Chapter 63: CH-63:)
The only sign of surprise on Harry's face was a raised eyebrow. Otherwise he regarded her neutrally for several seconds, his eyes boring into hers. Aayla felt a shiver going up her spine as it felt like he was examining her very soul for the briefest of moments.
After a moment's pause he tilted his head slightly, deciding to indulge the Twi'lek and called out to the ship, "Minnie."
"Yes Mister Potter?" Came the response a few seconds later over speakers in the small room.
"Could you replay the audio for the last holonet call?" Harry inquired, his eyes flicking from Aayla to Ahsoka who slumped a little bit, her hands going to stroke her lekku as a look of resignation crossed her face.
"Of course Mister Potter." Minnie's voice floated over the loudspeaker.
There was a moment's pause and then the call that had so upset Ahsoka and irritated Aayla was replayed from start to finish.
Aayla watched both Harry and Ahsoka for reactions, though Ahsoka had already heard part of it. She still looked hurt as the replay of Barriss fate occurred. Though the hurt slowly passed as she listened with interest to the rest of the discussion she had missed when she had stormed out.
Aayla was surprised that Harry showed almost no reaction throughout the entire conversation. The only time he showed any sort of reaction was a reassuring look over to Ahsoka after the replay of Barriss fate. Otherwise he simply closed his eyes and listened. His face might have been carved from stone for as much reaction as he showed.
When it was over, Ahsoka was still fuming in the corner, though at least this time her anger was tempered by curiosity as she looked at Aayla. Harry's eyes were still closed and his look was still blank.
More than a minute went by with pure silence in the room. Aayla found herself wondering if he had actually fallen asleep. Though truthfully the closed eyes and the thoughtful repose seemed eerily reminiscent of Yoda. It was enough to cause her to glance at Ahsoka with a curious expression.
Ahsoka frowned and then snapped her fingers loudly, filling the silence of the room.
As if being summoned Harry's eyes snapped open and those distinctive eyes regarded her intensely. "Interesting."
She at first figured that it was about her vision, or her lack of information to the Council, but she was surprised when he finally spoke.
"Your Order's leadership is fracturing, there are clear sides forming," Harry said with a shake of his head.
Aayla shook her head and disagreed, "Not really. While I admit that meetings usually aren't... that contentious, that was nothing out of the realm of normal. There are disagreements and discussions all the time."
"That may be what you think, but you're fooling yourself. Which isn't that surprising, the majority of them are obviously deluding themselves," Harry replied blandly, this time it didn't seem to have any insult in his tone, rather it seemed… tired and tinged with regret more than anything.
His voice dropped as he shook his head, "I've seen it before, different sides and viewpoints, with those on the extreme ends being the loudest. It generally creates a stalemate in which very little actual progress happens while day to day tasks are carried out. Meanwhile an older, respected and probably more powerful figure tries to hold things together so it doesn't all fall to pieces. All of this is going on while an enemy works its way in and exploits those small fractures that seem so small and petty to the group as a whole, but are important to the individual, in order to bring it all down."
Aayla and Ahsoka's eyes both went wide at that statement, exchanging a glance. It didn't take much of a stretch to view that as exactly what was happening within the council. They had heard conspiracy theories and suspicions before regarding events, but nothing that had been spoken so blatantly and factually. Harry didn't seem to notice or care about the effect those words had.
"It was interesting that there were two that struck me as genuinely displeased with Aayla, and two who seemed more than a little unhappy with the Order, one who I assume was Ahsoka's former Master?" He finished questioningly as he glanced toward Ahsoka and got a nod of agreement.
"The one with the speech impediment was the only one who seemed contemplative about the whole thing. Though he also seemed to be in charge. So…" Harry trailed off with a shrug.
Ahsoka snorted and tried to cover up her laugh with a cough, while Aayla made what was curiously like a choking sound, "That's Yoda, the Grand Master of the Jedi Order."
"Whoever," Harry shrugged apathetically before he regarded Aayla once more. He raised an eyebrow at her expectantly.
A puzzled look crossed Aayla's face, "What?"
Harry tilted his head, "Was that all?"
Aayla's face fell, she had hoped that showing Harry the recording would not only get him to trust her but make her request blatantly obvious. She had pretty much spelled it out in her conversation with the Council, and had hoped he was already considering it. The Force had told her it was absolutely paramount that she join him. Those deaths she viewed, and felt weighed heavily on her. It felt like they were trying to suffocate her. But she pushed it aside for the moment.
Aayla chewed on her lip a moment before taking the plunge. "I…. want to stay with you, not just to Kashyyyk but beyond that… wherever you head next."
"Why?" Harry's implacable reply came back sounding not only entirely unsympathetic but completely apathetic.
Aayla floundered slightly. Though she didn't detect hostility in his tone, she also couldn't detect curiosity. Harry sounded completely disinterested in the idea. She opened her mouth several times before gesturing toward one of the speakers that had just played the recording for her. "You just heard!"
"Which part?" Harry shook his head, "I heard a bunch of people, most of whom had a skewed sense of priorities. All of whom were bickering, intolerant and inflexible with precious little common sense displayed among them."
Aayla really couldn't argue with that part.
"I heard almost suicidal levels of 'forgiveness' and second chances given to someone who tried to frame a fellow Jedi for her own crimes." There was particular disdain in Harry's voice as he said that.
Aayla sighed a little bit, "I don't disagree, though I would say that everyone makes mistakes and deserves a second chance."
"Where was that second chance when Ahsoka was accused?" Harry retorted. "You can't even say you don't agree, you yourself questioned the motives of the Order."
Ahsoka had an odd expression on her face. It was a combination of sadness for what happened, agreement with Harry for his stance, and an odd sort of pleasure that someone who she hadn't known very long so clearly had her back.
"What would you have them do?" Aayla countered. "Would you have them simply throw her away?"
"Isn't that what they did to me?" Ahsoka interjected, her blue eyes flashing.