Soul echo

Chapter 852 World Convergence

Chapter 852 World Convergence
Oh! ! !

High cheers sounded from all over the earth. People swept away the previous haze and despair, and announced their excitement and excitement to the world.

Students and teachers cheered loudly in the classroom, and the sound resounded throughout the school; white-collar workers jumped up from their chairs and shouted; workers operating heavy machinery stopped the machinery first, and then shouted; in the amusement park Most of the tourists don't care about the rides, and embraced warmly with the staff.

"It worked! We made it!!!"

Everyone is in tears!

Their call successfully brought Zhong Ye back from the state of death, and he looked stronger than before.

——Surging flames lingered around Zhong Ye, rising and receding like sea tides, as if they were breathing.

For some reason, when people see Zhong Ye's current image, they can know that Zhong Ye has become stronger than before, and it is countless times stronger.

Such a him is enough to defeat that monster, right?

【...It's ridiculous! 】

The evil god's sneer echoed in Zhong Ye's mind: 【You don't think you can kill me like this, do you? 】

If the giant god with a height of [-] meters was placed on the earth, he would be able to stand on the ground and reach the sky, but what is even more terrifying is his huge strength commensurate with his body.

[If you only have this power... you're not qualified! 】

The divinity ignited again, and surging power gushed out from the body of the evil god. He and Zhong Ye acted as two light sources to illuminate the deep space, spreading the light to the end of the camera lens' field of vision.

The evil god's eight rings light up one by one, and as he stretches his eight arms, a halo surrounds his torso.

[Proliferation], [Infection], [Differentiation], [Government], [Captive], [Violence], [Parasite], [Desire], the eight powers bloomed with eight colors of brilliance, and then, the eight brilliance followed the halo circulation.

Two arms grew out of the evil god's chest, and these two arms were folded in front of his body, grasping the void.

The eight-color brilliance gathered from all directions and merged in the palms of the two newly grown hands, and chaotic colors emerged.

The name of this color is [Final Birth]!
At the end of the development of capitalism, there may be a kind of human being named "end-producer", who can control all the wealth in the world, even the earth and the air people breathe are his property.

Every breath needs to be paid and no one will be allowed to step out of the house except for work, because the land is the private domain of the finalists, and even people's homes are allocated to them by the finalists It's just a dormitory, and people only have the right to use it. Any modification to the room layout needs to be applied to the end-of-life person in advance, and they can only renovate the house when the end-of-life person allows it.

【I remember you just said 'the third divinity' right? 】

Zhong Ye clenched his fists and slowly assumed a posture.

[But I have only one divinity from the beginning to the end. The so-called 'second divinity' you have seen is actually a curse cast on me by the war lord. 】

So, where does the 'third divinity' come from?

Doubt flashed through the Heretic God's mind, followed by unspeakable panic.

【what do you want to say in the end? ! 】

The flames surrounding Zhong Ye's side suddenly tightened, condensing into an armor, covering his body.

As the brilliance bloomed, the volume of the armor also expanded rapidly, becoming as huge as an evil god in a blink of an eye.

[Have you not felt it yet?This is of the same origin with you... No, it is your aura that is of the same origin as this divinity! 】

The brilliant light drove away all the darkness, and the nozzles of the mecha turned around, spouting violent flames towards the direction behind, pushing the huge body forward.

The thousands of eyes of the evil god locked on the giant god in the distance, the faces of countless people flashed before his eyes, and the voices of countless people surged in his mind.

Some of them are sitting alone in front of the screen and shouting loudly, some are shaking their fists with their friends, some are fighting with demonized capitalists... Thousands of expectations are gathered in one place with Zhong Ye's divinity as the root, awakening Thoughts that have been dormant for a long time.

A person's voice is so small that no matter how hard they try, they cannot disturb the gods who live above the sky;
The voices of ten people are also weak, even if they are hoarse, they can't impress capital without emotion;
But what if it is a hundred people, a thousand people, or 1 people?

Now it's more than a hundred people, a thousand people, or ten thousand people?
Billions of people are shouting together, the sound is loud enough to stop the clouds and go straight to the sky.

At this time, Zhong Ye finally understood why the sun god said that the gods of the earth people needed an 'incarnate body'.

Because the god was not fully born, the thoughts of the people on earth conceived him, but did not endow him with the most fundamental thing—soul!
Before that, everything He did was just an instinctive reaction.

Who can endow him with a 'soul', then what will he look like.

If the evil god endowed him with a soul, he would have the appearance of capitalism. In this case, he can naturally become the appearance of [struggle].

[The birth of human beings stems from a battle - a battle with nature and nature! 】

Zhong Ye's voice resounded not only in the mind of the evil god, but also in the minds of all the people on Earth.

[Changes in the natural environment forced our ancestors to come from the trees to the ground. In order to survive, our ancestors had to change themselves. This is a battle with nature and genes. Since then, "resistance" has been engraved into us blood!No matter how many sacrifices and deaths occurred, our ancestors never gave up. It is for this reason that there is such a splendid earth civilization! 】

The giant god swung a punch towards the evil god, and this punch landed on the shield constructed by the evil god, breaking it with a bang.

——This punch is called 'Unyielding'!
[From primitive society to slave society, from slave society to feudal society, and from feudal society to the present, our ancestors not only fought against nature and nature, but also fought against human civilization. They never stopped, they Always moving forward, many people in history thought that history would come to an end in their time, but history never ends! 】

After breaking through the shield, the titan punched the second time, which shattered the evil god's body.

——This punch is called 'resistance'!
Even so, the evil god still did not die.

For the gods, the boundary between life and death is not clear, not to mention that it is just a mere body smashing now?

The eight powers of the evil god condensed, and the flaming divinity lifted him up, allowing him to gain the power to rival the primitive god.

Even if it is only for a moment, it is enough for the evil god.

At this moment, He has become the 【Terminator】!
——Everything in the world is in the palm of your hand!

It only took a microsecond for the shattered body to re-condense, and the evil god roared and blasted out his fist, colliding with the giant god's third fist.

【Humanity will go far away, human beings will—】

"—to the future!!!"

Seven billion people shouted that sentence together, and the words with one voice drove the surging tide of thought, making the frozen historical clock move to the next scale, whether it was happiness or deeper darkness and despair.

——This punch is called 'breaking the limit'!
The concept of [terminals] and [human beings] rubbed and collided, and the strong force distorted the gravitational force and tore apart time and space.

At this moment, the Dyson cloud surrounding the sun bloomed with unparalleled light!
This ray of light penetrates the darkness, penetrates the universe, spans an unknown distance, and shines with the sun of Dan's world.

The illusory world was speeding up from outside the sky, Zhong Ye and the evil god saw everything in the world pass through their bodies and fall to the earth at an unprecedented speed.

Zhong Ye saw his followers, admirers, and believers in Dan's world. Those people raised their heads and showed great surprise.

Faces flashed before his eyes. He saw Amos who was discussing house decoration with his wife, Qing Lai who was writing at his desk, Delilah who was blindfolded with a white cloth, and a baby in his arms, with the corners of his eyes slightly Qi Jingshu, who was red, saw Lilian eating with her comrades in arms, and Lily killing demons with an ax and spear...

At the same time, the evil god also saw his counterpart in the different time and space in the Dan world, but that guy was more miserable than him, and was being beaten by the gods of the West Land and the Eastern Land National Equipment.

A figure of a giant god flashed in front of Lily's eyes, which made her pause, and the surrounding demons seized this opportunity and rushed over.

But at this moment, a ray of light descended from the sky and fell on Lily.

"This is..." Lily felt the state of her body, quite surprised.

But soon, she understood what was going on.

——It's Zhong Ye, has he become a god?

Before the 80 billion people in the two worlds noticed, Dan's world completed the intersection with the earth.

From this moment on, the two worlds are inseparable brothers!

——This is the plank road for Ming Xiu, and the dark place for Chen Cang!

(End of this chapter)

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