Someone Wants To Blow Me

Chapter 60 - The Girl Turns into a Cat 07

The author has something to say: Replaced, I can’t extricate myself from playing Werewolf recently [Tan Shou

Finally…they are all anti-theft. There are three possibilities. One is that I did not replace it. The other is that the subscription rate is less than 80%. That is to say, many chapters have been skipped. The third is Jinjiang.

The solution is to wait for me to replace it, second to order 80% or see it in a few days, third to clear the cache, or wait for Jinjiang to be normal.

Yes, it is like that

The next day, before Omi was awake, Claire went hunting. When she came back, Omi was still asleep. After putting her prey away and cleaning up all the blood, she carried Omi to Cara’s cave.

At this time Abel is no longer there, and only Kara and her two cubs are left in the cave.

“You came?”

“Yeah.” Claire smoothed Shun Omi’s hair, and gently rubbed Omi’s white fluffy ears with her fingers.

In her sleep, Omi only felt her ears itchy. She twisted her head and tried to get rid of the hand that was acting on her ears. However, she couldn’t get rid of the twist. As a last resort, she could only open her eyes to see who was disturbing her sleep.

As soon as she opened her eyes, she met Carla’s jokes, and she was facing Carla condescendingly, so she understood that she was being held in her arms by Claire.

Omi yawned gracefully, his head continued to twist, and now he added his paw to push away Claire’s hand.

Seeing that she was awake, Claire retracted her hand. Knowing the anger of being awakened, she scratched Omi’s chin with her fingers in kindness.

At this moment, Omi, who was only caring about comfort, didn’t have time to get out of bed, and squinted at will to let Claire please herself.

“This cub…” Kara couldn’t help but laugh.

“Too squeamish.” Claire shrugged helplessly. “By the way, where’s Abel?”

“Abel has returned to the tribe. I will go to the tribe to choose a spouse in a few days. Claire, are you still not going to choose a spouse?”

Claire is the most powerful female in the tribe. There are countless males who want to be her mates. However, at this time of the year, Claire does not go to the tribe and hides in a corner of her cave.

Carla couldn’t help but smile at the helpless look of the wizard Alva when he mentioned Claire.

Choose a spouse?

Claire didn’t think about this question. After all, she was abandoned when she was a child. What if she gave birth to the same cubs as her, and her spouse didn’t like to throw it away?

She didn’t want her spouse to dislike her cubs.


Claire looked down at the little white ball in her arms. She was also a female with cubs now, and whether she had a spouse was also dispensable to her.


Hearing his expected rejection, Kara sighed in his heart, “Well, you don’t want to and no one can persecute you, but this time I still have to go back to the tribe.”

“What’s wrong?”

“I have given birth to the cubs, and I will take the cubs back to the tribe in a few days. You are not alone anymore. What if your cubs are eaten by other beasts when you go out hunting?”

Claire heard the words and couldn’t help tightening the arms holding Omi. Omi felt a little uncomfortable and screamed in dissatisfaction.


She looked down at the confused Omi, the strength on her arms slowed down.

She couldn’t imagine that the cub she raised was eaten by wild animals. It seemed that she had to think about returning to the tribe.

Seeing her move, Carla continued her efforts, “Claire, go back, there will be someone taking care of this cub after going back, and don’t you want the wizard to see the cub’s condition?”

Claire nodded and decided to take Omi back to the tribe, “I know, I’ll go back with you then.”

Kara squinted his eyes with satisfaction.

Claire put Omi in Carla’s arms, and the two cubs who were breastfeeding saw that funny cub. They ignored the meal and were about to pounce on Omi’s body.

Fortunately, Kara knew the shadows of the two cubs, and pressed the bodies of the two cubs with his paws.

The two cubs were not reconciled, and called out to let their mother let go.

But Kara didn’t let them get what they wanted. After all, Claire’s cub was smaller than his own. What if he was broken by his own cub?

This is the first time she has seen Claire care so much about one thing, so she can only wrong her cub.

Omi was still scared at first, but when she saw her “nanny” pressing the two bear cubs, she finally felt relieved, and thankfully rubbed her head against Kara’s body, and she lay down to feed.

Upon seeing this, the two cubs looked at their mother aggrievedly, but all they got was Kara’s relentless stare.

In the end they gave up and sucked angrily.

After Omi was full, she rubbed Carla’s body again, and walked slowly towards Claire with her short legs.

After she approached, Claire did not hug her in a hurry, but reached out a finger to tap Omi’s head.

“I am full?”

“Meow meow meow~” Omi acted like a baby, stretched out her paw and pulled Claire’s fingers down and hugged her tightly. After touching it, she stretched out her pink tongue and licked it.

When her warm tongue licked Claire’s fingers, Claire only felt that her heart was beating wildly, and her breathing was messed up for a moment.

Claire glanced at Carla from the corner of her light. Seeing that she didn’t react abnormally, she calmed down and let Omi pull her fingers.

“Wow, it looks like this cub likes you very much.”

Claire nodded. “Probably.”

Having said that, there was a wave of joy in her heart, and only she knew that her mood was unprecedented joy.

“I’ll take her back first. Tell me when you plan to go back.”


Claire picked up Omi, and Omi immediately adjusted a comfortable position in her arms, and his paws squinted against Claire’s chest.

Claire didn’t notice a bit, but Omi felt the limp under his paws and couldn’t help but think about it.

Omi didn’t want to claws, because she felt comfortable pressing it up. The blue cat eyes carefully glanced at Claire. Seeing that she didn’t react, she felt more relieved, and then secretly observed her facial features, she suddenly felt that leaving her aside Not to mention the identity of the big white tiger, just looking at this face, I feel so beautiful and greasy!

Coupled with that front, convex, back, and warped figure…

Omi felt like he was going to have a nosebleed!

Claire didn’t know what Omi was trying to fix. After returning home and putting her on the bed, she continued to barbecue.

However, this is suffering for Omi, because she wants to eat but can’t eat it! ! !

How to break QAQ in pain

She sucked on her hygroscopic nose, and stared at Claire aggrievedly with a small expression.

Claire remained unmoved, and came to Omi’s side after baking and eating, planning to call her to talk now.

“Claire, me.”

“Meow meow?” What?

“You, Becky.”

“Meow meow?” What?

“Bed.” Pointing to the bottom.

“Meow meow?” What?

“Fire.” Pointing to the fire.

“Meow meow?” What the hell? What is she saying?

At this moment, Guangnao can’t stand it anymore, and can’t help but spit out, [Dear Dreamer, she is teaching you the language of this world again! 】


【real? 】

Omi blinked.

[What do you say? 】

Well, she got it.

She put away her playful heart, listened carefully to Claire’s words, and stared at Claire’s red lips for a moment to read her pronunciation.

All morning, Claire patiently repeated the pronunciation of everything in the cave to Omi, and Omi did not disappoint her, and wrote down the pronunciation of everything she said.

It wasn’t until Omi sleepy bug committed that, under Claire’s nice voice, his head little by little, and finally couldn’t stand it anymore, and fell asleep on his paws.

When Claire lowered her head, all she saw was Omi asleep.

She couldn’t help but chuckle, transforming into a real shape and encircling Omi’s small body around her.

Days go by, Omi is now waking up and eating, eating and studying, going to bed after studying, and continuing to eat after sleeping, and so on.

Omi feels that she is living so easy, that she almost forgot her mission, but during this period, she still gains, because she finally understands the language here, but the only bad thing is that she can’t say no. QAQ if you come out of this world

During this period, she often learned to speak the world when Claire was away, but every time she called her mouth “meow meow meow”.

She feels that she is really going to be over_(:з)∠)_

After half a month, Omi found that they were leaving.

“Meow, we are going back to the tribe.” Claire stroked Omi’s fur and said slowly.

She didn’t like the name Claire gave to Omi, so she gave her the name Meow Meow, who made her itch every day.

“Meow meow?” Back to the tribe?

What is the tribe? Could it be a village-like place made up of orcs as described in the novel?

Omi thought she was the truth.

“At that time, I will take you to see the wizard and see if you can transform yourself.”

This sentence made Omi instantly refreshed, and the cat’s pupils that looked at Claire gleamed.

Meow meow meow? What did she hear? !

Claire is talking about transformation!

Talking about transformation ah ah ah ah ah!

Does this mean that she can also be transformed! ! !

“Meow meow meow!!!” Hurry up! Go back to the tribe! Hurry up!

Feeling Omi’s excitement, Claire became excited too, but her emotions have always converged so well that Omi did not see any abnormalities.

“Don’t worry, we will go back tomorrow.”

“Meow meow meow~” Okay, tomorrow is tomorrow, anyway, she has been like this for so many days, and she didn’t see herself as a human being. She could wait for one day.

Omi woke up very early the next day. Seeing Claire was still asleep, she immediately got up, her small head supporting Claire’s.

“Meow meow meow~” Don’t sleep, get up! Get up!

“Meow, meow~” Get up! The sun is tanning meow meow meow! ! !

Claire woke up as early as when Omi meowed for the first time, but she just didn’t want to open her eyes, she wanted to see how Omi could trouble her.

Sometimes, she thinks Omi’s hair is very cute.

Seeing that Claire didn’t wake up, Omi’s little tail flicked and struggling to climb onto Claire’s head, biting Claire’s white ear with a meow.

Omi:! ! !

Claire:! ! !

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