Songs in the Void: A Multiversal Score

Chapter 138: Kasumi’s Past Has Come Looking for Her

Hub World, Earth, Japan, Tokyo. 


After walking Yakumo home, Tatsuo walked back to his apartment at a leisurely pace. Along the way, he opened the [dimensional Chat] on his phone to see if everyone got home alright. 


{[Dimensional Chat] 

Tatsuo (Admin): Did everyone get home okay? 


James: Yeah, we just got back 


Alfonzo: We've been back for a little while 


Lici: yeah, we're driving back to Magnolia right now 

Lici: Fonzie is going to have to go back to the Leaf Village tomorrow, though 


Violet: I'm glad everyone got home okay 

Violet: It was nice to see everyone in person, though 


Lici: Yeah, it was fun 


Alfonzo: We should do it again 

Alfonzo: Akatsuki should join us next time, too 


Akatsuki: I think I will 

Akatsuki: I need to learn how to use my new abilities in a more natural way, anyway 

Akatsuki: it would have definitely made this journey I'm on a lot easier, too 


James: Oh, you're on a journey? 

James: With Shiroe and Naotsugu, right? 


Akatsuki: how do you even... 

Akatsuki: Right... my world is an anime world 

Akatsuki: Having people know your future is going to take some getting used to 


James: If it makes you feel any better, I don't know it all 

James: I only saw up to the second season 


Alfonzo: Same here 


Lici: I only saw the first 


Tatsuo (Admin): I've only read the wiki 

Tatsuo (Admin): It was always on my bucket list, though 


Akatsuki: No, that does not make me feel better! 


Tatsuo (Admin): Anyway, I was planning to go to James' world during Winter Break 

Tatsuo (Admin): I wanted to take Master Scáthach up on her offer for training 


James: Are you some kind of masochist? 

James: Or do you have a death wish 

James: If that's the case, I'm not really into killing kids, but I could make it a lot less painful than Master would} 


Tatsuo could not help rolling his eyes when he saw what James said. However, a good natured smile also appeared on his face. 


Yet, when he looked away from his phone's screen, Tatsuo noticed someone walking on the opposite side of the street. Usually, seeing someone walking down the street would not catch his notice. However, this person's features made him take a second look. 


Though most of this person's body was covered by a long cloak, it was clear from the bodily curves that it was a woman. And from the little he could see below the hood attached to the cloak, Tatsuo was able to tell that she was a young woman. 


Lavender bangs could be seen swaying with every step she took while the red irises set in somewhat wide eyes, youthfully round face, and cute little button-nose gave Tatsuo an idea of who this person was. Add all that to the fact that she seemed to be walking without making a sound, he was even more sure of his hypothesis about her identity. 


"I should probably tell Kasumi-Neesan about this." Tatsuo muttered to himself while he quickly looked away from the young woman. "It looks like her overly-loyal half-sister has tracked her down to Sasazuka. Even so, I think I'd like the chance to fight her. That acrobatic style might be fun to face off against." 


Reaching that point, a somewhat bestial smile appeared on Tatsuo's face before he continued. 


"I might even take a trip to the Mugen Tenshin Village and have a few words with their elders if she tries to kill my Kasumi-Neesan." Tatsuo practically growled. 


A moment later, Tatsuo shook his head to get the violent thoughts out of his head. Then, he looked back down at his smartphone to see what he missed in the [chat]. 


{[Dimensional Chat] 

Lici: Oh, come on, James 

Lici: Stop trying to scare him 


James: You think I'm just talking out of my ass? 

James: Do you know how many times I almost died while training with Master over the years? 

James: Hell, if I wasn't able to awaken Ddraig when I did, I probably would have never made it home that year 


Akatsuki: Are you serious? 

Akatsuki: but she's your master, right? 

Akatsuki: Why would she push you that hard? 


James: That's just the way she is 

James: Anyway, I just told Master about what you said, Tatsuo 

James: And she'd be more than willing to train you a bit 

James: Just let me know when 


Tatsuo (Admin): Winter Break starts in about three weeks 

Tatsuo (Admin): So, around then 

Tatsuo (Admin): I'll let you know when I know exactly when 


James: Alright, keep me posted 


Alfonzo: Damn... You've got some big balls, Tatsuo 

Alfonzo: I mean, I wouldn't turn down her training either 

Alfonzo: But I'd never ask for it 


Lici: That's because you have a family to worry about 

Lici: If this was before we, or any of the other girls, got married I bet you would jump on the chance to get stronger 


Alfonzo: Maybe 


Violet: I wish I could go, too 

Violet: The way Master Scáthach used a spear was awe inspiring 

Violet: Unfortunately, I'm sure something else will come up in my world 


Aletia: I want to go 

Aletia: I'll have Tatsuo all to myself 


Violet *Sigh* 

Violet: I knew you would say that 


Tatsuo (Admin): Well, we can talk about that later 

Tatsuo (Admin): I'm more curious to know how Akatsuki's journey is going 


Akatsuki: We've been traveling for three days 

Akatsuki: According to Shiroe, we should reach the Depths of Palm tomorrow 

Akatsuki: We should be at the halfway point to Susukino after we pass through there 


Alfonzo: Well, you should be careful 

Alfonzo: I can't remember the exact details, but things should have changed with the update 

Alfonzo: So, not all the monsters should be what you're used to seeing in that dungeon


Akatsuki: I'll keep that in mind} 


Around that point, Tatsuo reached the entrance of his apartment building. And just after walking through the doors, he ran into one of his acquaintances. 


"Hey, Yusa-San." Tatsuo said as he entered the apartment's lobby and saw Emi waiting for an elevator. "Just getting home from work?" 


"Huh?" Emi intoned in a surprised tone as she turned around. And when she saw that it was Tatsuo talking to her, she visibly relaxed. "Oh, hi Soramoto-Kun. Yeah, I just got home. *Sigh* Today was really tiring." 


"By the way, what do you do, exactly?" Tatsuo asked, as if he did not already know. 


"Oh, I'm a help desk employee." Emi replied. "And you'd be surprised at just how many rude callers you get each day. And today was even worse than usual." 


"That sounds rough." Tatsuo replied in a tone filled with sympathy. 




At that moment, the elevator Emi was waiting for arrived and the doors opened. 


"Well, get some rest, Yusa-San." Tatsuo said in an encouraging tone. "You can't let those people get to you." 


"Yeah, I'll try." Emi replied with a tired smile. "I'll see you later, Soramoto-Kun." 


With that, Emi stepped into the elevator before waving at Tatsuo as the elevator doors closed. Tatsuo returned the wave with a smile. However, as soon as the doors closed, Tatsuo's smile disappeared. Instead, it was replaced by a contemplative expression. 


'She didn't seem to notice my [energy].' Tatsuo thought to himself. 'But Maou-San noticed it almost immediately. I wonder what's up with that. Maybe she's just not as attuned to anything that's not demonic in nature? I mean, she only fights demons, right? But Maou-San has to worry about any magical threat, I guess...' 


Deciding he could think about that later, Tatsuo walked over to the only elevator that reached the penthouse and pressed the call button. Then, before long, he arrived on the top floor and stepped into the penthouse. 


"Hey! I'm back!" Tatsuo called out as he changed out of his shoes and into a pair of slippers. "Is Kasumi-Neesan back yet?" 


"Yes, I just got home." Kasumi's voice sounded from deeper in the house. "Did you need me for something?" 


Walking towards the living room, the direction from where he could hear Kasumi's voice, Tatsuo saw her sitting on the couch, still wearing her school uniform, with Sumire, Mai, and Tio. 


"Well, I think I saw that sister of your skulking around the neighborhood on my way back." Tatsuo said, his tone taking on a hint of solemnity. 


Upon hearing that, Sumire, Mai, and Kasumi all wore serious expressions, as well. Tio, on the other hand, wore an expression of confusion, having not heard about Kasumi's clan issues as of yet. However, until they were comfortable telling her about it, she decided that she would not pry into anyone's private affairs. 


"Thanks for letting me know, Tatsuo-Kun." Kasumi said seriously. "I'll make sure to be careful whenever I'm out of the house." 


In response, Tatsuo only nodded his head. He then looked at his mother, his solemn expression turning into a smile. 


"So, how was your walk, Tatsu-Chan?" Sumire asked, a smile appearing on her face, as well. 


"Not bad." Tatsuo replied. "I ran into a few delinquents from school. They didn't try anything directly, but they did try to get a famous delinquent from Nee-San's school to beat me up." 


"Oh!' Sumire exclaimed in amusement. "You didn't hurt him too bad, did you?" 


"Nah." Tatsuo replied while waving dismissively. "But he somehow decided that he would look out for me if I decided to go to Yagami High... After I bet him up, that is..." 


"What happened exactly, Tatsu-Kun?" Mai asked in a curious tone. 


Tatsuo then, against his better judgement, told everyone about his run in with Harima Kenji. And just as he expected, when Mai heard that everything happened because of a girl, she was ready to start taking action against the girls, Yakumo and Tenma. Luckily, Sumire was there to put her in her place. 


"I've heard of that Harima-San before." Kasumi said while looking up in contemplation. "He's got a really bad reputation at school. But he never really picks on the weak or girls from what I've seen. But with his reputation as a fighter, he draws a lot of the delinquents to himself. And they all want to beat him to be known as the strongest in the school. Unfortunately, that makes everyone avoid him like the plague." 


"Ha! If they only knew what you were capable of, Nee-San." Tatsuo said with a chuckle. 


Kasumi only smiled in response. 


"Oh, and I met up with Yakumo-Chan and Chi-Chan before I came home, too." Tatsuo added. 


Once again, Mai was ready to lose her cool. But Sumire put her in her place a second time, making it possible for Tatsuo to continue. 


"And Yakumo-Chan told me that she wanted to help me when it comes to recording." Tatsuo said with a smile. "She even had a book about audio editing for beginners." 


"Ooh~~~~! That's so cute." Sumire squealed. 


"I'll end her." Mai said in a dangerous tone. 




"Oww~~~~! Sumire-Sama~~~~~!" Mai whined after being hit in the head by a paper fan Sumire pulled from nowhere. 


While wondering just how many things his mother had in storage to hit Mai with whenever she acted up, Tatsuo continued to chat with the women he lived with. He even mentioned that he wanted to go to another world for Winter Break for some training. And when they heard it was an iteration of the Queen of the Land of shadows, Scáthach, Mai, Kasumi, and Tio also showed interest in training under her. 


Unfortunately for Mai, as Sumire's assistant, she was unable to go. Though, Sumire did promise that she would find time for Mai to train with this Scáthach one day. Yet, Mai was not okay with that, not that it made a difference. In fact, the only reason she wanted to go was so that she could spend some lovey-dovey time with Tatsuo, as she had completely ignored the fact that both Kasumi and Tio would be going as well. 


After that, time passed quickly. The time before Winter Break seemed to pass in the blink of an eye. And during that time, Yakumo got permission from her family to work with Tatsuo. Especially since she was old enough to have a job. And the most excited about the turn of events was actually Yakumo's sister, Tenma. And the reason for her excitement was the fact that her baby sister would be someone in the entertainment industry, even if it was not as an entertainer. 


So, with her family's permission, Yakumo started coming to the Soramoto residence every day to get herself acquainted with the tools she would be using while she worked as Tatsuo's editor. Unfortunately, that also meant that she had to put up with Mai's jealousy while she was there. Though, that did not seem to bother Yakumo all that much. 


But that was not the only thing that happened during this time. Just like for mid-terms, Tatsuo, Yakumo, Chiho, Tenma, Mikoto, Eri, and Akira all got together at Yakumo's house to study for the Final Exams the week before the exams started. Also, like last time, the study sessions over the weekends were held at Tatsuo's apartment. 


Meanwhile, during school, Tatsuo could be seen writing lyrics and melodies to accompany them. Yakumo was even able to read the first song Tatsuo intended to record for his album, a cover of Chris Brown's single, "Yo! (Excuse Me, Miss)", which did not exist in this world. Tatsuo even decided to add something of his own at the end, a rap verse that he wrote himself. 


Other than those things, nothing of note happened in Tatsuo's world. Akatsuki did manage to finish her journey and rescue a girl with Shiroe and Naotsugu when they arrived in Susukino, though. And apparently, Shiroe and Naotsugu met up with an old friend from their days when Elder Tale was just a game. 


But Tatsuo's life was peaceful. He did not run into Ayane again. Nor did he get into any fights with delinquents. He just did what he was supposed to do and got first place in his grade on the Finals with Yakumo taking second and Chiho making it into the top ten. 


After that, there would be a little assembly to mark the end of the term. Then, the students would be free to enjoy their Winter Break. Though, they would have some homework to take care of during the break. 


{[Dimensional Chat] 

Tatsuo (Admin): So, when should I come over? 


James: Whenever you're ready 

James: I'm at my house in the Human World 

James: Three unknowns just showing up in the Underworld wouldn't be good, after all 

James: But we'll take care of all the training here, too 

James: I'd love to show you the DxD Base... But that's kind of a restricted area 

James: And I don't know what would happen if she showed up, either 


Alfonzo: Who are you talking about 


James: It would be better if you didn't know 

James: Just know that she's someone more powerful than me 

James: But then again, I wouldn't put it past her to show up at my house, either 


Akatsuki: Stop talking in riddles and just tell us 


James: *Sigh* Fine 

James: The Dragon of Dreams, Great Red} 


The whole [Chat] fell silent when they heard that. Everyone in the [Chat] knew a little about the DxD Universe. So, they knew that Great Red was the strongest being there. They also knew that it was supposed to be a guardian of sorts. Guarding the realms from those who come from outside the [Dimensional Gap]. So, none of them knew how she would react when a few people just showed up from the outside. 


Scattered Cherry Blossoms Universe, Dimensional Gap 


Meanwhile, the dragon the members of the [Dimensional Chat] were talking about was flying around the silent Dimensional Gap in an almost lazy manner. Her dragon form, which was over 650' long from snout to tail covered in vibrant red scales, four limbs, and two pairs of enormous draconic wings could not be described with anything less than the word, majestic. 


However, at this moment, she stopped in place and lowered her head in a reverential way. And just as her head was lowered, the image of a tall, beautiful, fair-skinned woman with long purple hair and purple eyes loosely wearing a white robe in a way that exposed her shoulders, and a fair amount of cleavage appeared in front of her. 


"Your Majesty, to what do I owe the honor?" Great Red asked in a deferential tone. 


"How many times do I have to ask you to stop with that, Aislynn?" The purple-haired woman, the Void Empress, asked in a fond, yet exasperated tone. "I basically raised you. You're more like a daughter to me than a subordinate. And because of that trust, that's why I put you in charge of protecting this universe. Even if your insertion might have angered the little Infinite Dragon God." 


"Even so, I must show you the proper respect, my Empress." Great Red, or rather Aislynn, replied. "Because if it weren't for you, I would have never become what I am today. I have even found someone who might be worthy of becoming my mate should he reach the requisite level of power in the future." 


"Oh, you must be talking about that half-Devil boy who has befriended my son." The Void Empress said with a smile. "Well then, I guess there's no need for me to play matchmaker, is there?" 


The Void Empress would have to say that seeing such a large dragon shudder in shock was quite humorous. 


"*Cough* I said only if he were able to reach a certain level of power, Your Majesty." Aislynn replied as she was covered in a bright red light. A moment later, her form shrunk down to the size of a rather tall woman. "Nothing has been set in stone yet." 


When the light reseeded, instead of a large dragon, what floated before the Void Empress was an exceedingly beautiful woman standing at nearly 6' tall, with long, crimson red hair styled into a braid that hung down to her butt with tanned skin, golden eyes with slitted pupils, a voluptuous figure, large breasts, wide hips, and a round backside wearing a sleeveless red evening gown with a slit that exposed her left leg, a bangle on her right bicep, and a pair of high heels with straps that crisscrossed up her calves. 


"I see.' The Void Empress said as she raised her right hand to hide her smile. "Well then, you might be happy to know that my son will be arriving in this Universe to train with that half-Devil boy's master for a week or so. So, when you sense him and his companions, don't harm them." 


"Understood." Aislynn replied while bowing her head. "And I take it I should not make it clear that I serve him, since he is your son, correct." 


"That is correct." The Void Empress replied. "Though it is nearly time for him to learn of his heritage and his mission, he still has a little time remaining. And I'd like to let him enjoy it before things start to get serious." 


"As you command, Your Majesty." Aislynn replied. 


With that, the Void empress' image faded from the Dimensional Gap, leaving Aislynn floating in place, doing her utmost to sense the Prince of the Void's arrival. 

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