Spider-Man of Earth 65

Chapter 13 – Overthinking

Two hours passed and the hack was complete. His home desktop was finished too, with all the necessary software included.

His PC already booted up, he told Herbie, “Send a copy of the necessary data here, then delete it when I’m done.”

“Please turn on the Bluetooth.”

“Oh, right. Whoops.” Felix did just that and let the files come over. From Dr. Octavius’ computer to the Fantastic Computer to Spider-Phone (name pending), back to the Fantastic Computer and Dr. Octavius’ computer to reach the Oscorp email server, then finally back here. What a doozy.

Regardless, it was here. Everything he wanted was here.

His eyes were opened up to a whole new world.

Project New Element, Project Oscorpeus, Project Symbiosis, Project Rebirth II, spiders, mercenaries, attack, Maria, and Reed.

Project Rebirth II was self-explanatory. It was everything he was doing. But everything else was a mystery wrapped in an enigma, including Project Oscorpeus.

‘What? Cindy Moon? Who is this person?’

Before Alistair, before Project Oscorpeus, there was another radioactive.

Not just one spider—two spiders.

The first arose as a result of a spider coming into contact with a particle accelerator. The spider nearly bit Cindy Moon, a high schooler some years ago, but the spider was killed before it could do so and thus led to a lawsuit between Cindy Moon’s parents and Oscorp.

‘Dr. Curt Conner claims the spider would have either killed her or…given Cindy Moon powers. What…?’

Years passed till the next relevant emails began. The story was almost nonsensical because the individual responsible for the creation of the second spider was none other than Cindy Moon. Her family was rich, she could afford to spend years of her life recreating the impossible miracle that was the first radioactive spider. Indeed, it took a trillion different coincidences for that spider to exist. A spider with the right amount of blood to withstand a particle accelerator’s radiation and then be able to give that radiation to a human. Those were seven unique attributes right there!

‘She’s crazy.’ He read over each and every email written by Cindy Moon. ‘She’s…emailing the CEO? Asking for more funds? Is she mad?’

He scrolled down. A year went by.


‘Terminated. They fired her, rightfully so. Her research was…insane.’

There was no further mention of Cindy Moon. After regarding Project Oscorpeus was…

‘Huh?’ A new tab with a new series of emails appeared, courtesy of Herbie it seemed. ‘Alistair…he was left to pick up the pieces. He was Cindy’s right hand and stayed at Oscorp while she was fired.’

Another abrupt change in tabs. Herbie sure was proactive. He didn’t mind, to be honest, it made everything more efficient.

But what Herbie brought up was…

“A SHIELD report? What the hell is SHIELD?”

“Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division,” Herbie said through his earbud. “Founded by Director Peggy Carter, notable members include: Captain America, Falcon, Agent Fury, Clay Quartermain, Redwing, Shadowcat, and Wolverine.

“C-Captain America is there?”

“SHIELD is the successor to The Strategic Scientific Reserve, the SSR, the organization behind the famous Project Rebirth.”

“So these guys are the ones behind the Super Soldier Program?” Felix asked. “In the history books, I’m pretty sure they just mention it being a government project…”

‘Even Oscorp didn’t mention these guys. Judging by the emails, they knew but didn’t want to tell. Was there really no relevant information?’

His eyes returned to the report. Time to read.


Subject: S.W.O.R.D. Astronaut and S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent Jesse Drew


Jesse Drew, a former astronaut affiliated with S.W.O.R.D. (Sentient Weapon Observation and Response Division), became the sole survivor of a classified alien spider attack during a reconnaissance mission. The incident resulted in Jesse Drew being exposed to a lethal parasite carried by the alien spiders, infecting his bloodstream.

Initial reports indicated radiation poisoning due to exposure to extraterrestrial elements, further complicating his condition. However, a subsequent encounter led to a clandestine agreement brokered by geneticist Cindy [REDACTED], an individual previously linked to Oscorp and experimental genetic research.

Deal with Cindy [REDACTED]:

Cindy [REDACTED] negotiated a secretive arrangement with S.H.I.E.L.D., proposing to rectify Jesse Drew's radiation poisoning in exchange for undisclosed terms. The terms of the agreement involved the utilization of an isotope developed by Cindy [REDACTED], bearing similarities to the substance responsible for irradiating the OSCORP spider.

Resolution and Unforeseen Consequences:

The agreement led to the treatment of Jesse Drew's radiation poisoning, though the process inadvertently granted him augmented abilities reminiscent of spider-like powers. Cindy [REDACTED]'s isotope, administered to sustain these enhanced abilities, rendered Jesse Drew reliant on the substance for stability.


The collaboration between Cindy [REDACTED], Jesse Drew, and S.H.I.E.L.D. poses inherent risks and ethical concerns. Cindy [REDACTED]'s unorthodox methods and involvement in genetic manipulation raise alarms regarding potential misuse of experimental substances. Additionally, Jesse Drew's dependence on the isotope introduces vulnerabilities, making him susceptible to external influence or coercion.


Further investigation into Cindy [REDACTED]'s activities and her connections to enhanced genetic research is warranted. Monitoring of Jesse Drew's condition and its implications on S.H.I.E.L.D. operations is advised to mitigate potential threats arising from his newfound abilities and dependence on the isotope.


‘So that’s how the second spider was created.’ The further he went, the deeper his understanding. ‘Cindy lucked out with Jesse and procured a single radioactive spider through the alien spider creatures.’

“Who sent this email? And to whom were they sending it to?” Felix squinted his eyes and checked. “Dr. Otto Octavius? To…several people including…woah, Norman Osborn.”

“Judging by future emails, he left Oscorp a month after this email. In his place came his sister, Dr. Olivia Octavius.'

“Dr. Octavius had a brother? Woah, okay, wait, wait.” Felix went into a thinking pose. “So her brother sent an email to Norman Osborn himself regarding SHIELD secret documents and then just…left? That can’t be a coincidence.”

“No further mention of Otto Octavius in future emails,” Herbie supplied. “Notably, he worked on Project Rebirth II before you did. He made no substantial discoveries. Rather, he invented a pair of working arms that Oscorp wished to buy the patent of.”

“He left because of a patent?” Felix snorted. “I doubt it. It’s too easy.”

“Perhaps you are overthinking.”


More emails were checked. However, nothing relevant pertaining to the spiders or Otto Octavius came by.

‘Hm. Even if I don’t know what happened to Otto Octavius, I suppose I can figure out something else: Gwen Stacy was bitten by the spider Cindy made. After all, if it’s no different than the original, then the chances of living were fifty-fifty.’

He leaned back on his chair, thinking. Looking back at the monitor, he asked Herbie, “Anything else?”

Nothing. Hm.

“Move onto Project Symbiosis. I want to know about Dr. Elsa Brock. What was so important about this project that Dr. Octavius risked her life to message her on the day of the incident?”

Two tabs were summoned, both emails. Simply nonsense regarding the project.

“Next,” Felix said. Herbie’s control over his computer was downright making him lazy. Several new emails were opened. “Next. Oh?”


Subject: Missing Data - Project Symbiosis - Symbiote Specimen


An alarming discovery has been made within Oscorp's confidential archives concerning Project Symbiosis, specifically the unaccounted absence of the symbiote specimen referenced in the project.


Project Symbiosis, a highly secretive research endeavor led by Dr. Elsa Brock within Oscorp's genetic and biotech division, centered around an enigmatic symbiote specimen found on the moon. The objectives and nature of the symbiote's research and its potential applications were intentionally kept off the official records, shrouded in utmost secrecy.

Missing Symbiote Specimen:

Investigations have unveiled a significant void in the archival records related to the symbiote specimen involved in Project Symbiosis. Detailed reports, research logs, and crucial experimental data pertaining to the symbiote's origins, properties, and potential capabilities are conspicuously absent from Oscorp's internal archives.

Potential Implications:

The absence of vital information concerning the symbiote raises alarming questions regarding its whereabouts, purpose, and potential applications. The deliberate omission of the symbiote's existence suggests a concerted effort to erase critical data, concealing its true nature and implications for Oscorp's research endeavors.


Immediate and comprehensive forensic analysis of Oscorp's data repositories is imperative to ascertain the extent of the missing information regarding the symbiote specimen and to identify potential motives behind its erasure. A thorough investigation into Dr. Elsa Brock's involvement and any associates linked to Project Symbiosis is crucial in uncovering the truth behind the symbiote's disappearance and its potential ramifications for Oscorp's scientific pursuits.


Felix did a double-take. At the very end was a strip of words he did not anticipate. “L-level ten clearance? Isn’t that reserved for the big shots of the company?”

“This specific encryption took the longest,” Herbie explained. “Hence why we, despite being fitted with the most advanced computer in the world, struggled.”

“I-I see. I don’t know what’s more shocking, the fact that we’ve gained access to something as crazy as this or that Project Symbiote went missing two years ago.”

“Both are shocking,” said Herbie.

“Agreed.” Felix sighed, elbows on the counter, and massaged his temple. “Sheesh. This is a lot to take in—and so far, nothing about Reed or the incident.”

“Besides emergency emails after the matter, there seem to be no relevant emails,” Herbie said. “Waiting is advised.”

“Agreed. We should wait—wait, would we have to hack the system all over again?”


“Fair enough. I shouldn’t be complaining considering that we hacked a multi-billionaire company's private email server and found all its greatest secrets. Oh, right, one last thing, Project New Element, is there anything about that?”

“There is none.”

“Wait, seriously?”

“Yes. If there is correspondence, it is not digital.”

“So Dr. Octavius is going the ol’ fashioned way. Hm.” Felix got up from his chair and started pacing around his room. He tended to do that when he needed to think. "What to do, what to do..." He stopped. "Reed."

"Read? Read what?"

"No, I mean, Reed Richards. Pull up any emails between Reed and Dr. Octavius."

"Understood." Hundreds of emails popped up. "Over the course of his employment, Dr. Octavius would personally email him. In fact, even before his employment, she had emailed Dr. Richards seeking details on a fire of his."

"Fire? She must be talking about the cosmic fires he accidentally created. Hm. Show me those emails, Herbie." Back to his computer, his eyes widened as his eyes bobbed and scanned. "Interesting. She doesn't mention Project New Element but it's clear everything that's what she's talking about. Chemistry, physics, math...videos of a projection? Yeah, she was definitely asking Reed for advice."

Reed Richards, the smartest teenager in the world and someone that was possibly given too many corporate secrets. Was that why he died? Did Crossbones suddenly remember to kill him? Or was it a random move on his part?

No, it didn't matter. At the end of the day, he died. The reason or method was irrelevant.

"Suspects...suspects...who in the world hired the mercenaries? Because they had to be hired, right?"

"There is a ninety-eight percent probability that Crossbones was hired by a third party. His ambitions and history have been defined by money given to him."

"Someone rich...someone with resources...someone against Oscorp...someone who wanted the spiders and Project New Element..."

Felix's mutterings were interjected by a knock on his apartment door. Sighing, he turned off the monitor and went out. Behind the door was a beautiful Puerto Rican woman with dark skin and dark brown hair in a braided ponytail. On her right ear was a gold hoop earring and she was dressed in a dark blue floral-patterned summer dress. His eyes zipped up to her eyes.

“Oh, Rio! Hi! Is something up?”

"I just came back from work," Rio said. Her expression was half-nervous, half-excited, as if she had been waiting to say this for hours. "A new café opened up near us and there's a sale going on for people going in pairs."

"A café?" Why would she...oh! Felix smiled and nodded. "Sure. Ah, let me get changed first."

"I'll be waiting downstairs in the foyer."


Felix closed the door and quickly got changed, from grey sweatpants and a black t-shirt to black slacks and a long-sleeved beige polo sweater. He wore a watch that he had stolen from Reed's lab, something that amplified Herbie's connection to the Fantastic Computer. Before, he had no need for it. It was an item for show. But now there was some use for it.

Felix made his way downstairs to the foyer. The sudden invitation from Rio had caught him off guard, yet he couldn't help but feel intrigued by the prospect of spending time with her outside their usual encounters. 'Is this a date? I mean, she didn't say it was a date but it probably is, right?'

Romantic interest...it was weird to be on the receiving end of it.

When he reached the foyer, Rio stood there, radiant in her summery dress, the floral patterns adding a touch of elegance to her appearance. Her warm smile greeted him, and Felix couldn't help but feel a flutter of excitement.

"Hey, Rio," Felix greeted, offering a smile that mirrored her enthusiasm. "So, ah, where are we going exactly?"

Rio's eyes lit up. "It's just a short walk from here."

"Everything in Harlem is a short walk away," Felix joked.

Rio laughed. "Alright, smart guy, why don't you take us there if you know so much."

"Sorry, sorry, led the way, ma'am."

"Ma'am?" Rio repeated, a brow raised. A smile slowly crept up. "I like the sound of that—"

There was a buzz and the front foyer door opened. Ordinarily, the two of them would have ignored the person and let go to the elevator. However, this wasn't just anyone. It was Miles and he was not looking good. He had a black eye and he wasn't carrying his bag like he usually did.

There was an awkward pause. One second where Miles didn't notice their presence and stared at the floor, dejected, then the next when he finally noticed them.  "Oh, uh, are you guys going somewhere?"

"Miles!" Rio's concern immediately took precedence, her maternal instincts kicking in as she rushed to her son's side. "Miles, what happened?" Rio's voice trembled with worry, her eyes scanning over his injuries.

Miles hesitated, clearly trying to downplay the severity of the situation. "It's nothing, just a small scuffle," he mumbled, trying to brush it off.

But Rio wouldn't have it. "Small scuffle? Look at you! You have a black eye! We need to get you patched up."

Felix interjected, trying to ease the tension. "Rio's right. Let's take care of this first, Miles." The café visit could be rescheduled.

So that was how Felix ended up back at Rio's place, sitting on her couch and watching as the mother tended to her son.

Rio dabbed a damp cloth against Miles' bruised eye, her movements delicate yet purposeful. "Hold still, sweetie. Let me clean this up for you," she coaxed. "Miles, how could this happen?"


A response but no answer.

"Miles, please, what happened?" Rio asked. "You're not the type to get into fights. I know that much."

"It's..." Miles looked torn, almost ashamed. Rio's concern eventually melted him and he admitted, "I didn't even do anything! I was walking and some dude robbed me!"

"Really? A robber?"

Rio wasn't being skeptical. She was just asking. But for the teenage Miles, it felt like his mother was questioning him.

"Yes, really! He took my school bag, my project, and all my homework! What am I gonna tell my teacher!?"

Rio softened. "Miles...I...I'll talk to the school about it."

Miles crossed his arms, irritated.

Felix decided to chip in. "I got robbed a while ago too. I get it, it sucks, it's humiliating, but don't blame yourself. The streets just aren't as safe as they used to be and there's nothing you can do against a knife or a gun."

'Well, I mean...I could, but...hm.'

"See?" Miles let out a disgruntled sigh. "It's 'cuz Spider-Woman isn't here. Because of her, the bad guys are getting bolder and bolder. I know one of my friends was held up at gunpoint."

"That's not..."

"It's true, mom! Look at the numbers!"

Rio sent Felix a look, silently asking whether her son was correct. Felix pursed his lips and nodded. "Statistically, yes. Since Spider-Woman's disappearance two and a half years ago, crime has skyrocketed. For direct robberies, this year alone there's been a 15% increase from last year."

"Are you serious? Things are getting so crazy," Rio muttered. "Crazy, I tell you."

Miles winced slightly as his mother continued to tend to his injuries, but he complied, allowing his mother to tend to his injuries for a few seconds longer. "I think I'm okay, Mom. Really," he assured her.

"Fine." Rio huffed. "Go to your room and rest up."

"I'll order take-out," Felix said. "Anything you want, Miles?"

"Shake Shack! I like their hot dogs."

"Got it."

The fifteen year old dashed to his room, though on the fourth step, there was a visible limp that slowed him down. Once the door closed, Rio let out a sigh and leaned back on the couch.

"He's right," Rio muttered. "Even at school, I've been hearing bad things. God, it's just...one thing after another. Today, I wanted to relax and I couldn't even get that."

Felix remained quiet, not knowing what to say. Rio let out another sigh.

"Raising Miles in a place like this...I'm so worried."

"You've been doing well so far," Felix comforted.

She laughed a little. "Thank you."

"Can I ask what happened to his dad? I've seen the photos," Felix said, referring to the framed photos in the living room. He saw them on his last visit and he was seeing them now. "You seemed happy."

Rio put a hand to her mouth, swallowing, and turned to him. "Do you...do you remember the Kingpin Operation?" Felix gave a nod. He vividly recalled the incident. Rio continued, "Both Miles' dad and uncle were in the NYPD and they were in the heat of it. Lots of spying, lots of infiltration, lots of days when he wouldn't come back. The two of them alongside Captain Stacy were in the thick of it." Her eyes became clouded in sorrow. "In the end, the operation succeeded and Kingpin was captured, though at the cost of their lives. I've been on my own ever since."

She clenched her fist. Felix thought about how he could comfort her and did the only thing he could do: put his hand on hers. It was a small gesture but he could feel her appreciating it.

"We're okay now. I make decent money from being a teacher." Rio flashed him a smile. "Miles is doing pretty good too. So...yeah."

Felix smiled back. "Yeah."

There was a pleasant silence. A moment where they looked into each other's eyes and relaxed. Then, the awkwardness filled in as they contemplated, "What next?"

Rio cleared her throat, her free hand brushing her hair aside. "S-so about the Shake Shack..."

"R-right," Felix said, taking away his hand and whipping out the Spider-Phone. "I'll get right to it."

'I'm definitely not overthinking,' Felix thought as Herbie dialled in the number. 'Rio is, er...yeah. Anyway. Overthink later, order takeout now.'

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