Son of The Savage (A DC Si)

Chapter 56: Competition? What Competition?


Advanced Chapters on


(General P.O.V)


(Unknown Location)

The mission was well under way.

Waller looked at the clock in her office.

'9 minutes and 50 seconds remaining.'

She sighed, settling back on her comfortable seat. Now all she had to do was relax and...

There was a frantic knock on the door that made her suddenly sit up in concern. 

Without waiting for confirmation, 2 agents burst in with panic on their faces. A male and female. 

Waller was about to give them a stern talking to, when the one on the lead started talking,

"Ma'am we have a big problem. Taskforce X...has been captured!"


Waller slammed her hands on the desk and left her seat, stomping her way towards him. Scared, the man backed away.

"What do you mean Taskforce X has been captured? By who? Was it the Justice League?"

She demanded with a yell, 

"Speak up!"

The Agent opened his mouth and started stammering. 

His partner stepped up and answered in his place, 

"We lost contact with the BlackBird a few seconds after it landed Ma'am."

The female agent revealed with a salute. 

'The drone pilot in charge of the Red Hawk.'

Waller recognized her. 

This bit of bad news coupled with her earlier feeling that something was wrong, worried Waller. 

She breathed in deeply, massaging her temples.

"What about the satellite feed? Were you able to see what happened?"

"Negative Ma'am."

The agent shook her head.

"One second the BlackBird was on the yard, then the next it was gone."

Waller turned around, her mind running in circles. Was it Angel's people? No, she had confirmed the Kings Guard were absent from the Mansion. 

"What about the trackers on Taskforce X?"

"No signal."

Which meant they were out of range and she couldn't blow up some heads to satisfy her frustration.

Waller was now breathing heavily. Someone was fucking with her. 

"Is there anything helpful you have to report?"

She seethed, glaring at the Agents.

Just then, the lights in the room went out before coming back on after a few seconds. 

Waller heard a commotion on the Operations room below her office and hurried to the window to investigate.

Her eyes widened at the chaos. 

Down below, an agent sitting on his work station with headphones on, was split apart in the middle.

If he wasn't wearing them, he definitely wouldn't have missed his colleagues' screams as they were cut down. 

The one responsible was a tall woman in a red and black costume. A single swipe of her Katana was enough to brutally kill two more agents in the blink of an eye.

An agent raised his gun to fire at her when a bolt of pink energy hit him from behind.

He turned around to face the culprit, only to trip, and fall forward, accidentally shooting himself on the chest.

A young girl in a pink outfit snickered at him, shooting out bolts of bad luck out into the room and causing more and more accidental casualties. 

A few agents abandoned their posts and tried to run away. 

Unfortunately, the first to reach the exit was Sai- stabbed half a dozen times by a cat mask wearing individual.

She spun the Sais in her hands expertly, throwing them out and piercing through agents before they returned to her hands.

Waller's lips started to quiver. She knew who these people were.

The KingsGuard. Angel Savage's security detail. 

"How did they find me?!"

Waller wondered, her hips hitting the edge of her desk while backing away.

This A.R.G.U.S base was built under Belle Reeve penitentiary. It was off the grid and the above prison's activities helped mask her operations.

The fact she could easily recruit candidates for Taskforce X from the Penitentiary only made it sweeter.

But now...Angel Savage's people had found her. And once they were done killing her agents, they would turn their attention to her.

Retreat, was her only option. Retreat and regroup. 

The sound of a body hitting the ground, made her spin around, heart racing. 

A single glance told her everything.

Lying on the floor was the male agent, a pool of blood from the hole on the back of his head staining her office. 

And above him was the female agent responsible for Manning the Red Hawk. 

'I knew there was something off about her.'

Waller thought to herself. 

"That carpet cost an arm and leg, you know. I'll have to throw it away and get another one."

Waller informed the female agent pointing a smoking gun with a silencer her direction.

"Not out of your pocket surely."

The female agent smoothly replied, her face betraying no emotion. 

"The taxpayers hard earned dollars will have it replaced in a jiffy. Just like you, Waller."

Waller snorted. 

"A.R.G.U.S can't survive without me. You know that very well, Natasha."

The agent blinked. 

"I'm not surprised you could tell. You must have been anticipating this."

A blue colored shimmer appeared around the agent, washing down her body and reverting it to it's original appearance. One that wore a black body suit tighly clinging to her body.

The body suit held a symbol of a black widow spider with an Angel's wings on the chest. The symbol was red, similar in color to her long flowing hair.

"Long time no see, Amanda."

Black Widow softly greeted. 


Waller solemnly agreed. 

"3 years since you turned traitor. You remember what I told you back then?"

"Nothing. You just sent a Kill squad to take me out after I saved lives and avenged my sister."

Widow replied. 

"Hell of a way to fire someone."

"You became a liability Widow. You and Helena."

Waller accused, moving around the desk and sitting down.

"You should be glad I stopped at one Kill squad."

"You mean after I sent back their heads? You would have been dumb to ignore my message after that. At least it bought you 3 years."

Widow responded, walking forward and training the gun on Waller's head.

Waller had no response. Instead she leaned in closer. 

"Do it then. Kill me and satisfy your revenge Natasha. Kill me like you killed your former bosses in the Red Room. Prove to me that you're still the widow-maker."

Widow pressed the barrel on Waller's forehead. A smile spreadbacross the latter's face.

The two stared into each other, one fearlessly and the other with a blank expression.

What interrupted them was the appearance of a boomtube inside the office. 

From the swirling vortex, the KingsGuard stepped out, with Ravager at the lead. 

"It's done."

The leader of the Kings Guard spoke to Widow's back, the fresh blood on her Katana flaking off under the BlackNite's nanites.

No response came from Widow.

Behind Ravager, Cheshire and Jinx shared an understanding look.

"... Ah Widow? No one deserves to die more than her, but just remember, 'he' wants her alive."

Jinx spoke up.

"I know."

Widow said, following a tense pause. She pulled the gun away with a complicated look, before turning around and walking back. 

Jinx nodded at her, quickly moving past to secure Waller.

"I'm shocked Natasha."

Waller sneered from behind. 

"You really have changed. The Widow I know would have finished the job. She would have taken revenge for her sister. Snowflame might have killed Helena, but who do you think leaked your location to him?"

The air in the office dropped to the negatives, a chill climbing up Waller's spine that she hid with forced bravado. 

Widow had stopped before the Boomtube, shoulders seizing up.

Standing next to her, Ravager placed a comforting hand on her shoulder,

"Not now. But I promise, she'll be yours."

Widow relaxed, turned her head to face Waller with a cold smile, 

"After the Young Master is done, you and I will handle our business. Pray that you don't see me too soon Amanda."

With that she disappeared into the portal, leaving Waller with an enraged scowl.

Jinx, standing behind her leaned in close to her fat head.

"You can stop pressing the button under your desk. Hate to break it to you, but someone's already taken care of your reinforcements."

She gloated, enjoying the surprise and despair that fell upon Waller. 


-Above A.R.G.U.S-

-Belle Reeve penitentiary-

(Central Cell block A)

A large amount of bodies featuring A.R.G.U.S agents and prison guards was stacked in the middle of the hallway.

The prisoners on the surrounding cells could be seen with fearful faces pressed onto the bars. 

All eyes were on a young man sitting on top of the hill of bodies. He had black unruly hair, a brown tail, an orange and blue gi and a long black staff that rested on his shoulders. 

Goku yawned, he was so bored. 

These guys were so weak he had to use his Power pole not to outright kill them with his bare fists. Otherwise nothing would have remained but a bloody mist. 

Even so, many had broken bones. And some were probably dead too. What a waste of time. 

The sound of a Boomtube broke the silence. Happy it was over, he stood. 

"Finally, time for some more gravity training."

He couldn't waste anymore time. The Young Master had spoke to him of a transformation that would drastically increase his power level. Super something...

Goku wanted to reach it quickly and finally surpass him. 

Leaving the bodies behind, he approached the Boomtube to his front. 

"Hey, take me with you."

A cute girl with short white hair stopped him as he passed by her cell. She had a strange collar on her neck. 

He wouldn't have normally bothered, but he did. Mostly due to her blue eyes which lacked fear when staring at him. 

None of the inmates had dared to speak to him. Hoping not to catch his ire after seeing his victims. Yet this girl was unaffected by his powerful aura.

"What are you doing in the men's cell block?"

Goku curiously asked, noticing she was the only female around.

"I was too much for the prison guards in the women's side. So they had me transferred to these buncha wimps."

She answered with a proud smile.

Goku chuckled, her personality reminding him of Cheshire.

He walked over, gripped the metal bars with his free hand and pulled the whole thing out of the wall, throwing it away. 

The crooked cell bars loudly clattered onto the floor, leaving behind an opening that fully revealed the girl. 

"I don't think my crew will like you."

Goku said after giving her an appreciative once over. 

'Her looks will definitely cause a stir. Can't wait for the chaos.'

He snickered, turning around and walking to the portal.

Killer frost blinked in confusion at his retreating back.

She turned back to her small cell and showed it the finger, before deciding to follow him towards the yellow portal.

"What do you mean?"

She asked, catching up to the Saiyan.

"They'll see you as competition."

Goku threw over his shoulder, crossing through the Vortex with no further explanation. 

'Competition? Competition for what?'

Frost was confused.

Fuck it. It didn't really matter what her saviour was talking about if it meant freedom.

Without hesitation, she entered the Boomtube, which closed behind her.

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