Chapter 4: Lily and Luna
Soluna 'Luna' Haronyu put her phone into her pocket, cold sweat dripping from her forehead and her hands were shaking slightly. The doctors had called her to give her an update about her brother and how he had almost died.
They still didn't know the cause of his sudden crash of his condition but were even more confused about his currently stable state. The doctor in charge had even told her that Leone's body was slowly but steadily improving and it was possible that he may make a full recovery.
Exiting from a nearby alleyway, she reached inside of her jacket pocket to pull out a cigarette from a carton, she inhaled deeply before letting out a puff of smoke. She looked at the sky, relief washing over her as she stood there. Her brother was going to be okay. Her prayers had been answered.
"Ms. Luna, Smoking is bad for you! You know how I feel about it…it stinks and makes you smell like an old man. I don't want my best friend to smell like some old fart!"
Luna turn her head in the direction of the lively voice to see a blonde young lady in a light lilac one piece dress puffing her cheeks up in a pout. However, the pout quickly faded into surprise as she noticed the change in Lunas' expression.
"Luna? What happened? Was it something good?"
The young lady tilted her head as she approached Luna who was a similar age to her own
"Ahh. Young Lady. It is nothing you need to concern yourself with- "
Luna bowed to the young lady in deference but somehow there was a bit of joy and mirth mixed in with her words. But before she could continue, the Young lady interrupted.
"Don't gimme none of that Young lady crap. It's just the two of us, you don't need to act like my bodyguard, before anything else, we're friends!"
She looked into Lunas eyes with the sternest gaze she could muster but to Luna, all it did was make her look cute.
"Haha…Lily you really are stubborn"
Luna sighed, her eyes beginning to water up, threatening to spill tears as her lips twitched slightly upwards in a small smile. She took her cigarette and flicked it to the ground, snuffing it out by grinding it into the ground with her shoe.
"That was the hospital calling me-"
Luna turned her head, not looking Lily in the eyes as she spoke only to be interrupted again..
"Something happened to your brother?! Do you need to go see him?! We can go there right now if you want!"
Seeing Lily visibly panic, Luna let out a soft chuckle
"No he's fine. I mean they said he was in a dangerous spot but he is okay now. In fact they said there is even a chance he could make a full recovery!".
The thought of that alone made Luna break into a wide smile, tears streaming down her cheeks in relief which was a stark contrast to her usual stoic expression.
Lily covered her mouth at the shocking revelation before cheering
"YAY~! That's so good to hear! Maybe we should drop by the hospital when he is better and I can introduce myself to him~!".
Near the end of her statement she narrows her eyes, intent on teasing her best friend.
"Absolutely not."
Lunas bright smile instantly disappeared, replaced by her usual cold expression as she wiped her eyes after her immediate response.
"Ehhh~?! Why?!"
Lily was shocked at the immediate refusal from her best friend.
Luna glanced over her friend. She had waist length blonde hair that accentuated her baby blue eyes, A petite stature but with an hourglass figure alongside her beautiful white jade like skin and plentiful 'assets'. Luna then looked down at herself with her own more modest figure, disappointed in herself.
"I'm protecting him from indecency."
The tone was cold as ice as she turned and began to walk away.
"Eh?! Indecent? Me… Indecent? Is this how you're gonna treat me? W-wait for me!"
Lily was both confused and somewhat offended but chased after her friend, afraid to be left alone.
Neither of them bothered to check on the dozen or so foolish men who lay wasted in crumpled heaps in the alley, having been viciously beaten for coveting a couple of beauties and attempting to kidnap them.
The fools were unaware that the girls they targeted was a famous bodyguard who had recently risen to infamy in certain circles of the underworld as the [Rabbit of Carnage] and the lady she protected. .
The two walked down the street illuminated by street lights, the two bantering back and forth, but Lily was all too quickly finding herself running out of breath, unable to maintain the same speed as Luna due to her own lack of exercise.
"Luna! Stop walking so faast" Why are you in such a hurry? Are you trying to get rid of me?"
Lily was whining, her cheeks puffing up in indignation as she also tried to catch her breath. .
"Your stamina is still as trash as ever, perhaps you should exercise more often. If you want, I could train you…"
Luna came to a stop after she gave that offer for the umpteenth time, hoping that this would be the catalyst to convince Lily to attain some level of fitness.
"You train me?! NEVER! I would rather die! I dont want NO Spartan Training!!!"
Lily eyes widened in a bit of fear. She had seen the intense training Luna put herself through and wanted no part of it for herself. If she wanted to torture herself, she would swap out her pop for the diet version and have sugar free snacks.
Luna could only sigh, her head drooping down in defeat and dismay. Her lazy young miss was just like a fat cat, only wanting to eat, sleep and play to her hearts' content.
"Rude! Is this how you talk to the person who got you a headset for you and your lil bro?"
Lily crossed her arms, her 'assets becoming far more pronounced when she did so as she glared at her friend with a smug smirk plastered on her face.
Luna instinctively clicked her tongue in displeasure when she glanced at her friends chest but she quickly shut her mouth. Based on her own experiences, it was more than likely that the headset that saved Leones life. Taking a deep breath, Luna bowed her head
"I will never forget that and you will always have my thanks…"
"Hey Hey. None of that. You and me, we are friends. That won't change for anything!" Lilys voice was soft as she put her hand on her friends shoulders, reminiscing about the past.