Chapter 97: CH-97:)
"I will arrange it, Master," Count Dooku said as he grinned slowly. He had no problem putting bounties on Jedi, something he should have considered a long time ago. He had unmatched wealth, and this war was actually helping fill the coffers of his fortune so he had no concerns. It was entirely possible he would get a Jedi delivered to him without having to exert any effort on his own.
Palpatine's voice once more filled with fake sadness and regret, "I will of course will attempt to reach out and make contact with the individuals who placed the bounties. But… I'm afraid my negotiations with private citizens and what they do with their money are going to fail in this case, especially when they are outside of the Republic's influence."
"Perhaps all the more reason the Senate should consider granting you more emergency authority," Dooku responded with a nod, his expression serious once more.
Palpatine nodded, but his expression turned more serious as he was reminded of other information he had received that needed dealt with. "I also have one more… minor problem. I'm sending you information on it right now. I want whoever this is alive. I need to know who they are, why they're looking around, and where they got the information in the first place. I need it handled by your best."
Palpatine's voice was grave, as he pressed several buttons on his chair sending a file from a private personal datapad he carried into the call.
Count Dooku did not respond immediately, merely raising an eyebrow as he perused the file that was just sent to him.
"Nar Shaddaa…" He mused as he read through the file. "Does this have anything to do with the former padawan's presence there?"
Palpatine hesitated, the same thought had occurred to him. However this situation had arisen after they had apparently left the planet. If they had somehow dug that deeply into his knowledge there is no way they'd have left. "The thought can't be entirely discounted, but I doubt it. This is a slicer of high skill."
Dooku nodded in acceptance as he considered what he was reading, "If I send any acolytes, they will be hindered if we're pushing sentiment and bounties against the Jedi. None of them have distinguished themselves significantly enough for me to have faith in any of their abilities. The riff raff hardly know the difference and may believe they are fair game."
Palpatine's eyes narrowed at the excuse his apprentice was making. "What is your point?"
Count Dooku didn't hesitate despite the anger on his Master's face. "I'm simply asking which is the priority here. If I need to, I can send some of the disposable ones in with a few squadrons of droids and leave nothing behind, or I can wait to post the bounty until after the mission."
Palpatine relaxed slightly. Dooku was arrogant but he was also supremely gifted at strategy. Just not as good as Palpatine himself. However that didn't stop Palpatine from accepting input. After all Dooku had made a fair point.
"No, we must strike while the iron is hot against the Jedi. Help set them up for their fall. A two bit slicer definitely falls lower in priority," Palpatine allowed, he didn't like doing so, but he saw the necessity of it. The window to stoke the flames of discontent would only last for a limited time.
Dooku nodded, "Very well, I will begin to fan the flames of the bounties. Our landing force should make landfall on Kashyyyk within the day."
After a few moment's silence, Dooku began to speak again, "I may have another suggestion for dealing with the slicer."
"Oh?" Palpatine inquired.
"We need someone more skilled, than the acolyte riff raff, if they hope to dodge bounty hunters and get what we're looking for," Dooku stated, his tone slightly cautious as he spoke to his master.
"Who did you have in mind?" The supreme chancellor inquired.
"Ventress," Dooku replied shortly, a slight note of hesitation in his voice. After all his Master had ordered her killed.
"Ah yes, your former apprentice. The same one that you failed to kill," Palpatine replied, his voice sharp, but there was a trace of mocking in his voice.
"She survived the test. All the more testament to her skill and power," Dooku replied. "And she has only grown more so since then. But she lacks… direction."
"I told you she was becoming too powerful. That was part of the reason we wanted to be rid of her," he replied shortly.
"Yes. I'm aware. But as I said before she is not too powerful that she cannot be controlled. Her mind still searches for all the things that ultimately make it easy to keep her on a leash. And if she slips that leash, then I will kill her personally," Dooku replied, his voice coaxing. "No more third party failures to account for."
Palpatine steepled his fingers as he considered his apprentice's proposal. He had to admit Dooku had a point. Having Ventress out there as a wild card while he pushed up plans against the Jedi might be problematic. At the same time he was aware of his apprentice's belief in the angry young woman and her potential.
He also knew something the Jedi never seemed to figure out. Apprentices needed more freedom to make their own mistakes. Especially one of the age and experience of Dooku. If he started to chafe too much at the direction he was given that could also cause problems.
"The last I knew, she was on Coruscant. How do you plan to get her back?" Palpatine inquired. It was true, she had been on the planet during the trial with Ahsoka, where Anakin had hunted her down after Ahsoka was seen conspiring with her.
"She will be coming to me shortly," The Count replied confidently.
Palpatine didn't reply immediately, but he believed his apprentice's statement.
"And if I have your position to take her on as my apprentice once more, and then I will send her after this slicer, as she would have the skill to survive despite the obstacles put in her path." Dooku added after taking his Master's silence for permission to continue.
"And if I don't give permission?" Palpatine asked quietly after having let the pause extend for nearly a minute.
"Then I will kill her personally when she confronts me," Dooku replied easily with a dismissive shrug.