Chapter 65: CH-65:)
Harry nodded in agreement and Aayla immediately jumped on that. "Then you also heard why I want to go with you!
"No, I didn't," Harry replied, his voice still even.
Aayla looked confused, she wondered if he had been listening to the same holo recording she had, "But… my vision, and everything."
Harry shook his head and clarified, "I heard why you think you have to go with me. That's different from wanting to go with me."
Aayla looked taken aback before she mustered a reply in nearly the same tone, "I want you to teach me like you are Ahsoka. I'm willing to take the same oath that you made her give."
Harry blinked in surprise before leaning back and rubbing a hand over his face. He had to remind himself that from everything he learned, the Jedi Order knew nothing of magically binding contracts or oaths. "You don't know what you're asking."
Aayla opened her mouth to reply before Harry cut her off. "No. You really don't."
Harry gestured at Ahsoka, who straightened up slightly at the sudden attention put on her. "She and I have spent the last several days talking about the training she received from your… Religion? Organization?... Cult? I'm not really sure what to call it."
"While there is some crossover at the basic level, as far as use goes. Things like levitation, and what you call 'Mind Tricks'; though your version is fairly limited. The rest is entirely different than what you've experienced."
"How so?" Aayla found herself asking, this was the first time Harry had really talked about his abilities, so she was eager to learn anything she could.
After a few moments pause, Harry began to slowly speak, though he had no intention of actually describing his training in detail, "The Jedi seemed to have focused almost purely on using what you call 'the Force' for physical means. Improving speed, hand eye coordination, strength. Things which then can be augmented further for short periods of time if you focus on channeling it. You extend that into telekinesis on occasion, and those two areas seem to be the primary focus of your cult."
"To a slightly lesser extent that comes naturally to my people. Heightened reflexes and such. Generally it's only the athletes or those who immerse themselves in magic and really make it go any farther than that," Harry said, pulling himself out of his musing.
"Truth be told after talking to Ahsoka, I'm not sure that you'd be capable of learning from me," Harry said with a lift of his shoulders in a not-quite-apology.
Aayla frowned and shot Ahsoka a betrayed look. She had been up against that sort of sentiment her entire life. She couldn't help wondering if the girl had lumped her in with the rest of the Council, even after hearing the full conversation. However, the expression on Ahsoka's face showed that she was every bit as confused by that statement as Aayla was.
"I didn't say Aayla couldn't learn from you!" Ahsoka protested.
"You didn't mention her specifically. But it was the other things you told me," Harry explained patiently. When Ahsoka still looked confused, Harry sighed a little bit. "Who would you say are the most powerful Jedi in the Jedi Order?"
Ahsoka opened her mouth to reply, but Harry shook his head quickly. "We've already talked about this Ahsoka. I want to hear Blue's opinion."
Ahsoka closed her mouth and nodded, a little bit, turning her attention to Aayla who for her part looked confused at this non-sequitur "Um. There are several that are powerful, but in terms of ability with the Force, it would be Master Yoda. He is arguably the most powerful in the Order, and he has nearly a millennium of experience."
Harry raised an eyebrow briefly at the mention of his age before shaking his head, "And after him, as he's clearly the older powerful one trying to hold it all together?"
"In terms of skill? Probably Master Windu or Master Kenobi… Though I would say Ahsoka's former Master… Anakin Skywalker, isn't far behind them in skill, and he has the potential to be much more powerful," Aayla frowned, because she didn't understand where this line of questioning was going.
Harry nodded, looking unsurprised. "That's about what Ahsoka mentioned the other day on our trip to Nar Shaddaa. Glad to see there is a bit of consensus. Now what is the general opinion of Anakin Skywalker?"
"It depends on who you ask. The public loves him. He is a war hero whose accolades are earned genuinely. The troops never seem to fail to rally around him," Aayla answered in a puzzled tone, completely confused now.
Harry sighed a little bit and shook his head. "No, I'm asking what the general opinion of his peers is. How do those in the Order feel about him?"
Aayla glanced over at Ahsoka, knowing how fiercely protective she was of her former Master. "He… is very skilled, especially for one so young. He can be impetuous and reckless and emotional and has a difficult time not forming attachments. But there are times it seems like he is in tune with the Force like no other, and his list of accomplishments speak for themselves. They don't call him the "Hero-Without-Fear" for nothing."
"The media and the public are always issuing hyphenated titles… and stupid ones to boot. It is good to see some things never change," he mumbled, but both observers heard him. He shook his head and focused once more on Aayla. "And what was the opinion of Ahsoka Tano?"
Ahsoka looked up at that question, curiosity coming to her face.
Aayla glanced her way before looking back at Harry, "I don't understand… why do you ask?"
"Humor me," Harry replied without an ounce of humor in his voice.
"Um… similar, I would say. She was considered to have incredible potential as a padawan. She has accomplished an amazing amount for someone of her rank and age. She's not quite as powerful as Skywalker, but then again, his power supposedly outstrips even Yoda's. She's very skilled none the less," Aayla said, choosing her words carefully.
Aayla saw the look of pride that crossed Ahsoka's face and winced a little bit at the effect her follow up was likely to have. "But that goes both ways, she's also described as being brash and reckless like her Master. A recklessness that has cost people their lives in the past."
Ahsoka winced and looked down, well aware that her own arrogance had cost clone troopers their lives before. It was something that still weighed on her mind and plagued her with guilt to this day.