Chapter 42: Treum, the world of machines.
Nizo: These voices... Are these words?
Nizo: Wake up from what? I should just sleep at the office tonight. *He brings out a pillow from his cabinet (yes a pillow, dude not doing for first time)*
He puts the pillow on the desk, taps on wrist phone, sets up some alarms and falls asleep.
Images begin showing in front of him, a child training for revenge, supernatural abilities, fighting people.
Nizo: Why does this appears similar? Have I seen this before.
???: So you finally wake up.
A sound echoes in the darkness of his dream.
Nizo: Wake up? Buddy I am sleeping.
???: Do you not feel it? This sense of deja vu, the sense of connection between you and the images?
Nizo: Shut up, you are just my imagination. Supernatural things don't exist, technology is the true power.
???: Let me ask you this then. Do you remember anything that happened before when you woke up in hospital 2 years ago?
Nizo: I... How can you know this?
???: this is no mere dream.
???: this is no illusion
???: this is no lie.
???: this is what the truth that you have forgotten.
???: touch the gem remember who you were, the ruby holds your memories.
A bunch of swords begins circling him, a normal sword, a long sword, two short swords chained together, a broad greatsword and a black shadow with a red 20 sided red gem in his hand with 2 perfectly cut red and green gems floating beside it.
Nizo tries to leave but couldn't, his curosity for truth overwhelming him, the desire to remember who he was, to know where he belongs. He walks forward and slowly puts touches the dice like gem.
Images, knowledge, memories all flood into his mind like a tsunami, he felt his mind hurt, he saw what it all was... He wakes up from sleep and looks at computer screen while clutching his head.
???: 2 years to regain my memories.. couldn't be worse than this... Dude you guys had fun watching me work as a accountant?
The blade necklace reappears from inside the Ruby and places itself on his neck, the emeralds comes out before going back to find shelter in the ruby. A voice comes.
Infinite: It was pretty boring actually but you just wouldn't stop taking those sleeping pills whenever we tried to talk. Quite a bad world we got stuck in.
Sonic: Ye..*leans back in chair* The core is not formed so no chaos energy, magic doesn't exist and knowledge of ki is limited. But still they conquered the stars through pure technology. Treum, the world of machines.
Argus: And you just went back to stage 1 after 'that'.
Sonic: How many of them did I get anyway? I don't remember anything after using 'Boundless' .
Caliburn: I will say enough to make them stop and hide in their holes for a decade or so. You literally entered a meeting and starting blasting anyone you saw. I will say about 45 kills before you warped away here and lost your memories. They didn't dare go into a world where they can't use magic.
Oberon: You also saved some orange colour hedgehog highest named exellor who they were gonna convert.
Sonic: their naming sense is pathetic, any person with a hedgehog as spirit animal has their name start with exe and rabbits with al.
Talos: Can we move on already? You need to retrain everything.
Sonic: Look at the bright side, I can redo my bloodline runes and make better ones on the early stage... The conduit had a E tier rune for its first level.
Infinite: So what are you planning to do?
Sonic: Blend in.. and maybe eat some fresh air.
Sonic: Can I get 2 bowls of noodles with extra spice. The dragon ones.
Waiter: Sure sir, it will be ready in five minutes.
Sonic now sits in a decent size restaurant in the streets of the building his apartment is in. He looks above at the TV that shows news of a attack on the mansion of one of the high class families that supported the recent law change.
Sonic: The diamond cutters again? Can they not do anything except straight up terrorism?
???: Oh you seem to say that they could have taken a more peaceful way.
A sheep with a cap,a jogging shirt and shorts with earbuds in ear says as she sits down opposite.
Olivia: Name's Olivia,I run a gym somewhere to the side... You seen to criticize the Cutters.
Sonic: No.. their inefficient tactics are just pathetic, if they had tried to dismantle the nobles from the foundation bit by bit. then maybe they would have more successful than a terrorist group.
Olivia: The media is gonna support the nobles anyway. Even if they tried to show what they want,they will just be stopped and jailed anyway.
Sonic: You seem to support them.
Olivia: I just hate the nobles.
Waiter: Your order sire.
Sonic: Thanks.
Sonic begins eating his food while Olivia ordered some cold coffee. After finishing the food, Sonic called up the waiter for the bill.
Sonic: 1400 audits right?
Waiter: Indeed.
Sonic: here Extra 100 as tip... *Grabs the butler's shoulder and makes him fall* Dodge.
Something crashed into the restaurant from outside. The waiter barely dodged what appeared to be a metallic sword thanks to Sonic's push. The waiter stands while shaking.
Sonic: Leave, there is gonna be a battle here.
???: Olivia qemten you are hereby asked to surrender and make it easier for us.
Olivia: Never you dogs of nobels. *Activates a machine that transforms into a armor and what appears to be railgun sniper.*
A firefight begins with Olivia going around the restaurant taking cover while one by one she takes out drones and soldiers. Sonic just sits on the table and drinks the untouched Cold coffee and begins drinking while relaxing in the seat,watching as the firefight continues like a 3D movie.
Sonic: Ain't looking good for her.
A giant mech brakes in scan Sonic before ignoring him and resuming his mission.
Sonic: Tails would have loved one of these to research.. maybe I should take some samples when I go back.
???: Do you not fear death?
To the side, Olivia blasts away the mech's torso and takes cover near the table.
Sonic: I don't actually, have been through worse fights.
Olivia: stop the cap.
Suddenly some people came from the alleys and begins blasting the soldiers, a heavy armored person comes into the restaurant by ramming through the window.
???: let's go, reinforcements may come soon.
Olivia: Yes.
The person looks at the perfectly calm Sonic and turns around, the duo leaves the restaurant and use some sort of cloaking device to get away.
Soon, armed soldiers and mechs (government ones) begin securing the perimeter. Sonic was asked to come with them after they saw him laying on the seat with a empty glass in hand.
???: Tell us who you are?
Sonic: Nizo, no surname. I live in the nearby apartment and work as a accountant in a company.
A soldier enters the interrogation room and hands the investigator a tablet.
???: A schizophrenic patient alongside memory loss, a grade 5 worker of argon logistics.. i see. What were you doing in the restaurant?
Sonic: Just came to grab a bite after working overtime. I was working till 25:00( they have 13 hours per cycle and 26 hours a day)
???: We saw you talking to our target Olivia before the skirmish. She also talked a few words when she was escaping. Put your hand on this and answer.
A brings out a small device that showed the heart beat and brain waves of a person who touches it.
Sonic:*puts hand on the device* She introduced herself and asked for my opinion on Diamond cutters while expressing her contempt for nobels. She just asked if I felt fear when she was leaving.
The device showed everything being normal.
???: Last question. What is your opinion on Diamond cutters?
Sonic: Pathetic.
The investigator smiles and soon Sonic was allowed to leave, he called his friend lupin and asked him to give the manager a excuse that he was called as one of the witnesses for the shootout at the restaurant. He then left for his apartment.
Sonic: I miss my speed. I will make sure to increase the rune level even more this time.
Caliburn: Just how much do you love speed you psycho? Is speed of light not enough for you?
Sonic: No... I want to be so fast I could do some quantum travel across planets.
Oberon: You are crazy.. and I am all for good with that.