Son of The Savage (A DC Si)

Chapter 34: The Lazarus Tournament part 7.

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(General P.O.V)

Since the start of the Tournament, this was the first time, a contestant had gravely injured another.

X-23 stood on the Arena, breathing fast, her fists held away from her body, ready for an attack from Angel who had shown up unannounced.

But Angel paid her no mind. Instead, he immediately directed his nanites into Cass's body, held in his arms. 

Everything else faded from view- the noise from the stands, the Shadows swarming the Arena. His full attention was on the bleeding Cassandra.

And the results his nanites displayed on the lens of his glasses initially spooked him.

'Four puncture wounds. 3 on the lungs and one grazed the left chamber of the heart. She's somehow slowed the bleeding by herself. Good, this makes it easier for the next step.'

These thoughts went through his mind quickly. 

He was overclocking his brain using the speedforce to think faster.

Immediately, he tapped his watch and issued another set of commands to the nanites. 

The nanomachines complied, beginning to weave the soft tissue of her organs together. 

It was a delicate process and it wouldn't guarantee total healing as the nanites were programmed to work on his own biology, not someone else's.

This meant scars would be left behind that would take time to heal. A few weeks to a month, normally.

'Luckily, there's a Lazarus Pit on the Island. And as Cass is Lady Shiva's daughter, she's important enough that they will probably use it.'

Angel reasoned.

Cassandra begun coughing out dark red blood, but it wasn't anything bad. Angel was using the nanites to push out the liquid stuck in her airways to allow her to breath normally.

It was only a few seconds, not even a minute and the nanomachines had stabilized her condition. Enough that she opened her eyes and found Angel looming over her. 

He had a look of deep concentration on his face. 

[Are you okay?]

Angel signed with one hand, the other on her chest, transferring the nanites onto her body.

Cass blinked, then in a weakly motion she signed back, 

[What happened?]

[You got hurt. I'm taking care of it. Don't move.]

Angel responded.

Cass's face twisted in pain. The nanites were almost done reconnecting her flesh together, but it was akin to having surgery without anesthesia.

Behind them, the Shadows that had jumped on the Arena had immediately attacked X-23 for breaking the rules.

Not to mention, Cassandra was one of their own. This was like declaring war on the entire League of Shadows.

X-23 fearlessly met them with a brandish of her claws, using them to block their weapons, while her agility and superior training helped her hold her own.

But the real reason she was mowing them down like weeds was due to her savagery.

And the fact any injury she sustained seemed to visibily heal.

Cheshire stood, ready to jump out and go to her rescure, but Ravager stopped her.

"Let me go! She needs our help."

The former yelled.

"Remember the rules! You might be punished too."

Ravager hissed.

"Besides, it doesn't look like she needs it."

And true enough, X-23 snarled like an animal, showing bloody teeth while slicing open an arm, blood splashing onto her face.

A swing of her legs and a blade jutting out of her feet disemboweled another Shadow. 

She was relentless and it was showing as the numbers dwindled.

Cheshire sat back down, shoulders tense.

The Arena had turned into a chaotic mess with bodies dropping and blood pouring forth like a geyser, painting the floor red.

Sensei, stoical, stood in front of the main building, watching as X-23 dispatched more than 10 Shadows in a single minute.

He snapped a finger and more shadows descended onto the Training Grounds, weapons drawn as they rushed the Arena,


X-23 roared out, blood on her hands and face, a pile of groaning bodies surrounding her.

Angel heard the animalistic sound, but remained focused on the task at hand. He was so close to finishing.

Cass as well, picked up on the sounds of battle happening and with another effort, she tapped Angel's hand and signed at him.

[They...will execute her for breaking the rules. You need to stop them. Not her fault.]

Angel shook his head.

[Just rest]

[She's like me. Only knows killing. You can help her. Like you helped me.]

She insisted with a grimace. 

He helped her? When? But that wasn't important. He had a more burning question in his mind.

[What happened during the fight?]

He furiously signed at her, an angry glare on his face.

[You let her beat you. I know you could have easily won. So Why didn't you?!]

Cassandra's hand stalled in the air, then a soft smile graced her beautiful features, mesmerizing Angel.

[I...want to be her friend]

She signed.

A look of shock fell upon Angel's face. He couldn't understand what she was thinking. 

She wanted to be friends with someone that had just tried to kill her? What the actual fuck?

[You're insane.]

He signed. Not only that, due to her losing, they now weren't going to meet in the finals. 

Which meant they wouldn't have their rematch. Angel had been looking forward to that. 

[Please? I'll owe you...]

Cass replied.

The plea in her eyes was too much. And despite his anger at X-23, he found that he couldn't refuse.

With a sigh, he nodded.


During their conversation, X-23 had been surrounded by greater numbers than before. 

And with the Shadows adopting a different strategy other than rushing her head on, they were able to incapacitate her by binding her body with chains.

Sensei had then approached her, a Katana held loosely in his hand.

4 Shadows held both ends of the chain tightly. While the rest were standing behind her. She was in a kneeling position, her shoulders held down.

"Contestant X-23."

Sensei spoke, stopping before her struggling form.

X-23 looked up at him, a feral snarl escaping her lips.

The Katana was raised and then placed under her chin.

"For breaking the rules, I pass judgement on you. Death by my blade."

Sensei declared coldly.

Her head was wrenched back by her hair, exposing her neck and Sensei went to raise the Katana.

Everyone's breath stalled.

Watching from the side, Speedy and Robin had horrified expressions.

Next to them, Cheshire was gripping the arm of her seat so hard, her knuckles were white.

On the other side, Goku's tail was held tightly by Ravager, stopping him from intervening.


Cheshire muttered.

The Katana fell.

Only for it to slice the empty air. A second later, the chains that had been tied around X-23 loudly clattered to the floor. 

X-23 had disappeared. She had somehow been sucked in by her own shadow.

Sensei swerved his head around a few times to no avail. She was nowhere to be found. 

Turning to stare at the second floor balcony of the Main Building, he established eye contact with the Demon's Head.

A secret conversation occured between them, with Ra's shaking his head imperceptibly.

Sensei bowed at the waist then addressed the Shadows, 

"Take the injured to the medical bay."

(Angel's P.O.V)


Shade came through for me at the last minute and used his powers to portal X-23 away.

I was suddenly glad I had upgraded my watch to enable communication with my right hand man from anywhere.

Although using his powers so openly ran the risk of me being suspected, I couldn't ignore Cass's request.

Besides, I now knew who X-23 was. Seeing her savagery on full display dislodged a few memories.

I might be wrong, but one name comes to mind. 

Laura Kinney, the daughter of Wolverine. Clone to be specific but that wasn't the main take away.

Another Marvel character in DC. That makes it two, if we count Black Widow.

Maybe I shouldn't be surprised anymore. It's clear this world is different from what I know. 

But that's okay, because now I can move forward mentally ready for anything.


Cass signed and then went limp, falling asleep in my arms.

"We'll take her off your hands."

A voice came from his back.

"I expect that will not be a problem?"

I threw a look at Sensei before turning to Cassandra. The nanites I had on her returned to my body. Her condition was stable, they could take it from here. 


I stated, getting up.

"Just take good care of her."

With that, I made to move past my old teacher, but he stopped me with a hand on my shoulder.

"Angel, the Demon's Head is not someone to be trifled with. He can overlook one or two misteps from you because you are promising. But do not push your luck, my talented pupil."

Sensei warned.

"I'll keep that in mind Sensei."

I shrugged off the hold and left.

There was a meeting to prepare for.

"Still as willful as ever."

I heard him comment from my back. 


"Young master, I have transferred the target to Cell 3. Shall I proceed with the usual program? I have Psimon on call. The process is ready to start."

Shade informed me as I walked on the path to the Fighter's Quarters.

Behind me, I heard Sensei announce that there would be a celebration that night. 

Just like I had heard Talia say. She will probably be making her move tonight.

And being the mastermind she was, I knew she would also take that opportunity to deal with me.

If I was her, I would pin the Demon's Head death on me. Killing two birds with one stone. And thus, she would take out both Ra's and I at the same time.

Sneaky of Talia. Very sneaky.

"Proceed with the process Shade. But tell Psimon not to scramble her brain. Just a mental copy of her memories will do. Also, she's a trained assasin, Shade."

I threw a side glance at my shadow.

"I trust she will not off herself on your watch?"

"I would die first, Young Master."

He replied.


Someone was about to touch my hand. I stopped, and a soft figure clashed onto my back.


Jinx let out as she fell. It was kinda funny. She looked dumb.

"Sneaking up on me? You do know this is an Island of Assassins, right? I might think you trynna kill me and retaliate."

I told her, stretching my hand out for her to take.

What the fuck am I doing? I don't need distractions right now. 

She grabbed it and got up, her face twisted into a scowl.

"You're supposed to say sorry!"

I turned around and started walking away without a word. 

Anyway, back to the meeting and Talia, jst because I know it's a trap doesn't mean I should blindly walk in. That's how overconfident crime bosses get assassinated.

"Hey wait! Don't leave."

If I didn't have my powers, I would never leave my mansion without a thousand goons armed to the teeth in between me and danger. 

Though I doubt even a thousand would stand a chance with the League of Shadows.

Dammit. That's why I want them! If I can get the assassins to be the heart of my very own Private Army, then the whole conquer-the-world thing will be less hard. 

It's not easy you know! DC is a world on the brink of collapse every single morning! I'm not blowing smoke either. 

The kind of crap that will or can happen and has happened is fucked up!

Just a week ago, I woke up as a hamster on my bed. A hamster! 

For just a single second, I felt the entirety of reality change on a whim before someone, (probably a cosmic entity) brought everything back to normal.

The point is, it's a fucked up reality. 

So as far as trying to take over the whole world, I'm only doing this to try and control a tiny part of the chaos that's around me all the time.

That's the only way to ensure survival. I'll curve out my little paradise of order and rule it.

The entire Earth and everything in it, is just the perfect size. I'm not too ambitious to set my eyes on the universe. 

Darkseid, The Reach, The Lantern Corps, Zod, Frieza or whoever, can have fun fighting over it. 

The Earth is enough and it will be mine. 



"Whoa, what's with the smile? Are you like actually actually evil?"

Jinx turned up at my side, studying me like I was a science experiment beneath her microscope.

"Yes. And I kill people for annoying me."

I replied, hastening my pace.

She ran forward and blocked the way, spreading her hands out.

"Look, I just want to apologize and say thanks."

"None needed."

I sidestepped her.

She held back and then ran after me.

"Also, how were you able to block my powers?"

I stopped and surprised her with a card that appeared in between my fingers. It was made with nanites. A symbol of two wings of fire and ice lay on one surface, and on the other was a code.

"Tap that to any communication device and a number will call you."

I held it out, 

"You want answers, then look for them yourself."

She grabbed it, turning it over.

"Nice Logo."

"I'm the one who designed it, so thanks."

I turned to the trees on the side, capturing the small bundle of orange hiding on a branch. 

"And I suppose you want a card as well Goku?"

There was a ruffle of leaves as he jumped down. 

"How did you see me?!"

He questioned, surprised. 

A flick of the wrist sent the card flying his way. He grabbed it and looked at me in question.

"You still want to fight me?"

He eagerly nodded.

I motioned to the card. 

"Dont lose that. I'll reach out to you and we can arrange a duel."

A thoughtful look crossed him.

An idea came to mind.

"And if you come across someone called Bulma...give it to her, okay?"

Hopefully if she's indeed a part of this world, I can also recruit her.

With a wave, I left the two of them behind. Luckily, my door was close by. 

I entered and immediately shut it behind me, leaving the two of them outside. 

It's been so long since I practiced with my powers. Before the time of the meeting, I need to ensure I'm prepared for whatever surprises Talia might pull. 

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