Soul echo

Chapter 5 Triggering Missions

Chapter 5 Triggering Missions
After crossing mountains and ridges and walking through the wilderness, Zhong Ye and Amos walked for ten days, and finally returned to the land of civilization.

This is the southeastern province of the Kingdom of Yitrul. King Yitrul hopes to use this as a breakthrough to recover the lost land affected by the occupied area.

When they came near the town of Resta, the first thing they saw was the craftsman, Lifu, who was repairing the road.

Workers armed with broad axes felled the trees that grew along the road, and other workers hauled the trees away for another use.

The weeds growing on the road surface should be eradicated, and the redundant branches and leaves covering the road should also be cut off.

In addition, there are mercenaries with weapons patrolling and guarding around the construction site to prevent wild beasts in the forest from running out and hurting workers.

Zhong Ye saw a few mercenaries with guns in their hands and waists. He was not surprised by this, because the background of "Echo of Soul" was the first industrial revolution. Firearms will inevitably flow into the people, let alone Xilu?

Zhong Ye and Amos walked out of the forest, but no one dared to stop them, even the workers deliberately avoided them.

It has been several days since they left the occupied area, but the ferocious aura on their bodies seems to have not dissipated. Not only wild beasts, but even humans can feel their ferocious power.

Both of them were keenly aware of this, ignored it, and walked towards the only town in the territory on the dirt road that had just been repaired.

Not long after they walked, they encountered a camp under construction. Workers used trailers to transport trees here for processing and stockpiling, in preparation for the king's development plan.

Further on, there are scattered manors scattered around the town of Resta. The tenants live around the manor, but outside the manor, there are also freeman farmhouses. The crops they cultivate are connected together. It's hard to tell which piece of land is whose.

When passing the stone bridge, I turned my head and looked around. I could see some peasant women and girls washing clothes by the river. Farther away, there was a mill leaning against the small river, and the water wheel was slowly turning.

After crossing the bridge, you can see the city wall of Resta.

The guard is quiet and solemn. It should have been stationed here for decades, and you can see the mottled years on it without getting close.

The tough grass drilled from the cracks in the stone shook gently, beating the city bricks made of several crushed stones.

As the sun was setting and the twilight slanted into the city gate, when Zhong Ye entered the city, a businessman was begging the yawning tax official, only hoping to reduce the tax a little bit.

——[Has entered Resta Town]

Lettuce snorted, Amos patted its neck, pulled the reins, crossed the puddles overflowing with unknown dirty water, and led Zhong Ye across the streets and alleys to the door of a church.

At this time, the church was not yet closed, and an apprentice was cleaning the door. Seeing Amos, he immediately stood up straight and greeted happily: "Mr. Amos, you are back!"

The witcher raised the corners of his lips, nodded with a smile, "Please help me take the lettuce to the backyard, I have something to ask Father Piero, where is he now?"

The apprentice took the reins of the steed and said, "The priest is cleaning the altar."

Amos suddenly realized, "It turns out that today is already the middle of the month..."

He took Zhong Ye into the church, and said as he walked: "The middle of every month is the holiday day selected by His Majesty the Supreme Light. On this day, believers have to bathe before praying to His Majesty." , otherwise it is disrespectful. Since the crown stipulates that believers can only pray in the church, the church will have an acolyte inspection. In the age when medicine was not yet developed, this rule allowed many believers to avoid the danger of being infected with the plague.

"The prayer ceremony on the holiday is usually at noon. After the afternoon ceremony, the church members will clean the church. Priests and above need to clean the seat by themselves, that is, the statue under the crown. hardships."

"You also believe in this god?" Zhong Ye asked curiously.

Hearing this, Amos couldn't help but shook his head with a smile, "I don't believe in the Crown of the Supreme Light, but I just have reverence for the Crown."

The orange-red twilight fell through the transparent glass windows into the church.

The candles hadn't been lit yet, and amidst the shadows, a tall and burly figure stood out.

The priest wiped the sculpture of the sun silently. The sun god is not a deity promoted by humans, so he does not have a specific image. All the sculptures are a stone ball dyed red with paint, symbolizing the 'sun'.

This is true of most primordial gods, such as Luna, and the statue is usually a sphere with a bumpy surface.

They don't need an outstanding image, they can make the people believe spontaneously only with their noble character and kindness - even the church was formed spontaneously by the people thousands of years ago, and they don't need any belief to maintain their status and strength.

Just because someone sincerely believes in them, they will return the same love.

After wiping, the priest put the sculpture on the pedestal, and the stone ball floated up and hung in the air, and the candles in the church were also lit.


The flames sprang up, illuminating the church brilliantly.

"Welcome back, Amos." The priest said in a low voice, and after a greeting, he turned his gaze to Zhong Ye, "And this guest from the east, welcome to the west land."

"Piero, it is still uncertain whether he is an Eastern native!"

The demon hunter turned his head and pointed at Zhong Ye with his chin, "Where do you think I brought him back?"

The priest looked as usual, "Occupied area."

"You know?" Amos raised his eyebrows.

"This is what His Majesty told me."

As soon as these words came out, Zhong Ye's eyes widened immediately, and he took a step forward excitedly, "Does Your Majesty know where I come from?"

"Yes." The priest's eyes were clear and his tone was sincere, "Your name is 'Zhong Ye', and you are the youngest fighting master in the Eastern Land Huang Kingdom. In order to learn more fighting skills, you came from the Eastern Land to the West Land. He encountered a tornado and almost died because of it. Fortunately, he was carrying a talisman bestowed by the gods on his body, so he saved his life.

"It's just that the talisman under the crown of the gods can't control your falling direction, which makes you fall into the edge of the occupied area. If there is no Amos, the remaining power of the talisman will also guide you out of the occupied area-now it seems that Although His Majesty the Heavenly God protected your life, he accidentally made you lose some memory."

Could it be that there is another 'Zhong Ye' in this world?
Zhong Ye frowned, the things the priest said did not match what happened to him at all.

If he is from the east, then he should be wearing the clothes of the east instead of sportswear.

But if he traveled here, why would the Sun God know about him?And also to weave such a lie that can only be used to deceive others, but not him?

"……is that so?"

Zhong Ye suppressed his doubts in his heart, even if he asked, no one would be able to answer, and would instead have doubts about his identity.

Originally, he didn't care about his identity as a "time traveler", but looking at it now, he might want to hide this identity deeply.

Amos was finally able to relax. Except for the beginning, he didn't regard Zhong Ye as an abyssal monster, but there was always some grudge in his heart.

Now that Zhong Ye's identity has been confirmed by the Supreme Light, he can release the last breath of pressure that was pent up in his heart.

The demon hunter laughed and patted Zhong Ye on the shoulder, "Now you don't need to go to the mage to find out about yourself. What are your plans? If you want to travel to the West, you must at least have money, right? It's quite profitable, do you want to work with me for a few days?"

Frowning, Zhong Ye hesitated.

At this time, the priest interrupted and said, "If you want to make money, there's just one thing in Rista right now that can make you a lot of money."

"What's the matter?" Zhong Ye's eyes became firm, and he looked at the priest.

He knew what he wanted to do, but he couldn't do anything without money. Just now he was considering whether to act with Amos for the time being, otherwise he might not even be able to eat enough.

"His Majesty the King wants to develop the wilderness between the southeastern province and the occupied area. The news has spread throughout Yitrul. Now His Majesty the King is still gathering refugees, beggars, and landless farmers to prepare for the development, but Some dark creatures and cultists have already caught wind of it.

"There have been several homicides and disappearances in Resta recently, which seem to be the work of vampires and cultists, but we haven't been able to find out yet.

"The nobles and merchants in the territory are very worried that their lives are threatened, so they jointly issued a reward with our church. If you solve a few cases, you can get three to five silver coins. If you find the murderer, you can get three silver coins. If you catch or To kill the murderer, we are willing to pay five gold coins as a reward—provided that the murderer is not strong."

[Discovery mission——]

[Resta's panic: The priest will tell you the reward, darkness and killing are now permeating the entire town, panic is spreading through rumors, and people in the town are panicking. 】

[Solve the case and find the murderer to get three to five silver coins; kill or capture the murderer to get five gold coins (the reward increases with the difficulty of the task)]

In the blink of an eye, the panel information disappeared from Zhong Ye's retina.

"Tch!" Amos sneered, grabbed Zhong Ye's neck, and led him to turn around and walk out, "Come on, let's have dinner first, and then go find the murderer, I'll tell you , dealing with those things, I am an expert..."

(End of this chapter)

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