Soul of Burning Steel

Vol 7.9 Chapter 53: [Shadow] is coming (end of this volume)


Joshua’s broken will was reconstituted by the desire to fight, but when he awakened from the cold void, what he saw was the torrent of demons that had begun to restore calm.

Scattered white light spots flew in the dark void, converging into a stardust-like torrent, and the huge world of stars is embedded in this torrent, hard and stubborn, like an unchanging reef. This is the background. The aftermath of the battle is still spreading towards the distance, like a silver halo.


The ultimate sublimation aggregate has been defeated, and the enemy does not exist-when he perceives this, Joshua’s will that was close to dormancy begins to languish again.

But soon, he noticed that on the side of the torrent, there was a strange and familiar light and shadow, and his breath was so strong that he couldn’t ignore it at all.

It was a human form burning with psychic energy and divine power far hotter than a supernova. The twelve layers of legal domains intertwined in reciprocal spirals, forming a twelve-fold dominating space that chewed up everything like fangs. This human figure has no more space on the body. The identity of the self can be reflected in half of the place, and only the vaguely distinguishable one-eye on the top of the head can confirm his identity.

That is a Thakur.

The Patriarch of Thakur, Georg Thakur.


The strength of this intensity was enough to wipe out his mind when he was weak-aware of this ‘possible’ danger, Joshua finally rebuilt a complete self-will with this instinctive hostility.

It’s like accelerating the process of star aggregation by countless times, with a core—no, there is no such thing as a core—anyway, in a certain place in the void, a force begins to emerge, and more power of steel is born from this. , And then start to converge and expand.

But when he reconsolidated his will, Georg did nothing. This existence that could be regarded as an’enemy’ unexpectedly did not express the slightest malice from the beginning. He just could not use that one. The closed glorious one-eyed star stared at the nebula giant who was constantly condensing and pulling the fragmented limbs back into place.

Otherwise, Joshua would be able to regain consciousness just by that malice.

“…Very bad, the patriarch of the Thakur.”

When Joshua’s mind returned to normal, the first sentence she said was to relentlessly state the facts: “You are dissipating.”

“It’s really unpleasant to be said by a guy like you who almost disappeared just now.”

The divine humanoid opened his mouth, he wanted to say something, but what was said from his mouth was extremely distorted, like billions of millions of people uttering at the same time, confused noises, the Patriarch froze for a moment, then shook his head and smiled bitterly. Said: “…Can’t you even communicate? This final ending is too lonely.”

“Not as exaggerated as you think.”

Qiao Xiuya faintly replied to his sigh. The nebula-like giant began to compress himself, pulling back his fragmented body that was almost spread over half of the world of stars, and reconstructing his body. Soon, in just ten seconds , The endless power of steel was compressed into crystals again, spread out in a roar, and turned into a brand-new world—the warrior once again constructed a world as the carrier of his own subjective will.

“Are you surprised?”

Restored to a four-armed world giant about the size of a star, Joshua turned his eyes to the wide-eyed Patriarch, and said calmly: “I can even hear the voice of the world and the evil god, not to mention your voice? In short, I really appreciate the cooperation before.”


The Patriarch was silent and did not reply, but Joshua never cared about this. To defeat the ultimate sublimation aggregate, the power of the Patriarch Thakur was absolutely vital.

Before, after escaping the pursuit of the ultimate sublimation polymer, Joshua’s clone accumulated energy in the downstream torrent of the Great Demon Tide. He split up tens of millions of repaired beams, drifted along the Demon Tide toward the multiverse and absorbed energy. , Ready to find an opportunity to attack the opponent from behind when the main body of the battle and the ultimate sublimation aggregate are deadlocked.

However, in the middle of the journey, he discovered that there were fluctuations in the time and space of psychic energy that belonged to the Thakur people, and when the fluctuations reached the maximum, Joshua saw that the Patriarch was carrying a team like phantoms. The soul legion, carrying the mighty to almost infinite divine power, ran straight towards the ultimate sublimation aggregate.

Seeing this, although I don’t know why, but the avatar of Qiao Xiu who can roughly guess the reason immediately changed the plan, condensing all the energy collected in the demon wave before, and rushed away at the same time as the Patriarch.

It just so happened that just when the two of them arrived, the ultimate sublimation aggregate was hit hard, ready to leave the world of stars, and they raised their power to the limit and knocked it back.

In that blow, Joshua gathered the power of all his clones in the multi-galaxy, the power that swallowed the world of stars, plus the power of the steel python’star’ representing the soul reincarnation of the world of stars, the power of the triple curtain, plus The power of the Thakur, and the power of Joshua clone to intercept the torrent of the great demon.

In addition, the fighter also stuffed a black hole bomb with a mass of six billion times the star into the ultimate sublimation polymer body-this attack is actually not fatal to it in its heyday, and it can be dealt with, but it is internal and external. , The upper and lower pincers, almost innumerable civilizations and plural powers combined forces, it was still jointly bombed and completely disappeared.

“…Even, as long as it’s a little bit, there is no way to kill it.”

After absorbing the information about her clone being in the fragments of time and space and communicating with the limit sublimation polymer clone, Qiao Xiuya couldn’t help sighing: “Obviously they are all the same against the chaos and darkness, why can’t they understand cooperation and communication?”

However, if they can cooperate and communicate, they can’t be called a solipsistic beast, the ultimate sublimation aggregate, I am afraid it is impossible to be as strong as a saint.

When Qiao Xiuya repaired her body seven or eighty-eight, and almost recovered 80% of its normal combat power, the Chief Patriarch spoke and said softly, “I’m going to die.”

“I know.”

Joshua nodded, and he replied calmly: “I can guarantee that as long as the Thakur is no longer an enemy of us, then Mrs. Mike Luo will not be an enemy of the Thakur.”

“it is good…”

Hearing this powerful guarantee, the Patriarch, who had been worried in his heart, couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief after seeing this strong man from the outside world from Lost Galaxy showing far greater strength than in previous battles. As soon as he relaxed, the fluctuations of divine power began to burn on him, turning into a raging flame, as if he was about to swallow Georg.

-This is a kind of **** surrender.

At this time, Joshua could see what state the Patriarch was in.

Devout believers can rely on their own’thoughts’, that is, their similarities and consensus on’doctrines’ and’God’s logic of thinking’, to summon the power of the gods to themselves, and to exert power far beyond their own.

Of course, fanaticism does not mean similarity. On the contrary, it is far away from “identification”. It is not true belief, but blind worship. Generally speaking, most of the clergy who perform divine surrender can be called saints. God is close to the unity of words and deeds, which can be said to be a deity reserve. If the gods fall, these saints can even directly inherit from the mist of God and become a new deity.

And the current situation of the Patriarch Thakur is that hundreds of millions of gods have been’descended’ at the same time!

Although the power of these gods descending is very weak and insignificant, and it is completely unclear why there are such weak gods, but the multiplication of the terrifying base numbers reveals that they can barely fight against the near saints in a short time. The power of — Joshua can’t tell for a while what kind of “consensus” Thakur Patriarch used to cast so many gods, but as the creator of the four emotional gods, I can vaguely feel it, link The power of the Patriarch and his is a very deep feeling.

“…is love.”

Finally, Joshua saw the essence of the feeling and was silent for a while. Instead of continuing to speak, he looked at Georgel.

“In a sense, you are carrying hundreds of millions of divine powers as a single person, even with your soul and will, and the divine power that fits you very well, you will soon be affected by this excessive source of power. Swallow, enter the’God Annihilation’. This is also the original cause of your dissipation.”

The warrior calmly explained his understanding of the state of Thakur’s Patriarch at this time: “Now that you end the state of surrender, you will die because you have no divine support, overloaded physically and mentally, and burned out.”

“But if you don’t abandon it, you will die.”

“It’s almost a mortal situation.”

The Thakur’s secret method of surrendering the gods made the Thakur Patriarch, whose strength is far from reaching that realm, forcibly possess the power to fight against the near saints… Perhaps it is precisely because of this kind of trump card, the tower The Kurds can stand against the royal court with Emperor Amos for so many years.

-If the Amos civilization is an individual game, then the Thakur civilization is a real cluster.

-If the driving force of the former fighting is the hatred of foreigners, then the driving force of the latter fighting is the love for the compatriots.

“Anyway, this battle is over.”

Qiao Xiu turned his head and looked at the world of stars. The God of Steel had a weak gaze. He whispered: “The source of the Cthulhu family in the world of stars has been wiped out, and the source of the limit plague has been blasted down by us just now, even if the plague is still there. It is contagious, but it will not spread out one after another, endlessly spreading-the multiverse is a lot safer because of our fighting.”

“Although I don’t know if it is possible, Georg, I have a **** position that seems to happen to be prepared for you, so that you can survive with new powers after the end of this descent.”

And since Joshua agreed to reconciliation between Mrs. Mike Luo and the Thakur, he has been stuck in place, letting the flames of divine power burn on his body. Georg, who doesn’t know what he is thinking, raised his head, his one-eyed eyes fixed on the steel. The back of the god.

—He is serious.

For some reason, such a thought flashed through the Patriarch’s heart.

“… Then try?”

This is a tragic victory.

The Milky Way is broken. Because of the fight of many powerful men, the Milky Way, which has existed for billions of years, turned into fragments of light in the expanding energy and gravitational waves, and countless stars were drained of energy, crushed into powder, and countless lives. After being obliterated, the Cthulhu family and their source are like vegetation in the fire, turning into fly ash in the blazing flames, and finally disappearing—but this is still not enough, because the voice of the near saints is enough to shake the entire universe, for Destroying this greatest enemy, countless guardians, for their own reasons, succeeded in succession.

This is a great sacrifice.

The ancient life custody program has reached its end in the battle. The original triple curtain has disappeared in half. The Hall of Observers has died in the fiercest confrontation with the enemy, and the Lighthouse of Immortality has also experienced a huge program disorder. Repeated restoration requires not only time, but also a long accumulation of strength, and the Iron Python star is more self-willed, and the time to reconsolidate must be counted in units of at least one hundred thousand years, which can almost be said. Shang is already’dead’-and it is precisely because of their all-out effort to burn themselves that the battle was finally won.

The strong from other worlds were hit hard, and the patriarch of the Thakur was on the verge of death. At the lower reaches of the magic wave, those who were surprised to realize that the light of the magic wave seemed to be brighter than the previous civilization did not know. Compared with these The stronger energy in the past came from a beast that was close to a sage.

This extreme crisis has caused nearly countless lives and deaths in the multiverse, creating terrifying extreme creatures that cannot be counted at all. These are born out of the original race, but they do not think that they are caused by their own kind of individuals. The virus itself is even more serious.

Countless civilizations perish because of this, and countless worlds are destroyed because of this.

But, at least, for the world of stars.

The era of suffering and despair came to an end here.

[Summary: At least we get rid of all the toxins in the world. 】

The world of stars, the residence of the steel python, inside the world.

One of the remaining triple curtains, there is only the first curtain with reason, the “engine of possibility”. It is the most optimistic one. He who counts all the possibilities knows that nothing can be changed from sorrow and sorrow, and he faces everything positively. , Can change the world while changing oneself.

[Explanation: There are infinite possibilities in the multiverse. Perhaps, there are ways to sacrifice fewer lives, but now, at least we have tried our best. 】

[Report: It takes 47.831 years to rebuild the logic program for the third curtain, which is not long. The specific time required to rebuild the second curtain is unknown, but it is roughly estimated that it will take more than 300 years, mainly for him to rebuild the psionic aggregate. The required time will take ten thousand years to calculate… but at least, there are no evil enemies from the void that wantonly infringe the right of ordinary life to survive. 】


Returning to the world of stars, Joshua sent the Patriarch Thakur to the psychic world where the Ring of the Four Gods was located, and let this powerful man who is proficient in psychic and divine power think for himself what he should do. The soldier who did his best whispered: “I don’t know, how is it in my hometown…but I think it shouldn’t be a big problem.”

After all, not only did they not ask for help, but they also gave themselves a lot of help, so it means that the situation is still under control and no accidents have happened.

“In this case, it is better to recover completely in the world of stars first…”

Thinking of this, Joshua slowly closed his eyes inside the world.

He began to repair.

Repair the damage caused by the excessive violent capture of the clone in order to fight.

In the multiverse, all restoration beams are located.

The silver brilliance lit up again—this time, not for plunder, but for return.

[Stars World, Galactic Guardians Alliance, Leader’s Life Custody Program-The Triple Veil was hit hard. Although most of the main fleet was safely evacuated, most of the fleet was teleported because of the chaotic movement of the dark galaxy due to the space-time shock caused by the shattering of the dark galaxy. , Teleported to the wrong location, because the upper processing center was destroyed, and the related deployment instructions were abnormally slow. For a long time, many soldiers were unable to return to their hometowns and were forced to establish bases on unfamiliar planets and wait for rescue. .

Among them, the emotional fleet, the leader of the blazing sky, and the marshal of the Qinya tribe, Kedal, died heroically in the fight against the evil **** (the information of the ultimate sublimation aggregate was not disclosed). , Standing together on the planet of the capital of the alliance center.

The gravitational waves and energy impact that destroyed the entire dark galaxy, according to the calculations of related scholars, most of its power is induced to the void outside the world, but even this little residual power will diffuse millions of light In the year, dozens of river systems were affected, but at least that would be a million years later. By then, the remaining energy would not be able to cause much damage.

The world of Mycroft, except for the destruction of the Jetrum Void Base caused by the sudden appearance of extreme creatures at the beginning, did not suffer too much loss. Reasonable emergency response measures and perfect shelter guidance will all The loss was reduced to a minimum. Under the point-to-point capture and killing of the legendary powerhouses and the true gods, most of the extreme creatures were captured and imprisoned in the prison world that originally imprisoned the “Black Mist Matrix”. From this time on, Mrs. Mike Luo began to gradually send the captured dangerous void creatures into the prison world for preservation as samples.

After receiving news from a related person that it was determined that the source of the plague had indeed disappeared, the vast majority of the Mycroft people escaped from the temporary shelter and returned to their hometowns—a small number of people were still living subjects in the designated experiments. Allowed to stay in the shelter world.

Because of the destruction caused by the battle with extreme creatures, a large part of the city has been severely damaged, but just with this opportunity, the coalition government began a large-scale new type of city construction movement. Taking the mobile fortress in the world of Karlis as the prototype, the world of Mycroft also began to prepare to build a large mobile city that can move in the void, similar to the dwelling house of the Wrangler on the back of the Void Giant.

But unlike the relatively stable Lost Galaxy, the vast majority of the civilizations in the Galaxy within the Multi-Galactic River are full of grief-a large-scale and high-intensity extraordinary plague caused by the extreme crisis, and a single civilization may kill hundreds of billions of people. , And countless galaxies, countless civilizations, the number of dead lives is simply countless.

In a short period of time, endless resentment and unwillingness accumulate in the multi-element galaxy. Even the embryonic form of Cthulhu has been catalyzed. Many powerful people not only have to deal with the extreme creatures born out of their own civilization. Also beware of the newly born evil gods transformed into the corpses of other civilizations. The situation is sinister and not optimistic.

In addition to these news, there are also strange things, that is, the psionic bug suddenly multiplies explosively. Many witnesses said that it was originally a common psionic bug, but now it has become everywhere, so I have to describe it. If it is, it is like a spider that you can occasionally see at home in winter, turning into a cloud of insects flying overhead by the lake! Some void merchants even saw a group of psionic bugs gathering together like nebulae on the route. The number of them may exceed tens of trillions, and they have not seen it once in tens of thousands of years. The wonders.

And in a sense, the source of the spread of the plague of Multi-Galactic, **** battle Galaxy.

Thakur Annihilation Order almost disappeared completely within a short period of time. As the warriors of the royal court of Amos at the border were cautiously testing, they were shocked to discover that the originally heavily guarded border fortress world now only Only automatic psychic equipment was left for defense, and as a small group of elite troops broke in, the royal court had to admit that, when they didn’t know it, all the individuals of the Thakur were associated with their most elite central sanctuary star. All the worlds in the domain disappeared, and no trace was found.

However, the Amos with many deaths and injuries did not have external forces to expand. If it weren’t for an individual named “Elma” who had nurtured a barrier vaccine with his own body, most of the Amos would get it. With the buffer period for the extreme plague, I am afraid that the Royal Palace of Amos, who has not prepared much for epidemic prevention from beginning to end, will be the first natural disaster civilization to be completely destroyed by the extreme plague. But for this, Elma, who was thanked and admired by all the Amos, was infected and fell into a freezing sleep because of excessive research on the limit virus.

The emperor has been watching everything, he watched calmly, not helping, but also not blocking.

The Multielement Galaxy, where the Lost Galaxy is located, can be regarded as a relatively good multielement Galaxy. Because the spread of the plague is not deep, the disclosure of vaccine information is blocked, and the source of the plague is quickly cut off, so the number of deaths and injuries is sure to be large, but alive Only the majority are left. Although many civilizations are greatly injured, they have preserved a complete general structure.

In the other multi-element galaxies, even the entire galaxy disappeared, leaving only the ruins where the extreme creatures killed each other-that is the area where the extreme sublimation aggregates walked directly, and there was even a huge source of infection. Dissipate, infect all the lives around, turning them into their own heirs.

—The howling of the beast continues —

-Absolutely selfish life, from the beginning of the birth of the multiverse to the moment of eternal end, there will never be a shortage.

-The darkness faded for a while.

-But beyond the far future, there is still a thick mist lingering. 】

After a long time, the world of stars, inside the world.

Joshua, who was still recuperating, suddenly opened her eyes.

He raised his head, UU read www.uukanshu. Com looked into the void, and the warrior’s gaze was full of shock-because a huge, no, unspeakable, magnificent and unbelievable fluctuation is constantly backtracking from the lower reaches of the magic wave, coming straight toward this place!


It is like that, together with the multiverse, the pace that can be shaken together is approaching from far to near.

In just a moment, the warrior left the inside of the world and came into the void. The God of Steel fully activated the Vision of Steel, looking into the infinity.

—In fact, there is no need to look out.

Because, from the lower reaches of the demonic wave, from the heavens and worlds abandoned by the initial fire, there are’infinite’ things fluctuating and countercurrent, no matter who it is, even if the eyes cannot see, the ears cannot hear, the hands The untouchable existence can be seen, heard, and felt.

Anything that has flesh and blood can know it, on the other side that is about to come.

[Shadow] It is spreading.

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