Someone Wants To Blow Me

Chapter 58 - The Girl Turns into a Cat 05

After eating enough, Omi crawled out of Carla’s embrace.

Omi walked swayingly, Carla became playful for a while, stretched out her paw and poked her little **** slightly, Omi accidentally fell to the ground with a click.

Omi’s blue cat eyes were full of confusion, and both Kara and Abel laughed uncontrollably.

Although Claire was not as happy as the two of them, a smile line appeared at the end of her eyes.

Omi couldn’t help but feel aggrieved. She turned her head angrily and glared at Carla. Then she walked the kitten to Claire’s feet and stretched out her little paws to hug Claire Kuang. Naked ankles, with her small head tilted back, looking pitifully. Claire seemed to be asking for comfort.

Hey, they are too much, they actually laughed at themselves QAQ

People are just full! I just fell without paying attention! Why laugh at her QAQ

嘤嘤嘤, too much, Ben Miao Miao is so wronged QAQ

Hey, people have to hug and raise QAQ

Claire probably saw Omi’s thoughts and squatted down. She took Omi into her arms, stroking her back with big hands to comfort her.

Omi grunted comfortably, and then the azure cat eyes narrowed slightly, squinting Kara and Abel triumphantly.



The two can’t help but tolerate their laughter.

Cara flicked his long tail. “Claire, look at your cub’s pride.”

Claire continued to stroke Omi’s back, “It’s cute.”

Although Omi didn’t understand what they were talking about, his expression remained proud.

Humph, you fish-lipped orcs, how do you understand the thoughts of Lord Ben Meow, hum!

Abel scratched the back of his head, “But then again, did you name this cub?”

Claire frowned, thinking that she didn’t like the name she gave her, and for a while, she made trouble, “She doesn’t seem to like the name I gave her?”

Kara’s eyes flashed, “Oh? For example?”

“Becky, Alice.”

Kara nodded, but after a few seconds, she gave a sigh of relief, shouldn’t…

Generally, a cub that cannot be transformed would have no saneness, and did not understand what the orc was calling, but how could this cub know that Claire was named for her, and he didn’t like it?

Cara felt like she was about to touch something, she pulled her black cub, lazily licking its fur.

“How do you know she doesn’t like it?”

Claire raised her eyebrows slightly, lifted her hands from Omi’s forelimbs, her golden eyes met her azure blue cat pupils, “Becky?”

My mother, why does Claire call this name again? She is not Becky!

Omi meowed, the blue cat’s eyes full of disgust.


Bah, baah, she’s not called Alice, she’s called Omi! Omi! Omi!

Omi continued to dislike it.

Claire continued to put Omi back in her arms. “She’s just like that.”

A small look full of disgust.

Carla’s gray-blue cat’s eyes flashed with a gleam of light, “Claire, the cubs who don’t normally transform can’t be wise.”

In other words, the cub that Claire picked up is very likely to be transformed!

Claire gave a sigh of relief, feeling that what Carla said was extremely reasonable, but…

Under normal circumstances, the mother will not abandon the transformed cub, except for her…

A cold light flashed in Claire’s eyes when he thought that his parents felt that their fur was different from that of other tiger races and discarded them.

Before Claire could reply, Abel retorted Kara, “But no mother would abandon the transforming cub.”

However, after saying this, Abel regretted it. He looked at Claire apologetically, “Claire, I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay.” Claire didn’t care at all. After all, the parents were just dispensable to her. “This cub’s situation is indeed a bit special. Then I will take her to the tribe. Wizard, take a look.”

Claire said that the tribe is a special existence. In the orc world, people of the same race usually live together, but there are various forms of orcs in this tribe, and they are basically abandoned by the clan. In the end, the wizard Al A tribe was formed under Watt’s leadership, and he joined the tribe when he became an adult.

“That’s good.” Kara nodded.

Omi didn’t understand what they were whispering about again. It was a bit boring for a while. It happened that Claire’s silver hair was hanging on her chest, not far from herself. She suddenly became interested and stretched out her small paw to hook Claire’s long silver hair. .

After hooking Claire’s long hair, Omi’s azure blue cat eyes gleamed, and with a strong pull, Claire’s attention returned to Omi.

Omi’s white paws seduce Claire’s long hair, Cat Hitomi met Claire’s questioning gaze, and stared at her innocently, “Meow~”

Claire had no choice but to let Omi play with her long hair.

Seeing that she wasn’t angry, Omi gave up more and more, pulling at Claire’s hair from time to time, and from time to time he stretched out his paw and slapped Claire on the chest.

Kara saw Omi so lively, and Claire also indulged her, fluttering and flicking her long tail, “Claire, your cub looks very lively.”

“Yes.” Claire smiled helplessly.

“She likes you very much.” Abel affirmed, and Claire also liked the cub very much, otherwise she would not indulge her so much.

Claire suddenly stopped when he heard the words, and immediately there was a touch of joy in the depths of the golden pupils, “Yeah.”

After chatting with Cara and Abel for a while, Claire finally took Omi, who had been making trouble with her, back to her cave.

Claire hugged Omi back to the bed and tapped her wet nose with her index finger. “You are so noisy, little guy.”

“Meow~” I don’t understand what you say.

“It looks like you have to teach you how to speak.”

“Meow meow~” I don’t understand, I don’t understand, I don’t understand~

Claire saw her say something, and Omi replied. She couldn’t help but feel amused, “Do you understand what I said?”

“Meow meow meow~” I don’t understand, I don’t understand, I don’t understand, just a little bit~

“Forget it, you don’t understand it anyway.” After saying this, she rubbed Omi’s little head, “Behave in bed, I’ll get some food.”

Claire retracted her hand and figured again, she turned into a big white tiger again, and then walked outside.

After Omi saw Claire’s departure, she didn’t care, and had fun in bed alone.

From time to time, he stretched out his little paw to have a look, and from time to time tried to shake the little tail behind him, with his head tilted from time to time, the blue cat pupil looked at Claire’s cave curiously.

After Omi got tired from playing, she rolled several times on the big bed covered with animal skins, and finally shrank into a deep sleep.

Omi was sober in the smell of barbecue. She opened the blue cat eyes in confusion and looked at the source of the smell.

At this time, the inside of the cave was dark, but Claire had a torch inserted in the height of the cave, and Omi’s body’s night vision ability was also very strong, so he saw Claire who was roasting with fire in the distance.

Hey, it smells so good…

She really wants to eat QAQ

Omi’s saliva asked, she wanted to go to Claire’s side, but the bed was too high, and she was hesitant to jump down.

However, after a few minutes of hesitation, Omi, who was afraid of pain, gave up decisively, trying to attract Claire’s attention with meowing.


“Meow meow~”

“Meow, meow~”

In fact, as early as the moment Omi woke up, Claire had noticed that she was awake, but she pretended that she didn’t know, and wanted to see how Omi would react.

Claire found out that Omi wanted to come to her side, but she didn’t dare to jump off the bed, and finally cried out.

Claire’s cold lines softened a bit in the light of the fire, and she turned to look at Omi, with an unexplained smile on her lips.

“wake up?”

“Meow meow meow~” hug Ben meow meow and come down!

“Want to come over?”

“Meow meow meow~” Come over with love!

“I don’t understand meow meow.”

“Meow meow meow~” Hey, Claire is so annoying, Ben Miaomiao decided to ignore her QAQ

After Omi finished screaming, Cat Hitomi looked at Claire accusingly, and then under her playful gaze, Omi raised her chin proudly and pointed her **** at Claire again.

Claire, the idiot! Humph, Ben Meow is also a grumpy Meow!

Ben Meow Meow is angry!


She felt that the cub she picked up was too tantrum, and it was so cute when it was tantrum, which made herself totally unable to get angry.

So she sighed helplessly, resigned herself to Omi’s side, and wrapped her up from the bed.

Omi: Humph, I’m still angry!

She was still struggling after being held in Claire’s arms.

But this little strength of hers seemed like nothing to Claire, so she didn’t pay attention to Omi’s struggle at all.

Claire hugged Omi and sat down by the fire, turning over the barbecue with one hand free.

When Omi saw the big greasy roast, she felt her saliva flow out.

Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo good! It smells so good! It smells so good!

Omi couldn’t help meowing at the barbecue, and at the same time stretched out her little paw to catch the barbecue.

However, her claws were too short to reach that far at all, and Claire was also afraid that she would be burned, and quickly grabbed her small claws back.

Omi is not happy anymore, and stares at Claire aggrievedly, “meow meow meow~”

She wants to eat barbecue

Claire understood what she meant from Omi’s eager eyes, but she was not relentless, “You can’t eat.”

Knowing that Omi didn’t understand, she shook her head.

Omi continued to act like a baby, “meow, meow~”

She wants to eat! Want to eat! Want to eat!

Claire stretched out her fingers to pry open Omi’s mouth, touched her teeth that hadn’t grown, and struck mercilessly, “The teeth are not well grown, you can’t eat.”

Following Claire’s movements, Omi’s pale pink tongue licked her gums, feeling the tiny teeth, Omi felt that she was about to cry.

She wants to eat barbecue

The author has something to say: Suddenly I found out that I hadn’t asked for a receipt for a long time, so I shamelessly asked for it today~

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