Chapter 31: A Beast Rises
With inconsolable grief, Lunas tears streamed down her face as she threw herself at the Goblin BOSS, wholly intending to avenge her brother even if it cost her her own life.
Yet despite that conviction, the BOSS was able to easily dodge her blows as her pattern had become easily predictable in her sorrow.
Even Lily wasn't much better as her hands shook as she saw the horrific state the boys were in. She was the first to see Ouroboros impaled and unmoving on a tree and now even Leos was on the precipice of death. With unsteady hands, her magic constantly misfired or missed the Goblin entirely.
"Skreak kek~!"
The goblin sneered as it looked down on the two girls whose coordination had come crumbling to the ground at the most crucial moment.
Leo felt no pain as he laid there on the forest floor, his eyes somewhat foggy as he watched the two girls desperately attacking the BOSS monster.
'I can't be lying down here. I gotta get back in there and help them!'
He was eager to jump back in to the fray and help his sister so he tried to stand up and move
Yet no matter how he tried, his body refused to move, he couldn't even make his fingers twitch.
He wanted to scream but even his voice no longer worked. All he could do was try even harder/ Yet there was not even the slightest of movement from him.
His body remained motionless as the horrific realization struck him. He was paralyzed from the neck down!
'Damn it! DAMN IT! NOOOO'
His howls were silent, stubbornly refusing to give up now and continued to try and find a way to stand as he could only watch as the girls slowly self-destructed after losing their composure. .
"These females will do nicely to help me rebuild~!"
The goblin sneering voice was heard by all but only he could understand it, even now he could see its eyes were full of lust as it deemed the girls not to be a threat anymore.
'Oh my~! Things are looking bleak for you and the girlies! That bunny girl is your sister yeah? You might be becoming an uncle to some goblins if you don't do something~'
Even on the brink of death, The dark spirit of Mors was unperturbed as it mocked and sneered at Leos misery.
Leo's rage was ignited as his emotions burned white hot with fury. He shed bloody tears as the Goblin disarmed Luna and slapped her across the face, causing her to hit the ground.
Leo there is a chance to turn things around but…'
Astra wanting to warn Leo of what the chance she spoke of entailed yet Leo immediately interrupted with a savage roar
'Okay…this will hurt. A LOT'
Astra was nervous as Mors giggled like a crazed lunatic.
[THAT'S IT! HOLD ON TO THAT ANGER~! If you pass out now, its allllll over~! We need to have much more fun together, boss~!]
Mors crazed laughter felt almost encouraging as a peridot glow radiated from Astra before it began to cover his entire body.
Nobody seemed to notice as Leos fallen body anymore as it became completely encased in the yellowish green light, the muffled sound of bones being crushed as if someone was stepping on gravel was drowned out by the cries of the girls struggling in battle.
Leo felt like his body had been dipped in lava while simultaneously being crushed under the weight of a bulldozer.
He could feel each and every muscle fiber snap and melt under the intense heat. His blood literally boiled as his bones fragmented into dust.
Yet despite facing agony that would kill dozens of men twice over, Leos mind refused to crack, the only thing on his mind was that he must protect Luna..No matter the cost.
Lily sunk to her knees, her hands gripping her staff roughly as she felt utterly drained. She didn;t have any mana left and her physical strength would make her an even bigger detriment. She bit her lips so hard that it bled as she could only watch on helplessly and accept their fate.
Luna sobbed helplessly as she fell to the ground defeated and drained of all her energy. Despite her desperate efforts, she had been unable to defeat the Goblin Leader.
She felt helpless as the Goblin grabbed her by her wrist and lifted her up into the air, dangling her in front of him. She looked over to where Leos body was, hoping to look at him one more time before she took her own life.
Yet his body wasn't there. Her ears perked up as she looked around frantically. Where was he?! Just as an unknown panic began to set in, a deep masculine roar shook the forest.
From behind the tree, a man stumbled out. He had long platinum blonde hair that reached his waist and resembled the mane of a lion. His clothing may have been mere rags but he had a figure reminiscent of a greek statue, muscles rippling slightly as his body released literal steam. He was quite tall but that was overshadowed by the heavy looking obsidian chain cuffs that were attached to his neck and wrists.
His overall appearance was a mixture of regality and wild beast but that didn't matter to Luna in the slightest. When she looked in the mans eyes that were the most beautiful of jade colour, she knew.
Her brother was alive! She didn't know how or why his appearance had changed but she didn't care at this point. The fire of hope that had been snuffed out had been reignited.
Leo bent his knees as he got into a fighting stance and glared at the Goblin Weaponmaster with a mixture of Bloodlust and Rage in his eyes. He opened his mouth and let out a taunting shout.
"HEY Trashmaster! Put my sister down! We aren't done here yet Ugly! Time for Round 2!"