Chapter 78: CH-78:)
Aayla was so lost in the sensations that it was only when she saw Harry's right hand leave her waist and brush against her side, and then come around over her shoulder as she snapped back to her surrounding, did she realize that they were much closer to the ground. They were close enough that she could make out masses of individuals below as blaster fire was exchanged in a running battle.
Her attention was drawn as his hand once more moved into her line of sight and she saw him holding a… stick. However, before she could ask she felt a pulse of the Force as Harry's hand moved the stick and she saw visible beams of the Force shoot downward. She watched the beams head down and hit different ships, which were below them, connecting with them one at a time.
Aayla blinked her eyes twice to make sure she wasn't seeing things. The ships hit with the bolts of visible Force energy, which went straight through the limited shields the ships could maintain while in the atmosphere, and changed the ship on the spot. It took her a second to realize what she was seeing.
She was suddenly seeing the inside of the ships. On some, a section of the top armor plating was just… gone. On others the engines seemed to have just disappeared. Or a portion of the bridge was suddenly missing half of its top. Or an atmospheric stabilizing wing suddenly lost all support integrity, and fell off a ship, unbalancing it and causing the rest to tip over.
Of course not every bolt of the Force hit, as she saw one miss a ship and a section of the platform it hit vanished without a trace. There was no debris, melted or buckled hull plating, or stress fractures from an impact. It was simply gone leaving branches or darkness visible beneath it.
The hulls of the ships, most of which were meant to withstand a few direct hits from the turbolasers of capital ships did not fare any better. They had simply vanished into thin air as well.
"Yeah, let's see them enter space when the main bridge is open to the atmosphere," shouted Harry as he whooped in delight before his tone turned musing, "I honestly didn't think my aim would hit those things right away from this distance. I'm kind of out of practice."
Even as he spoke he was looking for any other ships to hit. Seeing none, he looked farther afield and saw a large group of wookiees barricaded behind makeshift debris surrounded by a larger group of trandoshans closing in slowly by virtue of superior numbers. Harry noted that many of the trandoshans were carrying melee weapons, and presumed it was in order to capture more wookiees. He also noted a blue lightsaber among the wookiees furiously deflecting blaster shots.
Harry narrowed his eyes and once more gripped Aayla's hips with two hands, all joking gone. "Hang on."
Aayla felt the Force slow them further, almost to a complete stop in mid-air. Before she could say something about someone noticing them, especially after Harry's light show, and therefore worry they were a target in mid-air. She once more felt the Force grab her and surround her as they disappeared, being sucked through the straw-like sensation once more.
They reappeared a moment later, only this time they were standing on solid ground. Aayla found herself immediately falling to her hands and knees, doing her best not to empty her twin stomachs from the sensation. It was incredibly disorienting and Aayla found it much worse to suddenly be on hard ground again after one of those teleport tricks.
Harry on the other hand had only stumbled a moment before he was moving, his wand was in his hand and an explosive curse hitting the ground behind the Trandoshans even as he regained his balance. The explosive curse hit the street and succeeded in sending several of the lizards flying into the air. Unfortunately, this only stunned the majority of the durable lizard species for a few seconds before they were once again on their feet.
Aayla, for her part, was back on her feet after a moment's disorientation and getting her bearings. Her lightsaber was in her hand and ignited a moment later as she fell into step beside Harry.
Harry was impressed how quickly she was moving and ready after a side along apparition despite the fact that her complexion was nearly green. However he didn't have any time to contemplate it as his explosive curse was a loud announcement of their arrival. It caused some of the Trandoshans to turn their way, though he also noted that there were some humans and one or two other species among the attackers.
But he didn't have time to focus on that since a large number of ones with blasters in their hands had turned their way and started firing at them. Harry had cast a silent protego as he began to move forward toward their attackers.
Aayla had started moving forward to block the blaster bolts with her lightsaber when she stopped and stared at the shield produced by the Force that materialized in front of them. She shook off her shock after only a moment, filing it away for later. She would really need to get at least a small briefing on his style of battle tactics, as surprises like this could be dangerous in combat.
Harry was walking forward slowly, the blasts against his protego giving him time to look around and take stock of the situation. He could see up ahead a little ways, the trandoshans had pinned down what looked like a school or something. They were there at a hollowed out trunk of a tree that stood higher than the others. The wookiees surrounded in the building seemed to have one functioning bowcaster between them.
The woman at the front of the group wielding a lightsaber was still deflecting blaster fire but had taken the distraction provided by them to allow more furniture and other items, mostly wooden, to be moved to help a depleted barricade.
The raiders didn't hesitate, as several charged Harry and Aayla, seeming to believe they were the more vulnerable target. It was a charge Aayla met head on, her lightsaber twirling rapidly, not taking the time to think about how Harry's Force shield did not seem to affect or hinder her even when she or her lightsaber passed through where it had been only a moment ago.
The trandoshans' charge seemed chaotic and frenzied and was far more reckless than most organized military groups would attempt. At least those who had any sort of sense of self-preservation. Trandoshans however were amongst the type of reptiles who had regenerative capabilities far beyond the average galactic citizen. They were even capable of regenerating lost limbs with some regularity.