Star Wars, A Reincarnation Story.

Chapter 33

Chapter 33

The deal I made with the Nightsister was the only thing holding me back. I make good deals so I don't get messed with and when those deals go bad then that's when I go nuclear.

The best part is that the Nightsisters don't know that I know. I keep the deal going while dodging my pupil's lame assassin attempts. They don't know what they have let themselves in for.

During the day I train the ungrateful pupils in the way of the force and learn a little of the Nightsister's abilities. I can tell they are holding back on teaching me but that doesn't matter anymore. When night rolls over, I act.

My natural talents in the force lean toward being sneaky and unseen. I'm able to disguise my force and shape causing an almost perfect camouflage. The only thing I leave behind is torn plant fibbers as even my footsteps are silent from practice. With a little Telekenises, I'm able to skip off the ground without leaving a single footprint, I can use the force to fly but it's a strain on me, gavity is a force that is too much for me to overwhelm.

But I don't need to fly to do what I want. My job for tonight is to test the Nightsisters. I need to see how deeply they use the force, I take indirect action by capturing snakes and bitting incests and dumping them on lone Nightsisters and see their reaction. If they can react before the snakes touch them then that means they have pre-cog abilities but if they get bitten, then they are prime targets for a light bit of kidnapping.

I can't be sure how good the Nightsisters are at fighting because of how they use the force in different ways but it's a nice little test and it tickles my darker side that I'm using the planet animals against the Nightsister. Those who fall for this trick, I quickly snap them up and drag them away.

The Darkside of the Force has a nice little ability called Drain Knowledge, and I'm really good at it. This ability uses the force to not only read the surface thoughts but also deep memories at the cost of pain to the victim. I have worked out how to use the skill without the pain part by mixing the ability with a different dark side force ability called force drain.

By using force drain and my extensive knowledge of medicine, I'm able to pull a small amount of their force causing pleasure and while the victim is paralyzed with good feels I extract the knowledge, this was all thanks to the Sith holocubes.

This Nightsister had no clue why I was on the Nightsister's kill list but she did have knowledge I could use. She had a deeper understanding of how to Alter the force. The Nightsister should have taught me this stuff but I can see they are holding back.

I leave the Nightsister where I kidnapped her. I put up mental barriers in her mind to block her memories, it won't last forever but unless a deep mental shock happens to her then it should be fine for a while.

I slink back to my ship ready for a light sleep. For the next three weeks, I repeat my nightly crawl and rip my reward from the minds of lesser Nightsisters.

Training during the day is becoming annoying as my apprentices are becoming increasingly violent to me, so much so that they aren't even hiding their emotions anymore. Even the female with her controlled mind has hate rolling off the surface.

I can feel the dark side of my emotions triggering nasty dark thoughts cheering me on to choke out the little shits. I control myself with reason but I'm not above hurting them with sly little jabs to the ribs or a blackeye and split lip. The people are getting to me, the planet is a dark side focus point and it might be seeping into me.

I can feel the rage, and with the rage comes stupidity. I'm becoming more restless and I'm making poorer choices. My nightly kidnapping has become more daring as I take stronger foes and look through their memories. I'm making bigger mistakes that are harder to cover up.

I had forgotten or ignored that even though the Nightsister didn't use the force in the same way as the Sith or Jedi, they still were able to glimpse into the future. A lucky Nightsister had some inkling and set up an ambush with two other Nightsisters.

What followed was a hard fight, for them. All three of them ran towards me with blades raised ready to slice me apart. With the first Nightsister, I allowed the blade to cut into my ribs positive that my armour would protect me. In return, I offered a punch filled with my spite and anger. The blow caused the Nightsister's bottom jaw to crack and dislocate. If it wasn't for the Nightsister's special magic that weaved throughout the planet and themselves, then her jaw would have been turned to pulp. Instead, I kicked the Nightsister away. She twisted in the air like a cat as she tried to get to her feet.

The other two Nightsisters attacked from either side of me. Their swords were playfully stabbing with caution as they just witnessed their sister taking a boot to the chest. Double blades tested my defences on either side of me.

It might have been a problem but I had been training with droids for centuries. Droid attacks were heavy and fast, especially my droids and I didn't limit myself to one at a time. Back in my training room, there were five specially adaptive four armed Asura-ranked droids. Each one could contend with a Jedi or Sith if they didn't use the force. These droids have trained my fist into killing machines. My once weakness towards close-up combat had disappeared. Now I was an all-rounder fighter.

The Nightsister's blades danced and poked while my arms and fists redirected and deflected. The third injured Nightsister recovered and joined the fight. A soft green smoke snaked around her body and consolidated at the end of her weapon.

With a speed that shocked the Nightsisters, I turned on the spot and sandwiched the blade between my hands. The green smoke twisted around my hands and took a form to bite me.

The green smoke was some kind of poison or acid. Red ribbons of lightning danced off my hands and battled the smoke. It was a fight between the Nightsister's magical ichor and my red force lightning.

The other two nightsister didn't let up and swung their weapons only for both of them to quickly jump away when my red lightning jumped out of my body to defend me. I no longer need to point my lightning as it could flow freely to any point of my body. All thanks to the domain I had learnt from other force users.

If the Nightsisters were shaken by my speed then they were spooked by my defensive lightning.

I must admit the sight of red lightning rolling off my body was an epic sight to behold. One that no one had seen before.... no one alive that was. The group of three Nightsisters hadn't been on full alert. Before, they had run into the fight ready to attack. Now they were cautious to the extreme. The green smoke that a single Nightsister had used was now joined by two others to form an enormous snake.

The sister might have gloated but a long overdue change in my understanding hit me after witnessing the green smoke from the Nightsisters.

My red lightning fluctuated, melded, consolidated, and changed. What was once lightning was morphing into purple fire and then into aqua-green water. My weeks of stealing knowledge and witnessing the Nightsister's abilities in a real fight allowed a Quantum Leap in understanding. I finally managed to do it. I was now a master at Altering the force

The Nightsister's green smoke snake dived to attack and thin lines of aqua-green water from me tied it up and dragged it to the ground. The water Altered into flames to burn the snake into nothing and my force pushed the last vapors of sickly green smoke away. The fight had been somewhat easy but now it was a joke. The Nightsisters were at Jedi level but I was a master. The follow-up attack I gave caused the three Nightsisters to disappear. The only thing that was found was an arm and a leg that I so happened to dump in a creature pit to cover my tracks.

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