Somehow, The Villainess Who Regressed in Time Lost Her Magic Power, so She Turned into a Secluded Maiden

Chapter 127


“What the hell is that…?”

“Yeah, that’s what I just told you. In a straightforward way, I’m asking you to tell me about this side.”

The dinner that evening was surrounded by gentle air. Until His Royal Highness Ricardo uttered the words while putting the after-dinner tea on his mouth.

– This way. There will be no one here who does not know what it means to say the word.

As if the weather were nice today, His Highness Ricardo smiled as if he had told me. Unlike me, perplexed by the contrast with the heavy air feeling of His Highness Isaac next door, Louis exhaled gently from his mouth and fell on his back while putting his hands together.

Then he looked straight at His Highness Ricardo with a sharp gaze.

“Are you aiming for the Crown Prince’s throne?”

“Yeah. It would be helpful if we could talk quickly.”

The Throne of the Crown Prince ….

His Highness Faust, the First Prince, will remain the voice of the next crown prince in Alta. Because it is said that the queen from this country’s many dukes recommended His Highness the First. The First Prince has not left any notable achievements, but the duke with his ancient history and strong ties to the royal family is above all else.

The second prince, His Highness Ricardo, is the twin brother of His Highness Faust. In the past, twins were abhorred of being miserable and destroying their families. Now that the times have changed, no one blames them publicly, but the idea is still deeply rooted, especially among the nobles. I still hear that people who are born later are often adopted.

I’m sure Lord Ricardo had a royal wall, but the wind was strong. It is said that it was his overwhelming ability to twist it down. As a result, the emerging nobles have become more vocal in recommending His Highness Ricardo.

– Still, it is true that Dutois supports His Highness Ricardo….

“I can’t nod right away. If, with all due respect, His Royal Highness Prince Faust, the First Prince, decides that Ricardo has a Dutois kingdom, It will resonate with future alliances.”

“His Royal Highness Prince Wang is still cautious. Well, I am certainly the second prince of this country now, and I will still speak loudly to my brother.”

“You’re confident enough to overturn that?

I wonder if Louis’ answer was within our expectations. I saw His Highness Isaac holding a cup of tea with nothing in his mouth. I don’t even try to convince you of the upsetting gesture. However, in response to Louis’ question, he slightly stopped the hand holding the tea and raised the edge of his mouth pleasantly, and put the cup on his mouth.

His Highness Ricardo remained smiling without changing his expression. However, the purple blue eyes peering from the narrowed eyes seemed to see a sparkling, will-filled glow, happily staring at me.

“Of course.”

Louis exhaled at the powerful words of His Highness Ricardo. Unlike the sigh I exhaled earlier, this time it looks heavy and depressing.

“I understand. I wonder why I even called Rachel to the Alta country to reveal the country’s secrets. I want the back shield… no, it’s not Dutois. All I want is the Virgin of Darkness. This means that Rachel recognized me.”

His Highness Ricardo, who smiled at Louis’ cold gaze, deepened his smile by saying, “It is really helpful to have less explanation.”

“Am I…?”

“Yeah, it’s you. The god of the Alta kingdom is the Spirit King… and it is also the Lord of darkness. The situation will be reversed at once if the Virgin, who is also said to have done so, admits it.”

“Yeah, but…”

“I know. Sometimes you can’t nod. So I’m not saying right now. But that’s all I can tell you right now if I’m going to be your next king.”

I am bewildered by the words of His Highness Ricardo, and the sight of His Highness Isaac sitting in front of me is distracting.

At that time, Louis laid his hands gently on my hand, which he gripped firmly under the table. As he raised his face to the side to follow the warmth of his hand, Louis-sama gazed forward and wrapped her hands around me. Then he opened his mouth without distracting himself from His Highness Ricardo.

“I didn’t think you were that ambitious.”

“Ambition, huh? You won’t be able to help if it is received that way…. how did this country look to you, Madame Saint of Darkness?”

“That’s right… All I know is the way to this point and the inside of this royal palace. But I found it very modern.”

His Highness Ricardo’s unexpected inquiry shook his shoulders unexpectedly. But I can think of the journey from entering Alta to reaching the royal palace so that I can answer it immediately.

A city view from the window as Louis and Theodore rock in a carriage. Unlike Dutois, where there are still traces of war, the Alta nation, which has been defending itself without war since its inception, appears to be richer in people and cities than Dutois.

On the other hand, the Alta nation values its own culture above all else because it has little interaction with other countries…. it lacks flexibility, which means it can be exclusive.

Miss Rachel, that’s Orta’s famous magic tower. The skills of the magicians in this country are considerable. I’ve been building magical objects for centuries that I can’t imagine seeing the future. Technically, we’re still outperforming Dutois. But I don’t know if it will be another 10 years. Because Dutwa has me. Moreover, the glow of Alta is diminishing day by day, and the progress of neighboring countries is approaching Alta at a rapid pace. ”

As he thought so, he pointed to the splendid tower rising on the edge of the king’s city, and the words that Theodore had said were in his head.

“Yes, as a result of my belief in keeping my country closed and secret, I have stabilized my country so far without relying on others. But that’s the limit. The fact that the Spirit of Darkness has moved into the woods is probably one of the factors. The country valued development and protection while losing what mattered most.”

Certainly… Master Leonie taught me. That spiritual land where the dark spirits live, that forest stopped time about 50 years ago. So the spirit of darkness, who originally lived in the woods of Alta, could not live here for some reason? And you moved to that forest?

“If you’re just looking at it now, that’s fine. But what about our children and grandchildren and beyond? I want to protect the future of this country.”

Thoughtfully, I raised my face to His Highness Ricardo’s calm and quiet voice. But I just lost my voice in surprise when I saw the expression.

Because that look on your face, wishing for the future of your country, was just like Louis-sama’s… determined eyes.

Unlike me, who was confused without being able to say a word, Louis murmured only “I see.”

“Does the First Prince think that’s impossible?

You know my brother, don’t you? That’s not the king’s vessel. ”

“I understand what His Highness Ricardo wants to say. But I can’t agree right away.”

“I guess so. So let’s move on to a different approach to earning trust.”

– Different approach?

“Marquis Marcel, will you study with me tomorrow?”

With His Highness Ricardo?

“Yes, with me.”

His Highness Ricardo smiles gently and gently at me with a poke-like expression. Then, Louis-sama rearranges her legs so that it doesn’t seem interesting.

At the same time as the meal, which was far from moderate, ended, a strong wind from the outside shook the window of the room.

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