Special Forces: Guarding the border for ten years, my family was in ruins when I returned

Chapter 20: Tactical Replay! Excellent guide!

The news that the entire brigade of the Blue Army Missile Base was ‘annihilated’ quickly reached the ears of Haishi and the others.

Because they do not participate in the exercise, but they want to know the entire process of the exercise at any time.

Thirty small drones were arranged to hover over these fifteen teams, two for each team, to observe their abilities.

When Haishi and the others heard what Gu Tian and others had done, they immediately came to the screen of Gu Tian and others.

Colonel Sea Lion said in a deep voice: "Watch the replay!"

Upon hearing this, Sirius immediately stepped forward and played the video.

In the video, the entire process was recorded, from when Gu Tian and the others landed and were surrounded, to when the Blue Army missile base was bombed and 'annihilated'.

On the basis of fast forwarding, the Sea Lions quickly watched the entire video.

When the video finished playing, the sea lions in front of the screen all stopped breathing, as if their hearts had stopped beating.

Mu was frozen in place, motionless, and his eyes were no longer calm, but instead stirred up waves of terror.

It can be said that this video surprised them from beginning to end.

They have reached this point and become one of the most mysterious troops in the country. Naturally, they have seen a lot of ups and downs and top soldiers.

But this time, the performance of Gu Tian and the others was an eye-opener for Hai Shi and the others.

I have to admire it.

Tianlang said dullly: "Why does Ye Xiong know how to set up a booby trap?"

"Could it be...!?"

With a look of surprise, Haishi nodded slightly and replied, "Yes, he is the heir of that aristocratic family."

"But I didn't expect that when that family is in such decline, Ye Xiong would still pass it on. It's really unexpected."

The sea lion's tone was full of disbelief and surprise.

When other people heard this, they felt a wave of excitement in their hearts.

They had heard of such surprising formations, but they had never seen them before. This was the first time.

Can Bao on the side shook his head repeatedly at this time and sighed: "Not only him, but Liu Feng is also a master. He can rely on tapping the ground and based on the echo sent back, to detect the specific situation."

"Such techniques are beyond the reach of ordinary people!"

After everyone heard this, they all nodded heavily in agreement.

Sea Lion explained at this time: "Liu Feng has been lonely since he was a child. He likes to run to the valley and often listen to the echoes in the valley. Over time, he has developed this ability."

After Can Bao and the others heard this, they looked astonished.

"And Lin Feng, he really has top hacking skills. He can make the Blue Army's missile command system look like this. He is really powerful!"

However, the sea lion shook his head slightly, took a deep breath, and a ray of light burst out from his eyes, shining extremely, and then sighed: "The most powerful among this group of people is not these few, but Gu Tian."


Hearing this, everyone immediately let out a burst of surprise.

They didn't expect that the sea lion would say such words, or say it in such a tone.

You know, Haishi has been the commander of the Southeast Tiger and Lion Force for so long, and this is the first time he has evaluated a person like this.

Judging from the expression, it seemed that he was extremely shocked, or there was a hint of admiration.

This made them extremely surprised.

Not only that, how could the sea lion say that Gu Tian is the most powerful?

It can be understood from the entire video that Gu Tian's ability is not the most outstanding one compared with the others.

Shooting down two drones with two shots was much less shocking than him smashing a wine bottle.

And this kind of shooting ability has long been exposed in front of them.

To be surprised, it's really a small one.

In this case, how could it be Gu Tian! ?

Seeing the confused expressions on their faces, the sea lion immediately said in a deep voice: "Don't forget, the Blue Army missile base was destroyed by them!"

After everyone heard this, they became even more confused.

To destroy a base, it can be done if everyone present joins forces.

It's not difficult either.

The sea lion snorted coldly, and then asked: "How did they destroy it? Who came up with that idea!?"

The second consecutive fatal attack made everyone feel shocked.

They used the missiles from the Blue Army base to bomb the Blue Army base in all directions.

This idea was proposed by Gu Tian! !

When Can Bao and the others thought of this, a look of shock appeared on their faces.

While they were stunned, the words of the sea lion came faintly.

"This is the first time that the Blue Army has been 'killed' with the Blue Army's missiles!"

"And the person who came up with this method is Gu Tian."

"Not only that, the entire bombing plan was guided and controlled by Gu Tian."

"If this entire operation is compared to a person, Gu Tian is like the brain, and Lin Feng and the others are the limbs and trunk."

"Without the limbs, the brain can survive. If the trunk is damaged, the brain can still survive."

"And without the brain, the limbs and trunk are useless."

"There is no shortage of talent now, but there is a shortage of people who can lead the talent!"

"And Gu Tian is such a person, he is an extremely good leader!"

"Under the leadership of such a leader, Lin Feng and the others can fully demonstrate their strength."

The sea lion's words confused everyone, or rather shocked them.

That's right, there is no shortage of talents now, but there is a shortage of people who can really use talents!

After the Can Bao people thought deeply in their hearts, the surprise in their eyes became more and more intense, and they also had a hint of enlightenment in their hearts.

Seeing this, the sea lion sighed deeply again: "Can't you feel that Gu Tian has an indescribable momentum and courage?"

"I can't see through him."

Hearing this, Can Bao and the others turned their heads with a 'swish' and looked at Gu Tian on the screen. After seeing the confident look on his face, their hearts trembled again.

How can this man be so confident?

Could this be the aura that was faintly exuding?

After everyone in the Sea Lions watched the entire video, their views on Gu Tian and the others changed dramatically.

Especially his views on Gu Tian.

Of course, the news also reached the headquarters of the Blue Army and the Red Army.

When they heard that the Blue Army missile brigade base had been 'annihilated', the expressions on both sides were completely different.

The commander of the Blue Army was furious and issued a death order, asking his subordinates to go find out what was going on.

Then he issued an order to launch a large-scale encirclement attack on the Red Army.

The commander of the red side was extremely happy, because a missile base is so important to the army!

This simply helped the red team break a leg of the blue team, how could they not be happy.

In the end, the top commander of the red side said happily that after the exercise, he praised that unit heavily!

But what he didn't know was that the troops were not his subordinates at all. ..

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