Somehow, The Villainess Who Regressed in Time Lost Her Magic Power, so She Turned into a Secluded Maiden

Chapter 120

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“Oh, my God! Has Marquis Marcel ever spoken of the specialties of our country?”

“Yep. Once in Marcel territory, I heard that rare fruits were available on the market. It was so sweet and moist, I was really surprised. I still remember so many times.”

“That hurts so fast that it’s hard to get across to other countries. But if you like it that much, be sure to get ready again.”

“Well, is it true!

On a soothing time of welcoming, I, along with Master Louis, was greeting the royal families and ambassadors invited by neighbouring countries.

In advance, Master Louis had sent me an invitation list so that I could check. So the conversation is smoothed by the fact that I was able to put the necessary information into my head beforehand.

Of course there is a natural follow up to Master Louis, or so far I have not kept the issue.

“The minister seems to like you a lot.”

Leaving the foreign minister of the neighbouring country where we had conversations until earlier, Lady Louis looked in my ear. Tilt his neck unwittingly to His Highness, who narrows his eyes and smiles gently.


“I’m usually a hard person to break a hard look. The glass was empty early today, and it’s rare to look in such a good mood”

“Master Louis really takes a good look around, doesn’t he? I have to apprentice, too.”

I can’t believe I’m also seeing the speed at which the glass empties…… I’m really surprised at the breadth of Master Louis’ horizons.

Besides, he praises me, but it is also Master Louis who guided me to make it easier for me to have a common story with the ambassador.

– You’re really amazing.

Looking sideways at Master Louis with a look of respect, Master Louis looks over the entire venue.

“Well… next, ah. Looks like you’re done talking to the queen.”

Following Master Louis’ gaze, two men were seen there thanking the queen.

“That one…”

“Oh, he’s the third prince of neighboring Alta. It would be the Earl of Baraja who would be with his men.”

– He’s the third prince of Isaac Alta.

He was the Queen’s nephew, and he must have belonged to the Knights.

It is true that in neighbouring countries, His Majesty the King has not yet nominated the Crown Prince. But he doesn’t seem interested in the throne, and it is rumored that in a few years he will be given a subordinate descent and a Grand Duke.

“He’s not really in the social world, so I’ve said hello a few times when I visited a neighboring country, too, but I hear the sword arm is quite something.”

Master Louis put his hand on my hips and gave me a supplementary explanation as I walked to His Highness Isaac.

“Oh, they just noticed, too.”

As he raised his face, a frivolous man, stroking his short red and purple hair thoroughly and delightfully narrowing his sliced eyes, turned his gaze to this one.

The strength of will can be felt from the cool eyes, and it can also be heard from the standpoint that it would be sluggish but quite workout.

“I apologize for the late greeting. His Royal Highness Prince Wang, Your Ladyship. Happy day.”

“Thank you for coming today. This is my fiancée, Marquis Rachel Marcel.”

“I’m Rachel Marcel. Best regards,”

To my greeting, His Highness Isaac laid his hands on his chest with his sharp eyes down.

“It’s an honor to meet the Dark Virgin.”

Earlier, His Majesty had officially announced that I had received protection from the Dark Spirit King. They were all stating their words of celebration, surprised by the fact. But it is also true that the reactions of other countries were that the Virgin of Light had been born earlier, and that we saw reactions that the Dutois would not be very happy to have power.

His Royal Highness Isaac is the royal family of Alta, a country where Master Louis is also most vigilant.

But from his perspective, I… No, I see an interest in the Virgin of Darkness. I don’t feel malicious there.

“I can’t believe I got protection from the Dark Spirit King. But I was convinced at first sight of you. I’m surprised it’s more beautiful than you can imagine.”

His Highness Isaac asked Count Baraja, next door, to give his consent: “Hey, isn’t that right? asked.” Count Baraja smiled “Yes, really,” as he gently opened his eyes.

“Whoa, would it make His Royal Highness the King feel bad to say this in front of his fiancée?”

You felt the strength of Master Louis’ arms turned on my hips for a moment, His Highness Isaac raises one eyebrow strangely. It’s like enjoying the reaction and provoking the atmosphere.

But Master Louis turns to them with a beautiful smile so as to gently drive away His Highness Isaac’s air like that.

“No, because you’re as happy as you are about yourself to compliment my fiancée”

My cheeks blush slightly unexpectedly as I glance at the side of Master Louis, who also says it out of the ordinary.

Such a way of looking at me was all the more promising, and Master Louis grinned more when he turned to me.

“Looks like we’re getting along a lot. The future tranquillity of Dutois is determined.”

“Until we try to be.”

From the side, Master Louis and His Highness Isaac will look to be smiling at each other and joyfully welcoming each other. But for some reason, is it because you see a cold wall standing between you two?

Concerned about the air between the two, but smiling and occasionally participating in the conversation, suddenly His Highness Isaac drops his gaze to the floor to contemplate with his hands on his chin.

“Nevertheless, darkness… is it”


Questioning the words of His Highness Isaac, who muttered like a soliloquy, His Highness looked at this one with a “Oh, excuse me” face up.

“No way is the protection of darkness in the Dutwa Country… surprised when I heard it”

“What does that mean?

“Because I thought the Dark Spirit, as well as the Dark Spirit King, should not be in the Dutois country”

– The Dark Spirit is not in this country?

Of course, I know that I will be the only one in this country who has a contract with the Spirit of Darkness.

But why does His Highness Isaac accept the Spirit of Darkness as a matter of course? That’s where I care.

I also know that at the beginning of the announcement of my contract, it was ostensibly accepted in the country, but there was considerable confusion behind it. And it’s not surprising that the rumors are traveling to neighbouring countries.

But His Royal Highness Isaac’s words are not like that… in a way that both the Dark Spirit and the presence of the Dark Spirit King are originally accepted.


“Did you originally know that the Spirit of Darkness existed?

His Highness Isaac originally knew that the Spirit of Darkness existed. Can’t you think of it that way?

The truth about the Spirit of Darkness that I couldn’t find looking for books all over the country. Though the power has become marginally usable, there are still many mysteries, and there is no technique to even know how much power can be used.

Though I have been granted protection, I do not know if I will ever have the chance to see the Spirit King again, nor can I have a conversation with Crowe now that I am away from the land of the Spirit.

Maybe there’s someone who knows the clue. If you think so, cold sweat flows and beats faster.

Whether the confusion was on his face, His Highness Isaac put a meaningful smile on his face as he turned his gaze to this one.

“Do you care?

I breathed unexpectedly into His Highness Isaac, who changed his gaze to something stronger.

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