more systems will rally to our cause with your support, gentlemen." It was Count Dooku, otherwise now known as Darth Tyranus, former Jedi Master and Councilman.
"What you are proposing could be construed as treason." An alien with an alien language spoke.
"The Techno Union army is at your disposal, Count." An alien cyborg spoke.
"The banking clan will sign your treaty." Another alien within the room agreed.
"Good. Very good." Dooku replied. "Our friends from the Trade Federation had pledged their support and when their battle droids are combined with yours, we shall have an army greater than any in the galaxy."
"The Jedi will be overwhelmed." Dooku continued. "The Republic will agree to any demands we make."
"What of the Empyrean then?" The Viceroy just had to ask.
"Yes, I do believe that we will not be able to coerce them into signing the treaty with us but I have not been completely blocked from interacting with them. In fact some small trade agreements have still gone through." Dooku explained to everyone because they feared that empire in particular despite it being relatively new, it had alot of power.
What everyone was mostly thankful for was their somewhat peaceful nature, which only made less dangerous within everyone's eyes. That didn't mean however that they could mess with it.
"So will they become apart of the CIS?" The cyborg alien asked.
"No, but a separate treaty could be made with them and depending on the situation they may even abandon their relationship with the Republic completely and become allied with us." Dooku said. "We all just have to make the right calls and decisions when dealing with them."
Anakin was having nightmares, the same nightmares that the original was having but he knew this was just an aftereffect of the changes to the timeline brought by him. A shadow of what the universe could have been if he had not changed the process, which lead to a completely different outcome.
This was also a test, a test of his willpower. Something that would be continually tested whether or not he likes it because he also still worries for his mother just like the original.
How could he not, he loves her.
He didn't show this side to Padme however and wasn't disturbed in his meditation sessions as he had next no need for sleep anymore, and it only became something for enjoyment. He still practiced meditation though and this was the only time the Force could try and mess with him.
The annoyance aside, he was fully aware of what was happening with Shmi and knew she was completely safe.
He also reminisced about what would have happened had she died like the original. Thanking about, he no doubt would have unleased his wrath upon everything within the Tusken Raiders camp because of his pain.
He would do so because she is his mother.
There was no possibility of this happening, especially after he had made them see him as their god. The Tuskens throughout Tatooine have become civilized in a manner but that was only because of their fear and respect for him.
He also guesses that the constant propaganda from his droids and the faith or religion created contributes to this fact as well, but this only benefits him so he isn't complaining.
'When will you stop bugging me, I have put in alot of effort to make sure I remain balanced within your energies...' Anakin thought to himself but projected to the Force and as usual it didn't give him an answer.