Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 82: Crippled

Xiao Yi hurried to the road, except for encountering bandits and bandits who needed to complete the task, without making any stops.

After all, going to the Sky Splitting Sword Sect is the business.

Time flies, and two months pass quietly.

Outside the city of Baiwu, somewhere in the forest, a young man woke up from meditation lightly.

The young man wore a mask and couldn't see his appearance, but his eyes were smart, and his brows were clear and beautiful. He wanted to be a handsome boy.

However, the sharp aura on the young man's body all shows that he is a powerful warrior.

The boy is Xiao Yi.

During this period of time, while on the road and resting, he would be accustomed to meditating, or practicing martial arts, and when he was bored, he would also take a look at the Qingfeng Sword Gang.

In two months, he has experienced countless battles, fighting against people and monsters, which is equivalent to experiencing an experience.

Such a high-intensity battle also increased his cultivation base, from the first innate to the third innate.

In just two months, he jumped twice in the Innate Realm and spent most of his time on the road. Such a terrifying speed of cultivation is truly amazing.

You should know that it takes a very long time for the average innate martial artist to break through a heavy.

Like the elders of the Xiao family before, it would take at least a few years to break through the first level.

Now Xiao Yi, after using Shenglong, has nine innate combat power.

In addition, his martial skills have also increased, and he can eat fire with a hundred blades. Now he can send out thirty blades at the same time without the help of flame gloves.

"Huh." Xiao Yi finished his practice, exhaled a suffocating breath, and muttered to himself, "There is still half a month before the day when the Sky Splitting Sword opens the mountain to accept disciples. I went to the Demon Hunter Palace to hand in the task and no longer accept the task. Now, go directly to the Sky Splitting Sword Sect."

After that, Xiao Yi stood up and went to Baiwu City.

Baiwu City is the strongest city among the dozens of cities in this area, and there is also a Demon Hunting Palace located here.

Entering the Demon Hunting Palace, Xiao Yi went to the mission to show the token.

The staff glanced at the token, checked the task manual, made some records, and then returned the token to Xiao Yi again.

"The information shows that these bandit gangs have been wiped out and the mission is completed. Each mission has 30 points, 33 people, and a total of 990 points. The mission points have been recorded, and this is your bounty."

The people in the Hunting Demon Palace have their own rules, and they say and do almost the same.

Xiao Yi took the bounty and was about to leave, but at this time, the staff member of the mission office asked politely, "Mr. Yi Xiao, is there anything else?"

Xiao Yi's face went dark, he glared at the staff member, and said in secret, "Doing anything so polite, you will die if you don't speak."

He had anticipated what would happen.

Sure enough, no matter whether it was the demon hunter who handed in the task or was about to take the task, all eyes were on him.

"Yi Xiao?"

"That genius demon hunter who suddenly became famous recently?"

"He wears a black robe and a mask on his face. It looks like a young man. It really is Yi Xiao."

At Xiao Yi's crazy speed, he cleared and suppressed a large bandit group in almost two days, which is not famous.

However, his fame is limited to among the demon hunters.

Therefore, no one paid attention to him from entering Baiwu City until entering the Demon Hunting Palace.

After all, there are many warriors walking wearing masks.

No one would look at him more.

Even if he entered the Demon Hunting Palace, the surrounding demon hunters would not pay attention to him.

There are just as many demon hunters in this dress and appearance.

No demon hunter would look at him more.

However, the staff of the Demon Hunting Hall said "Mr. Yi Xiao", which attracted the attention of the demon hunters.

The demon hunters looked at Xiao Yi a few more times and recognized Yi Xiao.

Xiao Yi shook his head helplessly, hurriedly left the Demon Hunting Palace and went to the next city.

This place is very close to the Sky Splitting Sword Sect. If he doesn't need to delay time specifically to complete the task, he can drive at full speed, and he will be there in four or five days.

At this time, he was not in a hurry, passing by other cities around Baiwu City, he could also slowly appreciate the exotic customs.

Here, it was more than forty cities away from Ziyun City, very far away.

Compared with Poxuan City and Hundred Martial City, such big cities as the Demon Hunting Palace, there are much fewer demon hunters in the surrounding cities.

Most demon hunters will be active in the city with the demon hunter palace, which is convenient for receiving and dispatching tasks.

There are only a few demon hunters in other cities.

Xiao Yi found a teahouse at random and sat down, intending to rest and hurry.

Suddenly, the conversation between two guests at a nearby table attracted his attention.

Looking at the costumes of the two men, it seemed that they were demon hunters or warriors walking outside.

"Hey, have you heard that we have a great demon hunter in our demon hunter. They are not old, but they are powerful, and even many old demon hunters are inferior to him."

"I know, that Yi Xiao. I heard that he was only a young man, and a master of fire control, who burned those large bandit gangs to the ground."

"It's a pity, this genius warrior who suddenly emerged may be in big trouble."


"Don't you know? He swept all the way and destroyed dozens of large bandit groups. Now all the bandits in other cities hate him for his bones, and they can't wait to thwart him, so he specially paid a high price for the Shadow Tower. Killer, vow to kill him."

"Shadow Building? Damn it, those bandit gangs have done nothing wrong, and they are more than guilty. Now that you have moved the Shadow Building, then Yi Xiao is afraid that he will be in serious trouble."

The two sighed at the same time as they chatted.

Suddenly, when they saw Xiao Yi on the other side, they fell silent.

"Hey, look, that wouldn't be a genius demon hunter, Yi Xiao."

Both of them glanced at Xiao Yi.

In the next second, another person waved his hand and smiled, "What a joke, you think Yi Xiao is wearing a mask. According to rumors, that genius may be killing in a bandit den now, how could he come? Here."

The two continued to chat.


"Shadow Tower." Xiao Yi frowned secretly.

He had heard of the Shadow Tower, which was the largest and most famous killer organization in Beishan County.

It is also one of the great forces in Beishan County, stronger than Beishan Murong's family, and even stronger.

The killers in the building come and go without a trace, no one knows where their headquarters is, and no one can find their killer.

Just know that when someone needs to call them, they will automatically appear.

In the entire Beishan County, I am afraid that only the Sky-Splitting Sword faction can crush them.

"Lest there be many dreams in the night, I'd better rush to the Sky Splitting Sword Sect first." Xiao Yi thought, got up and rushed again.


Outside the city, Xiao Yi galloped all the way, but before he walked a few miles, he stopped abruptly.

He clearly felt that several breaths locked him.

"Heh." Xiao Yi smiled faintly, "Two, you will keep following after you go out of the city gate, what do you mean?"

There was no one around Xiao Yi, and he seemed to be talking nonsense to the air.

"Hmph, do you want me to invite you out personally?" Xiao Yi snorted coldly and shot two blazing blades behind him.

Swish, two figures appeared instantly.

"Boy, he has some abilities, he deserves to be the talented demon hunter Yi Xiao, he is very alert."

The two who appeared, one in black and the other in white, all wore a mask with a small "shadow" on the mask.

"Heh." Xiao Yi still just smiled, and said to the air again, "The other two, are you also going to invite you out?"

Whoosh, two figures appeared again.

"Boy, even we were discovered by you, it's amazing."

The two men, also wearing masks, could not see their appearance. But one was one-armed, and the other was lame.

Xiao Yi's face became cold, "The world is incomplete, black and white are impermanent, and the four major gold medal killers in the Shadow Building have been dispatched, and I really can look down on it."

"Oh, kid do you know us?"

"However, since we have appeared, you must also know our purpose. The leaders of the bandits pay a high price for your head."

Black and white impermanence said coldly at the same time.

Tiandiqi throws a dagger, and said in a dark voice, "You do it yourself, or we come."

With a loud sound, the dagger fell to the ground, crisp and cold.

"Remind you." Black and White said in a cold voice, "If you let those two guys take action, you will die miserably."

"Trust us, although you are a genius, you don't want to endure that kind of torture at a young age."

"Heh." Xiao Yi still just smiled without moving.

Black and white have no common symptoms, and said coldly, "It seems that you don't intend to give yourself a good time."

Desperate, Yin smiled and said to himself.

"His arms are mine."

"His two legs, play with me."

Black and White Impermanence sneered, "Let's leave his head behind and hand in the task."

At this time, Xiao Yi finally spoke, "It seems that the four are very confident."

"Do you think you still have a chance to escape?" Black and white impermanence sneered.

Xiao Yi smiled and said, "Just now the teahouse in the city deliberately spoke next to me, right? You two."

"Have you found out a long time ago?" Black and white impermanence was suddenly surprised, "Then you are still out of the city?"

Yes, just chatting in the teahouse was black and white impermanence, in order to lure Xiao Yi out of the city.

Xiao Yi had also spotted them long ago.

"Because, I... my hands are itchy." Xiao Yi looked directly at the four killers and said flatly, a flame condensed in his hands.

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