Somehow, The Villainess Who Regressed in Time Lost Her Magic Power, so She Turned into a Secluded Maiden

Chapter 28



“Welcome aboard.”

Sarah, I’m coming to church today with Roger.

“Lady Rachel is coming today, and I’m waiting for the kids now or now.”

“Heh, I’m glad. I’ll be right there.”

When I think of the faces of my children in the words of the priest, I get a grin. When we went to the back of the church together, the children rushed out of the entrance door to the orphanage to avalanche.

“Rachel, it’s you!

“Rachel! Welcome.”

“Hey, I baked cookies today! Eat and eat.”

“Yeah, of course. So, Cleric.”

“Yes, thank you. I’ll be there later.”

The children on both sides of me hold my hands and pull to hurry, while the other children circle back and push.

“Look, if you panic too much, you’ll fall.”

Makes me smile this way at the kids’ smiles.

It makes me very happy that you are so very welcome every time.

It’s been about another month since I started attending this church.

I went to church with my mother right after the day I met her at that market. The church in the realm means my mother seems to have been here several times.

Incidentally, the cleric here said he had been on assignment three years ago.

The clergyman seemed terribly surprised to learn that I was the daughter of a lord for naming him when I greeted him.

But this cleric never changed my attitude, whether I be the daughter of a lord.

In fact, many people change their attitudes by naming them. I know how it feels to do so because I myself have been obsessed with my identity and position.

But now I have something to think about.

People don’t trust people like that. Who would trust someone who doesn’t see the person himself?

I guess the only relationship I could have had was the upper side, because I was such a person.

However, it became apparent to me that I wanted to “have this” when I saw that I treated each person who visited the church very carefully, like a cleric.

Here, a calm time passes at any time.

I have the warmth to accept it.

I guess that’s why this church has so many people on its feet.

Also, the kids soon became nostalgic.

When I come here, I also play with the kids and teach them to read and write books.

Roger is always surrounded by boys because he is an admirer of boys called knights.

Sarah also helped two older sisters and taught the girls how to sew.

“Hey, is Lady Rachel the Prince’s daughter-in-law?

When she finishes reading a picture book to kids between the ages of three and eight, Meena puts her big eyes in a pussy.

He asked me in an instant.

I unwittingly open my eyes to that word. But even an eight-year-old girl tells Meena.

“No, I’m not! He’s my fiancée.”

“Goddamn it -?

“I’m the one planning to marry you! Hey, Master Rachel.”

Everyone’s eyes turn to me intrigued, but I laugh unwittingly.

Um, how do I answer that?

“Right. My fiancée is the one who promises to marry me.”

“Then you are the Prince’s daughter-in-law”

“Wow, then Lady Rachel is a princess! Wow.”


“I always thought I was a princess about Rachel! Cute.”

As I explained, the children began to sneeze out loud.

But only Meena was drooling like depressed looking down.

I wonder what’s wrong.

I held Meena up, I put her on my lap, and I said, “What’s wrong?” Ask.

“You know, when you’re your daughter-in-law, you’re not coming here anymore, are you?

“Um, yeah. If you do, you might not be able to make it.”

To the answer, Meena clutched her fist together and silenced herself. Meena suddenly shouts out loud as she conceives of how it should be communicated.

“… Prince, what a prince.”

“Hate it? Why?

“I’ll take Lady Rachel.”

I gently hugged Meena, who swelled her cheeks and turned away from her face.

Kids seem young and think a lot. Especially the children here who have had to stay in orphanages for dead or financial reasons or without knowing why.

I would often be concerned about how adults are doing, or sneaking up on rumors.

When I tried to open my mouth to say something, Meena immediately said, “Ah! That’s right!” he said brightly.

“You can’t be the daughter-in-law of a priest!


“The Cleric is sweet and cool.”

“Um, yeah. But…”

‘Cause then, Lady Rachel, you can stay here forever.

I accidentally laugh even more bitterly at Meena, who just looks straight at Nico and this one, thinking good things.

How should I answer?

“Come on, don’t put Lady Rachel in trouble.”

From behind, I heard the usual kind voice.

Turning around, the cleric smiled troubled and called out to Meena on my lap, “Meena, I was getting ready for him over there,” she said.

Then, as Meena forgot about earlier stories and such, she said, “He!” And Piong from my knees, “he jumped and jumped. And I jumped out of the room without looking at this one.

When the clergyman sat in the chair on my side, he lowered his brow in regret.

“Who did you ask… Excuse me. You’ve got me in trouble.”


“Meena especially misses you.

I guess you’re here for some reason, too. Even if you are going back to Wang Capital, I know you will be sad, but that is also an important experience.

You don’t have to worry about it. ”

You see what I’m thinking in Meena’s words.

Is it? The cleric gently narrows his purple eyes.

“I’m kind of swinging around these kids when it’s convenient for me to come home.”

Even if I teach you to read and write here, that’s temporary. Learning is not powerful unless it continues. But it doesn’t change anything where I put my hand a little so that I don’t come in. Doesn’t it just make you feel like I’m the only one doing something?

“Then change it. Coming up.”

“Change it?

“This country will change even more if you think about how orphanages work and how you educate them.

The child has a future. It’s not just the kids here. ”

“The future….

I’m just so comfortable here right now, I don’t know exactly what to do. ”

“That’s what all adults are like. I’ll be in my mid twenties in a few years too, but I’m not accomplishing anything yet.

It’s just cozy. ”

A cleric who laughs so shy still shows us the way as if it were nothing.

Gives me peace of mind.

Still, now is a good time to explore.

“But a little longer… I’m glad this time lasts.”


“I’m just like Meena.

It’s cozy where you are. ”

Am I to blame for the fact that the face of the cleric who says it with his brow lowered, as usual, looked lonely?

Do you make me think so because I still want to be here?

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