Special Forces: Guarding the border for ten years, my family was in ruins when I returned

Chapter 88: Going to sea! Get started in advance!

After hearing Hai Shi's words, Gu Tian and others also nodded heavily in agreement.

They have been soldiers of the Army Special Forces since they joined the army, and they still are.

Because they are in the army, they have not received special training from the navy, and they are not clear about the navy's combat methods.

And in the future, they are not guaranteed to perform missions at sea, or in other words, they will encounter sea areas during a mission.

Therefore, it is very necessary for them to study.

Immediately, Gu Tian nodded and replied: "Understood!"

"Okay, get ready and let's go. I look forward to your return after completing your studies." Sea Lion glanced at them and said with a smile.

After Gu Tian and others responded, they walked out the door.

Not long after, they finished packing and got on the helicopter flying to the Eastern Fleet.



Their base was originally in the southeast area, and the Eastern Fleet was not very far away from them.

Not long after, they arrived at the base of the Sea Shark Commandos.

After they got off the helicopter, they saw a group of people waiting for them below.

Then, a man who looked like a captain came over. After greeting Gu Tian, ​​he said, "I am the captain of the Sea Shark Commando. Hello, Zhang Yue."

"Captain of the Wolf Thorn Commando, hello Gu Tian." Gu Tian replied calmly.

The first time Zhang Yue saw Gu Tian, ​​he looked at him secretly.

After all, he knew what Gu Tian and the others had done.

When Zhang Yue found out, he became very curious about Gu Tian and wanted to see what kind of person he was who could complete such a difficult task.

Now seeing Gu Tian's faintly powerful aura, he knew that Gu Tian was really no ordinary person.

Then I don’t know how the ability to accept new things is. After all, the navy and the army are two combat methods.

It may be strong in the Army, but not so outstanding in the Navy.

After Zhang Yue watched Gu Tian, ​​he immediately introduced the Haisha team members to Gu Tian, ​​and then informed Gu Tian and the others about their daily training tasks.

After a while, Zhang Yue said to a team member: "Take them to the dormitory to clean up."

But just after he finished speaking, he heard a burst of sirens.



"Everyone is here, target the command room, move forward at full speed!!" Zhang Yue's face froze when he heard the siren, and he shouted immediately.

Immediately, everyone ran to the command room, including Gu Tian and the others.

Hearing this siren, it was impossible for them to go to the dormitory again.

After all, they are here to learn. If there is an emergency here, they need to adapt to the situation here and keep up with the rhythm here.

Otherwise, learning is just an empty shell.

Soon, with everyone running at full speed, they arrived at the command room.

As soon as they entered, the base's top commander, Captain Liu Yihai, turned around and said seriously: "Emergency news just came in. A merchant ship was attacked by a group of pirates and hijacked."

"After they hijacked the merchant ship, they drove it to the waters of neighboring countries. We must rescue them before the merchant ships sail to the waters of neighboring countries!"

Captain Zhang Yue frowned after hearing this and asked: "How many pirates are there!?"

"There are about forty people, and there are dozens of hostages on the merchant ship!"

"You, the Sea Shark Commandos, set out now to rescue those hostages!"

"Pirates will never be allowed to harm us Chinese people!!"

Hearing this, Captain Zhang Yue's eyes flashed, and then he nodded heavily: "Understood!!"

Then, he glanced at Gu Tian and the others, pondered for a moment, looked at Gu Tian and said, "Come with us to carry out this mission, just so you can experience the navy's combat method."

The reason why he asked Gu Tian and the others to go together was because he wanted them to experience it. After all, this was a rare opportunity.

The second is to see how strong they are and whether they are that powerful.

As for whether there would be any problems, he wasn't worried at all. After all, they were all warriors and had the ability to protect themselves.

After hearing this, Gu Tian nodded in agreement.

Immediately, everyone rushed to the equipment warehouse. Everyone put on a neat set of individual combat equipment, which could be said to be fully armed.

Immediately afterwards, everyone got on the helicopter and rushed to the eastern sea.

After the helicopter took off, a member of the Sea Shark Commando asked in a low voice: "Is it okay to take Gu Tian and the others this time?"

After he asked the question, he also attracted the attention of others.

They all know that it is definitely the first time for Gu Tian and others to fight at sea. If they go like this without training, the probability of making mistakes will be greatly increased.

If there is a major mistake, casualties may occur.

So they are very worried.

Captain Zhang Yue shook his head resolutely and said in a deep voice: "Don't worry about them. If they can't control this situation, then they won't learn anything in the navy."

Hearing this, everyone nodded and fell silent. Zhang Yue's words were indeed correct.

The hijacking scene on this island was indeed a small scene. They were the navy, and almost every once in a while, they would encounter a pirate attack.

This is the same as the hostage-taking by KB elements on the ground, except that the combat location has changed from land to sea.

When fighting at sea, the first thing that needs to be overcome is the difficulty of shooting caused by the rocking of the ship, and the timing and angle of shooting must be accurately grasped.

This is also the basic skill of the navy, which every naval soldier needs to master.

If this makes them confused, they will indeed lose the title of King of Army Soldiers.

After flying for a while, the helicopter arrived at the eastern sea.

Looking up, I saw that the hijacked merchant ship had been heading towards the waters of neighboring countries, and its speed had not slowed down.

After several helicopters approached, a broadcast sound came out.

"This is the Chinese Navy. You have been surrounded. Stop the merchant ships immediately!"

"This is the Chinese Navy. You have been surrounded. Stop the merchant ships immediately!"

However, the merchant ship still sailed away at a slow speed.

"In ten minutes, the merchant ship will leave the Chinese waters!"

The voice of the correspondent on the warship behind came from everyone's earphones.

Suddenly, everyone's eyes gleamed and their expressions became solemn.

Only ten minutes!

Immediately, a commando member of Haisha asked urgently: "Captain, what should we do now!?"

"Let's just rush forward!"

After Zhang Yue heard this, he asked in a deep voice in the headset: "Is there a landing place on the merchant ship!?"

"Searching!" the correspondent on the warship immediately replied.

But just as everyone in the Sea Shark Commando team was observing and waiting for the landing information.

One of their helicopters quietly circled out from behind.

Looking up, it was the helicopter Gu Tian and the others were on!

After they separated from the fleet, they flew at high altitude and bypassed the pirates' sight.

Immediately after, it came behind the merchant ship, and then the helicopter quickly landed.

The moment it fell, the door opened and several ropes fell from the sky.

Gu Tian and his party were seen grabbing the rope, then sliding down at high speed to the bottom of the rope.

At this time, they were only a dozen meters away from the merchant ship.

Finally, under the huge swing of the helicopter, Gu Tian and his party relied on inertia to jump and all arrived on the deck of the merchant ship.

Several of them rolled forward and took the strength off their bodies.

Then hide behind cover.

All this happened in a very short time, and the radio was playing continuously, so the pirates did not notice that Gu Tian and the others had already touched the merchant ship.

But this scene was seen by Zhang Yue and others on the helicopter, which immediately aroused their exclamation.

"Captain, look, Gu Tian and the others have already gone up!!" A commando immediately exclaimed.

"It's them!! But... they don't have combat experience on ships, will something happen to them!?"

"Captain, what should we do now!?"

When everyone heard this, their brows suddenly wrinkled.

This situation was indeed beyond their expectations.

They are the main actors in this operation, and Gu Tian and the others are here to assist them.

But now, before they could move, Gu Tian and others rushed out and successfully touched it!

This was something Zhang Yue didn't expect.

After all, they have been worrying about how to get up.

But now that a team is involved, that’s just right.

Immediately, Zhang Yue said in a deep voice: "Quick, let's fly over to put pressure on the pirates on the merchant ship and distract them!"

"Xiao Leng, please pay attention to the situation on the ship at all times. If there is an emergency, kill the pirates!"

"Also, Gu Tian and the others can't hold on anymore, we will land on the deck immediately, no matter what the situation is!!"

"Do you understand!?"



Afterwards, several helicopters flew around the merchant ship.

At the same time, these helicopters sounded broadcast sounds one after another to distract the pirates on board.

Looking at Gu Tian again, after they successfully touched it, they hid behind the bunker.

"What's going on inside now!?" Gu Tian asked Liu Feng in a low voice.

"All the hostages are in the main cabin. There are ten pirates guarding them, five on each side."

"The other pirates are inside the merchant ship, three are in the engine room, and four are in the control room..."

After Liu Feng listened carefully, he quickly whispered it.

After hearing this, Gu Tian nodded in agreement.

After thinking for a while, Gu Tian said in a deep voice: "Lin Feng and I will rush in from the door on the right, while Jiang Ting and Ye Xiong will attack from the left."

"The others follow Liu Feng and deal with the pirates in other parts of the ship!"

"Remember, we must act at the same time, and we must not harm the hostages!"

"Do you understand!?"




Suddenly, Gu Tian and his party, like ghosts, moved towards the main cabin of the merchant ship. ..

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