Chapter 83: CH-83:)
Aayla nodded her head in acknowledgement, "Master Yoda, I wanted to make the Council aware of something that just occurred."
"Not present many Council members are, however felt disturbance in the Force Master Shaak Ti, Master Kenobi and myself have," Master Yoda replied.
Kenobi spoke up, "I'm here and Shaak Ti is here remotely, we were just discussing what we felt."
Aayla pressed a few buttons on the console to bring up her image in miniature as she resolved a three way connection between them. Shaak Ti's image resolved itself to show her head and torso. The background appeared cramped and it appeared obvious that she was in the cockpit of a Jedi fighter. She was clearly in transit somewhere.
Aayla and Ahsoka exchanged a glance, before Aayla spoke up, "Full disclosure, I have Ahsoka Tano sitting here with me. Should I ask her to leave so we can discuss it?"
There was only a slight pause on the transmission before Master Yoda spoke, "Stay she may. Insight Padawan Tano may provide."
"Former padawan," Ahsoka spoke up immediately but insistently. She didn't want there to be any misunderstanding about her leaving the Order, and didn't want old habits to lull her into a sense of security given the change in circumstances.
"Apologize, I do," Yoda responded contritely and corrected himself, "Former Padawan Tano."
Aayla and Ahsoka exchanged another look before Ahsoka nodded slowly. She was still cautious around the Jedi Council, but if nothing else Yoda seemed apologetic.
"Master Yoda, before I give my report, may I ask what it was you felt?" Aayla asked curiously.
Yoda rubbed his chin slowly, "Mmm. Hard to describe. In a meditative trance I was not. Felt echo only, I did."
Shaak Ti spoke up, her voice was soft but decisive, "I was deep in meditation at the time. It felt like… amongst many threads of change that suddenly occurred, someone who was strong in the Force's life course was altered. Because of this, the lives of three people were immediately changed, and uncounted more shifted in response. It was like watching ripples in an uneven pool after a single stone had been tossed in. All the while, the Force was… content?"
"A long-set but unforeseen future changed has been," murmured Yoda, his eyes closed in concentration.
There was only the briefest hesitation while Aayla recalled the battle. She remembered what she felt when she had saved Mallie's life, the certainty that Mallie should have died there. She spoke up after a few moments of silence, "I believe I know exactly what caused it, and will highlight that specific event during my report."
Yoda's eyes opened to regard her with intense interest, "Interested we are."
"We arrived at Kashyyyk a few hours ago. Harry's goal was to turn over the slavers and slaves he had captured and liberated respectively, on Nar Shaddaa to the Wookiees. His reason for coming here seemed mainly because they'll receive much harsher penalties here, and the wookiees will aid the slaves in starting new lives," Aayla summarized quickly.
"What sort of reward was he hoping for?" asked Obi-Wan dryly.
"Harry didn't do it for a reward," Ahsoka interjected forcefully, defending Harry, "I asked him why and he said it was the right thing to do."
"Very generous of him," commented Shaak Ti softly, her voice soothing.
Aayla noted that Ahsoka didn't seem at all soothed by the other Togrutan Jedi Master's presence, much less her words. She shot the girl a questioning look. But Ahsoka merely shook her head slightly in response, clearly not wanting to discuss it. Aayla hesitated briefly before letting the topic drop for the moment, once more focusing on the holocall.
Master Kenobi saw the interaction and it drew a raised brow from him and he wondered exactly what the issue was, but filed it away for later if necessary. It wasn't really the most important matter at hand at the moment, but the fact Ahsoka apparently had a problem with Master Shaak Ti would need to be remembered for later.
"As we arrived in orbit, and headed down one of the established vectors to the capital, we found it strange that we received no challenge on our approach by traffic controllers. We shortly discovered the reason why. Nearly a dozen trandoshan slave runners had blanketed most of the holocom spectrum and were in the middle of a slave run," Aayla allowed disgust for the events to fill her tone as she spoke.
"A slave run on Kashyyyk in the middle of this war?" Obi-Wan asked, more than a little disbelief in his voice, "They must have been either desperate or assured of their success to risk such a venture."
Aayla nodded, "They appeared to be two steps ahead of the planetary defense's response. Two of the ships were departing as we arrived. One of them was taken down by former Padawan Tano. I learned the other was stopped too, while Harry and I transferred down to the surface to assist."
"None of the remaining ships managed to leave the ground as the two of us joined the pitched battle against the Trandoshans on the ground," Aayla explained as she continued to make her report factual without revealing anything that Harry had actually done with his abilities, "We met up and joined forces with a former Jedi, Mallie Nissa. Though she is now going by the name Mallie Marek, as she married another former Jedi, Kento Marek."
"Kento… I haven't heard from him since he left the Order a few years ago…" Obi-Wan commented as he recalled his interactions with the former Jedi, "He and I were sparring partners on occasion when I was still Qui-Gon's padawan. He was powerful, if undisciplined. I remember being quite surprised when he left. He always enjoyed adventure and excitement, and then he just walked away with Mallie one day. They renounced the Order and went into exile and disappeared."
"Well, I haven't seen Kento, but like I said, we met up with Mallie while defending a large group of Wookiee civilians," Aayla replied. "As the planetary defense forces arrived, and their security forces swarmed the area, the trandoshans went from trying to escape, to actively taking out as many of us as they could before they were killed or captured."
"During a lull in the fighting, I stopped several blaster bolts from hitting Mallie from behind. When I stopped one particular shot that was intended for Mallie, I felt that peculiar lurch in the Force that you all did. Mallie Marek had been on a path to die and we changed that path, and I believe that caused the change in the Force you felt," Aayla said, conveying the sense she got from the Force during the battle. "Some other event in the future must've been tied to her death and those echoes and shifting disturbances were the result."