Chapter 105: CH-105:)
Neither of the two women noticed their own predicament initially, as they were completely stunned by the other's appearance. It was only when each of them realized that they were both staring in shock at each other's body's, did the full implication of what had happened sink in.
Aayla looked down first, and immediately let out a scream while she tried and failed to cover herself up with her hands as best she could. Ahsoka did the same before a confused expression manifested itself on her face, she could still feel her clothes, she just couldn't see them.
Meanwhile, Harry stared at them, completely gob smacked at what happened. The result of the attempted matching having honestly astonished him for the first time since they had started the process. The explosions, bursts of light, loud noises, and other random happenings hadn't phased him and rarely caused him to lift an eyebrow in surprise. This though, was something new
Ahsoka also saw that, hidden amongst the blatant shock shown in his face, his eyes flickered over Aayla's completely revealed form and then over her own for the same amount of time before his head disappeared below the trunk in order to divert his gaze, though the idea of it being a polite gesture was ruined utterly when the sound of guffaws could be heard.
"Harry!" Aayla's indignant voice screeched.
Of course that only served to make the laughter louder. A few seconds later Harry's hand appeared over the lid of the trunk with his wand that he waved in their general direction. Ahsoka felt the tingle of the Force slide over her and glanced down as her clothes shimmered back into view, glancing over and seeing Aayla's doing the same, though the laughter continued for several moments before Harry's voice floated up.
"Are.. you… cough… decent?" the snicker in his tone was audible to anyone.
"Yes, Harry, we are," Ahsoka replied rolling her eyes.
Harry poked his head above the trunk cautiously to find one extremely irritated looking Twi'lek Jedi staring down at him, and a more amused than irritated Togruta who was attempting to hold a glare but was failing to stop the corner of her mouth from tilting up in a smile.
"I swear… I have never seen wands do that before," Harry said defensively to their glares. "Though I should've expected wands that came from those two deviants to do something like that."
Then he began to chuckle fondly, a true smile gracing his features, "Gone for as long as they've been, and they still manage to get a prank in."
"If something like that happens again I think I'm just going to shut you in that trunk." huffed Aayla as she crossed her arms. She had seen Harry's appreciative look, but couldn't fault him too much as he hadn't just stared at them, but had given them some privacy after a few moments to react.
"Fair enough," Harry replied with an unconcerned shrug. It wasn't like he could control the wand's responses.
"What exactly was that, Harry?" asked Ahsoka inquisitively. The shock had worn off, and she actually wanted to know what had happened. The implications of hiding things while keeping others visible occurring immediately to her.
He looked up from where he was packing away Fred's and George's wands back into the long thin box that had carried both of them, "Not sure how you managed it, but the accidental magic that burst out there was a selective disillusionment charm that hit only your clothes somehow. I'm not sure I could manage the fine control necessary for that even if I deliberately tried to do so."
He hesitated and pursed his lips briefly, "Okay, that's not entirely true. I could do that, but doing it to the wands so that it was subtle enough for me to miss, and not kick off the moment I touched the wands, and then focus it to just the clothes a person was wearing, without knowing in advance what they would be wearing, that's… incredibly complicated charms work. And not something I would have thought of doing."
"So that wasn't anything you did?" clarified Aayla, still with her arms crossed protectively over her chest.
Harry rolled his eyes, "You felt the burst of magic from each other as you grabbed the wands, right?"
At both of their slowly careful nods, he continued, "Add to that, that these were brother wands belonging to a pair of incredibly bright and talented twin pranksters, then you can see how that bit I talked about how wands aren't sentient, but slightly close. In a sense… a wand will learn from the wizard it chose."
"Apparently these two wands learned the need to prank, and decided that the two of you were decidedly overdressed," he finished with a snicker.
"So that can be repeated in the future though, right?" asked Ahsoka again. At the incredulous look she received from both Aayla and Harry, she quickly clarified, "I meant about turning something specific invisible. I'd want my lightsaber or flak vest invisible if I was trying to be inconspicuous."
With a the nod of understanding, Harry turned back to the trunk and spoke, "Yes, you could definitely do something like that. That's a fifth or sixth year charm, if memory serves. It becomes even more effective if you pair it with a notice-me-not."
The discussion petered out as Harry picked up the pace of wands he was handing them. Though they noticed he was always careful putting them back into boxes, resisting any temptation there might have been for piling the wands up as they tried them. He made more than one comment about definitely getting his workout as he climbed up and down the ladder into the depths of the trunk.
Despite her doubts and skepticism, Aayla found a wand that connected to her first. Harry handed her a wand, and the moment she waved it bright blue, red and purple sparks all shot from the tip, creating a brief firework display. All three present stared for several moments.
"Finally! A match!" Harry exclaimed with a grin and did a bit of a happy dance, "Now granted, that was one of the more brilliant displays I've ever seen from a first time wand matching… but that just means it's a great match!"
"Who did this one belong to?" Aayla asked, she was holding up the wand in front of her face and staring at it almost reverently. Despite what Harry had said, she had been doubtful through the entire process and her comments had gotten increasingly more sarcastic and acerbic.
But now, with this innocuous seeming stick in her hands, she couldn't deny the connection she felt. It felt warm and comforting in her hand. She slowly turned it in her hand examining it from every angle. She was unable to deny the connection she felt through the Force. it felt like a part of her.
Harry was still grinning as he stared at the wand. He picked up the box and glanced at the name. "That belonged to a woman named Victoire Weasley."
"It contains a hair of her maternal great grandmother and the wood is from a cedar tree," He clarified as his eyes took on an increasingly familiar faraway look of someone going through memories. "She was the daughter of my first human friend's brother. The man was a fearless adventuring curse-breaker. She was also a daughter to a woman who fought her whole life to be seen as the intelligent cunning woman that she was, rather the absolute sex bomb her looks distracted everyone with."